Minutes 11-16-53H!N~O~T_mS 0P A REGLV~,~R }l~mT!~!~ OF THE C0t~iSSION-ERS
0F BO~'_~O~xl B~_2g~,~ FLORI'DA.~ -~'W~D AT T~ CITY
BOX~,~0N BEACH, ON ~0VE3'~R 16, !9~3.
!~. P.L.~arinton
Mr. O. Howard Hood
Mr. Arthur Predrich
Mr. Stanley Weaver
Mayor Pu~mnten called the meeting to order at ?.30 P.M.
M~. ~I~a, _ y suggested a new- zoning Is;~ for liquor licenses
and was asked to write a letter giving his ideas of w~hat he
t~r_ks would be a ~m~ zoning.
City Clerk, Dorothy V. Willia~ read the minutes of the
last reg~atar meetmng of the Coo~acil on Nove~foer 2, 9D3.
With regard to parking on Oce~u Aven~ae$ M~vor Purinton
said he had suggested horizontal on one side and diagonal
on vhe other~ and had asked the colics to get the views of
the merchants on the matter.
Mr, Fredrieh moved s~d Mr. H~od seconded that the mintzbes
of the last meeting be accepted as read. Motion carried,
.~. Forney Herren amid Mr. Mmkoney asked that the second
readmne of Ordinance ~o.247 be put off at this ~zme.
l~r. Fredrich s~zd the 0rd_hanes was passed for the fmrst
readmng med had been a~azlao!e zor two weeks, and ~_s~m a
.ooint of order that vhe second reading was for vn~s'' ~ meeting
~ud ~_~at, ~ter the ze~m~ng, objections will be meard from
the audmen~e.
Mr. Griffith read Ordinance Noo247,
Mr. Fredrich moved mud Mr. Hood seconded that 0rdina~ce
Eo.247 be accepted as read for the second time. Mormon
ca_= ~ed~
It was stated that~z .... ~..~eb Real as= ~a~e ~ Board or any other
group wish to bring up recom_'mendations for changes, they can.
Gen~ i,F~nd Water F~ad
Sparkling Water Co. -- 24,90
Hurter Service Station 2,00
Davis Meter Repair &
Supply Co, 371,91
Shaw B-~os, 0il Co, 74,19
Neptune Meter Cor~p~ay .~39,70
Blue Cress of Plorida
Box Rent 6,00
Helen Wil!i~Is
W, J, Rou~
Rober~ Box
Joe, ~.Wil~ea~:
r, 6.00
Dave L~ier ~0,
Lee Thomas 3,60
~arlie Waters ~6,
George Domglas 42,87
~ato Wiltings 37,80
Jo~ Quarine
Leonard Harris ~8,20
Growers ~ Equipment 3 · 00
Joe. A, Wildner
~' ~. O0
Pr~uk Job~us on 45.25
Dave L~aier ~0~6~
Lee Thomas
Ch~!ie Waters
~ 43.60
George Dougl~ ~0,00
Kato Wil llamas k6,30
Jobm Quar !ne ~_,0~
Le~d H~ris 49
Arthur L. Edwards 129,10
Jo~ Tuite
A. C. Carver l~0.40
J~mes %~ Butler ll0.20
goD~_ H~ Collins 113.60
C,E ~ Hodges 13k, 80
Julius A. ~ing!er 119,10
N, C, Se~aish 119, I0
Dorothy V. ~i!!i~s 13~, 80
0!ire Cierptk 109,00
Mildred Lofley 68,20
Teresa A. Padgett 98,10
Helene D. Himber
Katherine F. Thompson 94.20
C~ orge Cbm¢is titus en 173
Robert Jo~uson 40.~8
Chase Na~_o£~a~ Bank 21~00 ~ S,
~. Griffith mead Ordinance 2~8 covering TV antem~ae for the
second time.
Mr. ~eaver moved ar.d i~. Hood seconded that 0rdinsnce No.2~8
be adopted for the second reading, Motion carried,
There was a long discussion on the proposed ex~ra fee of
S!.00 to be maid to the City if the Electrical Inspector
has to return for ma additional inspection.
~, Weaver suggested a notice ~m the papers covering the
Ordinance so that everyone with am_ s~tenna should kn_ow all about
.,Mr. C-riffith read ~% Ordinance on zoning ehmages as recora-
mended by the Zoning Board at its meeting on Novem£eer
suggesting that it be massed om one reading~ as it especially
~f£ects certsin people] It covers Blocks 1 mud 2 of Coquina
Dove to be zoned :restricted co~ercia!:; Block 10 of Rolling
Green to be changed back to B, Zone residential, e~d Ls~rel
Hills S/D to be chsmged fro~ C. to B, zone.
Mr. Hood said he would be obliged to vote ~No~ unless ti%ere
is to be a second reading to allow tine people on i~e South o£
Coquina Cove mn opportuamity to express ma opinion.
Mr. Fredrich moved that the 0rdinmace be adopted for the
first reading, ~r. Hood seconded. Motion carried.
TINe Chief of Police, asked for his opinion about parking on
0cem~ Avenue, suggested parallel parking on the South side for
one block.
in cormeczion with the proposed parking lot East of the
Masonic Temple, Mm. ?,~inton said he did not agree that it should
have m~. entrance on Ocean Average.
The matter was tabled ~ntil the next meeting.
Mr, Fredrich reported that they had had prisoners working
oez%e ~eZ~r~ was
so~_ool. He also statea t~_~t the
s~ternoon wztn ~ne help of ~he prisoners.
· ' '~ ' 5he Czvy ~ml_~ recemve zmftj cenus a mon~n
It was stavee, tn_ay
for each ' ~*
pa~_~.g meter i~//the advertising scheme is
wn~n wm_,t mean ~3~.00 e[ch month for the ps_~ks smd playgro~_nds.
~, ~.redr~c_ moved that the Coumcil accept the advemvismug
scheme. ~. Hood secon~ea. Motion carrzed.
Mr~ ?food made a motion, ~.~d ~'Lr. Fredrich seconded, that
~ 0-~0- -. 0 ~ S
' ' d ~ ~' . for ~ m ~-~ ,-~
the fo!io~ng be ~mpozn~e 2o ~_e ~tec~mon Board
pr~ary fo~ City Co~mmissioners: ~. ~ark Mitch~ll~ My. ~t
_ ~d Miss
~_~ Jr. ~ Miss Dorothy gh~perd~ Mrs. Alice Shep~d
Alice Ke!ly~ Motion c~rmed.
There being no f~ther business, Mayor Purtnton adjou~ed
the meeting.