B~CE ON O~oD~FC~ oCTOBER 20, 1952.
Cemmis sionems P~e sent:
Mr, F.L.Purinton
Mr, Alva Shook
M~. C. Howard Hood
Mr. Arthu~ Fredr~ch
Mr. C~.Stmr~ley Weaver.
Mayor Pu~inton called the meeting to ~der at 7°30
City Cterk~ Dorothy V. Williams, read the minutes of the
last regula~meeting of October 6, 1952.
M~. Griffith said the $5.00 deposit is to be returned when
the, City is £ur~shed with a cloth snd p~per map oF the plat
submitted for ~oprov~l.
i~o Hood moved that the mi~tes of the last regular
meeting be accepted with the above correction° Mr. Weaver
seconded the mormon w~chwas passed unanimously.
Gen~ loFund.
L.H. Calloway
Sidney C.Wood
Louis ~derson
L.H. Calloway 6 ~ 00
Boynt0n Beach Fire Depto 113,50
Charles P.BeI1 1o50
Louis Anderson 6~10
He~ Cooper 32.1%
Le on~d H~is
Fr~k Jo~s0n 39.05
Dave L~em
Sam ~Vr~ ay 32.~5
Char!~e waters 45.~
Re~s~e ~ews 39.96
Ed. Jerken s 40.~I
Jo~ ~o~ h5.00
Kate Willies ~;45.00
C.R .Rich 34.~8
~eric~ Legion A~ili~y
De~ Ma~ine & Supply Co 16.72
Ed De C~ie &
C0nstr ~ Co.
P~m Beach Co~ty RDB. 100~00
Br~ie ~ S Men Shop 27J80
Brown & Moseley 202~14
Joseph Bensik ~0.00
George L. Brock~y
E. J~ MaS~lmeis te~ 46
Blue Cross of Florida 94.00
Southe~ Bell Tel.& Tel.
Me~ce~ Series Station ~3.39
Co~ty Mercantile 4.?4
Lind~ey L~be~ Co. I0.56
Weave~' s In~ee Agency !~ 02
G~f St~e~ Ree~ty Co. ~9.92
Geihel, s Photo So, ice 37%. 28
AUs$~ Supply
Steve~on Seed Ste~e.
Fl~ida V~ve & Fittzng Co.
A~ Ooncre~ Works
C~ePon ~ B~ey
SOut~ ~e~e~ & Repair
Davis Eete~ ~ Eepal~ S
H~¢~d Lee ~e~
He~ Coope~ 26.80
Le on~d Harris ~.40
~ Jonson 39.05
Dave L~ier ~.0~
S~ M~ray 31.40
~lie ~¢aters 45.14
He,use ~ews 39~05
Ed. Jerkens 39.60
Peter Jacobs 42.00
Lee Th~
E~te Williams
~s. J.H.B~o~ 6.00
St~ Pontiac Co. 1,657.
J~k~ s Repairs 30j70
Boston Beach News 9.94
~zse N~tional B~ 33.40
~ey, s Groce~ 9.67
~ ef P~ Be~ch
J~ P.
J~ Quoins
J~c~ T~bot
Chase National Bank $ 1~7.37 I, & S. Fund
Chase National B~uk $6,571.oo do.
161. O1
~45 -92
35o. oo
~Sv. Pu~inton read various bills in c~nnection ~ith t he
Water Department ~nd said they were too high to ha~e been
accepted by Mr. Van Wagner without consulting the head of the
Water Department.
l&v..Van Wag~er said that as there were now ove~ 100 meters
on hand mt would not be necess~_~y to orde~ any more for three
The City Clerk read the bills 0~Kayed for pa~ent this
evening, Eo questions were asked regarding th~'m~
_~n application was read from Joe Scobie for a Beer &
license for his restau~at on Ocean Avenue~
_~fter discussion N~. Fred~ich moved that ~.Scobie's
request for a Beer ~ud Wine License be gr~mted. N~. Weaver
seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously.
An application for a Beer and Wine License was also read
from~Lv. W,LoLauber fo._his ~ocerQ~ store on Ocean Avenue.
Attehtion was dr~_w~._ to a c~.unication re?e~ed f~cm
M~. Harvey 0yet imwhmch he stated that the buzldlng pccupied
by ~. Lauber is ~ader leas? amd that i~. ~ne lea~ ~s a clause
specifying that no liquor v~_l! be sold in the bum~d~ug.
Mr. Griffith thought th~ Council had no righ~ to refuse
the license.
~. ~eaver made a motion that the request be tabled to
allow ~. 0yet and ~. Lauber to straighten out t~eir dif£er~
ence~ Mr. ~hook seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
A letter was read ~cmMr. Lewerenz requestzug a ref~ud
of the money paid for his building pe-~nit'aS he is not going
to use it, F.H~Ao having refused approval.
Hood made a motion, seconded by M~. Weave~, that
Lewerenz ~e refunded for his building permit. Motion
passed unani~,,ously,
The names of M~. Wilhelm ~ud ~. Thompson were sub~itted
by ~. Mah~ei~, Electrical ~nspector, as the two new members
of the Electrical Board.
l~r. Griffith said the Or~uance calls for the Fi~e Chief
or Assistmat Cb~ef"to be on the Board.
~. Hood suggested a letter be written to Nm.
to appoint some one else from the Fire Department
Chief t~ine csm~aot serve.
Senior asking him
if Assistant
Tbs matter was tabled until a reply had been received from
~. letter was read from Nowl~u and Ad~ms, for M~. Broski,
saying that he was building a motor court _smd requesting per-
mission to live in a trailer on one of the lots t~pora~ily.
It was stated that !cm. Broski is selling * ~
has ~ ~ :~ ~raz~ers which he
~a~e~ Dyer for a note and that he has no occupational !icense
to do so,
M_~. Griffith thought he could not be said to be selling
t~aile~s since he only has t~o to dispose of, a~d that ~yone
living in a trailer must comp!y~ with the bindi~ laws govs~ng
livi~ ~ a t~e~ in the C~ty~
~ F~ed~Ich said th~ 0~ce lays d~ t~t no t~ile~
is to bs lived in within the City l~s~
pa~ks~ ~d ~ a mot!o~ t~t the City 0~c~ ~e roll,ed
~d.~he~ pa~ty notified to ~is effect. ~. Shoo~ seco~ed th~
motion w~ch w~s ~s~ed ~ously~
~. F~edrich referred to the tabling at td~e last meeting of
the Council of the ~otion regamdi~~.,~_x-..ng~ gas tar~ks, ~nd described
the p~cedu~e at Lake ~o~th~ a~n st~ss~i~ ~s option that th~
Ga~ Co~oany o~at~g h~ ~otain pe~ts.
Mayo~ P~intonw ~ ~aid thatv, if the G~s Company was taxed , why
not t~ the ~ !~da Powe~ & ~zght C~o~y ~I~o ~o~ at tac~
met~s to houses~ -
P~. Shook thought the same
as to gas,and t~at~ it would be
finally in higher rates.
rule sho~uld apply to electricity
th~ cons~er ~no w0~d pay
M~. Sher~att said he undems$ood_, that any applmauce,_' gas
electric or oil~- comes under the ~ rule in Lake Worth.
~. Weave~ s_~sc tnougnt~ ~ th~ if the City does tax the
Gas C~mpany for the installation of meters, tanks or appli~uces,
tb~ s~ treatment should apply to Tree Florida Power & Light
C omo ~ny.
~qL~. Griffith said that in building a house t.he electrical
installation is paid for, and _,wh% ~inton said that this also
applies to a gas inst~iation in u~mm~g a house,
sam~ ~__e City of L~e Worth is itself in ~e gas
~ud ~!ect~ic~ bus~ess while here it
~ , would be th~ customer ~o
wo~d pay for ~y increase in ccst.
~ ~ ~nspecvor, ~o should insoect e~e~ng,
out ~. Shook disa~eed.
S~ Asked whether the $3.00 t~ would ~ ~. .... ~.
~-~. Weaver s~d he could '~ndemst~ud how the Cit~
benefit financially, but did not see how the ~ilding Lnspector
could do more than see that the number of appliances were
installed that were called for, it would be merely a check.
~. Fredrich said the original motion which he made at ..the
last meeting still s~a~uds, and that as NE. Weaver ~hen seconded
the motion, he should eit~_er withdraw his seceded!rig or stand by
in the voting which followed ~. Fredrich and ~®Weaver
were in favor of the motion; N~. I~rln~on, ~- Shook and ~WLr.
Hood were against ~
FLr. Shook said that if the laying of water pipes was to be
controlled by an agreement on top 'of the acceptance of the plats,
it would be necessary to have forms printed.
F~. Grifflth said that roads should be pu~ mn wm~n~n a
reasonable l~m~t of time ~d that some type of sec~ity should be
p~ .~ ~,~ aa a bond in ~ ~t s~ficient toc~v?r the cost
~ ~, .... ~ - ~ · ~ involved,
of the platted streets, especially ~f a ~o~po~at~on ~s
as, if the co~oration should s~ll, any ag~e~ent wo~d not be
bindi~ aga~st the new
~. Shook thought a portion of the plat ~uld be accepted.
~. Griffith said that if a subdivisi*~ had g00 lots and
was put on file, a part co~d not ~e approved,' bu~ ~he whole
wo-~d have to be app~0ved; ~d bkat not many pe~_~ co~d put
up a bo~ large enough. He t~nks the putting up of a security
would be most diffic~t to arc,ge as we h~e mor~ yacht l~
to be developed, whereas other cities develop right away.
said he will look into it ~d t~ to devise s~th~ that wo~d
be possible in a to~ of t~s size.
Mr. F~edrich said that in the Occupational Ordnance one line
had been left out covering apartments of less tha~ five rooms, for
wt~ick the fee is $5.00.
l~k~. Griffith said that as a typographical error it can be
N~. Fredrich moved that the line be inserted in the new
0,~8~ to make it comply with the old 0rdn~nce, readin.g
~o~'~rooms $%.00~. ~D~. Hood seco~ied the motion which was
passed unanimously.
NE. Fredrich said the rain,oats etc. requested for the
garbage truck men were badly needed on account of the heavy
rai~ and was told t~t the order had been mislaid and had not
yet gone through.
It was sm_~d t~hat N~. Ser~ior had reported thai the coats
for the Five Department have been ordered but Pave not yet
re c~iv,.d.
Mr,. Weaver said he would order ~he boots tomorrow.
~. Purinton said he was glad to see so many citizens
present ~ud ab_ked~hether they were able to hea~ the proceed-
Lugs. There were several replies that nothing could be heard
at the back of the room, and he suggested the installatio~ of
a speaker system~
N~. Griffith suggested that the local electrical fir~s
be asked for bids, and ~. Hood said he would make enquiries
and report at the next meeting.
~. Hood.made a motion that the City ~uy the Model ~-4 Ford
it was now uszng for $2~.00 from ~ohnQ~a~ine, and that zt be
turned over to the W~ter Department, be insured, a~d.a!l papers
'~ur~_ed over to the City. M~. Shook seconded the ~0tion~nich
was passed un~uimously,
~. Weaver said Mr. Hamless wanted to know irma. Gri£fith
had the contract ~eady regarding tD~ water pipe for his sub-
~v. ~r~ffith said he was supposed to get prices but had
been too occupied to do so.
~. Weaver said 1.~. Hatless also asked whether there was
any possibility of h~ving feeder lines a~ross to Y~ller Street at
hie expense at the same ~ime as the 6" pzpe was being installed.
It was suggested that I~. Her!ess be cha~ged for the
necessary to tie into present lines.
There was a long di ecussion on whether the CiSy should pay
for the watering of 200 rubber trees bought by ~wL~.~arless '~ud
planted along both sides of the streets in b~s subdivision at
his 0%r~1 e3ct~ense~
Mme. K-lemons objected saying she thought that the only
benefit was to Mm~. Harless~s o~u property.
Mr. Pu_~inton pointed out ~hat as the trees were planted
~n Cmty proper~y they now belong to the u~ty, and ~hat the Cmty
should be willing ~to water them as a City beautification project,
F~. Shook thought we should all be proud of such a scheme
for beautifying the City and that the expense of a few dollars
fo~ water was quite worth while.
There were no objections on the part of the C~mucil to the
expense of about $7.00 for watering the trees under the circumstances.
~¢r. Marclnkowski asked if anything cea be done to the streets
in B~s vlcirzity at the North end of town.
Fa-. Purinton said the .matter was on the agenda sad now that
the hurricane season is practically over, it will b~ taken up
~z~d something done.
A representative frc~ the Shuffleboard Co~rts said tdmey
needed more benches; that carpenters have volunteered to do the
work aud he would do the painting, but the materi~l woul. d cost
abeut $126.00, which w~ld make about twelve benches. He said
a report of the receive ~nd expenditures in co~ueo~ion with the
Cou~ts would be given monthly in fut--Ye ~
N~. Hood made a motion that the City appropri~e~ $120o00
for not less th~ twelve benches for the S~zafflebo~d Courts,
ineluding labor, material and paint. Mr. Fredrich seconded and
the ~otion was passed u~mously~
N~. Fo~n y spoke ~ the need for street lights i~ his High Point
development, suggesting about fo~v lights.
~. Weaver suggested two tights might be sufficient at the
presen~ t~me, one a~ the Railway crossing and one ~t Seacrest
Road, and M~ Foz~oy was told the matter would be taken under
M~. Sievsr said they have about 28 houses on~s street and
they are all in the da~k, and thought that as he had waited for
two or t~b~ee years he should have lights before High Point.
F~. Pu~inton said Lake Avenue has been t%~nty years wit~hout
lights and that lights are being supplied where needed as soon
as possibl~.
Mr. Hood said the old la~ mower, five years old, is pretty
well gone~ that a bid had been received from Mr. He~mau ~tts ~Cmo
would allow $2~.00 for the old one, and recommended an 18'~ mower
for $1~?.~0 less $2~,00 and less 10%; he will also service it
and carries spare p~rts~
Mr. Hood ~ade a motion ~hat the 18" mower be~t~rcha~ed
Mr. Butts for ~-19.~. Mr. Shook seconded the mormon which was
passed unanimously.
~. Griffith raised the subject of his remu~erationwhich
he said has been $~0.00 a month during tb~ t~b~ee yee~s he has been
with the City amd, after detailing some of the r~ay duties he is
called upon to carry out, suggested he be given a retainer fee
on the basis of wb~t neighbo~_~i~g to~s pay their C~tyAttorneys,
sa~Ing Delray Beach pay $12~o00, L~utana ~ll0.00 and Deerfield
$75.00 a month.
After discussion Mayor Purinton agreed that I~.Grlffitm s
p~y should b~ increased and suggest, ed that he provide the C~ucil
~th a detailed outli~e of the dutmes he is called ~pon to carry
out for t~e C~ty, so that the r~tter ~u be taken under advise-
ment and something worke out between now and November 1o
Mro Purimton said nothing could be done wit2a ~ega~d to the
Water Report this evening as it i~s n~eces.sa_r~ t0~h~_Me .the~r~epc~t
of the E~gineers First, but he asked each ~ouncmll~r ~o ~a~e a
copy for study.
.The City Clerk read 0rdnauce No.2~7 for the First time ,
covermng the City B~iget for the fiscal year begir~uing Eov~mber l,
19~2, ~ud ending October 31, 1953o
~WL~o Weaver moved and ~ir. F_~edrich seconded that the Ta~
Roll For !952 as p~epared and presented by the Tax Assessor
be accepted. Motion passed
There being no further business Mayor P~intom adj~rned
the meeting~
Mayof~ ~