Minutes 02-16-53M!N~2ES 0~ A REGULAR ~EET_ING OF T~ COMI~ISSIm0N~S 0F
B~CH, ON FEBRU~R¥ 16, 19~3.
Cor~missioners Present: ~r. F.L.~.rinton M~. C. Howard Hood
M~. Alva Shook
Mr. Arthur Fredrich
~. S~anley Weave~.
Mayor Pu~inten called the meeting ~ order ~t 7.30 P.M.
~. Jo~ Suarine a~ked about hSs 0~cupational License for
a J-~ Yard which he said had b~n ~ncreased from $2~ to ~0~
Mr. F~edrich made a motion that the 0rdin~c~ be ch~ged
to co~ply with t~ r~q~est that the license for the J~k yard
be reduc~d~ ~o the orzginal price of $2~ per ~ instead
$~0, ~d that the T~i rate be ch~ged to $20 per cab.
Hood seconded the motion whi~ was passed
Later~ after discussion, ~. Fredrich r~oved that the
foregozno motmon b, wmthdra~a reg~dmng the .]~ ~rd, but
that the rate for a taxm sh~l be $20 per y~ar4 ~. 7~eaver
seconded the motion which was passed
Mr. C-riffith said the 0rdins~ce wo~d have to be ~mended.
1~. Hooa _~ade a motion that the j~k yard ligense be
duced to ~2~ a ye~r.
~. Shook seconded. Motiom p~sed
City Clerk Dorothy V.~illi~_~s read the minutgs of the
last reg~lar meeting of the Council of February 2~ 19~3.
~. Hood moved, ~ud MrJ~eaver seconded, that the m~mnutes
be accepSed as r~ad. Motion passed u~n~aimously.
Mr. Weaver said he had not been able to get to the meeting
of the Forty-amd-Eight but would make further effort to get the
information needed.
A letter dated ~eoruary 14, 953, was read from P0_~
~x~ressi~g opposition to contribution of ~200 to the Forty-~d-
ight for advertising.
A letter, d.ate~ _ eb~uary 16~9~3~, was read fro~ ~r. Green-
wood tendering ~his resignation as a ~ember of the Plumbing
I~. Weaver made a motion that ~&r. G.~eenwo~d's resignation
be accepted with ~egret and th~uk~ for 'his good wbrk. Mr.
Predrieh seconded the motion which was ce.r~zed unanimously,
Mr. Fre~.rich moved ~at Mr.
regular Plumbing Inspector. Mr.
~ocb~m~tn be appointed as
Hood seconded. Motion passed
~. Gri~lith expresse.d t~e epinion that certain property
on the South boundary wa~ included in the Act of ]95.~? and is
automatioa!ly included i~ the jurisdiction of thertovm. He
suggested that notices be sent to individual orooertv owners
asking them to attend ~u e~ecutive meeting of~th~ Co'moil to
discuss their position in the matter. Prior to ~heir being
taxed they should be notified that tlme City has ~2ie power to
back-assess their property for a period of tb~ree years.
Mr. Gri£fith was asked to get in touch withEr. Hatless with
reference to this matter.
~r. Frank Mize of the Mi-Co Meter Co~oany showed a model
of a parking meter ~ad described its advantages. Regarding
malnten~ce, he ss~d their service man would come once a year amd
inspect the meters without mharge; that with each 100 meters
the C~ty woul~ receive three extra meters, in cas~ o£ accidents;
the ~lty receives half of the revenue until the meters are paid
for, after which the meters belong to the City. If the City puts
the posts in it would save ~4.~0 on each meter, mak~g the total
cos~ per meter SD~.~0. Tie Company ~a~ ~ supolv scare ~ts
posts, ~ua semvloe, and will suoervise outt~n~ in the ~o~ r~
seventy meters are ordered, two spar, heads ~ll be orovided free.
The meters c~u be t~ken out in the s~mer time and c~n be kept
on trial for six months or a year.
Police Chief Carver reco~ended ordering seventy, to take
care o~ 0ces~ Avenue, amd in front of the new Banh, etc.
!~. Shook made a motion that the City purchase seventy
parkin~ meters on trlal. Mr~ Hood seconded. Mormon' passed
It was agreed that one hour should be the parking limit;
the t ~ae to be non-cumulative.
Mr. Mize said he wo~~_ld do his best to get the meters in in
thirty d~.ys~ ~ud that the posts would be here earlier.
Bids were
opened and read for
addition to the Police
Charle~ Hight $i,49~00
Wills_rd Waters $2,767;00
}-~. Shook made a motion, seconded by M~. Hood, that Mr.
Hight~s bid be acceoted as the lowest, - -
- if his addztlonal price
for au outside toilet and one insi~e was reasonable. Mo~on'~
passed unanimously,
~r.rremG~fzi~=he ~ead ~ Acceptance Po~m submitted by
parking me~e~ company, tO be ~cceoted b~ t~he
C~ty a~aappr'ovedby the Czty' Attorney.
Gr ' In a discussion on the special fi~e line ~n ~-~ ~ ..... ~
amn Company,s building it was said that ~^ ~_~-U~_~=T ....
~e~ on this, aura that t _ - ~
au 8-inch fire line. he new ~ber Company wants to p~at in
~'~. Cb~istisnsen su~Rested cb~o~ ~ ~.
--~ ....... .~uu a ye~ zor the service. He s~d the ~z~e
wou~d be installed ~der City su ' ' ~'
- pe~szon ~d ~e Comply will
p~y all expenses of materi~ and labor.
It was agreed, t~.at ~t~. Cbmistiansen should $alk ?he matter
over with the C0mos~uies~ and give th~=.~ comments at the next
Cou_ucil meeting.
. . R~g~d~ng the .agre.emenu tha~ Mr. Hsa'iess pa s the diff
cO,we en sand 6~ .... . Y erence
~ ~,~
it was stated by Mr. Cromer that the C~ty:s part of this cost
would be appro~mately
M~. -urmnton ~ugg~sted that ~ir. Weaver get in=touch with
Mr. Hat!sss so that there shall be no misundersta -ne~ng, and
the Council agreed tha~ the agre~t ~should be in black and
Mr. Griffith was asked to draw up the usus2 agreement.
R~ i~r. ?~ea?er.moved, and Mr.Fredric~ seconded that t~
~gewoo~ ~ D b~ b w ~ -- ' --~
/ y _~.Cromer oe acc ~
~eceived, on the st~*~ ~ .,_~epted, as the o~y one
oaid by Mr.H~Iess be ~early~ set up. Motion passed ~snimously.
A letter was read f~m 1~. Cromer asking Permission to
install a 6" water m~n on Crest Road for ~-W.L.Morrison,~
!',~. Weaver moved that the request for a re£-~uding oon-
tmact with Mm. Morrison be dra~n up in conformance ~ith the
other contractm drawn Bp. ~. Hood seconded amd the motion
was pas sod ~u~imously.
~-. Van WaRner asked to be allowed to ho~ mm~ the West
apprOaCh to the-Seaboard tracks on Ocean Avenue.
Mr. Shook said he would look over the situation ~gth
The Water Department's report for January was read.
Mr1, Weaver moved and Mr. Shook seconded that the report
~ ' Motion passed ~an/imously.
be accep~e~
?Lv. Fredrzch sai he had heard that the L~ut~ua hospital
had been using o-o_r dump, but that they seem to have s~0ppem
tha~ five or six men go and b?~r~
doing so now. He requested 9his has been don& the City wzll
things up s~ud said that, -~nen
~ e
have a good du~mp for the nexv ~iv years.
w ~ ,s survey of~ the colored
Mr. Gri£fith said M~ .Breck~zay
cemetery was still being waited for, and he was asked to com-
municate with M~.Brock~aY about this.
~. Christian~en thought the white cemetery should be
staked out, ~ud ~.Fredrich said he would go to tlme cemetery
with Mro cb~risti~usen to help in t_ms ~ork.
~r~ Purinton said he had asked Mr~ Paul Johnson to ou_l-
doze a b~_uk ~ud clear it up as part of the colored ball park.
In a discussion on City Inspectors, N~. Hood said he
thought all of ~hese should be on ~he ~v~e pay basis.
?tr~ Shook ~oved that all City Inspectors bs paid $100
a month~ ~. Fred~mch seconded the motion which was oassed
1{~. Fremrmc strongly urged that the City p~u~chase
new business machine for the City Hall.
'n the discussion on the administra~.ive work.in City
~ ~. Shook rec~ende~ quart~ ~ ~ - ~$~ ~bm~
~'~ ~ ~ the bublic shoulo, fzrs~ oe oonsu~ ........
a ~O~eusm~O~e.~ ~ ~.: f ~X~h~ng~ng the Y, ~d
The~e being
the ~ . no
~eet~ng. ~e~ business, ~ayo~ P~inton