BOYIQ~f0N WBEACH: ~ULY 21, 1952o
Commissioners presens:
~. F. L. Purinton
~gr. Alva Shook
~r. Howard Hood
Mr. Erthur Fredrich
Mr. Stanley Weaver.
Eayor Purinton called the meeting to order at 7:30
City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams read the minutes of the
previous regular meeting held Yuly 7, 1952.
~. Fredrich moved and Mr. Hood seconded that the minutes
of the previous meeting be accepted as read. Motion passed
City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams rea~ the minutes of the
special meeting held July 14, 1952, for the purpose of discuss-
ing %ccupational license ordinance and consultation with engineer
George W. Broci~vay.
l~r. Weaver moved and Mr. Fredrich seconded that the minutes
'of the special meeting be accepted as read. Motion passed
Gen~' 1 Fund.
Water Fund Depositors
Marcezzno A. Goodwin 100.00
Bo~nzon Beach Fire Dept. 136.50
Oollector of internal Revenue844.50
Office Furniture Co. 92.00
Henry Cooper 26.05
Leonard Harris ~.40
Franck Johnson 39.05
Dave Lanier ~.05
Sam ~urray 31.40
Charlie Waters 43.~5
Refuse Andrews 29.09
Ed-~rd gerkins 39.60
L. G. Baker ~.00
Aib err Miltines 3.64
~ill Watson t~,50
John McGee 5.62
Alice Kelly 36.37
K. L. Jack Sharpe 1,200,00
Growers Equip~ Co. 10.03
Butler Bros. Lbr. Co. 36.00
~alm Beach Chemical Co. ~l.15
The Ccurt Records Co. 20.00
Jam&s Willis Butle~
Herman Butts
Ed. DeOarie & Sons
County Mercantile
Adressograph-M~ultigph. Corp.
Goodyear Service S~O~es
Boynton Beach News
Palm Beach Typewriter Co.
The Chase National Bank
Robert F. Griffith
Stevenson Seed Store
Bo-Del Printing Co.
Central Truck Lines
Gariepy Shell Service
Southern Bell Tel & Tel
Austin Supply Co.
JOseph J. Buffa & i~'arren
John Hollis Collins
John Brown
Leo Thomas
Henry Cooper
Leonard Harris
Frank John~son
Dave Lanier
Frank McCray
JoDm Hill
Ed. Jerkens
Refuse f~ndrews
John Violante
Oameron & Barkley Co.
Neptune Meter Co.
Fla. Valve & Fitting Co.
~0 ~00
Z~O. 00
Farquhar MaChinery Co.
Genton~s Plumbing & Bicycle Shop
Florida Power & Light
Sam Murray
Lee Thomas
Charlie Vfaters
John Brown
Elizabeth McKeown 5,46
James Willis Butler 91.85
Dorothy V. Williams 91.85
Olive Cierpik 9~.60
Teresa E. Padgett 11.68
Julius A. Klingler 109,30
A. C. Carver '43 ~4
Eicholas B. Sennish 113.41
C. C, Weeks 128,11
J. Alex Arnette 127.25
Cheatham E. Hodges 134.77
Robert F, Griffith Jr. 1~.80
L, E. Young
~s. J, H~ Eller
A. J. Klemons
Cames Priest
James Priest ,80
E. E. Smith 11.13
Henry Cooper 30.45
Leonard Harris 41.22
Frank Johnson 39.05
Dave Lanier
Sam Murray 32.32
Les Thomas 42.50
Charlie Waters 45.77
John Hi!l 44,00
Frank McCray 44.00
JOseph Bencik 75.00
Dorothy~itehead 55.00
Refuse Andrews ~0.00
Marceli~ A~ Goodwin 16.00
Plumbing Examination Board 82.50
Mr. E. Co Spinks .80
P. J. Calkins 6.00
Will Watson 12,50
Eatherine Thompson
William Van~agner
Ed Jerkens
John Brown
Cleo ~ills
William D. Beers 5.00
Robert F. Griffith 95.00
City of Delray Beach 50.00
Pine Ridge Hospital 127.55
Weems-Stachelford Clinic 100.00
RUbin Construction Co. 178,00
Southern Bell Tel ~ Tel ll6.H1
Blue Cross of Fla. 87,80
Addressograph & Nultzgph. 1,216.80
Nercer's Service Station 43.70
East Coast Fire Proct. Serv, 28.00
Burnip & Sims of Delray 1,53
Shaw Brothers Oil Co. 162.54
Boynton Beach Electric 284,52
Oliver Falcinelli 25,06
Henry Cooper 44.70
Leo. Harris 47.78
Frank Johnson 39.05
Dave Lanier 44,05
Sam Murray 31o40
Charlie Wavers 42.50
Frank McCray 24,00
Ed. ~erkens 39.60
John Brov(n 44,00
Refuse Andrews 36.36
John Hill 44,00
Farquhar ~achinery Co.
Art Concrs~e Works
Neptune ~eter Co.
Florida Valve & Fitting Co.
Charl~s L. ~eyer & Son
Lea Thomas
- 4 -
City Improvemt.
Cleo Mills
Zinke Smith, inc.
Mrs. Williams read a letter from Mrs. L. C. Hand, member
of Comuty School Board in reference to the paimting of the local
school and the rerouting of school busses to facilitate traffic
on the Federal Highway.
Mr. Purinton brought up, the matter of the request from the
School Board for the closing off of a road in colored town.
Mr. Hood moved that the council close the portion of Washington
Avenue which borders on school property. M~. Weaver Seconded.
Passed unanimously.
Mr. ~¢~eaver gave his report on contacting the Legion as to
the advisability of the local ~hamber of Commerce being locatad
in their building on the Federal Highway. It ~s brought out that
the space currently being used by the Chamber in the City Hall
would be needed in the futurs~f0r city business and facilities to
house the Chamber were being considered. Mr. Weaver stated that
the Legion was perfectly willing for the Chamber of Commerce to
locate in the Legion Hall,~t'he only difficulty being that there
was no place in the hall where the property of the Chamber of
Commerce could be Locked up.. And, whereas, the Legion Hall was
often open for public gatherings, the Legion would not be held
responsible for the Chamber of Commarce propervy. A discussion
of this ~tter followed and I~o Purinton suggested that the matter
be tablad for the prasent.
Mrs. Williams, City Clerk, read a lettar from ~r. Chas. A.
Austin asking that tha alley behind ~osaley's Garage be extended
so as to prevent any further use of a road on his property on
Block 7 now being used by the public for aacess to Lake Street.
After a discussion it was decided that ~h~ ~it~.~has no a%ternativs
but to do as ~. Austin requests. ~r. Purinton stated that he
would contact ~r. Austin on this matter and report back to the
Application for a Beer and %Vine License from Guy De. La
Rupe!le, armor of the ~onplaisir Restaurant was read by Mrs. Williams.
~r. Fredrich moved that the license be granted, Er. Weaver
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. ~illiams read a bid for audit from Y~. ~. E. Keen.
~r. Purinton stated that since a bid had already bean accepted
from ~r. Cochron of ~est Palm Beach, there would be no action
taken on this.
Mrs. Williams presented the council with a plat submitted
for Dierl Park Subdivision. Mr. Purinton asked the commissioners
to look the sketch over. Mr. Shook pointed out that there would
have to be a 25~ easement on the =min street. After some dis-
cussion Mr. Fredrich moved that the plat be tabled mutil the
correction was made.
~rs. Williams presented the council with the plat for
Rolling Green Subdivision. The plat was examined by the eom-
missioners and found to be in accordance with city ordinance.
The correction of the streets from ~0 ft. to 50 ft. had been
mede on the plat. Mr. Shook moved that the plat be accepted
in its entirity. ~Ir. Fredrich seconded. The motio~ passed
Mrs. Williams asked for permission to send a tentative
budget to the State Comptroller for approval of a $2&1,000 budget
based on a 24 milage tax rate. Mr. Hood moved that we send this
proposal, Mr. Weaver seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
After discussion on the ordinances of surrounding forms on
the width of streets, Mr. Griffin, city attorney, ~s requested
to draw up an ordinance making the minimmm =tre~t width 20 ft.
Mr. Fredrich brought up the matter of the new city ordinance
on occupational licenses. He gave his report of investigation
of the surrounding cities and stated that he had no selfish
interes~ in the matter bu~ would like ~o see the city benefit fro~
the enforcement of this ordinance. It was decided that the
classificatio~ wuhich were under question last week be brought
up one at a time and decided on~
Alterations--A license fee of $5.00 was decided upon pro-
vided the altsration was done in the home and that no material
was involved in any transactions.
Animal Exhibitions--A license fee of $50.00 was moved by
Hood, Nr. Shook seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Aquarium--Mr. Griffith recommended that the council include
the following paragraph in the new ordinance:
General Amusement: Any persons operating for pro-
fit any game, contest, exhibition, parade, amuse-
ment or re~reation.d~vise contrivance or fac%lit~
not otherwzse speczfzcally provided for herezn--$50.O0
~r. Fredrich moved that this be included, ~r. Shook seconded.
Passed unanimously.
Astrologist--After much discussion it was moved by Mr. Shook
that a license fee for each operator of ~200 be made for residents,
and a fee of ~650. for non residents. The motion was seconded by
~. Weaver and oassed unanimously.
Auto Cleaning and Polishing Cars--it was decided to change the
work Cleani~ to read Auto Laundry.
Boats for Hire, Canoes, Rowboats--~lr. Fredrich moved that
the $3.50 charge be incorporated in the ordinance. Mr. Weaver
seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ~@. Fredrich moved
that charter fishi~ boats pay a license fee of $10.00. Mr.
Shook seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Dynamite Dealers--Nr. Fredrich moved thaD dynamite dealers
pay a license fee of $50.00, ~Lr. Shook seconded the motion and
it was passed unanimously.
Frankfurters, Hot Dogs and Cold Drinks. Per truck, without
concessio~--M~. Fredrich moved that a license fee of $100.00 be
payed by those who come under the akove classification.
Shook seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.
Hand Biils--~r. Shook moved that this fee be advanced to
$50.00. Mr. Fredrich seconded the mot_on, and it was passed
Junk dealer--Mr. Fredrich moved that the recommended ~50.00
be accepted. Ma. Weaver seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Real Estate Brokers--yr. Purinton recommended that the fee
be $25.00~ Er. Weaver so moved, Mr. Fredrich seconded. The
motion paased unanimously.
Real Estate Salasmen--Mr. Purinton
fee be $t0.00. Mr. Weaver so moved,
motion passed unanimously.
recommended that this
Frefrich seconded. The
Solicitors--yr. Shook moved and ~'~. Vfeaver seconded that
this license be set at $75.00. Motion passed muanimously.
Mr. Fredrich stated that that concluded the changes in the
9rdinanee as pro~sed. ~k~r. Weaver moved that moving vans be
zncorporated at ~5o00 each truck. The motion was seconded and
passed unanimously.
~r. Weaver moved that persons requiring multiple license
should be required to pay the highest license fee allowable.
Mr. Shook seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Nr. ~¥eaver moved that the ordinance be passed to take effect
i -'at ~ ,
mmem~ e~y. ~Ar. Fredrich seconded Motion passed unanimously.
Fir. Fredrich stated that tbs uaw garbage truck had improved
the condition of the city trememdously. H~ever, on rainy days
since there was no provismon, the work of collecting garbage had
to~be stopped~ ~until the rain was over~ He moved that the city
purchase th~se ~aincgats, three~ gloves and three pair of
boots nog to exceed ~100.00. i@. Shook~ seconded. Motion passed
unanimously,~ ~ ~.
Mr, Fredrich brought up a bill presented to the city by
Zinke Smith for road conzracting, He stated that he did noz under-
stand the bill and that the commissioners could not constitute
definitely that the material alleged to be used in the construction
of the roads was an actuality, Much discussion followed as ~o the
ways and means of deter~ining the correctness of this bill and
the fut~re bills that ~he would receive for road work. The
Future roads to be
· the city
what they
seeende¢l. Eoticn passed
Mr. Predrich moved that $ he ordinance on license Fees be
acce~tedl ~ its entirety. Mr. Weaver seconded° MOtion passed
Mr. F~ed~ich recc~mended that the following Tuesday be
for tb~ date of the Executive Meeting for t he consideration
of the~ at 6:00 p.m.
M~. ~ood moved and l~. Weave~ seconded the resolution
read by ~. Griffith For pipe crossing at Rolling Green be
accepted. Motic~ passed unanimously. Copy attached to these
There being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was
unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the, City Commis=zon of the City of Boynton Beach,
a mtunicip~l corporation of the State of Florida, as follows:
(1) That the City of Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation of t he
State of Florida, does hereby contract and agree t o enter into an agreement
with Scott M. L0f~In and John W. Ma~tin~ as Trustees of the property~ of Plcrid~
East Coast Railway Company, and not individually, wherein and whereby the said
City of Boynton Beach is given the right and privilege to instal~, maintain
and use a subgrade 6 Lnch cast iron water carrie~ pipe line to c az~y a maximum
water pressume of 55 pounds per square inch, installed in a I2 inch east iron
alt as more fully described and under the further terms and conditions each
e~Y in copy of pr.oposed agreement now on file with the City C~m~ssion of
Boynton Beach~ Florida, and by reference thereto made a psmt he=eof.
(2) That the Mayor~ with the attestation of the City Clerk, be and
they a~e hereby authorized and directed to executs said agreement for and on b~
half cf said 6ity of Boynton Beach.
(3) That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its
passagethia 21st day of J~_ly, 19~2.