BEACH ON A~RiL 2~, 1952.
~r. Alva Shook
Mr. Arthur Fredrich
~Lv. St~ley Weave~.
~. Hood, in the absence of Mayor P~r~on, cai~e~h~he
meetiD~ to order at
City Clerk Dorothy V.Willia~ re~d the mimutss of the
regula~ meeting of April~ cmntinued on April 9.
The following ~eu~ent was ~de: ~28 trucks dump
garbage" should read "28 trucks per day".
~. Fredrich moved that with the above ~en~ent the
~nutes be accepted as read, Notion passe~ ~imomsly.
B~lls 0'K~yed ~his evening were read. No questions
Gen ' 1.
AQ CVC&rver 136.70
Jamas S. Davis 106.60
C. C .Weeks 122.00
J.A.Klingler ll0.90
D .V. ~Vitiiams 120.00
Olive R.Sierpak 106.45
Ea~herine Thompson
V~itliam Van Wagner
games ~?illis Butler 100.00
P. J. ~ohnson 551.37
Henry Cooper 30.~5
Leonard Harris ~4.~0
Frank ~ohns on 30.05
Dave Lanier 4~. 05
Sam 5{urray _ ~2.70
g~ke 7~i ltiams 35 · 00
Lee T~omas
Charlie Waters
Billy V~ilson
gack's Repairs ~6.65
Kurt ~ Quitte 2.00
Chase National Bank 25.65
Rubin ~onstruction Co. 272.60
Dominion Signal Co. 88.02
Water F~nd. Depositors
79- 80
1.32 .i0
&5 · 14
Boyn~on Beach News 5.85
Florida-Georgia Tractor Co.16.38
Nat M. Weems 16.00
Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 246.86
E. J .A~hlmeist er 39.45
Cameron & Barklay Co.
Charles L..~lays~r & Son
Farquhar Machinery Co.
central Truck Lines
Neptune Meter Co.
Lake Worth Federal Sav. 35.09
~enry Cooper 30.45
aon~r,d 'Harris 44.~0
Frank ~ohnson 39.05
Dave Yaamie~ 4~.05
Sam ~M?rray 32.70
Charles Waters 43.05
Chase National Bank $1,642.85
Int. & Sink. Fund.
A letter was read from ~ohn No!an asking for the
transfer of the liquor license for the Inlet Bar and Rest-
aurant tohis name from that of Louis Cartes.
Mr. Weaver m~de a motion, seconded by ~. Shook, that
the transfer of the license be granted as requested subject
to approval by the State Beverage Department. Motion passed
Bids were opened on a Gar Yfood Pecker and
t. The Hotness ~otors Inc. Truck
Less 10% csshdiscount
With air brakes .....
chassis for
2. Joe Blank ~otor Co: 3-to5 model with air brakes ~$,718.00
Without air brasses ........ $4,337.20
3. Joe Bla~ ~otor Uo: ~,698.00
Immediate ~elzverv to Boynton (Dodge) $4,184.89
~. Fairclough Truck & Tractor Co. $3,780.00
Less discount. ,250.00
Truck & Equipment Co. f.o.b, factory 43,091.52
Net mellvsre Boynton..
6. Gaynon Iron Works: Gar~.Wood Packer Body.
delivery 45 days f.o.b, factory net
Mr. Hood said the chief differences in price depended
on the size and wei~ght of the truck, a~d a~te~ much discussion
suggested that the Board go through ali the figures an~ c~ec~
the~ Over, before placing any Order. He th~uked the repre-
sentatives of those compmuies who had attended the meeting
to give ~heir opinions.
A letter was read from the gohn' ~. Harts Co., Engineers,
rsgarding a project covering low rent housing for Boynton.
~r. Shook said he thought the manter well worth loo~ing
into and suggested they be invited to attend a council meet-
ing a~ their convenience.
A letter was read from ~r. George Getz complaining of
the noise from Club Continental on dauce nights and from the
juke box at ~ade's P~ace.
}~. Getz, who was present, said they had been fighting
nuisauce for five or six years and he wanted action on
Police Chief Carver said it was a problem, that::the
Club Continental and Wade's are licensed to do business, and
that wherever there ara negroes there will be noise, and it
would take m~any policemen to keep zham quiet. He said he
was trying to ge~ the new ~er of the Club to air-condition
the upper floor where the dances are held, as one way of
keeping the noise inside.
~r. Weaver said although he lives a few blocks further
away than Mr.Getz, he can even hear the conversation when the
wind is in a certain direction,
~. Fredrich made a motion that the ov~mers of the Club
Continental and Viade's Place be som~oned before this Board
and snow cause why their license should not be revoked. Mr.
WeaWer seconded the motion. ~Ir. Shook opposed. Votes 2 and
1. Motion carried.
~r. Fredrich suggested that ~r. Griffith ~ite a letter
to the Continen~l and to ~Yade asking them to show cause why
they should not be enjoined from annoying neighbours.
A letter was read from~s. Fred Koepnick asking for
official recognition in the form of a Welcoming Banner on the
highway and a police escort for the annual Inter City Bridge
Championship games on April 27th.
A letter was read from J.W.Pipes requesting the closing
of an alley adjoin&rig his property.
Mr. Gri~fith said the City was not responsible, that it
only served l~r. Pipe's property, that the subdivision is not
yet laid out, and the City could abandon the alley by
~ro Fredrich moved that the matter be turned over to the
City Attorney and reported on by the next meeting. Mr. Weaver
seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously.
After a lor~ discussion on the bid for lots 105 to 1!0
inclusive in Arden Park from John Qua~ins. who wished to
have them as a used auto parts lot, Mr. Gr~ffith saying that
a higher price had been offered by a man who had now gone
North and would be contacted if oossible to see if his bid
still stood, the matter was tabled until such time as the
property had been appraised and a bona fide price put on it.
In redly to a question about repairing the Boynton Road,
~r. Hood said he had contacted the County Con~m~issioner Ben
Sunday who told him thaz the money allotted by the County
would only allow for one mile a year of repair for this road.
Attention was again drevm 5o the ho~ rod driver~ on
Oce~u Avenue and ~o the excessive speed of cars there.
Mr. Weaver said i~r. Van Wagner had been employed last
No~ember on the understanding that he wcutd have an increase
in pay if his services were satisfactory.
~ro Shook moved and M~.Fredrich seconded that ~f~. V~n
Wagner should receive $25 a month increase. Motion passed
~ir. Fredrich said he used his car at least 25 miles ~
week on City business and getS no gas allowance as thegns
from the City pump is no good for his car.
He voiced strong objection to people going to his home
on Sundays on City business, and also said it was high time
people stopped blaming the police etc., about everything ~nd
telling him stories ~nich they should bring here to the
He moved that another policeman be pu~ on immediately.
During a discussion on the ~resent state of the budget
a question was asked ss to where-the auditor was who should
give the figures promised, and it w~s decided that he be
rsquested ~o give a s~atement as to the present status of
the budget,
Er. Shook Said people do not know what the Commissioners
are up against financially. Time after time they have set
un a budget and are then asked to spend money on things not
allowed for in the budget; that all the taxes are in for
this year and there will be no more for the next nine ~onths.
Mr. Hood said that representatives of sixteen orgauiza-
tions in the Cite were asked to give their opinion as to
what should be done with the Casino, and the concensus of
their opiniom Seamed to be that they wa~uted it to be r~n as
it has been.
Three letters from applicants wereread:-
games Griffin.
Glen and Estelle Barkley.
~iltard and Helen Bryant.
lQ. Weaver sai~ it was hard to c~hOose between the three
as all seemed to have equally· good q~allf~cat~ons,' ' ' and he
hoped they knew thet no men can make a living there.
After discussion ''
m~ was decided to make the choice by
lot and the names of ~illard and Helen Bryant ~ere drawn.
~. Fredrich said the Boynton Beach Land Corporation
would like to erect s warehouse 30 x ~5 feet and-that the
City could buy it on completion bf the project at the cost
price of ~,200~ or they will tear it down. He added that
the $fty has no Storehouse and this womld Seem~ a good oppor-
zunity to get one. They request permission to build it on
City-o~.ed land on Woolbri~ht Road facing the railroad.
Mr. Griffith Said there did not Seem to be any objection
as long as regatations regarding septic tanks, etc., Were
observed, that is be ~00 or 500 ft. from the nearest well
and have no effect on the water system.
Nr. Fredrich said if the City would
use C.B.S. construction, otherwise wood~
dismantled later and mOved.
Shook said he did not know wha5
buy it they would
so that ~
_t co~d be
condition the build-
lng would be in after ~wo or three years; that it would be
s good thing to have SUch a S~orehomse, that it would cost
about $5,000 as it has to have toitets~ and that more time
should be given to consider it. He was asked to look at the
plans and ~o repor~ to the Co~miesioners later.
~. Fredrich reported on the results of the half day
service of the Gar Wood garbage truck saying they showed the
truck would save three and a half times the work now done by
the presen~ men and trucks. He advocated purchase of the
truck in order to be prepared for Boynton's increase in
oopulationo The truck would cost about $8,100, including
~he platform for the men and two cans to pick up garbage.
The Green Street project people say that if the City buys
this truck, they may buy another one for the City.
~. Weaver again advocated the enforcing of the City
Ordinance that garbage containers be placed at the curb on
collection days as a saving to the City. He suggested going
on record as being in favor of purchasing the truck.
M~. Grif~ith read the Building Code Ordinance No.230,
which constitutas the second reading.
Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by ~&r. Fredrich, that
Ordinance No.230 be adopted. ~otion passed unanimously.
During a discussion on hydrants, ~r. Shook saggested
Briny Breezes should ~ay $75.00 for each hydrant, amd M~.
Fredrich suggested that the four hydrants no~ paid for
should be ~aken cud at 48 hours' notice.
Mrs. Bosworth in reporting on the progress on the
cemetery suggested that ~gr. Joseph Greenwood, who lives nearby,
be paid $50.00 for looking after the cemetery grass, etc.,
until Decoration Day.
Mr. Weaver made amotion, seconded by ~.Skook, that
Mt. Joseph Greenwood be paid $50.00 for watering the cemetery
grass, e~c., until Decoration Day. Motion passed unanimously.
After discussion, ~ir.Weaver made a motion, seconded
by I~r. Shook, that a notice be inserted in the local paper
that. starting ~y l, the a~fzdavzt charge o all tax search-
lng ~ll be $1,00 for the first year and $1.00 for each year
thereafter, Motion passed unanimously.
Answering a question as ~o authorisation for pipe used
in the cemetery and park, Mt. Shook said these come under City
maintenance and no motion is needed for their authorization
for this purpose.
Public auctions were again discussed.
There being no further
business, !~r. Hood adjourned the ~
Ch6irm n .
~-~[t 3 Clerk°