CITY EALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ ,~k~¥ 19, 1952.
Commissioners Present:
~. F.LoP~rintom
blro Alva Shook
~ro Howard Hood
Nrc Arthu~ Fredrich
~. Stanley ~eaver.
~ayor Purin~on called She meeting to order at 7.30 P.~.
m~Y C±erk Dorothy V. Williams read the minutes of the
previous regular meeting of Nay 5, 1952.
~. ~eaver ~aid the words; ~for distribution by Boyn$on
Beach- should be i~se~tsd after the reference to ~0,000
~Y~. Hood moved and ~. Weaver seconded that, ~ith the
above aW~ndment, the minutes be accepted. ~otion passed
Henry Coope~ Gen'l.Fuad
Leonard Harris ~.$0
Frank gohnson 39.05
Davie Lanier ~o05
Lee Thomas
Billy goe Wilson
Sam~urray 31.~0
Kate Williams 39.60
Farquhar ~achinery Co.
Austin Supply Co. 11.57
hint chant Calculating
igachine Co. 679.25
Nuway S~oe & Leather
ervzce 18.90
The Court Records Co. 10.00
Palm Beach Typewriter Co. 10.78
Growers, Ecuipment Co. 7.06
Turner,s S~ell Service 11o27
John Violante
Art Burnside &
Stevenson Seed Store 77.02
County Mercantile 155.11
Louis D. Ringuette 15.00
Water Fund
Boynton Beach News 23.70
Eo~.Ma~lmelster 50.50
Mercer Service Station 71.38
George S.Brock~vay 2.20
Florida Pwr. &
Shaw Bros. 0il Co.
Peacock,s Radiator Service
Delray Machine & Supply Co~
Neptune Meter
Cameron_& Barkley
~$ Concrete Works
Eenrgc Cooper
Frar~k ~ohnsom ~,~0
Sam~Urray 30.05
L~e Thomas 31.40
Charlie ~'aters
Billy ~ilson ~3o45
Kate ~illiams
~m0y Eey~rs 3.65
mrs L~ier 21.82
~m~ Cross of Florids~ ~.05
~e$~er Eheth~er Ret~dU~. 96~40
H~mrd R.Sulliv~ do~ 3.50
~ayor PurInton asked whether all ~a~ers in the minutes
requiring action bed been t~ken up.
The City Clerk seid she h~d v~i~en to QUeenie Stevens
but had received no reply°
'~ Mr, ~eaver~ said.~ the. closing. ~ .cf .St°res frc m l0 to·.ll.30
renain closed tuutil noon on Friday, 30,
rl~f~th said he had rea~ the Fre~chise for the bus
ce end, would add what was necessary.
would have his attorne~ draw ,,~ +~ ~. .h~n ~r~Intyre
- -~ ~ corrected franchise.
The matter was tabled.
~. V~u W~ner reported that the light for the home of
~ary ~cKe~ was being a~ended
~. Shook reported that he hsd looked at Potter ~d
Ditek Streets and fo~d them pretty well chewed up. He
thi~s Something should be done abo~t them as soon as poss-
~. Purinton Suggested wa~ting ~til after the urricane
season before doing an~hzng wzth the s
seemed a ~aste of ~ v ~n ~ ...... treats and t~ it
Regarding Mr. Barnhill,s request for a return ~f his
BPlUmbing' Z~eense fee~ Mr. Hood made a motion that as Mr°
arnhill is ~ot in good health his license fee be returned
to him. Mr. Shook seconded the motion -~'nlc~l' ~ was passed
unanimous ly.
Mr. Hood made a motion~ seconded by Mr. Shoox, that
~fr. Dutch,s bid for insurance be accepted as it would me a~
a savitg to the City. Motio~l~sed u~snimously.
A letter was read from ~. - . .
to take two of his fireme~ +~ ~ ~en~gr regaFdzng ~is deszre
College at which ~l__ T.~ ~ ~eeozng a~ the State Fire
BusinesS. ~ ~o~ma~on gained would be use~ on City
Mr. Weaver said that the plans are thmt the men should
attend the course and return to instruct the others.
~ Hood made a motion, seconded by ~. Weaver, that
$150.00 be give~ to the two firemen going ~o the Fire Col-
lege. Motion passed unanimously.
A second letter was read from Mr. Senior sta~ing that
the Fire Departmett had PUrchased their First Aid Truck and
asking that a building be erected for it on the South side
of the fire station.
Mr. ~eaver said the Fire Denartment had raised the
money - $650.00 - for the truck ~nd still have a certain
sum re~ining, so that the truck ~ill not cost the City a
dime, and it was hoped that the City would build a garage
for it with an entrance from the highway.
Mr. Shook and ~r. ~F
~,ea~er wereappoznted' a ~omm~ttee'
for the purpose of obtaining details regarding size, esti-
mated cos~, etc.,and to report at the next meeting.
· petition was read from property Owmers in B0ynton
Hills objecting to the erection of a duplex *
Mr. Pur_n~on suggested the petition be referre~ to the
~on,_ag Board for their recommendasio~s, adding that until
chmuge is made in the oressnt 0rdinsnce there can be no
duplex in Boynton Hill~. -
It was agreed that the signers of the petzt_on
be notified of the date of the next meeting of the Zoning
Board at which the matter will be discussed.
A tetoer was read from ,%~r. Robert S.Nason of the
Hacienda nurseries requesting permission to put a warehouse
on his property.
Mr. Purinton suggested that this letter be referred to
the Zoning Board and asked that Nr. Nason be notified of
the date of the Board's next meeting.
There was a long discussion on the Federal Government,s
Housing Project for wP~eh $5,50q~000,000 has beanse~ aside.
The representative from Atlanza had suggested the
apDointment of a five-man Committee, not operated by the
City, to find out what was needea~ in the way o~ housing in
colored town and, after investigation, the Government will
loan up to 50% of the money.
~r. Purinton said t'hat while at present, there was no.
need for such a scheme for the white ~opulatlon, app$icatlom
might as well be made for both, and ~eco~mended g~ttzng ~he
matter Star~ed.
I~. ~eaver said the Govarnment surveyor woul~ decide
and if in futura the City naeded a housing scheme for the
white p pul~tmon, the application would be on record and
easis~ to arrange. - ~
The project is only for pecpl~ with a certain low income.
~ Puri~ton said the ~ ~ ..
· ~=ve-~n coEtmlZtes ca~ot be Com-
missioners, and that a Manager is appointed who is paid
per.unit~ per month; that the City assumes no responsibility
theunt~lcity.t~e project is paid for, at which t~me it so~s~ ~ back to
I~. Fredrich moved that the matter be turned over to
the City Attorney and be reported on at the next meeting. ~
Er. Weaver seconded the motion, which was passed Unanimously.
The City Clerk read replies to requests for bids. on ~
pipe, which Mr. Purinton said the City-mus~ have '~efore~it
can completa the present water project, and recommended
ordering 5,000 feet.
After discussion on the advisability of Cast ~ron, it
was recommended tna~ fzgures be obtained on transige.
re }~. Griffith raferrad to the notice in the Boynto~n News
garding the annual short course for Water 0peratbrs ~t
the LLuiversity of Gainsville for a we~k beginning ~tme 9
and said he would like to see our Water Operator g~ to
, the
school as the City should have a Class i Operator.
~r. Van-Wagner_ was asked to get znform~ion' ~ f~om Dslray
.or Lake Worth on the matter and present it at the next meet-
A petitioa was read from a group of citizens,objectzng' '
to the proposed establis.~nent of a used car lot ~ud paint and
body repair sho~ by ~ Hood on Lake .
Avenue~ and sugget!ng
that the Zoning Board be asked to make this a restricted area,
P~. Fredrich SUggested the matter be referrs~ to the
Zoning Board°
A letter was read from Danner Ford uo '
for a garbage truck d ~ n~ n~ ~ q ~zng $3,4~1.~I
lz~ ~7,~5~.~1, as ~sed in ~e~t ~a~- ~ p.c~er body, ~otal-
Mr. Purinton suggested that the City allow a demonstra-
tion of this troche
redrzch said City ~anagers in various places are
in favor of the Gar ~?ood truck~ the other one act b~ing so
effective in the way of packing, although the Cit~ could have
athedemonstrationGar Wood. of it. He added that he was in ~avor of
~- Pnrinton said it was a question of mn additional
truck or $ packer, and that the latter will means m Special
garbage ~ax.
~There ~as a long discussion on packers, the Reo being
rul~a out as it ~ould mean going to k~iami for servicing.
~. Johnson said that at ~ recent ~eeting of POMA it
was agreed that a garbage tax should be paid, but, first,
information was needed as to how much money such a tax
vould bring in.
~ ~Ar. Shook thought it should be settled immediately on
e~ as~.of the cost of the truck and the hum ~ ,
~ne ~z~y. He su~est~ ~h~+ ~ ~ ~ . ber o~ acmes
tag a i
on each garbage can should be arranged ~nd B~read out
one°Var, twelve months such a tax weald not be missed by any-
Mr. Griffith said sn ordinance would have ~o be passed
to govern the size of c~us, etc., and he ~hought there would
be administrative ~iffic~lties in connection with the seheme~
The Council agreed on a cP~rge of fifty cents a ~onth
on each garbage can of a certain size.
L~r. Griffith was appointed ~ get u~the nece
ordim~ce and ~v ssary
e the fzrst readin~ t
. Mr. NcGregor asked about the cost ~o the City of put-
ting in ~wo roads in the Bo~on Lend Corporation.
~'~. Fredrich said at the time of the signing of the
agreement with the Boynton Land Corporation a verbal agree-
ment was made that the City would give them one Street;
that, later, George and ~l~.For~o.~ sai .
good to them as ' . ~ d the~street was no
. . - it had no inlet.or outlet,~o thei prooer~
anm zt was necessary for them to have both street~. T~e
~ssioE~r~ agreed on this Street which was to be '
no m'~ lo~ discussion followed and it was pointe~ out that
znutes could be fo~d giving authority for the South road.
~r. Hoods~azd~ tn~t' ~ ~!r~ Formby h~d said thi
he wanted~ and ~ wa~ the road
~;.71 ~. Hood,~ad Dromzsed ~that th~ Czty wOuld
~o everything ~hey could to give-it to them.
~r. Puri~to~ pointed ou~ that th~ road did not belong
to him and ~i nothing to do with him.
~r.Fredr~ch' said he gav~ orders to stop the road but
~. Hood told ~. Johnson to go ~h~d with it.
ne asked who gave author~t~ ~ ~~e w~ ~ne road.
~ ~ ..... - ~ ~ ~,~ e~u on it, addi~E
~ z~ ~.~ ~ormoy saCs.he does not ~nt the road,~e,
~rt~ton, will pay.~or lt. Outside of the North ~
one had any autho~t~ to ~ ~*~- J . .. r ad.
~ -~ ~ng aoouD ~e So, th road.
Mr~ ~cGregor aske~ why the City was paying for
~ Purinton smid he would not take ~y responsibility
for ~ything done wren he was not present. - -
Nr. Fredrich Suggeste4 stopping both roads.
.~ ~Mr:~r~ntoa said the ~tter should not have en
cz~ea Wl~nou~ s meeting, and not at a get-together~ de-
Mr. Hood said both roads are necessary.
Mr. Fredrich ~ree% but said supoosi~ the railroad
does Rot give the City a ~rossi~ at ~obinson Road.
It wes decided t~t Mr. Farmby'and Gegrge shou[d be
asked to attend the ne~ meeting and to bring
no~ ice.
atmosphere having.bec~me somewhat ~verchar~ed,
Purinton adjournem the m~eting untzl further
~.Hatless asked to be allowed
before the meetinga,'~joarned, and R~.
the meeting for M~. Hatless.
to bring ~ matter up
Purinton re-opened
I~r. Fredrich, on a point of order, asked for the floor.
He Said i~e did not understand why people did not pay their
water bills and tb~t Water should be shut off if Bills were
~t paid? ~Also tha~ the ordinances so
~censes and fi ~ ~ . Verlng
they are not en~owcad ~ .... gh. a~.weIt be repealed a
- - - ~upze ~a~e rl~es even ~ithout s
pe~its and then c~ll out the ~ir . ·
circumstances, they sh~ul o~ w~ eng~ne~.~-hzch, under thee
free. - snout~ pay ocoupatzonai licenses an~
others go
the ~ ......... ~?xd .he was going ~o eons ~,
yards of pavement ~ ~ ~ . ~ q ~e~ about 8,
· -,~ ~z~ La~e worth had
a new o~dz~ce COvering street construction.
the Specifieati'ons very thoroughly and wondered
~iss~oners *~uld allow him tn ~¢ ~o t~eso s~
r so, he would l~ke their per~[s~ ~ as he
let the ooatra~t
~eeti~. r~sht away instead of waiti~ f, the next
~. Pur~nton said he ~d ~een toi~ ~+ . · _
present specifications are not ac~eDt~ ~ ~he_
roadshe would, like ~o see the City edop-6 s code for bu$1~i~
~o ouztd t~ ....... -' ~- ~z'~ess be i
g Yen per~ssion
~i~ousl- Y. ~z~ seconded the motion, which ~as passed
N~,~ ~Fredrzcn, ~ ~oved~. and Mr. Shook sennnded~r
Lake Worth s latest code be adopted as a ~z~y 0rdihance.that the
Motion passed un~imously.
~- hatless Sazd he thought the meeti~ toni-
~: ~veryone is tryin~ to d~-~ T~_~zairs it ever
............. · ~z~s are getti~
Mr, Shook said something must be done to get 2he per-
sonal property taxes
t~. Purinton agreed and suggested that a list should be
made out and the police sent ou~ zo collect unpaid 2~es~
~r. Fredrich said he w~ts to bring the City up to ~ate
~aa~ all o~ ~
u~Suand~nghe added money that should becolzeotec' - as ~he
City. needs iti there should be a penalty on
~z zz~enses, and ne did not see why ~artialzty should ~e ahovm
to any one in the enfor~cement of -
ordinances. He. SUggested
the police start from the North end of tow and go ~nt~ every
business place.
treats in
500 Square
iy passed
went into
hethsr the
~nts to
There was ~ long discussion on water rates, ~ir. Purinton
saying he -¢~o~ld like to see the present rate reduced to what
it was before the increase of a year ago: i.e. $1.50 for
5,000 gallons.
Mr. Weaver ~de a motion, seconded by
~od that the
Water Rate Ordznance be
~e~sec so that the minimtum Water
charge shall be $1.50 for the f'
zrs~ 5,000 gallons. ~0 ~ents
a thousand from 5 to 7 thousand.a
~ n~,~tB~tY cents a thousan~
from 15,000 to 30,000 gallons; with a graduated scale from
there on, effective in guns. Motio~ passed unmuimomsly.
P~. Griffith read Ordinance 232 amending Ordinance 219,
covering the new water rates.
Mr. Weaver made a motion, seconded by ~. Wonfi e~+
Ordinance N0.232, as - . -~ ~, ....
an emergency ordznance, be a~ceoted
as read. ~otion passe8 unanimously. -
~ir. ~cGregor again said he did not ~hzn~ ,he taxpayers
should be charged for the reed, ~nd ~r.
that if the ~oad is not wanted b ' ~'~rinton ~epeated
~ y the Boynton Land Company
_e wz~l pa~for ~t and it will nov b ap to the t~xoayers;
that the Ciu~ Co~m~ .... ~ e
~=~ ~na~ ~ne r . ~ . ~ back on their-word:
~ . . .cad under dlSe~SSlmn ~
ou~ ms a continuation of s 3ity ;~r;~t~°t in a ~m~divisi6n
~. Shook asked what could be done to attract the
Shriners.~ when they pass t~ough on their way to Miami. He
~ought bmuners should be hung across the highway tell~n
where the fishing is~ etc. - g
Mr. Geller said he would lend his banner, which is
60 ft. by 7 ft. It was smggested that Clyde Miller also
has a banner.
~. Sherrstt was asked to inct~de in his Proclamation
for Memorial Day a request to the merchants to close their
stores until noon.
A letter was read from ~r~ Baskin requesting a beer and
wine license for his grocery S~Ore.
~r. Weaver -
~gr. B , . ~ade ~ot~n, seconded by ~tr. Shook, that
askln.s reqmest ~ a Oeer and wine license fo~ a grocery
Store be grmuted. Motion passed unsmimously.
~ letter was read from ~¢~. Merlin L. ~oughty r~questing
the~transfer to him of the beer and wine l~cense now in the
name of Turner for the Drive Under.
Mr. Hood ~m~. de a motion, seconded by ~. S
' ' hoo~, that
Mr Doughty~s request for the transfer to him of the beer
and wine license for the Drive Under from the name of
~rner be granted. Motion passed unanimously.
i The City Clerk read 0rd£nance No.231 covering the clos-
ng of mu allsy in Lake Ad~!on.
~Lv, Shook moved and ~tr. ~eaver seconded that Ordinance
passedN°'231 ube acceptedo as read for the second time.
nanlmously. Motion
· .~r. Fredricn referred to the minutes of ~pril 2 regard_
lng the $1 charge for each truck load at the dmn~ by outs
and to the signo_l~ced~ at the d~no. ~ ~ ~,_~ iders,
~e ~ign was. ~Dumping by perndt only. Violators
~~ ~ nc sa~ ~na wordin~ of
~V~r. MaZzoni said ~ nam interpreted the sign to
thaz ~o one was to be
that as a taxpayer he allowed to dump ~here bmr w~'s a~u~ed
could mss the dump free.
it was S~ggested Shot to
on Sundoys, a chain s' - prevent outsiders from dum
be Stationed at the dump.
Mr. Fredrich Said people should not be allowed to d~mp
large tree roots without payment.
Mr. Shook SUggested on Ordinance be aSsed re~arding
the collection of excessive trash from pr~
which a charge should be ~de. VOte yar~s, for
There was a discussion on the possibility of chmrging
an ~nn~al fee instead of $1 a load to outsiders.
tha~ a ch~ge for esnh ]~2~ ~ ~u, anG !~ was su e
....... e ~de for ~+- g~ Sted
is put on the Street. ~ ...... ~on ~f Such
it was agreed that, effeotiFe from ~.~
~r. P~rinton E~gg~sted e form letter which could ~e
l~ft by th~ Chief of Poiice on Offenders.
D~- Fredrich Said he h~d SOme wemlthy friends at Mimmi
who are vitally interested.in B0~nton and are tryin~ t~ put-
lease from the City on the Casino, in order to make
~haso a piece of land oajo~ning ~he Cosino,
if they can getl°ng
it Ottractive with caba~os, etco~ and ~ first class ~estaur~ut.
In reply to a question Nr. Griffi~h said the Council
had authority~to lease the property.
k~o Fredrich said if they could get a regally long lease,
time enough to get their ~gney back, they mig~ht turn it back
to the City mt the expzration of the lease.
~r. Shook made ~ motion, seconded bY ~roHood tha
Fredrich ~d 8o Griffith be a~o~ .......
out ~tt~t ' ~ ~ ~
City in this connection~ Notion passed unamimo~i-~
There being no f~rther business, ~yor Pure,ton
adjourned the meeting. ' -
City Clerk.