Minutes 05-04-53MINUTES OF ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF BOYNT8N BE~CH~. FLORID~ HELD AT THE CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ ON MAY ~, 'I9~3. PRESENT: Mayor F.L.Purinton Mr. A.~.ShoOk Mr. C. HoWard Hood Mr .Arthur Fredrieh Mr. Stanley Weaver. The meetingwas called to order at 7.30 P~M. by Mayor purlnton. The Rev. Brooks asked .to be.allowed to continue the use cfa ~ent ~ religious services~ and was given permission to d, the time being. Mr. purinton said that as the Chamber of Commerce has no ! that-the batanoe of the l%~ud promised towards the payment of a Manager be put into pl equipment. This was agreed to. City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams read the minutes of the last regmlar mee$ing of the ~ouncil On April 20th, 1953. Mr? Hoed moved and Mr. Fredrieh be accepted as read. Motion~passed ~ The report of the ! April was read, the amount that the minutes the month of A letter was read from light on the corner of Come ~ive asking for a Th~ light was recommended and Mr. Christiansen was asked to attend to it. Mr. Jordon requesting ef their lot on ,~signed by all but one resident4? expressing no opposition. It was agreed to ~ass the matter to the Zoning Board. A letter was read from Mr. Joe Harness regarding the matter Ri ~onsumed on,the~ moved and Mr. that the City Att¢ instructed to the same way have been. Motion BILLS The Court Re The Chase O'KAYED~0R PAYMENT: Gen'l.Fund Co. 10,O0 2~;23 38.'5o 12;50 John Quarine East Cst.Highway Assocn. Central Truck Lines Inc. B~rnup & Sims of Delray Sewell Hardware P. J. Johnson Chas. _N. Boos sanen Bros. 012 Co. " " 235.61 Austin Supply Co. " " 1~6.35 Stevenson S~ed Store 9. 85 Southern Bell Tel.~ ~1. 81~S1 . Florid~ Pow~ ~ L~ Seacr?~ Realty 390.98 J~ TaYlor 37.00 H,ward Lee Cromer James H. Butler ~2/32 Fra~ ~o~son Dave Lee ~0. Refuse' Andrews '~. 90 ~. ~e~n George [Conmer ~6.00 $2.32 Kato W$lli~s Jo~ ~ar~e 2~, O0 Theo. &j M~oe 3.68 Blue 'C~ss of FlCrids ~9.20 Zinkie-Smith Inc, Erhie ~rganious Roy Re~ Jo s eph S.B.R~ Z.W.ROW A.C.Car James H John E. C.E ,Ho~ J.A.Kii D.V.Wi] 100.00 ff.81 Inc. 26,36 ) elmond ~,iero ~n Per 15o.6o Butler 1~0.20 !oil ins 105.60 ~s 136.80 ~-ter 119.10 [Sh 121. O0 ~er 19.23 lams 135.80 Water Fund 16.98 5.83 5.25 8.55 692. ~6 267. 12.60 98 Depositors 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 -2- Eegardimg the Ceral Ridge~DeveloPment Company, ~r. Griffith said they had been ~nformed that 'under thespecial Act covering the lease they w~mldhave to start construction. It was agreed that the matter should be put on the ager~a for the next meeting. Police Chief Carver read hi~ re~Ort for the month of Aprit. He said the town of Gulf Stream had requested thatthey ~e allowed to use the Boynton Beach Jail until they have one of their own. He was told that.they should be allowed to do so if they paid the expenses of any prisoner they might wish to put in Jail. Mr. Christiansen read the report of gas used for City vehicles during ~h~ month of April. Mr. Weaver brought up the question of the shortwater cours~ given annually at Gainsville and recommended that some provision should be made to pay Mr. Christiansen,s expenses while attending it. He moved that the~City reimburse Mr. Christiansen, for his expenses for the six-day course. Mr. Hood seconded the motion~ which was passed unanimously. Mr. Van Wagner asked for permission to hot tar the railroad crossing at Central Boulevard. Mr. Purinton said it was the business of the East Coast Railway to keep their crossings in condition and suggested s letter be written to the Company telling them the crossing was in a dangerous state and asking them-to take care of it. Mr. Fredrich said the cleaning up of the City would start withthe NORTHEAST SeCtion next week fortwo days, the follow- ing day for Co$ored town~ and following days forthe other sections of the t0wn,~and that no trash will be picked up unless placed at the curb or in the alley. Mr. Griffith said the merchants of the town are bmrning their refuse on Ocean Avenue and that this should not be per- mitted as it is not only a nuisance but a hazard. Mr. Fredrich suggested the matter be turned over to the Firs Deoartment, and it was agreed that s letter should he written to the Chief of the Fire DePartment telling him that the Council recommend that this procedure be stopped. Mr. Weaver recommended that Mr. Christiansen and Mr. Van Wagner be instructed'to make some arrangements at the cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day. Regarding the stone ~for the grave of a colored veteran~ which Police Chief Carver said was stored in the Police Station, Mr. Van Wagner was asked to see that it was erected immediately on the grave. a ~^~ ~k~i~m~ pr~i~e~ o~.th? Chamb~er of Commerce~ showed o~=~ ~ a smgn wnmen'theChamoer~wOuld like to have erected ~ ~e corn? ,f Ocean and FederaI~ advertising the Beach and ~msalng, an~ which would cost app~oximately $1,~00.00. He asked tha~ the remaining $600.0~ n6t now needed for the Manager of the Chamber be donated towards the cost of the sign instead. It was agreed that in any case it WoUld'not be wise to erect the signuntil after the hurricane season; that theCity has no money available at'the moment and that no commitments could be made for OctOber. The matter was tabled. There being no further business, M~yor Purinton adjourned the meeting.