Minutes 11-03-52MIkrUTES OF A t~II~R ~ETING OF THE
B0~h=f_0N BEACH, ON NOVW~kR 3 , 19~2.
M~r. F. L. ~int on
Mr. ~_lva Shook
F~. Arthur Fredrich
I~~. C. Howard Hood
y~. St~_tey Weaver.
Mayor ?~rinton cal~ed the m~et~ng to order ~t 7.30
a~ud sa!d that oe~n-.nln~ with ~nms e~en!ng, the Council
meetings from 7.30 to 8 P.M. wou!o, be se~ asmae ~or the
general public,
~ml~z ~.m,~ read two letSers from
City Clerk Dorothy V ~'~ 'a~
P0!~ one dated October 29, 19~2, si~ed by ~r.C~arles
Hocb~uth, Secretly and Treasurer; ~d one, dated Novembe~
2, !9~ , signed by ~. H~L~Siever Presade_t.
m~s~ be a $~oke~de~ for
Mr. ~inton said bhere ~'
to discuss with the Co, oil could be orougb~ up ~m dealt ~mth
in the half ho~ set aside for them~
The City Clerk read the minutes of the orevious
meeting of October 20:19~2.
~. Hood said the price of the lav~m_ mower is less ~2~.00
p~. Griffith said he did not say he had been too occupied
to draw yp the HaPless contract.
~ .... ' ~ tha~ the
of the orevious me~t~g be accepv~a with the ~ o~e correctmons~
Motion passed ~uanimously.
Mrs A.BoMCDu~fie
Art Concrete Works
C~m~ron &Bar, kley
A.D.Wood Comps~y
Florida Valve & Fitting Co,
Farqulaa_~ Machinery Co.
Neptdne Meter Co~
Central Truck Lines
S,~Abbott 9,00
P~try Restaura~-t 21.~
Kurt LaQuitte 21~00
john A. Grego.~y 40~00
Rinke~ Hamsen ll.00
Ruben Construction Co, 94~40
Shaw Bros~ 0il Co~ ~53~69
0r~uge State 0il Co~ 1~7.5~
Lindsley L~mber Co,
Oceaa City L~ber Co. 79~30
Collector of Internal
3~ .40
39 ~ 6O
134, 80
98 ~ 10
13! ~ 06
7 .7o
50. oo
50. ~0
Henry Cooper
Leonard Harris
Frank Johnson
Dave L~aier
S~m Murray
Char!ie Waters
Refuse .L~drews
Ed. jerkens
Peter Jacobs
Kate Williams
James Taylor
Herbert Frabcis
T omRhoden
Michael J. Estofen
H~old E.Cook
0liver Falcinelli
Lee Thomas
J~es Butler
C.E.Hodges Sr~
Nickolas Se~ish
Dorothy V.Willi~s
Olive Cierpik
Alice Kelly
Teresa Padgett
JoseDh Benish
Katherine Thompson
Wm.V~ Wagner
Art~mr ~edrich
Stau~sy Weave~
~Yat er Fund,
D2.27 ~
I~, Weaver said that ~. Hatless had called him this evening
to see if the contract to be d~awn up by i~Lr. Griffith was ready,
and ~hether it would be possible for the City to notify him when
they were going to put the 6~: pipe line in, so that he co~3_ld get
~. Cromer's ~ork in at the ss_~e tLme.
There was further discussion on the subject of the trailers
for sale by ~-~oBroski. It was agreed that so long as ~.Broski
had only two personally-or,ned trailers for sale, and does not
pick up and sell more, he should not be obliged to take out a
~ith regard to the Beer s~ud Wine license rec~ested by
Lauber, ~-Lv. Weaver said ~Ir.0yer had Called him up to say that he
had come to am agreement ~zth M~.Lauber, who would ~mtndra~ the
I¢~ Weaver made a motion~ seconded by f~.Sh0o~, that the
matter of }~.Lauber~s application for a Beer ~udlW~ue lzcense
be tabled ~til some word had been received xrom the applicant.
Motion passed
The City Clerk again read the letter from PO~£~ dated _¥ovember
2, 19~2: requesting a copy of the ~atnutes of each meeting of the
Council~ before the foll~ving meeting takes place, ~ud also
an advance copy of the agenda for such meetings~
~o F~edrich 'said he did not approve of copies of minutes
being provided before they ~d been read at the followiug meet-
ing of the Cou~ucil amd any necessary cha~es made; he also
said it wo~ald estgolish a precedent amd every org~aization in
tow~a could ask for tb~e s~e priviIege.
Shook thought P0~.~ was e~_~mt~em to a copy~
~. ~m~f~n samd that the minutes shoui~ not be given out
until they have been s~thenticated~ that is ~util after they
have been accepted by the~.~_~'-~ and co~rectio~ made.
l~. Purinton suggested that POMA should have a representa-
tive attend the meet~gs to jot do~m notes of sush matters as
they are interested in.
M~r. Mahlmeister requested a decision regarding vh~ two
ne~ members required for the ~-~_ectrica! Board, and it was stated
that so far no reply had been received from i~-~. Senior.
~r. Hood said he had asked for bids for a speaker system
from three local stores but had only received one from the
Bill Smith Radio shop for $130,23 for one model and ~163.23
for another.
Mr. Shook suggested trying the less expensive mike and,
if it did not work, then b~ving the other one.
~r. Hood said he was told that one mike would be better
than two on the Co~cil table, and suggested put~ing one in on
approval to see how it works, saying he wo~ald try to s~rs.r~e
this for the next meeting°
i~o Shook said the Council had been talking about it fo~
thr~e years an5. he is in favor of it.
M~~. Fredrich said that if everyone in town zurned out
there would not be room in the City Hall ~ud ~mggested that the
meetings be held in the Legion Hall where there would be room
for everyone.
Mr, P~inton~said ~ma~ so faa~
care of and thab,-in his opinion,
all comers had been taken
the City Hall has been big
>~. Shook thonght it would be ~.~_convsnient to have the
meetings outsi'de the City Hall on aCCount of the frequent
necessity for looking up plans, d~c~ments, etc., mud said he
hoped that some day sn addition would be made to the building.
Regarding an ~ucrease in pay for ~,Griffith, Mr. ~rinton
suggested a specific salar~per month plus extra for extra
M~. Shook thought this would be fairest to ~oth P~.
Griffi~ and the City aud made a motion that $100 per month
be given to i~m,Gri~fith, whose charges from ther~ on wo~d
depend on the extra work he puts in~ which take ~p ~onszder-
able tLme, ~ch as appe~ing in Court, ~the~ tha~.small ~s~s
in the ioca~ Court. !~-~. Weaver seconaed ~ne mo~ion~ wn~cn
was passed ~u~uimously,
In the matter of the p~u~bzng license for b~.Bowes there
~ere some exoresslons o,_ opzn!on ,o 5he effect oma? I~oB wes
should be MiZen his license as he had applied in tiz,~e, but ~.
Wredrich said the pl,~_raoin.~Bos_~d sno~o~d be calleS. ~n to amscuss
the mat~er wish the Coum~cil.
M~ P~.rinton said the City Clerk was as~zng for zn~rmc~mons
as to whether ~. Bowes should be gmven a l~cens~, or no~ and
~ ~ -~ ~uou d be a ~lin on th~s matt r as such cases
addem ~_at ~nere I ~ g - ~ .
wil~_ always oe commng up .- and agree~ thaz z ~ should be orought
uo before the Pl~foin~ Board as soon as possible_
At this point it was noted that ~hree members of the
Plumbing Board were present° They were asked to get in t~ch
~.~th the ot~r two members mud settle the question at this
A citizen asked whether something could be mone about
cles_~ing up Alden smd Central Streets, so that people csn build, say-
ing he has built four houses there~
~, Puriuton said the streets would be cleaned up and asked
if there was anything else he wanted. He replied t~t he would
like the streets he~ed amd would provide some of the signs him-
~, Rosensweig asked about the lot next to the Post Office
~ud suggested that a building should be put up there; that it
should include, a library and reading room, a room for the Chm?.ber
of Oo~eroe~ and four stores on 0~es~t Aven~e.
~.~. Purinton asked what[:such a building ~ou!~ cost s~ud who
woula b~ld it.
M~. Rosensweig sa_m n~ had spokenof ~ne ~roject to I~.Cook
who thought it would be a goom ~_mng smd mentmoned a bond issue
for it,
i~. Purinton said the City ha~ been 'mnable to furni~ a
Deed for the lanS. a few years ago when some citizens wished to
purchase it; that it c~u only be used for mzuaicipal pu.~poses~
and the City could possibly lease it,
M~, Shook was ~,, favor of gi~ing M~.Cook a 10ng lease
he wzi~ issue bonds and ~ut uo the
~, Rosensweig showed plans of the proposed building,
reze~ ~ e~ to
_~r, ~re .d~i~cn moved ~.~_~*~ this proposition be ~ ~-~ ~
an Executive meeting of the Cou2acil, w.hich ~. Cook could be
invited to attend, so that further information could be ob-
~aL_ed. Mr~ Hood escorted the mormon which was passed ~u~i~
mous iy,
possibility ~f givzng .h~.~ pe~.mssmon $o get ap~lieat~ons ou~
for a paid f~rem~u, After d~s~ssion~ _Wurznt~nreco~t~ended
that Mr. Senzor be told to go ahead ~vh vhe scheme.
Mr. ~rmz~moh'~'= sa=d-' there had been rmny complaints/during
the recent hea~y rains sand has b~en washed out o~ to s~veral
streets. M~. P-~inton agreed that conditio~ on .~e streets
~eers~very bad 'beca~s~ of~ue ~pF~.sald steps would
~en as soo~ ~ poss~o~e
Mr. Fredrich said there bad been a ~_at on the garbage
truck toda~ amd as ~ti~ere was no jack on the tr~m~ck two ho~s were
wasted in repairing
After much discussion during which Mr. Hood
not be practicable to have a jack for each piece
merit, he was asked to take cue of the matter~
said it would
of City ~ ~' ~
Applications for Beer ~ud Wine licenses were read from the
Breeze Ir~ for ~nar!es ~ --
A.Ro~eson, and z~c~ Rene Courtine.
Hood made a motion, seconded by l~oWeaver~ that these
applmcatzons be granted~ M~tion passed ~animously.
An app,_carmen was also _ecezved that the Louis Cartes
l_cens~ ~s transferred to Ha~ry Turner, L~e Wort~.
M~. ~redrm,~n made a motion, Seconded by ~m. Shook~ ti%at
vne request for this trans~e~ be referred to the Beverage
Board for ~pprova~ ~ ~' pas~d ~c~ionsly.
The Build~ng Inspector's report _o_ the month of 0cto'~r
was read showing a total of ~1~,691.00.
A letter was read from the League of Municipalities of
PaLm Beach County, Florida, armor,icing a dinner e~d business
meeting at 7.30 P.M., ~ednesd~y, ~ov~mbe~ ~ at W~st Palm
Beach, to discuss gensral municipal problems.
~. Dlrln~o_~ suggested that all the C~acillors attend
as these meetings are mcat ' ' - +'
zns~ruc~Ive and useful.
The City Clerk was instructed to info~a the Association
that five~ end possibly six, representatives would attend fr~m
A oi~ was read froz~ the Florida-Georgia Trac~or Comoany for
a 4~ Diaphra~u Pump° After a long discussion l~r~ Hood ~eco~m~ded
buying the pu~ap and two lengtD_s of hose.
P~. Shook ~e a motion th?t the p-~ap should be purchased.
Hood seconded the motion which was passed ~&uar_imously.
A list of bills 0'Kayed t~s evening for payment was read~
questions were asked rsoara_ng them.
0r~n~ce No,237 was read for the second time covering the
Budget for the fiscal ye~~ begirnaing N~esber l, 19%2~ and.
ending October 31~ 195~
M~. ~edrich made a mo~zon,
second reading of 0rdinanoe 237
~_w. smimously.
sec~dea by M~oHood,
be accepted as read.
that the
Motion passed
~. Fredrieh made a motion that the City Attorney draw up
a~n ordinance that a governing body of five me~bers~ including
one Co~_,.~missione_~, be appointed to the Cemetery Board and that
money.received for lots be deposited to a separate ~&ud for the
cametery~ i~ Shook seconded the motion, w~ich was passe'd
l~Lv. Weaver suggested Gene ~' ~
~.~mgh~ represent the Veterans'
gr cup ~
~. Shook suggested roaac~stxng a request for members who
will be willing to work on tb~ Board.
Mr. Hood suggested that M~s.Bos~or~n be put on the Board;
the name of ~s~Cha~well was also suggested; also that of
Mr. ~emons.
. E~- Fz~d~mch agreed to serve as the Cormmission member
of ~hg Boa~d~
Mr. _. redr~_c~_ moved that City H~I 1 be closed on A~mms~mce
~r. Ehook seconded the motion, which was passed u_uanimousiy.
It was sta~ed ~h~ ~s. Susan Peo~ ms ~o ce i~resented on
November 18 ~ '- ~ ' - ~
w=th ~he I~smal of Hono~ bestowea on ~r late husb~d,
Lieiten~t Peek. The ceremony will take place in front of the
City H~l. Det~ls wz~i b~ ~no~ced la, er.
- p~O_ng Bo~ was then called in fo~ ~_ open m~eti~g.
I~. kqaitm~ asked if ~yone had c~e in previous to March 3
for a pz~omn~ license, ~ud had been put off for ~ay reason. The
City ~ ~ ~
ote~ s~d sh~ could ~ot ~Eqb$~
It was stated that any m~n holding a license before that date
sho~ald keep the licer~se.
Mr. l~Uaitman said Mt.Bowes had a license dated March I, but
that afterwards it was found out how he had obtained it, ~ud the
Boa~d had ruled that he sho~_ld take the examination, which he did
~ud fl~3~ked badly. The reco~mendation of the Plumbing Board was
that ~. Bowes should not be given a llc~se~
After furthe~ d~ ~ ~'
_sousozor~_. ~. Hood made a motion, seconded
by Mt.Weaver, that the recon~endations of the Pl~_mbing Board that
s~ou~ not be gmven a pl~ubing i~cense be accepted.
Motion passed u-us~imously.
There oezno no further business the Mayor adjourned the