Minutes 03-17-52 ~NU~ OF A RE~ULAI~ ~EETING OF THE CITY
pr esent:
~r. Purinton.
~Lv. Hood
~r. Fre~rich
N4~, Weaver.
Mayor ~rinton called the meeti~ to order at 7.30
Dity Clerk, Dorothy V.Wil~iams, read the minutes of
the last regular meeting of March 3, 1952.
~r. Fre~rich moved and~Lr. Hood seconded that the
minutes of the last regular meeting be accepted as read.
~otion passed u~animously.
The City Clerk read the.minutes of the special meeD-
of March ll, 1952.
~. Hood moved amd Er. Weaver secomded that the
minutes be accepted as read. ~o~iom passed umenimonSty.
Boynton Beach State Bank
for With_holding 293.00
V.J.Syonehouse 6~00
Robert R.ToeLaer ll.0~
Roy Stafford
N.O.Marsha!l 38.~8
Mr. HarVey 0yet 8.15
A.C.Carver 136~70
C~C.~eeks 122.00
J.AoK$i~g!er 110.90
D.V.Wmlliams 120.00
Rmth L.'Gramley 79~50
E.J.Eahtmeister 48.65
Katherine Thompson
R~Tus Andrews 35.00
Henry Cooper 31.$0
Leonard H~rris $2.80
Frank Johnson 40.00
Dave La~ier ~5.00
Sam~urray 31.~0
Wet er Fund.
132. lo
Charlie Waters ~2.80
larence ~. 0wnoey 4~.00
Lee Thomas
~. ~. Klemo~s 6,77
N. 0.MarShall 75 · 00
A. ~. Klemons. & Ma cDunne
Elemo~s 200.00
Burroughs Adding ~ah~e
Co. 873.80
Bo-Delprint lng' ' Co o 39.85
Gt. Southern Trucking Co. 1.36
Halsey & ~G..riffi~h . 20.95
Ramsa~ 0ffice~ F~raiture
co. 180.00
Charles L.~eyer & So~ 16.75
Central Truck Lines ll.15
Boyatom Beach Plumbing 2.&&
Brown & t~oSeley ~8.10
Amer.Legioa Post No.286 25.00
Shaw Bros. 0it Co. 87.41
Lee Th0ma~
Billy Wils o
Rufus Ar~r e ~vs 36.00
Henry C~oper 31.&0
Leonard H~rris ~2~ 80
Frank Joh~uso~ &0.00
Dave Laniar &5.00
Sam Murray 31. ~0
Charlie W~ters ~2o 80
owara Lee Cromer
Chase Nat lonal Bank
Bo~d Constr.
Int. & Sinking
Fand o
Nr. ~edmich Suggested that the matter of the
tion of Plumbers sad Electricians should be re-consexmmina-
recommending that a man who knows Plumbing and is no~ prac-
ticing should be one of the examiners so that the Board
should be impartial.
~ro Shook said if there v~s a set of rules the Com-
fair.missioner on the Board could see that the examination was
~Mr.G'rzffith' expressed preference ~or~ the Rlumbers,
Code of West PalmBeach, which he described at length.
There was a long discussion on the advantages or other-
wise of various codes.
The Mayor asked whet her it was the desire of the meeting
that the West P~!m Be~ch Plumbing Code as described by Mr.
Griffith be adopted.
~r. Griffith said he wou±d-~ lt~e'~ further time to look
into the matter, especially as regards trailer parks.
Mr, Shook said the Board should have the Rower to pre-
vent ~he ~l~mbe~s ~pu~i~g ~ny~hi~g-o~er. He.a~ded that the
plumbing InSpector w0~ldbe responsible amd thatit wou!d
look better if the City could run zts own buSzness.
~r. Fredrich said the City would have considerable growth
in the next two years and should be prepared for it.
~_r. James said tee Plumbin BOard d ~' '
· . ~. g ~e~des~ what ~s right.
or wrong ~nm zts decms~0ns ha-ce to be backed~ UP by ~he G0~cil.
~. Bud Merkel said~ if enough retired plumbers could be
fo~d to ~rve on'the Board it would be better thmn ha~img
practicing ones~ ~ut that so far 'there has neve~ been
p ±z v~o±ations, also that the to,wa is groWing so fast
that it ~ll need all the plumbers it can get.
.,~r. Priest thought the ~est Palm Beach code good but
trmt some of it would have to be changed to meet Boynton
A~ter further discussion, ~r.Fredrich moved ~nd ~¢r. Hood
seconded that t~s West Palm Beach plumbing code be accepted
with suoh exceptions and amendments ~s may be se~ up by the
Plumbing Board With the assistance of the City Attorney.
~otion passed unanimously.
~¢r. Griffith suggested that pl~c~bers should have the
right to take the examination within thirty days after.the
0rdincuce is accepted, one year's license fee ~ be pazd
immediately if qualified in other communities or if they
hold a license here, to prevent holding up their work.
The Nayor said 5here ~ght be some practicing here who
could not pass the examination and who might thus be deprived
of the means of ~king their living.
It was suoges~ed that the Board should rule on whether
a person should take the examination although ~ready prac-
A d~scussion followed on the composlt_on' ~ o,~ the Plumomng~
Board apoointed at the last regular meeting ~f the Council,
~Var. MermeI s name not havl~g bean !ncluded necause it had
been wrongly stated that he was not now practicing.
~. Hood thought Nr.Merkel, as the oldest plumber in
town, should be on the Board,snd~ suggested the ~puointment_
of an additional business man to make an unlocking Board.
Mr. ~ohnson said i~ a Board is appointed at one meet-
ing and c~anged two weeks ~ater ~thout good reasgn it
would lead to much uhcertalnty, and the Board would be weak
ifthe members could so easmily be changed~ He offered to
resign in favor of Mr. ~erkel, but ~.~radrich smid an
o~tside man was necessary to ensure strict impartiality.
i~. George Yames offered his resignation as ~ member
of the Plumbing Board.
Nr~ Fred~ch made a mo~ion~, seconded b~ Mr. Hood,
that the Council accept the resig.na%ion of~. ~a~es ~nd
that ~. ~er~l be appointed in,his p!aoe on the P~lumb-
ing Board. ~otion passed~ u~animouslyo
~{r. Mahlmeister reported that they had received at
Lake Worth a complete set of examination questions in con-
nection with their Electrical COdes, and on Wednesday were
going to sit in on one of their examinations to see whether
it would be advantagaous to adopt their Code, which is
within the National Code~ He said he considers it a very
good one. He also said he did not like the idea o~ a man
practising in ~he City being on the Board but, in the
absence of ~uy available retired man, it must be s~arted
without one.
Mr~ Yack Gardner said a journeyman should be on the
Board. He reco~ended the Wsst Palm Beach Code, althc~h
it would ' . ....
mncreass ~he cost of wmring a house oy about $100.
Asked to name ~ ~ourneyman, he suggested ~.Sam Woolbright
and said he wnuld see him tomorrow. He thought th~ Lake
~Yorth Code stricter than necessary, being designed for a
municipally owned power plant.
Mr. Mahlmeistar suggested adopting the Lake Worth
code as the West Palm Beach code was too strict and womld
increase the price of contracts.
Mr. Griffith said that Lit. Bowen preferred the Lake
Worth Code to either the Delray or West Palm Beach Codes,
as being modern and excellent. He read the Electric
Code, Ordinance No.229, and the Plumbing Code, 0rdinan~e
Mr. Fredrich moved amd ~ir. Hood seconded that this
covers the first reading of Ordinances Nos. 228 and 229.
Motion passed unanimously.
The following were appointed
Mr. Mahlmeister, l~r. Fredrich,
Bowen, and the retired ~ontractor,
to the ~ectrical Board:
Sam Wo olbright, ~,
~r. Styles Fisk.
In the'discussion on the Building Code, Nr~riffith
said a ~niform code had been adopted by Lake Worth and that
it seemed to be bett~r thau that of ~est Palm Beach, which
is~ very strict, although if it were adopted it would meet
the ~eq~irements of the City for~a long time to come.
After further discus~'zon the f l~owlng were appointed
t0 th? Building Board: ~r. Shook as the Commissioner, the
Building ~I~spector~ RQbert Greenwood, Ralph ~nderson, an~ a
plumber and electri0ian to be ~ppointed by the Plumbing and
~=lectr!cal Boerds ~espectlvel~.
~ The.~aYOr said he had asked ~r. Griffithto enquire
mbo~t p~rcSasi~ ~piece .of land bo the North of th~ CaSino
to ~nc~e~s~ $~ City's beach, and tha~ this piece of la~d
had cost $~20;'~00 some ye~rs~g0.
k~. ~hook suggested that a specxal C0mm~ttee be appo~nt-
ed to call on Colonel ~cCormick to ask for a gift Of a piece
of beach.
The ~{ayor asked for actio~ on Civil Service for Ci.ty
employees as soon as possible.
~r. Griffith said m special meeting would be needed
for this discussion°
Nr. Griffith sa~d he had the Deed for lots 503-504 ~-
a~s~e, ~iE Cherry Hills, which had been swapped for Eddy
E~ll~son s lots, fbr which the City had agreed to pay $200,
and that alt details in this connection h~d been taken care
~r. Griffith reported that ktrs.Klemons would sell lots
525-536 inclusive in Cherry Hills to the City for a colorsd
park and playgrgu~ for $1,200, and lots ~89-~98 inclusive
for the same price, giving a Deed to the City, and accepting
no money until ~nnary 1953, for the first pa~ent, the
balance in J~nuary 195~, all withou~ interests.
~r. Shook made s motion, seconded by Nr.Hood, that the
property r~ferred to by ~ir.Griffith be purchased from Sirs.
Klemons. ~otion p~ssed unanimously~
~. Bell tendered his resignation of the Casino con-
cession, to ~ate from April 1.
The ~yor expressed regret and said many compliments
had been received on the way in which kit.and ~s~Bell hzd
kept the Caszno, and thanked them both for their good work.
In the discussion_which followed on the difficulty of
finding someone 5o replace 'Nr.Bell at the Casino unless a
salary is paid, ~{r.Fredrich suggested mo~e lights there,
and also spotlights on the b~zldzn~ Itself.
Mr. Fredrich said Mr.Bedford Jones of the Health De-
partment was hare this .e~eni~g, a-.nd that ~s ~he City ha, s go~e
as~,f~ ~s ft 'e~n alone it ~id like the assistance 0f tbs
Health D~Da~t~nt in co~P~emti~ th~ ctean~g ~P job.
~. ~o~ss said he ~ld be glad to do mn~hi~g he could
and 0nly asked for co-o~ra~zon. He said ~he believ
~l?_pers~s~ve tm!k m~l! go fmr in sol~ ~he problems,
[~ ~ ~na~ g~e c~n be used just ~s ~e~t a's ~ i~a
· il, ~h~t W~h dry ~nd ffiI~ p~t 0n top 0~ g~age the dump
c:~n.be mdc ~nt'o a s~it[~y ia~dffi~l in abOu~ ~ix mohthS,
f0r~i~g Vaiuabie Property;. '
~ ~'~e~$~,. when .a new ditch will be made a~d the Cit~
tractor ca~ ge ~o work on i~t.
The .~or Shanked Mr~Jones for attendin~ the meeting and
assured him o~ the fullest co-operatio~. ~
Edward ~¢~ ~'~¢ from Lake' Worth, said he had a con-
tract ~o build a house in Boynton and wanted to know abomt
obtaining_a license in view of the new- building code.
He was told he could have a temporary lz'cense until
the Board has been formed.
The new owners of the Zulu restaurant asked for a beer
and wine license, saying ~hey had been told by the real estate
company who h~d sold them the property, and also by the former
owner, that they could obtain such a license.
The Mayor explained that if there is mlready a license
within 500 feet and another is grated, the neighbours could
Mr. Griffith said he thought it would ~e an injustice to
the town if a restaurant could not have a license, and that
in some cities the distance betwee2 licensed establish~emts
wasu~aived in the case of restaurants. '
The Mayor said this was the case of a good French rest-
a~rant desiring to serve wi~e with its meals and ha advocated
gramting a license if possible.
~r. Johnson said that if a license is givan under the
cirot~mstanees it would lead to a great deal of troubTe,
The owner of the got Not shop also protested as their
place of business is close to the Zulu.
Nr. Hood suggested the owners of the Zulu apply to the
Palm Bsach.Bevsrage Board ~leadingahardship case.
N~. ~ohnson objected to this procedure.
M~. Wea~er said the suggestion of the Atlantic and Gulf
Cabals Association setting 8sfde the coast fr6m ~acks0nville
to Key West as a defense area had not been agreed to by
other PTaCes~in'~hsCounty~and,.'af~er diS~uss~O~, Mr, Fredrich
mo~ed.a~d~Mr. Shook secondedthat ~h? reSo%dtie~ ~pPro~ed at
the regular meeting of Ma~eh 3 on %his sub,cci'be rescinded.
~he matter of Group Hospitalisation for City employees
was discussed and it was dec~ded that applicmti:0n ~a~ds b?
obtained from the Blue cross Company before the next%meetimg
to sea whet pl~ would be best.
On ~ir. Harless's ~raport on theW~cks~n proDerties being
read, Mr. Fredrich moved and Mr.Ho0d seconded that the cha~ges
and recommendations in this conne:c~ion be approved. Motion
passed unanimously.
~ir. Johnson complained that he had not been invited ~o
the special meeting on taxes, although he had done so much
work o~ them.
Mr. Shook said a~s had ce~taznly been an oversight and
was in no way intentional, a~d he ~ rsonally was very sorry
and was sure the other Co~ssioners felt the same.
Mr. Johnson also complained that he had co-operated to
the fullest extent a~d that Mt.Hatless hsd been Paid for the
work. Referring to the cards which Mr. Harlass said had
been changed by others than h~mse~f Mr. Jo so~
· , , hn said there
· s no da~a on the cards to show who~made or aathorised the
The Mayor asked ~.Johnson ~o accept the apology of the
Council, and he did so.
Nr. Hood made a metieR, seconded by I~[r.lFredrich, that
the.tax figures worked ont for ~r~Ste~ns be accepted.
Motion passed unauimously.
A letter ~s read from Thomas M. Cook & Company dated
March 3, requestdng a copy of the annual budget and also an
audit by a C.P.A.
i~r. Fredrich suggested letting the bondholders pay for
a C.P.A. if they. wan{ one, adding 'that if the State Comptroller
mmded°es an°~motion, ~econdedCall ~or one, why& should the City bother. He then
b~ Mt. Shook, that the letter of
Thcs. Cook & Co be tabled.
orlon passedunsn!mously.'
Each Commissioner was provided with a copy of the audit
for 1951.
Mr. Shook moved and Mt.Hood seconded
pttrcha~d for $20 to be diso~s~ ~, .~ _~h~t a banner be
c0nvem~o~ of theSh iner~ ~,--~_¥~.~n~. nzgnway~uring the
u~mimous!y, r ~ ~ m~am~ l~ ~e; Motion ~asse~
Mr. Fredrich said City Hall files show ~
Pational license holders ws~ ~+~ · ed that many o¢cu-
fees and a~ ~ .... y-~ o~y I~ arrears with ' ~
, ......... ~egar~lng this should
be enforce8 the police to m~ke the collections.
Mr. ~ohnson remd out the~ollowlng' names:
'~Irs.Eula Shuler
Ed ~ones
~. and Ers. Alexander Knowles
~,~r. Ed Gadsen
B~yn~on Beach Comm~aity Club
Boyn~on Beach ~
Ellis Eeller. ~ommmui~y Stores
Nr. Shook moved and Mt.Hood seconded that the people
whose names have just been read out are not entitled to
any tax adjustment. Motion passed unanimously.
Ale~ter~ w~s re~d from ~'~r.Grover Leyland calling atten-
tion to the unsightly, condition, of the lots at the S.E corner
of Powell and Jas~ne ~treets, and ~roPurznton recommended
that the n~es of the O~ners be sscert~ed and that they be
writtenclemned ~pt°.mud given thirty dmy~ in which to ~ve the place
Zt~d to any of the ~t~- ,- ~ ~e not~fzed of
..... ~o ~ cO~ectzon with t~xes.
There being no farther business, the Mayer adjOUrned
the meeting.
Cz y C]'e'r~-/ '