Minutes 08-03-53PRESENT:
Mayor F.L. Purinton
Mr. Alva S~ook
~[r. Arthur F~drieh
Mr. C. H~ard [good
I~ Stanley Weaver.
Mayor Purinton called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M.
D~u~ing.-~the tS_me allotted to the public Mrs. :Sarah
asked that rubbish Which t~d been acc~auulating for a long t~e
in f~ont of her residence on Poinsettia Avenue be cleared away,
Mayor Purinton asked Mr, C_~istiansen to have tlais
attended to.
M~rs. Job_.~ Niebei, representing the A~eriear~ Legion ~u_~i!iary,
and ~s. 9~noela ~a~te~ rep~esen~lno ~ne B~ ~ud ~ .w.
presen~em a check ~or $112,~9., being vhe pro~eed~ of a
held fo~ the benefit of the Bo~ton Beach Parks and Playgrounds
On behalf of the Recreation Co~ttee~ F~r,F~edrich, the
Chairman, thatched the orgsmisatiohs most warmly for the'ir
generous contribution.
Dorothy V.Wi!Ii~ms, City Clerk, read the minutes of the
last regular ~' ~ ~ ~ Jul~ 6, i953~
mee~mng oz' a._e Cou~=! on
Mr. Fredrich moved that the ~m_ount of ~!5,000 be inserted
ir. the minutes in place of one-third of the ~mou~mt 8~ae on the
beach propei~. ~. Hood seconded and the motion was passed
Mr. Predrich moved that with this amendment the minutes be
acceoted as' read. Mr. Weaver seconded and the motion was
passed unanLmous iy.
~. Purinton reputed that the plans for the market ~e
ahead ~ud that the matter will be fumther discussed ~_th the
promoters tomorrow.
Mr, Weaver made a motion thatthe Co~ucil contribute ~2~.00
towards the expenses of sendin~ the ~40 and 8" Box Car to the
~merican Legion Convention at ~t. Louis at the end of this month.
~. Frsderich secom_ded the motion which was passed ~uanLaously.
The City Clerk read a list of the kills O~Kayed for
payment this evening. No questions were asked by the public.
~he Building Inspector's report for the month of July
was read.
A Letter was read from the proprietors o£ the ~Mon Plaisir
res~a~at requesting a liquor license for ledger pre~s~s~
p~ Hood moved that tb~ request for permission to ~oply
to the Beverage Board for such a license be ~ted by the
Co~cil. }~. Shook s~conded ~ud the motion was passed ~a~u-
A letter was z~ead frora 1.~s.Ad~s, Vice President of the
S~ffleboard Courts r~c~Jaending a replacement for the late
Mr. Nutria, giving the name of M~. Satterthwait~ and suggest~g
that he be paid for the month of July.
~. Fredrich moved that Mrs. Admms' r~conamendation be
~oproved. ~. Shook seconded ~ud the motion was passed ~-
A letter was read from the South Eastern Underwriters'
Association regarding conditions to b~ met by the City to
reduce the fire rate.
lit. C-r!.-f_th was as~em to get out the necessary Ordins2~ce
covering the matter ra_~sed and to have ~ ready ,_or the next
During a discussion on a bill for ins~3~ance presented by
~. Weaver, Hr. Fredrich moved that it be agreed tentatively
that the bill be paid pending a further discussion on it to-
morrow, when other insurmace agents should be asked to be
oresent to give ~aeir figures. Ph~. Shook seconded ~ud the
~otion was oasse6 u~an~iously.
A p~sltzon smgned by seven people was read comp_amna_uo of
C±uo Continents2.
the noise from the - ~
A relOmesentative of the Club was present s~d was asked
for his views. He said one of the si?~ers of the petition
lived at some diet.ace from the C!ub~ ~ud that one~ Gus Thomson,
said he did not sign although b~s signature was on the petition.
afte~ r discussion the matter was ~,~rned'~ over to the o ~-~o_~ce
,~e~artment for zn~est=ga~z n and reoort.
With reference to the appointment of a Civil Service Board,
~. C-r~_.-fm~: said the n~mes mentioned when the mat~er was
previously ~iscussed were: Hr. Ralph Scbn~mper~ ~. C,T.Bowles~
Hr. Walter Dutch, M~. Mark Hit~nelt ~.d P~. Pa~i Mercer. But
~Ou~=~o fursher ham oee~_ done
Gun ~ i o Fund
McLaren Cons truction Co, ~7,10
Acct, of
Acct, of A,Clay Smith
Acct, of C,W,Finlay
Lake Boynt~ Estates Inco
Walter Dutch ~90,
C.W. Fi~y 3 · 60
Blue Cross of ~orlda Inc. 118.80
Austin Supply Co. 62.60
Bro~ & Hos~iey
DeMarco TP~ Lmp!ement Co. 37.40
Ernle C~uiganious I4.72
Jos ,A ,Wildner 37,48
Frar~ Yo~s on
Dave Lanier 94.2~
Charlie Waters 36~!0
Lee Thomas
~marlie Waters
Ed, Jerkens 39,
~ 33~09
Ka~o Williams 46,20
Job~ Guarine
Leonard Harris
A, C, C~ver !~0,4_0
J~es W. Butler lb0 ~ 20
Jo~u H, Collins 103
C. E, Hodge s 13h, 80
J. A, i~ingte~ !! ~. I0
N. B. SeN~i s h l!e. I 0
D.V.Wi!iisns !3~.
Olive Cierp~ 21~00
~lm~mmed Lofley 70 ,!0
Tel-e sa E. Padgett
Katherine F.Thompson
Geo., Christi~sen
Wm. V~a Wa~er 14~90
=- L, Yurint on ~0 ~ 00
Ar thum Fredrich
A.E. Sho ok 50,00
C, Stanley Weaver ~0,00
C, H, Hood 50,00
R, G, Greenwood 100,00
E ~ J. M~iaL~e i s t er 73.
Frar~c Nutting ~0.00
Robert Griffith !00~ 00
~Lai t t McDowe!l 50.00
· 7.65
h. O0
C o F. Ho s b.~_u th i00.00
Ralph W~ Chapman 50~00
Alice Kelly 20.00
Shav~ Brothers 0il '4Z7, 89
Stewart Pontiac Co. 23.68
Joseph A. Wil~uer 9,62
Teresa E. Psdgett 98.10
Lake Bo~ton Estates
M~y S i~mon s
B. H, Lus k
Boston Beach Fire Dept,
Blue Cross-Blue Shielf 131,20
M, N. Burkett 208,60
M. ~staf~
Austin Supply Co~ 16%47
Ernie Gug~ious
Pra~ Johnson h3.0~
Dave L~ie~ ~0 , 6~
Char!lc Waters k8.40
Ed. Jerkens
George Cor~ers
Karo Willi 8~s &8.30
Jo~m GuaPine
Joseph A. Wil~aer 37,48
Leon~d H~ris 48.ao
Ella Ad,ms 30,37
So. Bell Tel. & Tel. 136,32
Zo. ckermgn ~ s Dept.StoPs 17.!8
Vav~ & Wright of W;'P~. 3~00
Cadillac Gtass Co~n. 2t
The Chase ~atl. BaP~ ~,00
Gr. Soutlae~ T~cking Co,
'~ 3,14
Pslr~ Beach T~ewmiting Co, 26.~0
Soo_th Lodge~ Florist I0.00
Stevenson Seed Store 8,46
W. J. Sn~ 28.02
J~u Viol~t~ 5,20
C.J.& H~n~y Oppe~u 3,75
Gulf Strs~ D~ber Co~ 2,1~
Florida-Georgi~ T~act or
J ~ E. Thomas
A. K. Bee~
Eliza S~all
7 °50
~&rs~ Fred Hastings
Collector of Interns2 Rev.
Palm Beach Post-Times
P. J. Jot~ on
Gmowers ~ Equip. Co.
~owg~. L~e Cromer
DeMarco Tr. & ~p. Co. 4.50
ABC Businmss Fo~as ~9.43
B.D. Ools Inc. 353.76
The Co~B R~cords Co. 12.50
Boone ~ s Nu~se~ 75,00
Eld. P~. & Light Co~
Barb~a~ s Dress Shoppe ll. 92
R. & R~ Electric Inc.
Rubin Const~_ction Co~ 168.00
Oo,~ty Merc~tile 8~.20
~e~ray Machine & Supply Co. ~02
All~ State Pi~s Supply Co~
M~rcer:s ~e~ice St~2~Lon 23.29
Marry & Dick's S~rvic~ Stn. lo!.79
W~aver ~ s in~ce Co. I ~ 178 ~ 81
Michael Est~en ~ ~ 89
M ~M~B~kett 122,
E~aie GurM~ i ous 2~94
Joseph A.Wil~er
Frank Jo~s on 43-6~
Da~$ L~ier
Charlie Waters ~8~73
George Co,ems 48~ 73
Karo Wii!i~s 5C ,93
Joi~u Gu~ine 24.05
Ls on,rd Harris 48.58
Ray Wilcox 6.00
Acct. of
A. C. Cs~ver
Jbb~_ C. Collins ll3.60
C,E.Hodges Sr~
J.A. ~inglem ll9,10
N. B. Se~_ish 119,10
D. V. Willi ~s !3 ~. 80
Mildred Loller 70.10
J. W. Butler 1!0.20
Katlms tine Th~p son
A.J.~emons & Mae
Davis Meter & Repair 264,12
Florida Rubber & Supply Co~ 252.32
Lake Boynton Estates 7o50
" 7 · 50
~ 7.50
Acct~ of i~.~M~chae!s 7.50
BoyntOn B~aoh State Ba~
Geo. ~ist i~n
~chael J~ Estafen 3.25
John ~ite 12~, ~0
H.L~ Michaels l~ l0
~tlantio Natl. B~k,
M~s~ ~ugeia ~Yaite
Er~s Gug~ ious 14.72
" 17.38
Joseph A. Wildn~r 36~ 53
Fr~o~ Jonson 43.05
Dave L~e~ 50.6%
Lee Th~as 31.25
~' 25~ 20
~iie Waters 46.85
Refuse ~dr~ws kO.00
Ed. Jerk&ns ~7~0~
c-eorg~ co~u~r s
Karo ~¢iilia~ 47.2~
Jo~ Gua~ine ~ 05
Leonard Harris ~3.32
Acct~ of H~rbert Sch~z 7~50
~ H ~ L .Wingate 7
J~A ~Wi!dner 62
The ~acLaren Si~ Co~ ~.00
L, H. Wing ate 4, 90
E~ie ~urg~ui ous 34.98
Joseph A. Wi!~er 36.53
Fr~ Jolts o~
Dave La~ier ~C
Lee Thomas 9.60
~ 44.8~
~ariie ~aters ~6.85
Re~ ~se ~adrews ~00
Eddie Lee Jerkins
Geor Ce Cormers 39.~3
Ks. to Williams
Jo~=~ Guarine ~.05
Leonard J. Hs~ris 48.20
Florida P-
Trs~sfer of z~ds from Boynton Beach_ B¢_k to Delray Sav~mg~ & Loan:
For Firemen~ s Pension F~ud ~;l,000.00
For City Self Ins~uce F~d ~2~000.00
A.J.~emons ~ad Hae D, ~e~ons (~Pbg,) ~t~,500.00, City ~prove~nt.
Atlantic National B~ $17~9~.28 Int. & Siring ~d.
During the discussion the names of [~. Walter Bienemen
and Mr. Bill Shook were suggested as alternates.
T~nere was a discussion on the request for permission to
erect signs advertising the Autorama. Zt was agreed that
this wo~ld be i~violation of the 0rdins~ace forbidding such
signs in the Cit~r~ aud the matter was tabled.
A legal Resolution on the purchase Of Bonds in the a~ount
of $20,~00 @ 87 plus accrued interest offered by the At~tic
National Bank of west Palm Beach, was read.
>~, Hood made a motion that the Co~nci! accept the
Resolution as read, ~. Fredri~h seconded the motion which was
passed o~s~imously.
~o Weaver said that }~. Cb~isti~usen had reported that
the Bro~a~d Grain Company and the Gulf Strss~m L~ber Company
have made cor~£ections with the City water system s~d that no
arraugeme~t had been made as to service. He suggested a
cha~ge of ~,'r~.00 a year each (being the same cost as a by.ant)
Mr~ Weaver made a motion that
the ~lf Stream L~mber C~pany
yea~ each for the service. Mr.
passed ~uauimously.
the Broward Grain Company
should be charged ~7~o00
Shook seconded. ~ne motion
Durin~ a discussion on a new building for the Browsrd
Grain Company~ for which a permit had been asked without a
sketch bei~ first sho~ for approval, Mr~ Greenwood said it
was to cost about ~100~000.00; that part of the building is
patented ~ud is not to appear on the sketch. He was asked to
handle the matter.
~. Fredrich referred to the motion made at the last meet-
ing of the Co~cil covering the Bo~nton Trading Center on 0ce~u
Avenue, ~ad said he finds that the pl~mbing ~ud electrical
installations have to o~ a~oproved by ~e respective ~ea~ ......
according to the Ordinances.
Zt was agreed that City Hall e~oioyees should be ~ustr~cted
that the p!a~ of buildings ~r~st be left for from 24 to ~8 hours
before a pemuit is issued°
~o Griffith suggested a fixed rule that plans sho~ald show
plumbing ~ud electrical system, s,. as ~¢ell as the building plan.
on new ~onstruotion.
This was agreed to by t~_e Co~ucil.
Mr. Fredrich reported on the present condition of the City
Parks s~ud Playgrounds. He expressed strong indignation at the
conduct, of Bud Rich ~£no went bo D~s home on a S~uday to borrow
a m~ker for the ~seb~l diamond, a~ said ~ was ~esm~ng as
Chai~ of the Recrea~kon Board. He s~d the te~ms should live
uo to the r~es ~ud re~!ations$ that t~re ere seven texas in
the City ~d none of the ot~r s~ D~ve had the grou~ud marked
offs that the ~No Paring~ si~s had b~en ~_bcked do-~ ~ud had
had to be replaced.
!~. Put.ton said he had been re~onsible for the 'marking~
incident ~d had not ~%~ tk~ the te~ b~d ~ra~d for the g~e
a wee~ before. He reused to accept ~. ~ed~ch~s resmgnat~on,
~d Y~. Hood s~d that M~. Fredrich could nob be allowed t~ resi~
after having done s~ch a good job.
~. Grifffith said that for the record he wi~ed to bring up
a c~olaint by ~ Lotta ~o~ lives on the West side of the ~ghway
across from I~. King~ ~d says tha~ a sto~ sewer d~mmps water on
his propsrty~ Mr. ~istimusen has made efforts to correct this
but the last heavy ra~ made things bad ~a~
Mr. Cb~istiausen s~d that since the last heavy rain he has
extended the line about 2~ feet at least, bnt he finds ~_at a ~eat
deal of water r~s off the hi.way on to the property.
M~.~ Griffith s~d that ~. Lotta had asked that his complaint
should be broug~.t to the attention off the Co~ucil.
I~. Griffith suggested renting a sewer clever, but was told
that the sewer had been cleaned off but this is ineffective ~ ter
he~ y rain.
Mr. Purinton d~ew attention to bhe fact that the B~ak ~d
paid $39.00 for the removal of a tree in f~ont of the building,
although the bill had been presented to the
~. Griffith read a Resolution to put
the railway at Bo~t~a Ridge~
City in the first
a water ~.~min ~uder
He also read a Resolution on an agreement between the City
of Boynton Beach ~ad the FEC to put in a crossing at Dr~Nelson~s
property on the North Federal to serve a trailer
He suggested obt~inlng a letter from the new ~aers o£
Boynton Ridge agreein~ to p~y all clmarges of instelling th_is new
llne as agreed to by the previous o~ers.
In the event of the subdivider agreeing tom pay, FEC will
supervise the job but will pay nothing towards it.
Mr, Hood ma~ a motion that the Resolution covering the water
~ ~nder the ~C ~
ma~n o~ accepted as read. Mr. Weaver seconded,
and the motion was passed unsm~lously.
~. Shook ~ade a motion that uae Resolucmon covering the
cross~_ug ove_~ the ~EC be accepted as read. Mr. Hood seconded
the mot_~on was passed ~u~mLmo~lyo
There being no furti,er buszness, M~or Puri~.~ton adjourned
t?ne raeeting o
OCTOBER l, 1956, and DUE OCTOBER 1,1971.
Wl~liEAS~the City af Beynton Beach hss built up a
surplus af funds designated solely far the payment of
band interest and reductian af City b~nded indebtedness,
WHEP~AS, legal notice of bids ta reduce such in-
debtedness was published in twa editions af the Palm
Beach Post, and B,yntan Beach News, during the manth af
May, and
WHEREAS~ a bid has been submitted, now therefare
~E IT RESOLVED that we the City Councilmen af the
City af Bayntan Beach, Flarida, da hereby accept the bid
to purchase $209500 City of Boynton Bosch, Flarida,
Refunding 2%-~% Bands dated October 1,19~6, at 87 plus
accrued interest to July 1~,!9~3.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day af August, A.D.
19~3 at regular meeting of the City Ca~mneil.