Minutes 11-17-52~NUTES 0F A REGUL_~_R }r~ETING OF THE C0~MISSiONk:~S OF
BEA~ 0~ N0'~E~,~ER 17~ 19~2~
PP~S~N ~:
F .L. i~rint on
St~u]_ey Weaver
Ar tb~r Fredrich
C. H~ard Hood
Alva Shook ~
Mayor Purznton c=l!em t~e meeting to order
Fro. Siev~speaking as Presiden~ of P0}g~, s$id complaints
had been receivem about a pmoposed oaznt and body shop on the
eo ?= a=! eaid a Oo 4ttee had been
appoznte~ to pu~ the matver before the Zoning Boavd, who had
turned it back ~o the Co~cil, and he asked whether a per~t w%ll
be o~Ven for it~
He ag~ n referred to POMA~s request to be orovided with
copies of the Minutes prior to-the following me~t~ng of the
Council, and ~as ~old tha~ ~zs co~lm not oe dome ~ut~l they
had been approved ~nd corrected. M~. Siever agreed that this
would be satis£act&ry, and thmt they would _~me t* have the
_4m~m~es after she~_ approval by the Co'~_cit.
~ Griffi~h said he had ~itten to the Secr~ta~-~y of P0~
last Fr~day~ ~ I~h~. Siever said ~he~ letter was~ _orobab!y sti~l_
in the Post Office
I'~. Siever said many places in town are in n~ed of lights
~ad thought t[mese should be s~p~zed where most needed~
The Mayor said this
favor ~f increased te~es to meet the extra expense.
~'~. Siever replied that he ~as, in order to get the needed
One ~m~mzen sa~d he Izved on Alden Street ~d would be willing
to pay extra taxes if he co%uld get service.
The Mayor said that.as they were willing to Ray m_creasem
t~xes, some l~q~s would be put on )~den Street.
~L~ Siever then said he wa~7ced the - *~ =
~ qmss~on 0~ the j~_nk yard
The Mayer same there could be no ju~2~ yard wzthmn the
A. C-. GPeenwcod 100.00
R. Chapm~ ~0.00
Robert ~miffith ~0,00
%~tt McDowell 20.00
City of Boston Beach
Petty Cash, ~, 135~46
HeD_vy Cooper 27.90
Leonard Harris )!I! ,40
Frs~k Johnson 39.05~
Dave L ar~fer
Sam M-~ ay
Lee Thomas
Re~se ~_udrews 39
Ed. Jerkens 32.72
Peter Jacobs 34.36
James Taylo~ ~0~ 0O
He~be~t P~cis 40,00
Kat~ Wil!i~s 36, 00
~e~ton Be~ch Fire Dept.
a~s I~illis Butls~ 31.00
Ad~ssogr~h - M~ti~apk 1~880,09
~Orida Materials
Eerm~u Butts 122~0
0xe~ di~y Auto P~ts ~c, 2,27
~orida P~er & Lt. Co, 6h~.29
Southe~ Bell T.& T. 80,37
Pa~ J. Jo~_s on 28.90
Remington Ra~ 672.33
Del~ay Machine & S~Co. 40.90
iddms ss bg~oh-M~ t i~aph ll6.~
~bin Construction Co.
Jo~ Vio!~te l!, 25
He~ce~ Se~ice Station
G~owers ~ Equipment Co. 142.39
J~es M~ph
E~ J.Mai~iste~
Bo-Dei ~!nting Co,, 147.05
~tev~son~s Seed Store
~nar!~s L, Meyer & Son
cowry Mercantile
C~eron & B~kl~y
Aust~ Supply Co.
~Vis Meter Repair & S. Co,
T~ustees: F.E.C. R~lway
F~k Nutting 2~, 00
Wate~ F~ud
!.00 ~
Mr~ Hood said it was his project ~faich was under discussion
~_ud th~ when he bought the property s~e time ago it was already
zoned as co~m.~erci~. Mud had been for many years. The rUmor
tha~ it is to bsa ~unk yard is unt.~e~ it is to be a paint and
body shop; that a very attractive building will Be erecte.d and
the business _~n by t~o_ otd~er men, not by himselfL If nozse was
the ob~edtion he said ne could say there wou~d be no noise.~
After a long discussion M~. Weaver asked Mr.~r~_~z~n~f~'--- for
an opinion from ~__e legal augle.
2~. Griffith said he does not think that a change can be
made in the zo~_ing. He cited a recent Cou~t decision ~lo~g these
lines, a~ s~id a City wou~d be criticised for making a ¢~nge
in au establmshed zoning law which would imoair the value of
M~so Elemons said Mt,Paul Mercer had suggested that the City
Council be petitioned to ch~uge the zoning ~ud to hold an open
meeting so that al! interested people could be present.
~ro Shook said the property has been zoned ar~ zoning catuuot
be changed~
· ·M~' Siever agreed that .from a Iega2 standpoint Mr~Shook was
.~zgh~, and suggested consultzng ~Lv. Mercer at thenext meeting.
~¢r. Purzn~on said they would be glad to put ~t up to the
Zoning Board.
M~. Weaver suggested that it would be interesting to look
up the old zoniug map and see hc~ ye?y little co_~ercial oroperty
there is compared with residential. ~
Mr. Job~uso~ said he had been appointed a Co~.~t~ee to
compare last year~s budget with last year~s expenditure, also
this year~s.
The City Clerk said these figures are not ready yet.
~ reply to a remark frc~ ~.jolnzson~ Mr. Griffith said he
had w~~ * ~ ~
~ ~ten a l~te~ t? P0~s~ying that the first half hou~ of
~zngs~ norma±±y ~o ce resorzcted to the genera~ oub~ic mi~
on occaszon be given to peoo~e comino fro~ ~* ~-.i.~- ~o~'
from some dzstance anm pressed for time, who will ~e given firs~
~ons$~ra~on; ~hat t~ items on the agenda will ~e given
~o~za~ra=ion,~ out oth~z thzngs will also be consi~e~d~ fi=st
A long dzscussion followed ~od ~. G~iffith sdggested thzt
one person represent POMA to e~edite business.
~he_ City Clerk read the min~b~s~ of the previous regular meet-
ing of Arovember 3, 19~2.
~. Fredrich said the flat on the garbage t~ck had necessi-
tated a three-hour delay and not a t~o-hour~
He asked that the letter from POM~ should again be read with
narticular reference to the request that they be supplied with the
~genda on the Friday preceding the Council meeting. The letter
was read.
1~o Weaver said the '~Medal of Hono~~ should read "Silver
Star ' ' ~ "
Cmtav~on .
~ Weavvr moved ~d ~Fredrich seconded
be accepted as read with the above corrections.
that the minutes
Motion passed
~ ~ r?mrmch made a mormon tha~ ~natever appears on the
agenda s gmve~ to P0~ on Friday should not be a~ded to on the
fotiowi~ Monday~ ~. Weaver seconded themo~on'~ ~uich was
_ t~an~ously~
The City Clerk then rea& the agenda.
l~. ~redr~_c~_ asked that a copy of the agenda be ~mppl~ed
tc each m~mber of t~ Co~ucil at the begir~uir~g of each meeting®
A list nE the bills O'F~yed for pa~ent t~zs evening was read.
~[o questions were asked regarding them.
I~ Weaver said the bill from B~bara~s Dress Shop cover-
ing.. the supolv_ ~ of.boots for the firemen_ included_ t~o extra pairs
wnmch M~.Senior wml! pay for himself, and said he would check
up on another item in the bill~
A letter was read from POMA dated Novemoe~ 8, !9~2.
~. Purinton asked whether it was u~derstood that no body shop
should be ~itb~in the City 1Lmits, because this was n~according
to Zoning Board ruling~
A second letter from POP~ dated November !3~ 19~2, was
read, requesting that amao~_ucements of Co~uucil meetings be sent
to the President~
May~r.Purinton said that even Council members do not receiv~
such notifmcations ~ud that t~ meetLu~s take olac& on the f~rst
aha ~n~rm Mondays, but that the President of PO~Lg ~ould be
vised of any specia2 meetings.
Mr. Hoed said ~.~.Smith was to ~ve brought the proposed speaker
system to the meeting this evening~ but did not seem to b~ve been
able to get it to ~mrk as it ~ho~d, aud had given no report on it.
~ Hood said he wo~ld inquire s~oout it~
it was ~nounced that 410 0ccupational License notices had
been sen~ ouO~ and that 220 have been purchased.
Mayor Puminton said unpaid licenses are not s~ject to fine
~uuti] Feb~uaz%~ l~ although due in October, and ,hat after
February l~ there is a fine twice the amount oF the l_cense~ fee.
~ letter was read from p~. Ma~lmeister giving the n~es
of those electricians who had passed the electrical examination~
and recommending that ~. ~ilhe~m be appointed to the Electrical
Weaver made a motion~ seconded by ~.Shook, that
~uaialmems~er s recommendation be accepted. Motion passed
Members of ~he Election Beard of.the City Gemeral Election
to be he!d on December 2, 19~2, were appointed~ ~hese were
I~. Mitchell, ~s. Daley, M~s. Dame mud Miss Kelly, and
~. Shook made a motion, seconded by Mt.Hood, that the
appointees =o_ ~n~ City Election Board se accepted Motion
passed unanimously.
Regar~zng bids on filing cabinets and cha~s, the City Clerk
exolam_ed ~_a these are necessary for the City Hall office~
Mr~ Shook made a motion~ seconded by =H]~ WeaMer, thatthe
bid on two chairs from Halsey Gri'Zfith be aooepted, as bem~g
the lowest~ Motion passed %uaa~uLmously.
The b=~ for .~l-~ng caomnets was tabled until further bmds
h~Jye been received.
A letter was read from M_r~Renice Lansing~ school principsl~
thanking the ~ity ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ' '~' ~ . -- -
~h the W~]]~ ~a
The City Clerk said the year~s gmemanvee on the Burrou~h~s
· ,~a~n~ne is now up s~ad t~_e Co, up,ny hav~ offe~d to ~n~w the
~ee, otm~zse they will make servio~
oa!ls at ~4.00 fop the fzrSt boom ~d S~.~ ~ h~ thereafter.
. moom made a motmo~ seconded by i~.Weaver, that the
offer of the Burroughs }lackine ~? ~ ~*~- ~
service contract be accepted. Motion passed *~aau~ously,
vt was st~ed that ~. S~nmor says four new replacement
tires are needed for the Mack truck and suggesting that the lo,ir
old ones be put o~ other '- ~' '
equzpme~ as ~hey are not good enough
for the fire truck~
Hood was asked to get a price on the new tires.
Sen~o~ also requests a filing ' ' ~
cac~n~t for the Fire
Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by ~.Eood~ that a
filing cabinet be p~chased for the Fire Department for approxi~
merely ~60.00. ~Motion passed ui~?Pamously.
A plat of Inl~ Village subdivision was submzt~ed for
~pprova!, but obae~txo~_s we_e raised to its consideration as it
was not on the agenda.
~. ~5nitm~ objected to the :agenda method~ as preventing
the ~scussion of other maters of ~nteres~' * to the c~t~ze~s.~ ~ -
He-was ~em~uded that such matters could be dzscnssed during
the first half houm of the meetings.
~ne Mayor asked wuaet_~er the plat submitted should be
settled tonight or put off ~util next meeting.
~o Fmedrich said the bus,ess on the agenda was c~mpleted
and in view of the mormon previously passed at this msetzng
no~_ng more could be discussed~ but if ~uy o~ner sufoject could
be br~mght '~o all shield be allowed.,
}~. Shook made $ motion~
meeting be continued u~util ~ 1
seconded by Mr°Hood, that
matters submztted mave been dis~
After ~Arther discussion the plat of idler Village s/d
was submitted for approval, and M~, Weaver said it ccu!d not be
accepted as it has no easements.
The matter was tabled.
A re~uest~ was received from Zinke-S~th ~nc,=' ~egard=ng' a 6~'
pipe needed for the watering of ~8,000 worth of
~. Pu~mnton susges~ed calling up ~.Broc!~¢ay in the morn-
lng to ask zf the 6" pzpe can ce approved, and recor~enmed that,
with ~me approvaZ of I~r~B~ockway, ~Lv~ Johnson be g&ven permission
for the 6~ ~zpe,~
Mm. Shook made a motion, seconded by M~. Hood ~'~nac~ this
re~aest cover ~he 6" pipe only. Motion passed ~uanimously.
~. Whitman said he wished to speak of the Ch~ber of Com-
merce, but the Mayo~ said that this was a matter w~ich must some
up for discussio~ at another m~ ~°
~e~mng, ~ud adjourne~ the meeting.