BEA~ ON DE~BER !, 1952.
F. L. ~arinton
Stanley Wea~e~
Ar th~ Fmed~ich
C. Howard y,ood.
Alva Shook.
Mayor Pu~znton called the meeting to order a~ 7.30 P,M.
z-, st he~£ hour of the meeting reserved for ~he
During the f'~
p~b_~c, ~. Smever spoke of the lights requested on Alden and
Central Streets.
51to ~-~inton s=~d unat these have been ordered and sho~mld
be placed shortly.
A colored citizen present said that the building of the new
negro school Had deprived them of bheir baseball diamond ~ud asked
if a new one could be provided in the newly acquired colored
park property~ to take its place.
Mr. Purinton said the matter would be looked znto aur_ng the
next few days, and I~. y,oo~ said he thought there was room enough
ay ailab! e.
City C]erk Dorothy V.Williams r&ad the minutes of the last
re~3~!ar meeting of November 17, i9~ o
.~. Fredrich asked who Fir. Johnson's Committee represented.
~w~. Jotuason said it represented
A motion made by ~.Shook sas seconded ~y ~,Hood that ~me
meetzno be continued ~til all markers submztve~ o~ve been ams-
cussed was ordered strzo~en out as l~ had not been ca~rzed~
}~. Predrzcn movea~ ~.d M~ Hoom s~conmed.~ t~a~ uhe mmnutes
with the aoove chm ges, ce acceptea as read. Motion passed
u~ .~ suuLmous ly.
~Lr. Puminton said there would not be say political talk at
meetings as lcng~,as ben, sat
e~pem_ses he said ~ne ~y Y-=l_ sam ~he cooks beion~ uo the citizens;
that auyone csn come at say t-~.~e and talk to the City Clerk, whc
will give them any ~fora~%ation they desire on the acco~j~ts~ that
what has been done is all ~egal and in accordance ~_'th the ~equire-
merits of the State cz Flo~mda~ that i-~ mo_e detai_~d repo_ bs are
needed by the few who want special information it would msan an
added expense of about
G~n~l Fu~d.
0..~o. Lombardo 15.67
Motorola 434.
Bu~rougim~ s Adding Machine
Co. 72.20
Bro~,a~ & Mose!ey i13.93
Shaw Bros. 0ii Co~ 182.22
RubLus Co~st~. Co~ ~8~00
Belcher 0il Co. 46.41
Western Union T~l. Co.
~ll ~o. Co~ ~
&ddre sspgraph ~mlt~aph
Del~ay M=c~ne & Supply Co~
B~ton Beach Plumbing 10.60
Ro'~ rt W. Griffith 8~ 00
Ri~e~ H~son Inc. 160~
Lake Worth Herald Prsss
Cenbr~ Truck Linss
F~ quh~ MachinePy
Blue Cross of Florida 95~00
Boston Beach _News 7~20
Rubin Con~t~ction Co. 17~
C~eron & B~kley Co. 11y~49
Bo-Del wriP3ing~ 20~
Amdressogr apn Mult i~ apb
Ba~er Motors I0,00
C~ntral Truck Lines l~0
Stewart Pontiac 3~00
Farq~r Machine~ Co~
Art Concrets
~nass National Ba~ *
lfsaver~s Ir~m ce Agency 77.03
HeD~y Coopsr 33.20
Frar~ Job, s on 43.0~
Dave L~nier
$~ M~ray 33~20
Leonard Ha~is
Ds~¢e - ~" ~ ~8~0~
Lee Thomas ~. 6C
Re~se ~d~ews ~ O0
game s ' "~ ~
Ta~ = ~r 46 ~ 00
Henry Cooper ~3 ~20
S~ M~ray ~4- 20
Ed je rkir~ 42
Peter j~OODS
Kate Wilii~s
H.A.Hope Jr~ 6,00
Florida E~ Coast R!y. Co.
A .C. C~ver
Water ~,ud.
273 ~ 70
jsca~e s W.Butler
C.E~Ho dges
Julius F=lingle r
Nicholas B. Ser~uish
Dorotb~y V .Willisms
Olive Cierpik
Vera Jo~us on
TereSa Padget t
Katherin~ Tho~oson
Wm. V~ W~ner
Henry Co,er
L~on~d H~is
Fra~ Jo~on
D av~ L~ier
C jariie Waters
Lee Th~as
Ed Je~kins
Pete~ Jaoohs
Kate Wi!lisms
Clyde Rowe
J~es Taylor
~¢~a. E. Buskong
Joseph Bencik
Lee Th~as
~lie Waters
~yde Rowle
~_~lie Waters
Refuse Andrews
Ed Jerkins
Peter Jacobs
Kate Willia~
J~es Taylor
E. J
Snow %Emit e
Ym~s. Bertha Menzel
Raloh W. Chapmm~
T ~ ~j~rnit fi eld
Archer K.Beer
Willie Kette~er
Wm. Eiorent eno
Robert Agnew
Hem~!ett a Stephenson
Joseph S. Greehwood
George Athana si~mm
~se ~ations~ Bar~
110 ~ 20
121 ~ O0
103 .I0
~33 ~ 20
~5. O0
~o. 8o
28, O0
An s. ppilca~lon for a Beer and Wine license was read from
the ~'22': Lodge.
ME. Hood moved that the Beer and 'krizle license requested
be g~ted. MEo Shook seconded the merle_ which was passed
A report _rom the Shuffleboard Association was road,
giving met~ ls of their ei~pondl~ures for the past t~ee years.
~. Purinton expl~ined that this repot ?~d been r~quested
in order to show that they paid p~ac~lcally all tkeir ~n ex-
penses. He said he thought the report was ve_~y mnte~est!ng.
It was stated that the plat of Inlet Village had been sho~m
to ~. Brocl~ay. ~ud >~. Shook asked who is going to put in
strsets, water, etc.
~. Griffith said that most of the nearby ci$ies rule that
streets gutters, - ~ ~ +~
~ w~te_ l~nes, e~o~ ~ust all be in bof0re t~e
plat is submitted for aooroval~ if the subdivider fails to do
this, the City itself could go in ~nd do it~ but Boynton~s
p~esent ~ln~lela~ status would preven~ ~nms.
I¢~. Shook po6nted out that no part of the ~!~t has been paved
s~d therefore coalm not be accspted. He added that as there was
only a 22 ft. ~ight of way e~ther ~ay, ho die not see hc~ it
could bo accepted, ar~ that acceptance ~ould lead to future diffi~
ou~ieso Nothing less than a ~0 ft. right of way cs~ be accepted°
· Mr° Griffith said that property owners could not force
City to pave streets, a~ thought that streets pu~ in should last
least ten years. He also thought a decision should be made by
the Co~_ucil as to vrhether the Ci~y-shov~a fall in ~,rith the
~airs~ents called fo~~ in othe~ Cities,
~,~. Purinton thought it was not required that the ~mole plat
be L~proved at tlme sa~e time, ~ad suggested that a part could be
i~%~roved ~
~ a time°
~~_e qmest~on was razsea whet~h~r ~he C~y co~m accep~ the
olat without the improvements; that the plat showed 20 lots in
the new sectzon$ and that all lots should be nv_mbSred~
~k o Weaver suggested that the oe~re lot be n~mbered aha
t~at z~.~radzzeld be asked t~uether h
_m intends to sell the present
buildings as a -~n~t for a motor co~t, or intends selling each
lot separately~
Mr, Shook ~ade a motion that the ~lat be ac~sp~em when
roads are b_ac~-topped. I~'~. Hood seconded and tho motion was
passed ~uuar~mously o
~. ~urin~oz~ asked ~-hether he c~a!d talk of ~ther roads,
~hlS WaS
Objection to ~ ~ made.
~. Hasbrouckd~ew attention ~o the fact that his houses in
colored town at a low rental consist more or less of just the shell
but have been appraised ~s finished houses, and bethinks they
sho~a!d be reappraised,
~r. P~inton said he thought the tax. on that property about
the same as on a warehouse.
Shook said the oniy thing to do was to re-check it.
Mr. Free, ich said the property had been inspected twice aud
the recommenda~mon made in J~auary was ,~a~ mo revision should be
I~. Job~son said the lowest figure had been given that could
be given to that type of house.
~o Purinton
Jo~_nson was asked
at noon to do
sugoes~e~, a~. Shook review the property and 1~o
to go with ~.~.Shook arJ Mr. Hasbrouck tomorrow
The City Clerk reported th~ five bids had been asked for
on Filing Cabinets for City Hall but o~y two had been received~
one from the Remington Rand for ~608.20. and one f~om the P~ Beach
Typewriter Company for ~2~1~.
M~ Shook mpved that the Palm Beach Typewriter Company,s bid
~ . we~¢er seconded the motion
be accepted as being the lowest Mr. ~ ~
~hich was passed -~sn~ously,
Bids for a duo therm oil heater for City Hall were read:
The Delrsy Gas and Electric Co: ~149.9~ without cr instalIation.
~t~ Dmck Duncga for ~nsballation: .~149~00
The Ha~:~n~ Co. auo ~s~er~ oil b~sa~ter. .~.313.00 installed complete.
Gas heaters were said~to be ulo. s§.tisfactory as cs~asing headaches~
it was stated that the very satisfactory oil heater a~ the
Post Office cost less the~ ,$2~0 installed and uses a seven gallon
t~u/~ thus saving about ~!00 over the cost of a fifty gag!on
w~--~ch is not necess~my~
Shook moved and ?Ir, Hood secoz~ed that the stove sm~y be
ourchased for~.~&~h¢',,o~,...., ~mI'as olower. Motaon passed unanimously,
?L~, ~eaver said that due to the gro~rth of the %later Department
~uo. the added C~.~y ous~_ne~s mesaz~o more work for },?~. V~ Wagner~
it ~s been ~o~md advis~le to hire another man,Who ~s had a
n'~m_ber of years of experience i=. the Mew k-ork Water Departmerzt¢ and
he reco~aae;mded his appointment as head of the %Yate~ Department,
ao.d the transfer of Hr, Van WaCner to be Superintend~ of ~.blic
l~ Shook made a motion that I~ ~ ~ ' * -
o C~_s~anse~ be ~pomn~e~
as Superintendent of the Water Depsmtmento Mr. Hood seconded the
mOtiOn -r~'~
~m~ was passed ~una~mousty.
I, ir, ~,~ai-~an, President of the 6~m~Zoer of ~ozmmeree, said a
much needed Manager for tlme Chamber of Corette has rscent!y b~en
hined at ~1~800 a y~ar~ ~md asked that th~ City help to defray
~this exp~nss in th~ amo~t of ~1~200 a ye~ so that the man can
be put ~ the pay roll, sinc~ the ~2o~r of Oo~rc~ is good
advertising for the City.
Mr~ Purinton said the City has put up ~9/100 of a mill for
advertising; that there ar, sc m~y other exoduses, that hs did
not see how the City could afford ~1~000. T~ ~nole Budget only
allows $2~000 for advertising, but~ it ~ight be possible to do
s~et!~ng more next ye~ as it is recogr~sed that the Chamber of
C~merce is valuable to a City.
~. ~Emitman said the man could not be kept wz~out help
from the City~ and that Delray gives $4 400 for ~heirs.
M~. Shook said a Ch~be? of Cozmmerce is
does not know how the City could spend money
advsntage if it can possibly be afforded.
a ~~scessmty and he
to ~uy better
I~ir. Fredrich said the City had donated ~0 to the
of Commerce du~ing Mays tb~at he had no gri~vsm~¢e against the
suggestion, but that it was the taxpayers~ money~ He asked
whether anything will be done for the teen~agers~ orfor a poss~
ible disaster~ and said the Legion Hall also deserved help~
recoz0~enaem by t~e Co~uci!. He
but he would vote~o~ ~ ~ any .... ~o~ey '
said there are 21 ~ ' '~
o_gar~sa~ons mn the City am_d ~l! could ask
for help.
~. Hood said he had b_etped foumd the Chamber of Co~aerce
and that a City is judged by its Ch~ber. He thought people
in general should be interested as well as business men, ~d
he would go along with s~aything the Couiacil might decide to
Mr. Griffith detailed the az~_mc~.~.~mes expe~_e~ncem t~hms
past year, many'members of the Board b~mng ~o!d~ly out of
town ~d the secretary bemng away on ~ ~x~e~ds~ vacavmon; he
added that the letters rscsm~em requesting m~_fo~a~mo~ would
~ ~ -~ ~ ~' job to answer, ~ad is con~znc~ ~hat a
~Zber of Co~eroo is of great benefit to a Cit~ fin~ucialiy~
and that ~y money ~r~a to it by ~ne Cm~y wo~d be well s~n~
~-~te~ a long dmscussi.on on tLe many ~ualz~ig~tions of
Conraa mcr ~he 0oo~ ~nmch ~no_uded six~oe~ ~ e~e~_ence
in Ch~ber of Con,meres work~ Mr.~inton reco~e~sd that
,7%~0~ a mon~_ be donated by t~e C~y vo to~ ~oe~ o_ Com~ercs~
~-Ir, ~rzf_~mth said the Chsumber of C~erce ptaum, ed to
guarantee ~. uor_vam a salary for ten months a y~ar. ~ ne
could be paid for any nine months during the year, which ~me
Chs~mber would ~ecide on~ it world ~z~ tae neem~ ~ the 0~_ms~mber.
~r. Hood moved that the City contribute a total of ~900.00
for Dine months in 19~3 ~ payable at $100 a month from January
lC. S3. Mr. Shook seconded the motion which_ was passed
~Lr. G_.mffz~h said he _had preparem three agreements on
water contracts ;- one with the A~_uiston Company in correction .
wztn the Rmagewoom sec~mon~ one for the laying Of certain water
D~_p. es in s/d of Lake Boynton Estates; amd one Sot Rolling
1,~. ~mrinton pointed ovt th~ the cost of these pipes is
borne entirely by the developer and not by the City.
~mo Weaver made a mot_,on, seconded .oy Mr,, Heom, tha~
the Ridgewoo6' contract be accepted for smgnat~e~ Motion
oassed u~uimous my o
~. Fredrieh made a motion, seconded by i~. Shook~ that
the contract for the Rolling Green be accepted a~ read.
Motion passed ,~uu~zmously~
~. Fredrich moved~ Mr. Weaver seconded, th$t the H~vel
contract be accepted. Motion oassed uman~mously~
~. ~rmffzth s~md ~ne City has no retirement or pension
f~ud for its employe~s~ and ~hat Social Security is the only
~n~ng v~at co~d be oromght mn ~ho~.~ ~oo muc_ expense to the
City. He explained the law passed by Congress 9n 19~l in
this connection in detail, and said 1~% of the salary now
~ oy the C~y to its e~loyees would be paid by the
being pa~d ' ' ~*
C~oy'~ arid the e~ployee_, would also contrioute' !~%.~
.~Mr. Hood said the majority of ~mplo~ees appear to favor
Socz=l Security and suggested that ~he Cmty stsr~ the scheme
on the first of ~ year~
)~. Griffith said oer~issio~ must first be ~btained from
- ~ ,,~ '- ~.~e scheme into effect.
Gove_mm_~n~ ~efore putting =~
>I~. ~rm~-,_. uh re~o. the regulations of Palm Beachrega-
suod~v~s_,o.r~, ama de~elo.pmen~s~ ~hs putting mno~ ~ .pavemen
curbs ~ ~J. vters &c., whmch he saSd has proved sa~isfacto.r~, in
larger to~as. In smaller cormn~u~.ties ~&ch as Boynton: wmvhout
large finances~ streets should be improved before acceptance
of the plat.
~ Griffith re~orted the Cemeter~y Ordinance as being
prepared and will be ready for the next meeting. He spoke of
the meeting of the Cemeter7 Board in his office last month and
detailed the recommendations made at the meeting. ~mCngst
other things the Board had suggested aid by the
besr~.tification of the colored cemetery~
Mrs I>o~inton said he was sure that
w~_~n all such reco~_mendations.
along ' *~
the Coumcil would go
~r. Griffith sugges~ea tb~t the negro recreational laud
be des~_gnatem as a rvcreat_.onal area so as to be taken off the
County tax rol!~ and read a Resolution to th~_s
Mr. Hood moved, and Mr. Fredr&ch seeo_~ed, the acceptance
of the Resolution. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. P~arinton called a spec~=l meetzng for We~Luesday n_ght
to take care of a discussion on how to handle the City~s~new
A notice for the specma! meeting to be held at 7,30 P.~.
Wednesday~ Dece~oer 3, was wa_yea by t~e Council.
Y~ Smzt~ explained the working of the loud speaker
system w~cL was used during the ~ee~ng, and described ~
as indestructible.
' "' o ~.smne s s ~ Mayor Purin~on ad ~ our~_~d
There bem~g no f~ther
t.~e r~ee
of Boynton Beach mmdpurena~e
the same has, since the put-chase of
~S, the City
certain real property~ mud
said property by the City~ been used ~Dr ~Jmicipal po~poses$
W~REAS~ THE City i~as izaproved the said property by
installing equipment for recreational purposes for the negro
citizens of the Cit~ of Bounden Be~ch~ and~
~S, this property is located within the coroorate
1Lmits of the City of Boynton Beach and is now desoribed as being
as £ol!ows~
Lots 3~3~633 .... ~ncl in ~aerry Hil~s~ Sec~2t-T~.~%-
So,~3 East.
BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Boynton Beach that this
property above described shall be used for public p~k ~d play
gro~ad~ general recreation for the negro citizens bf the City of
Boynton Beach and that the s~ae shall conti~.e to be so used u~til
_ ~seiul to ~
said property fails to be .... tn~
Dmtem: ~scembsr i~19~2
City for said recreational
City of Boynton B~ach
BY: ..~ --~