Minutes 04-07-52~w~-UTES OF A _P_~GULAR _~EETING OF ~ ~ITY C0~SSI0t~RS
Co~ssioners present:
Mr. H~ardt{ood
~. Alva Shook
~. Arthur Fredrich
Mr. Stanley Weaver.
Mr. Hood in the absence of Mayor Pnrinton, called the
meeting ro orderat 7.30 P.M.
Dorothy V. Williams, City Clerk, read the minutes of
the last regular meeting of .March 17, 1952.
~r. Shook moved and Mr.Fredrich seconded that the
minutes be accepted as read with the exception of the amend-
ment that in place of PS.~ohnson being invited to all meetings
it should read the President of POI~. Motion passed un~mi-
The minutes of the special meeting of March 28 were
read. ~.Shook said his remark about Mt.Names saying he had
received no instructions shomld read "~@.McNames had said he
would sit in at all meetings and would give a monthly statement;
that he had given one or two but none thereafter~.
~r. Fredrieh moved a~d D~.Weaver seconded that with
the above amendment the minutes be accepted as read. Motion
passed unanimously.
The minutes of the special meeting of March 31, 1952,
~-ere read.
~ir. Fredr2ch moved and Mr. Shook seconded tha~ the
minutes be accepted as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Katherine Thompson
William Van %~%gner
Ruf~s Andrews
Henry Cooper
Leonard Harris
Frank ~ohnson
Dave Lanier
Lee Thomas
Charles Waters
Kate Witliems
Water Fund.
Dap os i t ors
A.C.~arver 136.70
C.C.Weeks 122.00
g.A.Klingler 110.90
Dorothy V.Williams 120;00
Ralph Chapman 50.00
Robert Griffith 50.00
Frauk Nutting 25~ 00
R.G.Greenwood 75.00
Whitt ~cD~vell 33;02
F.L.Purintoa 50~00
A.E.Shook 50~00
C.E.Hood 50.00
~.S.Weaver 50;00.
A.0.Fredrich 50.00
games S.Davis 75;00
gohn L.NcNames 75;00
games Willis Butler 112;59
Alice Kelly 30.00
Frank Parcinski 30.00
Ad.Pro. Incorporated 20.00
Boyn;on Beach Fire Dept. 124.50
Foy Ward & Albert Deab 9.1~
RufmsAmdrews 3.18
Enoch Andrews 31.~2
Henry Cooper 31.40
Leonard Harris 44.~0
Frank gohnson 40.00
Dave L~uier 45.00
Sam Murray ~t.40
Charlie ?~ters 44.40
Billy ~'itson 44.40
Lee Thomas
Priest & ~ames Returned
check 23.95
Kate Williams 48.00
American City ~gagazine 2.00
Robert Griffith Yr. ]0.00
The League of ~muicipal-
ities 65.00
Boynton Beach Eled.. Shop 28.02
gack's Repairs 97.24
Vaughn& Vfright 1.02
Pan A~ericau Tailors 235.80
Palm Beach Typewriting Co. 33.10
Hartman's Std.Service 1.50
Broward Quarries Inc. 190.50
City of Delray Beach 50.00
Austin Smpply Co. 16.60
~arty & Di~k~s Service 1.50
Tesco Chemicals Inc.
County ~ercantile 22.90
Court Records Co. 20.00
44 · &O
~aliace & Tiernan Co.Inc.
Brown & Eoseley ~3.44
Detray Beach Fire Dept. 5.27
Royal Palm Ice Co. ~.42
Mercer&s Service Station 40.69
Narquhar ~achinery Co.
Cameron & Barkley
Davis ~[eter Repair & Supply
Boynton Bea ch Pl~ambing ~3.36
Phil's Shell Service 2.95
Central Truck Lines ~.90
Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 22.38
P~ Z. Johnson 97.05
Gro~ers ' Equipment Co. 4.21
Boy,ton Beach Basket
Ball Team 50.00
Gre at i SOuthern Trucking Co. 1~36
R.D.Sh~plett 1.70
So~thern Bell Tel.& Tel. 151.~9
Enoch AnSrews 35.00
Henry Cooper 31.40
Leonard Harris
Framk Johnson ~0.00
Dave Lanier ~5.00
Sam Nurr ay 31.~0
Lee Thomas
Charlie ~'~t e rs 44.40
Billy Wilson 29.36
Kate Williams 18.50
The Building Imspeotor's report for the month of ~arch
was read, totallmag $~9,700.
A letter was read from the Florida League of Muazc~pal-
ities requesting paymen~ of $65 annual dues for 1952 for
routine league services.
After discussion it was recommended that the City become
a member.
~r. Fredrich made a motion, seconded by Mr.Weavar: that
the City subscribe immediately vo the Florida League of
~unicipalities at $65 a year. ~otion passed unanimously.
A letter was read from I~r.Chartes ~enior, Fire Depart-
ment Chief, suggesting acquisition of ~Le 50 foot lot North
of the Fire Statio~ in order to have room for expanding.
Er. V~eaver said Nr.Forney Horton has been m~de a Com-
mittee of one regarding the purchase so that when the City
buys a first aid truck there will be room to house it~ The
cost would be $3,500, and l~.Clifford Province, the owner,
will allow the co~ission to revert to the Fire Department
as a donation to their fund for the purchase of the truck.
Shook su~gestem checking into the ma~zer further.
A list of the bills O'Keyed by the Council this evening
was reed, No questions were¢ asked.
age.hr i t ee ~Ose J.~allo, Insurance
premi~uns. Last year's
· ~ ' -- ~ .... was $833.30 the renewal
premium wo~ld be ~668.00 -~ '
The matter was tabled for the next regular m ·
J letter was reed from Ann Barrett rel~t~=~ +~ ~,~
a~proxi~tely 219 feet * ~ -r~ ~
o~ oce~ property ~orth of the Casino
at a eries of $150 per ~ont.foot, or a total of $32~8~0.00,
waiving her eo~ission oF lO~.
Mr. Wemver though~ everything possible should be done
to purchase the property.
~ Shook thought the property might be acqui~s~'~ and
also Some still f~ther North.
~. Hood said he would contact the Coast Line and see
what sort of proposition could be obtained.
i~. Fredrich moved that discussion on the Casino be
tabled mutil the next reg~r meeting on ~-pril 21; U~.Shook
seconded, end the motion was passed unanimously.
A le-c~er was read from i~. Kenneth ~f~Ad~s complaini~
of the condition of the road near his property.
~r. Hood Suggested a couple of loads of rock, and
Van Wagner said he would look after it.
Mr. Weaver moved and Ar.,~ Fredrich seconded ~-~na% the
Seaboard Ra~lv,~y be o ' '
~ermzttea to out in spur track to
service the B ~ a
u?aln Company at the same elevation as
the pmesent ~in track, the switch to be to the North
instead of to the SoUth~ if possible.
unanimous ly. R~otion ~ssed
theirAgaletterrbage was be picked read ~rOm~up.~ the Flamingo Bar requesting that
they should be ~h
~ arged $25 a month
for this service.
Bids on a c&lcu!ator for the City Hall office were read:
From the Palm Beach Typewriter Co: $725.00, less ~ ~ -'
count, making ~617.25 net.
From the M ~ ~ ~ 1
· erc~an~ Co: ~7 5.00 less 5% discount, ,making
'$679.25 net~
The City C~erk said the latter machine is faster a~d
she preferred iq.
The ~archant representative said the 5¢ discount rata
is s~andard for cities and municipalities throughout the
United States,
~o Hood said the City ha~ been talking about getting
a calculator for about five years and that it was becoming
more and more necessary for the amount of work to be dons
in the office.
~Ar~.Shook mode a motion, seconded by Mr. ~Veaver.~ that
m yarchant calculator be purchased by the City for the
prxce of $679.25. ~otion passed unanimously.
-A Trade Winds Estate citizen wroSe asking for five pro-
tection, for which he is willing tc pay.
~tr. Griffith said properties abutting on City bcund-
aries can be incorporated, by an act of the legislation, and
if enough pa~ple in the nei~hbourhood are i~ter~sted, the
City"co~ld prabably take 8hem into the City limits.
Police Chief Carver ~aid Wade Green, a prisoner, was
fined ~50 or 60 days, of which he had served 16 days, and
the Chief. reco~mendsd tc the Co,mucil that the man pay only
$25 of the $50, owing to the work he had done, and that
5he balance of time be suspended on payment of the ~25.
He made a similar ~e~mmandation in the c~se of Neal ~!urph
who was fined $25 and 30 days, and who had paid $25 and
served 16 days, suggesting the balance of his time be sus-
~Mr. Fredrich moved and ~,~. Weaver seconded that the
recommendations of Police Chief Carver be followed, in
both cases. ~otion passed unanimously.
A petition was, read from property owners in Gulf S~ream
Estates requesting that they be zoned.
,I~v. Hood reco~ended tha~ the petition be tursed over
to the Chairman of the Zoning Board.
~r. Hood said two Ordinances vould have to be read this
evening, the Electric and the Plumbing.
Mr. ~rz=z~th read ~he Electrmc ~o.e, Ordinance No.229,
which he said had been. Dr~viousl~ read by the Council
approved by the Fi~e Chief, Who is Manager of the Florzma
Power and Light Comp= y
~-~r. Shook moved, and Mr._,rearlc~ sseonded~ that this
be accepted as the second reading of the ~lec~r!c Code~
Ordinance No.229. ~Otion approved unanimously.
~[r. Griffith rea~ 0~dl~m~,~28,~f the Plu~bing Code,
which he said had also bee~ read by the Council,
Mr. Shook~ made a motion, seconded by Mt.Weaver, that
the ~lumbin~ ~oue~ Ordinance Eo.2~$,~ ' ~ shomld be accepted'
as ~mving been read twice. Motion passed mnanimomsly.
i~. Fredrich said the5 the various authorised cards would
have to be printed in cormection with tbs new codes. He said
also that La~e Wo~rth ~uld li~e to have reciprocal arrange-
ments wdth Boymton regarding examinations, that they have ~
very efficianz set-up which does away with a lot of things
which are not kosher at the present time.
~r. Griffith recommended that these ordinances be
printed at the same time as the cards.
Y~ro Mahlmeister said he would get a price on the
printi~g and report at the new regular ~*
mae ~_ng. He added
that ~ir.Fiska is teavz g Boyn~on and suggested Mr.A.J.Weigman
be appointed by the Co~cil ~o sit on the Electrical Board
in his place.
D~. Weigman accepted the~appointment but said he would
be away in Yuly and August.
~. Fredrich said that as the Fire Chief should be on
the ~lectrzc Board, he would wmt~.raw leaving ~[r.~en_or or
his assistant to take his place.
After ~ discussion on auctions and the advisability of
discouraging them from coming to Boynton, Mr. Griffith was
asked to look up the 0rdinences regarding them an~ to have
a tough one ready for the next meeting.
Mr. Fredrich said the Blue Cross hospitalisation people
had left application'forms and that the City employees were
in favor of the plan; tha~ it involved too much money under
the present wages, .and that the City employees request that
the City pay the individual portion of the ~2.~0 per month
per person, and the employees womld assume vhe f~mily portion.
Mr. Weaver made a motion that the plan to pay $2.~0
monthly for each city employee muder the Blue Cross ho~piz
atization plan be accep'0ed~ the employees to assume any
obligation for families. ~r. Shook seconded the motion,
~hieh was passed unanimously.
Mr. Fr~arzcn referred ~o occupational licenses still
unpaid and which he does not 'think the police should have to
0oile~to He said that since March 15 forty-five people have
paid their license due la'st October 31. He added that in
time a City ~anager ~ill have to be s~gaged who will see
that the law is enforced.
~. Fredrich aisc spoke at length on the garbage
situation as becemi~g mo~e mud more of a problem, saying
that some people are not co-operating~and it should not be
up to the Police to follow up this job.
He also spoke of the necessity for a new City Charter
th? present one being 40 years old, and many of the Ordinances
being out of d~te~ and taking a lot of tide.to trace, A new
Charter would cost in the neighbo~rhood'of $1,000.00 ~ud,
if the 0rdlnsnces are brought up to date and enfOrced,.and
accupationaI licenses co±lected, it would pay for itself
in one year.
~r. Griffitk agreed that the City should have ~ new
Charter and that mamy ch~a?ges will have to be made in the
old one. He added that ~t should be flexible to go along
with tbs exPansio~ of the City, and wo~td have va be approved
by the people at the next City election, He said the
modern trend is to have one reading instead of 5we, after
approval by the C.ouncil, the Ordinances to be bo~ud in one
volume so as to be easily accessible.
Mr. Fredrich suggested a $1 charge ocr truck load f~f:~
garbage dumped in the C~ty dump by outsiders; that 28-~cks
dump garbage there and if each pays $1, the City migh~ hire
a man to watch the dump. One truck cannot do the work for
the entire City, and an up-to-date garbage truck is coming
here next week to show how itcan cover the whole city in one
day. At present the City trucks are needed for collecting
trash and refuse along the roads~
Another problem, he said, is the work in the City Hall
where there is not enough ~elpf He asked the Council to
go on rebord as favoring th~ c±osing of city Hall to the
public on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings so that
the girls can catch up with their work. He also said that
other City Halls closed their offices at g P.M. from April
to November.
He also said another man is badly needed on the Police
Force and that if nothing is done about the Police Department,
the City Hall o~ffice staff, and the garbage~ the City will
be so far behind in a year tha$ it ~on't be able to do any-
thing. He again advocated a City. Nanager, and Said he gave
these recommendations after three months as being a Commission-
er and doing what he~ coul~ to help the City.
~r. Hooo2 agreed tha~ the Cz~y i's growing so fast that a
new charter has become necsssary, and that the Police ~ffiae~s
are now working seven da~ys a week.
~r. Fredrich spoke of the york/on the cemetery with the
help of th2 County CommisSioners and several prisoners, as
reoorted by D~s. Boswort~ He suggested a mew Ordinance and
a ~oard of GoYernors for the cemetery.
1~. V~eaver ~pressed the belief that the Council are
in accord with everything ~- Fredr&ch recommends, but that
time will be needed to solve~each problem. He ~mde a motion
that the City Hall should be closed zo the p~blic Wednesday
afternoons and Sat~mrdaY mornings so that the work there may
be done v~thout interruption, and also to close the office
at ~ P.M. from April to November. Mr~ Shook seconded the
motion, which was passed unanimously.
~. Fredrich said he had oeen obliged to use his own car
extensively on City work and would like the co~mmlssioners to
consider the possibility of his getting an allow~ance of gas,
no expense other than the $50 monthly being allowed in the
C hurter ~
I~ Shook said th~ City was fortunate in having some
one zo take the time to do what Mr. Fredrich has for th~
City and he ~hought he should be helped out if possible.
He added that Dir. Parinton had~spen~ a lot of time and used
his own car without receiving compensation; that ~. Fredrich
is practically acting as City ~anager, an appointment which
the City cannot afford at the ~oment.
~@. Hood asked the audience to raise their h~uds if in
favor of making an allowance of gas ~o ~r.Fredrich on City
~usiness. ~any raised their hands in affirmation, none
in the negative.
Mr. Shook made s motion~ seconded by Nr. Wea~er, that
}~r. Fredrich receive gas from the City gas pump for his car
when used on City business. Motion peened unanimously,
Mr. Oliver requested a light for his hcuse at the corner
of Poweli and Lake.
~r. Fredrich moved~ and ~r.~eaver seconded, that~.a light
be installed as requested by ~r.01iver. Motion passed
Mr. Hood ~ugges~ed recessing the meeting until later in
the week as it was already late. Wednesday evening, April
9th, at 7.30 ?.M. was agreed on.
~ ~ on the meeting until Wednesday
Mr. Hood t~e~eup recessed
evening, April 9th.
B]~ACH~ ~0RIDA~ 0~ A~RIL 7~ 195~ ~LD AT T~
HALL~, ~ON ~AC~, ON A~RIL 9, 1952.
Co~m~issioners present: I~. Hood, in the C~ir, ~r. Shook
~. Fredrich
~. Weaver.
Mr o
and gave
s tat us.
~r. Hood, in the absence of Mayor ~urinton called the
mweting to order at 7.30 P.~.
~ohnson reported on the Ashley and ~elear properties,
his recommendations regarding their changes in tax
~Ar~ Fredrish made a motion, seconded by ~.Shook, that
M~r. ~ohnson~s recommendations re the Ashley ~Eoperty tax be
accepted, Mozion passed unanimously.
h~r. Shook made a motion, seconded by ~.Fredrich, that
k~. Johnson's recommendations regarding the Melear property
tax be accepted. Motion passed unanimously.
~r. Hood said the City needs a couple of zractor tires
and a pair of g~der 5ires.
~r. Shook asked whether they couldn't be re-capped,
and ~.Hood said the~ were too old.
Good,ear quoted $46,32 each for the trac~or 5ires end
For the grader tires DeMarco quoted ~$2.23 and Goodyear
~r. Hood said he could not recommend the De~aroo offe~
for the grader and recommended that the Goodyear offer be
Bids were also received for tires for the police car.
~. Fredrieh reeor~ended that s platform be erected in
the City so that during elections speakers could use it.
~r. Shook said a platform had always been provided
nex~ to the Post Office.
~. Fredr~ch said that during the ceremonies being
planned for Decoration. Day for the dedication of the Veterans'
parv of the cemetery it is hoped that some prominent people
will be here.
Mr. Fredrich moved and ~r'.Weaver seconded that the City
provide money not in~ excess of ~50'to arrange for a auitable
stand about 8 x l0 ~t. which oculd be assembled when needed
for speakers. Motion' passed unanimously.
Referring to the suggestion that $1 be charged per
icad fo~ any size truck using the City dump from outside,
Er. Freurzch tnoug, ht an advertlsemen~ should be znserted mn
the local paDer that tfckets can be purchased for such
dumping at the City Hail ,mutil such time as a man can be
stationed at the dump, or a policeman.
Er. Fredrich moved, and Mt.Weaver seconded, that all
outside users of Bo~nton City dump pay ~l per truck load.
Motion passed unanimously.
Er. Fredrich said the tickets for the Electrical and
Plumbing Codes should be printed by Union labor, and that
all City labor should be done by Union labor. He pointed
out that Bo-Del does not pay an occupational license to the
City because the City work is.taken ~o it, but tlmt laundry
etc., trucks coming in~o the~City pay.
Mr. Shook asked what the City is going to do, as there
is no printing shop in the City,
Mr~ Fredrich suggested the City Attorney be instructed
to wore on the new Charter as soon as possible se that the
City will be prepared for future rapid growth. He thought
a new Charter preferable to revising the old, .which is very
out-of-date, and all the Ordinances beneficial to the City
could be incoroorated. He said the cost of $1,000.00 ~uld
be regained h/ the City in less than a year.
~r. Hood asked Mr. Griffith to give his views regarding
a new Charter.
Mr. Griffith said that since the statement at Last
Monday's meeting he had exan~ned the City Charter more closely
and looked over the Ordinances, which are no~ complete,
several nmmbers ars missing, and even the ~opic of these is
no~ known. The Ordinances of the 19~7 Charter often date
from the early t~enties and ara not prac2icable for every
day use. In the cases of the Building, Electrical and
Plumbing Codes~ these have been amended-so often that th~e
or four Ordinances have to be read instead of one for each~
All were inadequate even when first incorporated~ The State
lagislavure only meet every two years, and if it is the pleas-
ure of the Council to adop% a new Charter, it would not be
too early to start now. as it would taEe four or five months
a% least to go through the old Crdinances. iT begun now it
cculd be go5tan through without ~ly rush and be ready
by voting time in November. The new Charter should have
all the Ordinances bound into one volume,~;-at present Mrs.
Williem_s is the only one who knows there the Ordinances
can he fou_~d.
%~r. Griffith suggested t~at the new Charter should be
bound in book form and be available for ~urchase if desired.
It was agreed that Mr. ~r~m~h~ ~-s~ ~ should be asked to
compile the Ord~nauees, and the5 they should then be.m~meo~~
graphed so that anyone who comes to the City Hall can inspect
~r. Weaver said on one occasion he Wanted to see the
Ordinance relating to Bill Boar~s; he found it in the index
but the Ordinance itself was missing.
In reply ye a question as to the size of the new Charter,
~f~o Fredrich said about twenty-eight pages alone refer to
taxation~ but because of ~* '
could be condensed, a=enaments it ks most mmclear and
~r. Fr~d_~ch Suggested that a to~n meeting be called when
the new Charter has been written so that people would have to
listen to it and give their opinions; that the reason for
starting the new Charter now is that otherwise it weald take
threa years to become law as it must be presented to Talla-
hassee ne~ year. Everyone ~il have ample time to read it
and cooies will be available in the C~y Hall for inspection~
and objections could ne made to the Commissioners ab¢~t it,
Er. Hood said it would be a matter of ~ referend~
election at the November elections and then will have 2o go
~o Tallshassee.
~,,~r. Shook made a motion, 'secondsd
~,~roGriffith be authorised ye draw up a
City. Motion passed ~ - ~
by ~ ~ '
~ .... F~edrzch, that
new ~ha~ter for the
mr. Hoo~ referred to the street running from Spruce ~orth
~o the Continental, with a water line going through° The
'owner wants to sell a ~0 ft. str~ for ~2~o
- -P ~ ~ ~, which does not
give an opening on Wells Avenue. The City needs a right of
way on Wells Avenae~ and now uses it,but the ovmer ~an~lo~k~
it off whenever he sees fit~
~r. Griffith s~ggested a foreclosure could be brought
to see where the property goes~ as the description is not
clear; that either an Abstract Company or a surveyo~ ~
have to be consulted. ~ou±a
,,~r. P[ood suggested thaz Mr.Griffith contac~ the ovmer
of lot 13 block No.5~ Palm Beach Country ]!ub estates, to see
whether he would lonate a 40 ft. strin through to ooen the
street ~o Wells Avenme~ -
~rlz~!~h read o~~ ~
c -resoonaence with the '= v
- ~.~.C. Company
regarding a right of way across their tracks North of the
Boyn~on Canal. The ramt~=y objected to granting the right
of way, as it was a hazard and would cost ~13,000.00 as they
considered t' + ' '
nsc no crossmng should be put in up. ess protected
by a signal, They asked if the City of Bo~na~on Beach was
prepared to pay this mmou~t.
There was a long discussion on the matter. Mr. Shook
suggesting s!~*dng down the F.E.C, ~rains to three miles
through B~Y~ton Beach, since they slow~do~m[thrmugh Delray
and Lake Worth and go through Boyn%on at great speed.
}~r~ Fredrich suggested using a little foresight. The
163 acres of land have been sold by the City with the idea
of having a crossing on the South side of tow~, and the City
doesn't want to do anything that ~ould lead to a lawsuit in
which it could be involved~ but that there are ways and
means of making the railway come to terms.
It was stated that the City has the right of comdemn-
at,on across the railway, and that the man who owns the
trailer park would give the City a 60 ft. rzght o~ way.
Mr. Hood suggested Mr.
to the F.E.C. Co., stating
to have the crossing.
Griffith wr~te a strong 'letter
that it is necessary for the City
Mr. Griffith said, after examination of the Lake Worth
and Weso Palm Beach Building Codes~ it was the opinion of the
Board that the latter was the more modern of the owo and that
the Boynton Building Code should be adopted as patterned after
that cf ~est Palm Beach. He read the Building Code, Ordinance
~ir. Fredrich moved and Mr.Hood seconded that this be
adopted as the first reading of 0rdinmuce No.230.
Mr. Griffith suggested that the orinters of the West Palm
Beach Code be asked vo print the Boynzon one,
~r. Griffith reco~_ended nos having an Ordinance covering
paving of streets to b~ p~id for by property ovmers, but just
pass s Resolution by the Council az each assessment.
.~ Fredrich said there were several aopiicants for the
Casino, and suggested some of the heads o& she City's organiz~
a-0ions be asked for their opinions, and that rules and regula-
tions should be drawn u! to make the place as useful, as poss-
ible zo the City, and perhaps have a swimming pool. He sugest-
ed the applicants be interviewed one at s time by several of
the Commissioners. It was agreed that Wednesday, April i6~
at 8 P~M. be set for this purpose.
b~ing no further business, Mr.~9~_adjourned the
Cha~rma~ / - ' ~