~ · ~ ~G B AHD
HELD AT ~ CITT ~LL, B0~TON B~o~, um ~z~ ~, 1952.
Mr. Paul Mercer
~r. Fred Benson
~. Homer Bhetton
Mr. Albert McGregor
Mr. ~lva Shook
~. Jack Gardner.
Mr. Howard Hood
Mr. Alva Shook
~r. Arthur Fredrdch
· Mr, Stanley Weaver.
The meeting was called to order by ~.Hood at 8
~r. ~ercer suggested taking up the ma~er of zoning of
Gulf Stream Estates as requested in a petition received by
the Board at its meeting on April,23.
Several of the petitioners were present and their
spokesman said thsy would like all the Gulf Stream tract to
have an ~A' zoning. All the prasen~ homes there ara well
over t,000 square feet~ except one, and one of their reasons
for this request is that about five acres of the Estates is
owned by a ~r.Bradshaw and is so far muderdeveloped, and they
wish to prevent him from building shacks there.
During a discussion on guest houses, ~Kr. Benson thought
these were not forbidden, and ~r.Shook ~a~ only one should be
allowed for each lot, and that the guest house should not be
built first, before the home.
Nr. ~ercer pointed out that all along the railroad
end for 150 feet on each sids was commsrcial, and that the
whole boumdary would be draw~ up as 'A~ zone with this excep-
The Gulg Stream spokesman said this would be satis-
factory. He added that it was nov so much the size as the
style of the guest house which mattered.
He was told that the Zoning Board cannot rule on the
style, that that would have to be done by a Planning Board.
Mr. Mercer thought the meeting should go on record as
favoring thedraw!rig' up of an Ordinance that there should be
only one guest house in a lot.
~. Benson ~de a motion that a guesv/snould' ' not be
restricted as to size, but that only one should be allowed to
~ach dwelling. Mr. Gardne~ seconded the motion which was
passed unanimously. ,
it was explained that if an owner had more than one
lot, the restriction of one g~est house to one dwelling re-
mains, the third house would have to be 1,000.square feat.
T_e Gulf Stra~unEstates represe ~t~
their s~tisfaction with these regulations.
Tbs matter of Mrs. Yanke's request for a permit to
build ~ duolex on Cornell Drive
d' ~ ~ , residential dls~rtct, was
· scu~sed. The Z ' ~ a · ~ .
on~ng~Board did not ~dsh to pass on this
witho~v the consent of the Commissioners, as it was ~mcertain
Whetherpiece of itproperty~will mffect the whole district, or Just this one
Mr, Weaver thought the question might be Solved by a
regulation thet no duplex can be built in mn ~, Zone without
the express consent in writing of the people holding property
in thenezghbourhood,' and that one objector should be enoagh
zo stop it. He'said ~s.Yanke,s
25 x 50 ft.~ an~ that duplex is designed for
lot. a dwelling ~±l be built on the Same
?~. Shook said he could mot See why a duplex vould
depreciate property more than a dwelling with a guest house.
~= · Benson said if ~s.Yanke,s duplex is approve:d,
it woul~ nov be as large as the 1500 sq.ft, v~aich was
recommended zo the City Commissiomsrs.
~erear said he is in favor of holding the Size
to 1500 s~. ft.
~. Fredrich thought Some restrictions Should be made
by the Zoning Board and be included in the City Charter once
and for all, and also thought the City needs a Planning Board
provision for which cou2d be included in the Charter,
After further discussion Mr. Mercer made a motion,
to be left open for discussion, that duplexes of 1600 sq.
ft. be allowdd to be built in A'~ Zone on ~ minimmm sized
75 foot lot. Mr. Shelton seconded.
· It was pointed out that this wouod mean no restrictions
zn any Zone and would open all single residence districts to
duplexes, ~ntess some property owner objected.
It was agreed that a garage should be held strictly
as a garage and should nov be used as living quarters.
Mr. Bunsen thought it was going too far to throw the
whole town open, but at the ~ame time the Zoning Board does
not want to meet every time the question of a duplex comes up.
One suggestion was that certain areas be restricted
to si~gle homes.
~LT. Shook said some piece must be found for duplexes:
and suggested A-i, B. and C. zones, in which no restriations
against duplexes are made. The only restriction against
them is in A-Zone.
~r. Weaver sa~d if l~s. Ymnk~ is granted a permit,
Boynton Hills would ha~e to move into A-1 Zone.
After further discussion on U~.Mercer's motion, ~.
Hood asked the pleasure of the meeting, and there being
several members opposed to it, the motion was not carried.
~. Fredrich suggested looking into
Cities of about the same size as Boynton to
handle such matters.
~.~ situation
see how they
Acting on this suggestion~ ~r.~ereer said he wou~d
like the City Commissioners to invite a representative from
a ~i~hboring small aity to attend a joint meeting of the
Zoning Board and the City Council to exolain first hand
how they managed to solve this problem.-
It was agreed that the question be tabled for further
cons~derao~on and that such a representative should be chosen
by ~r.Fredrich and that the C~y~t Clerk should write the letter
of invit%tion.
Wednesday, May 7, at 8
date of the joint meeting, if
P.M., was agreed upon as the
convenient to the representative
the meeting.
being no further
business, I,~,~mr.Hood adjourned
Chairman ~ ....
Sec re tary.