Minutes 12-20-53~MiZ{U~'ES OF A .~P~GUI_~R -~TING OF TM COM/~ISSION~%$
N-~- F.L. P~rinton
Y~. Alva Shook
I%v, Arthur ~e~ich
F~. Stanley ~eave~.
Mayo_~ Pu~inton called the meeting to o~de~ s~ 7.),0 P.M.
A representative f~om Mr. C?oes El!iott,s office
p~esented a plat f.or approval of the ~at~ syste~ of ~b-
divisions Chapel Hill end Mission Hill.
~. ~eav.e~.read a letter from M~.Brock~w~ay dated Decembe~
21~ 1953~ on ~ais matte~ a~d suggested the ~lat be approved
subject to ag~e~r~ent with the ~egulations of the City.
l~h% ~eaver ~oved, M~. F~edrich seconded~ that the plat
~be accepted with the ~eco~ended changes. Motion e~ried.
~. Ande~son drew attention to t '
he condition of a neigh~
bor~s back y~a~.~d, facing on a% al!e~yway, as being a~. eyesore
not only to B~ and to the neighbo~ o~ the othem side, but to
the neighbors on the opposite side of the alle~ay. He said
the yard was filled with ~uild~ug mate~i~l s~ud that it was
thought the o%~e~ intended to buildI ~1 extra garage to ~ouse
m~t,._.t~h.a~ as t_n~.~s was a ~es~dentzal sect~_on~ such storage
· 'acz±~es wo~d be ¢om~e~c~alis~, which sho~3_ld not be allowed.
The mat rem
M~. Weigm~n has the ~
action could be
determined, a~ud that:
until he had been able
of the
would not
not ~.sed ~.s a (
to the
Attorney who said
and that no
the new garage is
to give ~ opinion
further. That
f~equency of the delivery
and the hype of delive~yby
One offence
If the garage were
the material were simply
there~ he did not thi~k
Tae Mayorpromls~d.~ha~ as far as possible~ ~: Ander-
son,s ~ights would bS~ Drat~c%ed From co~erci~lzzation of
hms nezgkbo~,s
Mr o Kolendo asked if any decision had been made as to the
tax question on his four houses.
had done in accord with State g~aza~ions an~ ~ad foLmd that
property should be taxed in accordance with its condition on
Js~uuar~- I of the yea~ and that most towns make pro rata adjustments
fo~ taxation pu~Doses; this procedure having bee~ carried out
seemingly throughout the State. The lawrequires' that property
be assessed on J~uuar~y l~ the pro rata percentage to be decided
by the City.
t~L~. Pu~inton suggested giving Mr.Kolendo 50% adjustment on
one of the h~ses repo~tedly not finished until March,
~. Buddy Pa~tin asked if s~ything was on the agenda regard-
ing the buildi~g i~ Rolling Green by the Riley _Wield Comply of
houses not up to minimum require~_ents.
The City Clerk ~ead a letter f~om ~. N.R.Field regarding
~8 single family residences in the Rolling Green subdivision.
~. Griffith said that if the matter had been misrepresented
regarding homes
measure the of only 800 sq. ft., the building inspector should
foundations of the house.
Mr. Greenwood was asked to measure the foundations tomorrow°
The Mayor said tn_t~ ~ as there had been so rauch opposition
here tonight by property owners in the subdivision, the question
would have to be' put up to the Zoning Boa~d, ahd that builders
sho~_ld be informed th~a~ ,in future they cs~n build nothing not in
compliance with the City s zoning o~dinanceo
~ ~r~ffith asked if the Co~ci! had any objection to making
a new zoning to avoid future difficulties~ such as a zone of 900
square feet single family residences, no duplexes.
The Mayor said t~sb' matte~ should be st~alghtened out by
the Zoning Bos~d.
~z~n was instructed to go ahead and advertise the
suggested new zoning in the paper - a®~ more than 800 sGuare
feet but less th~u 1~O00; that is to say 900 squ~e feet. ~00
lots a~e in question.
fo~ tentativeMr' Robert~oproval.Broc~ay presented, a plat of the Gay-Mar Estates
It was decided that tentative approval of ~he wate~ pipe going
down the easements instead ofTM down the streets be given.
City Clerk, Dorothy V.Wiilmams, read the mmnutes of the
last regular meeting of the Co~uucil of December 7, 1953.
l~. Hood moved, l~. Fredricb ~=~
......... , that the ~tes
of the l~t meet~g be accepted as ~ad. Notion e~mied.
A letter was read fr~ Mr. W~te~ Dutch, ~esident of the
Boa~ of Re~to~, ~eg~d~ the Ch~geof ~e 0~d~ce' on
M~. Fredrich said that M~. Dutch and all others present
at the meeting had said the 0~din~nce was a very good one when
it was read.
The M~yor said recommendations should be brought before
the Board.
A second letter from Mr. Dutch was also read requesting
places for Boynton realtors on the Planning ~nd ZOning Boards~
A letter from the Atlantic Advertising Agency was read
regarding the SUggested advertising on the pa~king meters,
porting fai!u~e of the scheme on account of lack of support by
local merchants. -
letter was read from the proprietor of the Rainbow Room
restaurant requesting a night club license in addition to the
~egula~ il quor license.
the s~ue
Mayor thought that such a license should be allowed.
Hood moved, Mr. Fredrichseconded, that such a license,
as that issued by ~ne town oF Palm Beach, should ~e
MotiOn carried.
A letter was read From the local liquo~!icense ~olders
requesting a zoning ordLu~ ce covering local licenses.
Mr. Weaver suggested bhe matter be t~_~ned over to the
Zoning Board, and a letter to be written in reply say~ug that
the matter would be taken ~.der consideration.
A letter wa~ read from the Bpynton Fire Department, enclos-
ing a sable p lmcywnmch De!ray ha~ established covering paid
and volunteer firemen from the time of leaving home on duty, in
response to a Fire call, to the time of returning home after
the fire.
Mr. Weaver moved that such a policy be purchased. Mr.
Fredrich seconded. Motion carried.
~-~. ~red~lcn asked if there was a report on the delinquent
water b:~l±so i~o Cln2isti~msen said there was $518.00 out-
standing on water bills.
Mr. Weaver suggested that a postcard be sent to customers
before the water is turned off, as a little additions~ cou~tesyo
It was dec~ded to leave the matter to the discretion of ~
~. Fmedrich said that du~ing the past couple of months
comDtaints have been received from
regarding elee.trical inspection ~arious pa~ts of the Cit~
~ ~ ~- ?, ~ ~fter a discussion, move8
~ha~ the present Elec~rica! Znsoector be removed For g~oss
zncompetencyo ~. Shook seconded. Motion ca,tied.
~. Shook said the present situation is most d~ugerous and
reported severs& ~:obs as being~'usatisfactomy from an inspecting
point of view.
it was Suggested that ~v~. Gs~dner be offered the job, and it
then was Suggested that ~. Bowles be asked to take the Job
temporarily u~til appointments s~e made, at the first meeting of
the yeam~ in Januamy.
]~. Griffith ~ead amending Ordinance No.2~O covering T.V.
be adopted for the first reading. Motion ca~ried.
The Mayor referred to the chamity benefit in aid of the
Crippled Children,s Home to be held on December 26 and 27 at
Autor~ma and suggested the City donate $2~.00 to the cause.
$~ Hood moved, ~. ~eaver seconded that the City con-
tribute ~25.00 to t~e~ benefit for the C~ipp!ed~
Building Fund.
M~. F~ed~ich moved, Mr. Weave~ seconded, t~t the Ordinance
Motion ca~ried.
~ni!dren, s HOme
Mayor t>o~znto_ reported on a meeting of l~zayors, Co'~uty
Commissioners s~ud City Commissioners of su~roundihg localities
which he had attended at the Court House in West Palm Beach '
mor~ming regs~ding the moad situation. He suggested that there
shmald be quick action on Route No,1, as a week from Tuesday
there is to be a further meeting of interestedof£zc~als' ' at the
West Palm Beach Court Houe.
M~. Fredrich thought the Attorney should be instmucted to
draw up a Resolution setting forth the aims of the Coo~cil~ so that
it can be on reco~d, favoming, completion of Hzg~ay' ' No.1 befome
any other moad be built.
~. Weaver suggested putting on the agenda For the next
meeting the Cemetery Ordinance, as so~e legionnaires may be
do~m asking fo~ces oF plots £o~ themselves.~ 1
~. Fred~ish said that M~. We~eL~s suggestion should be
passed to the Board of Gove.~no~s of the Cemetery xo_~-~ ~ decision.
There be~ng no f~the~ business, the meeting was adjourned
by the Mayor°