BOYl%~f0N BEACH ON JI~¥ 7, 1952.
Co~ssioners present;
k~ro F.L.Purinton
Nr. Alva Shook
· ~Lr. Howard Hood
5r~. Arthur Fredrich
~ir. Stanley Weaver,
Mayor Purinton called the meeting to order zt 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams read the minutes of the
previous regular meeting of June i~, 1952.
~r. ~redrich moved and ~r. Shook seconded that the
minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as read. Motion
passed u~animously.
Gert ' 1. Fund.
Blue Cross of Florida
Stella Reniak
Henry Cooper
Leonard Harris
Frank gohnson
Dave Lanier
Sam ~urray
Charlie Waters
Albert Williams
Lee Thomas
Ed. Jerkins
Yohn Bro~m
Yames Willis Butler
Niehclas B.Se~uish
Albert L. ~otford
John J.Adams
Jo~u Tuite
Dorothy V.Williams
01~ve Cierpik
Patsy Woolbright
Katherine F.Thomoson
Wm. I. Van Wagne~
alice Kelly
Water F~d.
C ~ Stanley Weaver
Whitt I~cDowell
Robert Griffith
Frank Nutting
Ralph ~J. Chapman
A. G. Greenwood
John Hollis Collins
Thomas J. Shotwell
Nary Ann Potrekus
kars. John C. Cothes
~Irs. ~ly~e Brown
Howsrd Lee Cromer
50. O0
C,ty Improvements.
A plat of Rolling Green s/d was presented for approval.
As the streets sho~ on the plat were 40 ft., where the City
Ordinance calls for 50 ft., it was agreed that the plat
should be returned to ~. Brockway for correction, after
which it can be submitted to the Council for acceptance.
A list o£ ~he bills 0'Kayed this evening was read.
No questions were asked regarding them.
Mayor Purinton reported that thc sale by auction of
tax certificates for real estate on which taxes have become
delinquent has resulted in the City taxes now being paid
up 100%.
The Building Inspector's report for the month of guns
was read sho~_ng a record of new ou~lc~..g amoUnting to
~228,620.00 and of re-modelling amounting to $~,?00.00,
eking $245,320.00 in all.
It was recommended that the Butler and Karts buiidi~gs
be taken down on the recon~uendation~ of the B~ilding Inspector
who says they are beyond repair; the t~ people concerned
to be so advised by letter.
Mr. Weaver made a motion, Seconded by ~r.Shook, that
the o~mers be given thirty days in which to make repairs or
tear the buildings do~m? ~otion passed unanimously~
In discussing the Sills' condemned building, Um. Hood
suggested that the worst part be taken dove, as tbs remainder
could be repaired. ~s, Sills is stated to have said that
she is wz~tl_g to have the City tear the bu_ldzng do~u~, and
wms asked to write a letter to the Co~nissioners to this
~r. Hood and Mr. Shook were requested to look into
the matter mhd report.
The City Clerk read a letter from~tr. Charles Weaver
drawing attention to the fact that the insurance policies
on City vehicles will soon expire, and quoting a figure of
$692.95 for new premiums. This figura to include the new
packer truck and the emergency truck.
Mr. Hood moved and ~. Fredrich seconded that the
policies be renawed and the premiums paid on the recommenda-
tio~ of ~. Weaver. ~otion passed ~nanimous~y.
~ayor Purinton ooin~ed out that the bill for the hos-
pitalisation of the man racently shot by our Police Chief
will have to be paid by the City. The County will pay
nothing for a ~unicipality.
There was a long discussion on liability for medical
attention and hospitalisation, Mr. Weaver suggesting that
as the cases are so few the City might save money by not
paying the high premiums for such insurance.
It was suggested that a letter be v~itten to the State ~
authorities asking for compensation as we had not kno~ that
that su6h a dangerous chara0$~r was in our vicinity. ~r.
Purinton stated that the plans for the capture of the prowler
had bean made long before the mass hysteria which had devel-
oped in the last few weeks. He added that I~irs.Oarver, Miss
Grace Friei and Miss Ruth Dunn would have to be compensated
for their ~f~k in this connection.
A resolution designating the month of July as a '~Safe
and Careful Month~ for drivers and pedestrians was read.
l~r. Griffith read Ordinance No.233~ amending Ordinance
No.204, covering the new- regulations for the granting of
Beer and Wine and Liquor Licenses. He said few cities had
retained the 'footage' restriction for be~r and v~ne~ this
only applying to liquor licenses, Copy attached.
Mr. Purinton said the Ordinance will put the Commission-
ers in a better position to act whenever requests for Licenses
come up, and Y~. Griffith said that all these matters would
be in the discretion of the Council.
A letter was reed from ~dr. R.D.Hewitt of the
requesting a license to sell beer and wine.
A license for the sale of beer and wine was
by Mr. Daniel Snider for his restaurant.
After prolonged discussion ~tr. Shook moved
seconded that the beer ~ud wine
Hewitt and !v~.Snider be granted.
requested also
and D~. Hood
license~ requested by Nr.
Notion passed unanimously.
Mr. Purinton brought up the matter of the Boynton Fish-
ing Tournament, for which there was an elaborate three-year
silver trophy cup.~ He said a Boynton Beach Business ~en's
~ssociation is being formed to work with the Chamber of
Commerce in furthering the interests of and publicity for
Boynton. A meeting of this Association has been called for
7 Po~., Friday, July ll, a~ SniderTM restaurant, when details
of the Association will be discmssed, it is hoped that all
the Co~missioners and as m~uy citizens as possible will
~resented by Mr. Pipes.
~'Ar~ Hood made a motion seconded by ~. Shook ~hat
~he same contribution be made to the Animal Rescue - ~e
this year as was made last year. ~otion passed unanimously.
Letters were read from three firms of auditors in reply
~o request for bids from them for the position of City
A,~ditor~ ~ letter was also read from ~.Lorenz setting
forth his qualifications for the position~
After discussion, ~.Fredrich moved and ~o Shook
seconded, that the firm of ~ohn P.Cochran Jr. be engaged
to do the City auditing on the understanding that they
go back no further thmu Yanuary, 1952. Motion passed
~r. Weaver, speaking of the plan for the proposed garage
for the emergency truck, said many firms have been contacted
regarding the supply of concrete blocks, etc., also m~ny
workmen in tc~vn in the trade, and that the building will not
cost the ~ity much money, for although some of the materials
are not exactly donations, they wilt be very cheap, He
recommended acceptance of the plan.
~. Purinton said that once the wor~ is started a great
deal of the work will be donated.
Mr. Shook ~mggested a letter be written to ~?~rs. Hands ~
requesting that the ~ublic ~chool be given a new coat of
paint before school re-opens, as it is a disgrace to the City
i5 its present condition.
-~'~. Purinton said the City Hall ~tt be so_~e~ded with
new help and new equipment that the space now occupied by
the Chamber of Commerce is badly needed, and it has been
Suggested 'that the Chmmber take up its quarters in the
Legion Hall.
Mr. Fredri0h Said there will be a special m ''
ee~lng of
the Legion next week and that perhaps the matter ~an be
settled then.
The City Clerk read urd_nance~ ~ No.252 cover4n-k g zon-ng,Z
Copy attached.
Mr. Fredrieh moved and ~m~. Weaver s -
eoondea that
inance No~232 be acceptsd as read for the first time.
~otion passed unanimously.
~. Fredrich again brought up the matter of the school
buses, saying that B0ynton is one of the very few localities
in which these bus~s cannot be re-routed off the highway.
He said that Sometimes as many as fortyfour cars ars held
up behind one of these school buses, which do not leave the
highway at any time. He mentioned various places where
these buses, with permission of the owners of the places,
could be dra-~n off the highway. This would mean a change
of bus sZops. He Suggested a letter be written to MfS.Hands
pointing out these facts and asking for co-operation,
· ~redr~0h called attention to a sketch submitzed by
Mt.Charles Weaver of a prooosed sign to be erected in a
prominent place calling a~ention ko the fact that we fie
not have accidents in Boynton Beach. At the bottom of the
Sign the words "This is a City of Homes. to be inserted.
~r ~eaver ~as a ~ '
' P~olnted Chairman of a Committee to
arrange for the arection of such ~ sign.
It was ammo~uced by Mt.Van -~agner that twenty new
meters had been put in during the month of June.
~ ...... j~ Y ~, ua mlsouss 0oCuDational Li
divig~o~ - ~_-~ -r f~~ ~or wa~er for RaTline
asked to attend +~ ~mZ7 -~oo~ ~.na~ zv~. Broo~va~ be
th~ ~Th~e being no further business~ the D~mvor
~ ~nee~ozng. ~ - -~e~rned
~oTI~. 16 A~
1. Ltcenee~ for the sale of beer or wine at re~i! for
eonsum!~ien of be~r~es on er off ~ ~e~seS, ~!i ~t be restricte~
or w~e ~ re+~i!, er for the im~a~ce of ~t~e lic~ee for
of beer ~ w~e ~t fetal. It ~ be ~t the ~scretion of
Co~cil ~o ~pro~ a~ beer ~d ~ lic~e~ ~r
t~ ~ii~t =asr co~ ~th re~ti~s ~et for~ ~der 0r~ce
2~. ~we~r. no !ic~ ~ be tr~sfer~ble ~om one loc~%ion
the other ~=t f~st ~pro~l by ~he 0i~ 0o~cit. ~d t~% no~g
c~tained ~ t~s Sec~ sh~ll be inter~rete~ so ~ $o pe~it ~e
s~e of ~holic bev~ ~ resi~nti~ district~ of the ~ wh~e
~ s~e is no~ ~obibi~ed by ether 'ordi~es of ~e
~ E~ ~a eve~ ~elmtiou of the ~ws of ~e State of
~ori~, re.ting to ~ sz!e of ~lcoholic beret, s. whether ~retofore
or hereafter e~te~ is hereby ~ec~ic~-. ~
~p~er ~th the ~e force ~d effect as ~ the pro~ion of
wz~ ~ set ~t herein.
3. ~I 0r~Eces or lo.ts of 0r~ces ~ co~lic$ h~ewi~
be, ~d the ~e ~e. hereby
or ~y pro~ h~eef ~1. ~on con. etlon, be
not less %~m 2ire ($5.00) Dol~$ nor more ~n ~ve E~ed ($500.00)
Do!~s er ~riso~t ~ the City j~il for m p~iod, not to ~ee~
ni~et~ (90) dzys, or both im~ri~omment or fine.
5. An~ iicen~e hereafter i~s~ed by ~ ci~ fo~ ~ ~!e
r~v ~ended or ~solut~ re~ked ~ ~ce~ed By a ~o~
Vote of the ci~ cohesion ~he~
~d determine~ i~ the ~cise ~ it~ s~d ~s~eti~, $~.t ~ ~ion
~!I pro. re t~ ~blic p~ce. we~e. ~o~ or good ord~ of
nei~borhood in ~ch ~he Iicensee~ p~ce of
Dro~ however~ ~t ~ the ~e
ef su~ iiceneef~ ~ r~son oth~
of t~ c~pter. She ci~ ~1
ratz ~e~ned or '~u~ed porti~ of
re~d ~ be m~e ~ere She !icen~e is~
~ it f~ther orda~ed t~t the Ci~ 0o~cil hereby ~C~rem
~ emergen~ by ~uth~ity of the D~lic ~e~e ~d police po~.~ c~u~e
~d ~ch emergem~ re.res i~te
elf ecS ~e~te~ ~o~ it~ ~e ~ud ad~tiom.
~i~ ~ce p~ed ~d ~d~ted this 7th ~ of ~. 19%2.
Oi~F Oter. k
~c~i~ 1. ~ng ~t of ~e prop~ be!~ ~e~ribe~
in ~cti~ 33, ~P $5 S~th, ~ge 43 EaSt, being South ef Weoti
bri~ Av~ ~d ge~ ~st of ~ori~ ~.~ Coast ~!r~
of-~y ~ zoni~ 5ei~ as
~! of ~t One (1) ~ud Lot ~o (2) ~
ef the ~_o~ East 0cast ~!road ~d t~t portion of ~t One (1)
~escribed s~s ~ ~th 150 feet of Lo~ One (1) also the So~th 150
feet of the eas~ 400 feet of Io% Five (5)$ the porti~ ef Lot ~o (2)
~i~ west of ~ ~!o~ East 0cast ~i~o~ right~f~ (w~oh
lies ~st s. nd ~est of S~ ~est Bo'~e~&); the ~st 150 feet of
~*en~-%~ (~) ~i~ west of the ~ori~ ~a~t ~as% ~ead ri~
ef~~ ~ being zoned for ~ia!, co~erci~, motels, ~tel~
~t tp!e re~idence~
All ef the prop~ ~ wes% of S~
Bo~e~d ~ depth of 125 feet or o~ (i) Lot depth, ~i~n ~%
not com~ lems ~ ?500 sQ~re feet of l~&, ~id z~ing
mou~ ~ts of ~ 0ity, zll of thzt property berg zoned for
re~ide~e~ ~%h ~ m~ of 1500 sq~e fee~ of floor ~oace.
of t~ preper'~y beginning at-~e zombi ~o~ o~ ~ot ~o (~)
~ one (i) ~, ~id ~ot ~l not be le~s ~ 7500 sq~e fe~
of ~ ~t~d~ %o %~ ~h !~it~ of t~ O!~, ~ be zend fo~
s~g!e residences ~n ~ m~ of 1300 s~e fees of fleer
T~t Der%ion of Lo% ~irt~ (13), F~e~ (14),
be z~ed for s~ reliances, ~sidentiml MA", ~h m m~ of
1000 s~re feet of f!eor
~c%i~ Z. ~e sub~i~ of G~ S~ ~st~%es ~ be
zoned "A" z~ req~ri~ s~e resi~nce~ of 1000 s~e feet of
floor ~ace, ho~v~, 150 feet whs~d ~om $~ ~ori~
~o~ r~t~f~ ~I be zonei
Seotion 3- ~ ~g~ N~on ~zct berg T~ (10) ~re~,
more or le~, ~i~ ~t ef Green ~reet ~d bo~d on ~he north
~!I "~ z~ed ~i~, b~ 150 feet ~st of Gre~
~o~i~ 4. Se% ~ ~ ~1~ located ~
of Pe~r~l ~y betwe~ ~e S~eet ~d Oce~ Aven~
to the Dre~ent ~e% b~ of ~ist~
Be i% ~r or~ed by %~ 0i~: 0o~cil of ~e Of~ of
Bo~ton Bezch, ~ori~, %~t ~v Ders~, fi~ or co~ora~zon
p~i~ed by a f~e of no% less %h~ ~ve ($5.00) Do!lar~ nor more
~ive H~e~ ($500.00) ~, or ~ri~t ~ ~e City
period of ~t more %~ n~ (90) ~ys or boVa ~n f~e