BEACH, SEPTE~ER 15, 1952.
Oommissione~ P~esen$:
Mr~ F. L. Purinteno
~. Alva Shook
M~. How~d Hood
Mr. A~thus~F~ed~Ich
N~.~R. Stanley Weaver~
M~or ~a~inton called the meeting to order $ 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk, D~rothy V.Willi~ms, ~ead th~ Mi~es of the
p~eviou~ re~aIa~meeting of Septermber 2, 1952.
I~.Fredrieh moved ~d ~. ~eaver seco~ded, that the
minutes of the ~revious meeting be accepted as road. Motion
passed unanimously.
Pierce ~ire CO. ~14o13
Florida E. O.ast R.R. ~23.23
Firestone Stores
Palm Beach Type~r~iter Co. 5.63
~s.Wm.F~ncis Shottiey 12.G0
De Marco Tractor & ~p~Co. 6,2~
~a N~llwo~ks 200.00
~o-Test Co~p. 13.~$
Shell~ock Qu~aies 3%00
Blue Cross of Florida 81.60
Sh~w Bres. 0il Co. 8~9.86
Lindsley L~be~ Co. 485.43
Butle~ Me~c~utile 1.75
E.Coast Fire P~otection S. 76,00
~o~ge o.B~oc~ 2.00
0Ce~ Ci~ L~be~ Co. 300,00
C~ty He~e~tile 20.93
SouthernBell Tel.& Tel. 99,$3
R~er~son I~c~ 221.66
l~eaver's lnsura~e Agency 1~958.98
Mi~ U~f*~ Ine. 28.50
C~e~on & Bar~ey
Eo,~ Lee C~e~
C~ Co.
Central Tr~ ck L~es
F~ Machine~
~na~les L.~eye~ & Son
Jo~ VioI~ute
E~t~La ~itte 13.53
Alfred R~ther
Water F~hd.
59 .0o
2o5. 9
4 5.78
A rodent was given by Mm. Puminton ~nd ~. Griffith on
recent me'ting with County Ce~mi~siener Ben S~day on the
of Bo~ton Road k~est.
~. ~t~ sai~ p~ess~e was berg Rut ~ the Co~ty Com-
missI~e~s as, outside ef supplyi~ shell ~ouk,
been d~ne by them fo~ ~ ye~s; that ~. S~day
operative ~d %~1! be p~essed c~st~tly to do s~et~g; he
s~d Green Street has been t~en ~v~ as a Co~ty Road.
~. Weave~ s~sted ~hat a lotto= sho~d be sent to the
C~tyGo~ssi~e=~ ~g~" = t~t pl~ for_ t~ ~aas diseased
she, d be p~t ~. ~ with ~l ~ossible despatch.
}~. G=iffith suggested a let~e~ be ~itt~ to ~. S~day
~ch he could ~ead at the n~xt B~a~d meet~g.
A list of the bills 0,K~ed t~s ~ening was ~ead.
No ques'bions were asked =ega~Lng ~hem, but Mayor ~inton
e~la~ed m~y of the ite~, such as those fo~ l?~e~ fo~ t~
new addition te t~ fi~e-house rom the emergency t~uek.
~. F~edmich moved that the request from the Couneil for water
pipes to go under the Federal HighWay and the FEC Railroad to the
Rolling Green EsPies be set up fc~ bids. Mm. Hood seconded the
~otion, which was passed uns_uL~ously.
~M~. Griffith read a Resotu$ion regsmding the two railroad
~.ad orossings~ sayiog it was a ~uplicate of the one approved ~n
June 18 approvir~g the right of way over the railroad.
}!~. Fred~ich moved that the Resolution be accepted.
Hood seconded the motion, which was passed unau~ouslyo
~. F~edmieh ~efer~ed te the announcement of the National
Kiddies' Foundation that September 29, 1952, has been set aside
as National Kiddies' Day, and moved that the Mayor~make a p~o-
clamation to this effect. ~Sv. Hood s~eonded the ~otion, which
~as passed unanimously.
F~. F~edrich stated that the PTA h~ve requested the use of the
tot next to the Pest Office for a Hallow ~Een Festival '~o be held
on F~iday, 0ctobe~ 31, ~_nd of the Speakem~s. Sta~d from which the
Judges can judge the childmen~s cost'~mes; also use d~ the City
Community Centre fo~ serving meals. They also request the closing
of Pslmetto Street from 0eean to L~ke, and WQILld like to brave extu~a
City lighting fo~ the eve~ing. He said they counted on having
the enti~e cooperation of the City, and asked fo~ police protect-
ion fo~ the who!e ce-~se of the parade.
~. ~inton said all t~he requests would be g~nted willingly,
a~d he was sure FLy. Sen!er would cooperate in connection with street
lig'~ting. He said the PTA should get in touch with the SwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwSwS~fle-
be~d people md make s~rangements with them befo~e.kand.
In reply to a quest!on from ~wh~. T. om Cauavan ~ega_~ling water
mai~s, the Mayo~ e~Ia~ed that the Czty t~es m~ns te ~e
prepe~ line ~' po~si,~le, but d~s ~ put wate~
~w devotement. ~e ees$ ef pipes ~ i~ by the developers
~f~ded t~ t~m ~ ~eDates im water 9ills ove~ a period ~f ten
.... ~ a d m~l wa~e~ is paid by
the ~ayer. It is p~ entirely by the
I~. F~edrich said that taxpayers at the North end of
have requested bette~ police p~eteetion against speeders from the
Dutch N~lll North.
The ~[ayor said the Police have received the necessary
1~. Griffith said he had. received a request that t~ucks on
OeeanAvenue from the Seed Store to Lake Avenue be re-routed to
prevent da~ger to children living nearby.
After discussion it was stated that a right of way exists
to the West.
Several zmem~ers oF the Shufflebos~d Club present asked that
~.~uttimg~ s salsa~y be increased from $25 to $50 a month.
After a long discussion during which it was stated that ~M.
Nuttim~s salary in the first place had only been g~smted to
give h!mpoliee authority in connectionwith the place; that the
City provides a woman t~ do the cleauing and a ms~u for the grounds,
pays fo~ the ice used there, and spent a good deal of money on the
place some yea~s ago i~ the hope that it would be self-supporting
in time,- ~. Shook remarking that if the City is to keep up the
place it should be open to the public without the necess&~*y~~ of
Joining the Club,
M~. Hood moved and i*~. Weaver seconded that M~. Nutting's
sala~-y~e imereased to $50.00 a month. Motie~was passed u~an-
After a discussion o~ the good work oF Lee Thomas,
Weaver made a motion, seconded By I~r. Hood, that his salary be
increased te $50.00 a week. Motion passed u~a~mously.
~i~, Fredrich said the PTA is formulating plans For a Fo-md-
ation of Teen~gers, as there is ~othing at present for the chil-
dren in Bo~nton, ~nd a~e looking £er financial and moral support
for this project° They will approach the various City
tiens for room to e~rry out their plam~ and Hope the Couueml ~ll
The ~Iayor said he thought it was the obligation of the
mittees were fo~med but nothing had been do~e.
It was suggested that another Cemmit~e ~eappoi~tedand
Mr. ~eave~ thought that seve~a! of the C~ty org~umsat~ons m~gh
get tegether~
T_he May~ said that the Civic Pride Society still had a
balance of $1,500o00 te its credmt in the bsnk.
Mae Fred~i~h said the De Ca~ie bill should not be paid
until his work has been done. He said he. had been out to the
d~m~p seve~zl times a~d little had been done towards cleauing it
up; aud that in spite of his ha~ng ~ive~ specific instructions
tl~t the bulldozer should wait for him to be there, it had gone
out there three times without notifying ~him.
Lu a discussion on the l~ge bill for insurance, it
stated that the City would save much money if it set up its o~n
insurance f~ud.
~. ~edmich maid it would mean ea~-marking about $1,000 a
year and would take a n~3m~ber of ~ea~s before the City could
accumulate sufficient funds to take the th~ug eve_~; that it would
be ~ great advantage to the City, but that the budget was already
set up for the yea~ s~nd he would ~ggest keeping the question om
the agenda u_util time budget c~es up for passage.
The question of the ~asig.htly condition of dead trees on the
lot on the S.E. co~ner of Jasmine and Powell was again brought ~p,
and ~. ~eaver referred to a lot on South Federz!~ which was eon-
sidered a hazed, and which the firemen said they could b~rn off
but must 1 ook at first.
Mr. Mahlmeister drew attentic~ to some lots on Ocean Avenue
above Powel! Street on which r~bbish piled up by a bu!ldoze~ some
t~e ago was still lyi~ ~o~d ~ud could be d~ge~s.
N~ ~ton ~id it we~d be d~ger~s ~ case
c~ but t~t it could ~ot be b~ned ~ithout the mdvi~e:~of the
Fire Deponent, He said he we~d s~ to ~, H~d, the ~e~,
~&v. Purinton referred to a comm~muicatien received from the
Lake Eo~th Commissioners statimg t~at a meeti~g would be held
at the City Hall there at 7.30 P.E. on ~nu~sday, September 18,
with regard te Lske pollution.
I~ a diseussi~n on maps Mr. Gri~Tith was authorised to get
i~ to, oh with ~. Brockway with a view to obta~ming copies of
each subdivision, the price of the whole Atlas bei~g~
~i~. ~Iah~meister s~bnuftted a survey of his work dulling the
past yea~ suggss~i~g he be paid $~0.00 a mo~th for cs~ main-
ten~nc~ o
The Mayo~ s~id that $%0.00 ~ month plus Permit 2~ioney would
be m~re th~n the Building Inspector was receiving.
Mr. Shook thought it would be foolish to give Y~r.I~ab~l~eister
$50,00 a month, plus the othe~, considering the r~raber of new
~,ildings beLug put up, ~ud suggested that a ~onthly salary would
be more satisfactory.
~. Pu~inton suggested the matter be tabled for further
consideration ~a~d decision at the next meeting.
N~, Canav~u suggested steps be taken to do away with the
~phone tolls to West Palm Beach, and was told it had taken five
yea~s t~ do away with tells to Delray a~d Lake Worth, and in ~y
case it was a matter for the Railroad Co~mission~, ~
There being no further business, May~r Purinton adjo~m~ed
the meeting ~
cmty Clerk.