Minutes 02-18-52.V~YN~ES OF A REGIW_A~ ~EETING OF T.~ CITY CO~YIS- SIONEES 0P TLTE CITY 0P BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ITELD AT THE CITY~ HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, ON FEBRUARY 18, 1952. C0~YiSSIONERS PRESENT: Mr. Howard Hood Mr. Alva Shook Mr. Arthur Fredrich Mr. Stanley Weaver. In the absence of Mayor Purinton on account of illness, Mr. Hood presided and called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M~ on February 18, 1952. City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams, read the minutes of the previous regular meeting of February 4~ 1952. Mr. Fredrich drew attention to the fact that the speed limit within City limits should be 25 instead of 35 miles per hour. Mr. Weaver moved and Mt.Shook seconded that, with the above correction, the minutes be accepted as read. Motion passed unanimously. The City Clerk zhen read the minutes of the special meeting held on February 15, 1952. I~. Weaver moved and Mr. Fredrich seconded that the minutes of the special meeting be accepted as read. ~otion passed ~nanimousty. BILLS 0 'KAYED FOR PAYku~.~NT: R.B.Fey Boynton Beach Fire Dept Boynton Beach State Bank for Withholding Tax 270.30 Natl.Inst. of Municipal Law Officers 42.50 Ernest Bunn E.C.Ensign Raymond Berger Art Concrete Wor~s Tesco Chemical, Inc. Central Truck Lines Inc. Burgs Electrical Supply Stevenson Seed Store Treehouse Service Center 1.00 Growers' Equipment Co. 15.32 Trustees, Florida East Coast Railway Co~ 1.00 Gen'l. Fund. ~2.12 424.50 Water Fund 78.00 75.00 18.96 6.67 9.00 Deppsitors. 7.50 7.50 7.50 -2- Robert F Griffith Jr. 30.00 Brown & Mos~ley 30.64 Hill Mfg. Co. 15.$8 The Court Records 10.00 Merc~rJ.s Serviea Station 63.32 Ocean City L~mber Co. .60 McDonald Electric Co. 6.82 Pan American Tailors 94.40 Palm Beach Chemical Co. Inc. 32.50 Florida Power & Light Co. 771.20 ~ack's Repair 64.60 Palm Beach Typewriters 36.25 County Mercantile 6.46 Delray Nachine & Supply 3.75 0.C.Wipper 590.00 Philip Trevarrow 183.48 Austin Supply Co. 8.56 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 384.88 Broward Quarries Inc. 54.00 Burrough's Adding Machine 1,000.00 Rufus Andrews 35.00 Henry Cooper 31.40 Leonard Harris k2.80 Frank Johnson ~0.00 Dave Lanier 45.00 Sam ~urray Char!ia Waters 45.20 Clarence 0wnbey Lee Thomasf November Bank charge 9.90 Decem~oer .15 January .30 ~rs.Emily Beebe 5.53 Lewis J. D~golis 75.00 Mrs.Martha T.Robbins 6.59 Wm. I. Van Wagner A,C.Carver 136.70 E.0.Marshall 121.00 C.C.Weeks 122.00 g.A.Klingler il0.90 D.V.Williams 130.10 Ruth L. Gramley 79.50 Katherine Thompson 73.90 E.J.Mahlmeister 72.60 Petty Cash 128.99 S~m Murray Clarence W. 0waley Lee Thomas Rufus Andrews 35.00 Henry Cooper 31.~0 Fr~uk Johnson ~0.00 Dave Lanier 45.00 Charlie Wsters 44. l0 Miam~ Publishing Co. 1~.70 The Times Publishing Co. 4.82 The Metropolis Co. 4.00 Jean Bertram 8.70 Summer Hersey ~.00 45.20 132.10 32.33 46.00 45.20 7.50 -3- Paul Clark Yeah Bertram Lite M. Chandler E. ~-. Put Rufus Andrews 35- 00 Henry Cooper Leonard Harris 42.80 Frank Johnson 40.00 Sam ~!urr ay Clarence 0wnbey Lee Thorne s Charlie Waters Paul J. Haecker Dave Lanier 45.00 A. C .Earver 136.70 N.0 .~arshall 121.00 C .C ,Weeks 122.00 J.A.Klingler ll0.90 D.V.Williams 120.00 Ruth L.Gran%ey 79.50 Katherine' Thompson Wm. J. Van ~Vagner F. L. Put i~t on 50.00 A .E. Shook 50,00 C.H.Hood 50.00 A .A.Fredri ch 50.00 C. Stsnley ~¢feaver 50.00 John L. McNames 75.00 Robert F.Griffith Jr. 50.00 Ralph Chapman 50.00 R, G. Greenwood 75 · 00 Frank Nutting 25.00 Alice Kelly 15.00 V¢hitt McDowell £0.00 E. J. ~¢iehlmeis t e r 59.19 Neptune ~eter Co. Central Truck Lines Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. Co. 67.00 P, J. Jo~ns on 30.85 Rubin Construction Co. 124.95 Marry & Dick's Service Stn. 5.94 B.D.Cole, Inc. 471.22 Brownie ' s Een Shops 29 · 00 Deerfield quarries Inc~ 40.50 Range Line Rock Co. 19.50 Vaug~u & Wright 6.59 Zinhe-S~ith Inc. 122. l0 Boynton Theatre !nc. 3.49 A list of the bills was read. 31 45 · 00 45.20 ~2.80 73.90 132.10 490.35 9.79 7-50 7.50 7.50 7- 5O 7.50 C'Kayed for payment this evening A petition, signed by e group of twelve taxpayers, was read requesting that Tennessee Avenue be paved. ~. Hood said that several roads need re-paving and will be done as soon as it can be arranged. It was ak~eed that a certain amount of patching should be done for the ~resent in order to save money later on, and Mr. Van Wagner was ~- structed t6 take care cf this patching. Mr. Weaver suggested that the Comucii inspect the streets in order to decide which should be attended to first, taking into account the number of people living on each street, the amount ~of traffic, and the present state of the paving. Mr. Shook thought it might be better to wait for a couple of weeks and do the job well. A letter was read from Mr. William C.Lord saying that as he was leaving Boynton he was resigning from the R.D.B. as a representative of Boynton. Mr. Hood suggested turning the letter over to the other members representing Bcynton on the Board and letting them choose a successor to ~r. Lord. The City Clerk presented a bill form the R.D.Cole Insur- ance Company. Mr. Fredrich moved and Mr. Weaver Cole Insurance Company's bill be paid. imously. seconded that the Motion passed unan- In reply to a question Mr. Anderson was told that Ccean Avenue was zoned as Class A-1 residential. He then asked why duplex buildings had got through, adding that no one knew until they were up that they were duplexes. Mr. Shook suggested that a letter be sent to ~he Zoning Board asking them ta arrange that the permission of interested property o~ers in the area be obtained before a duplex is built. Mr. Claughton said that he had an option on a piece of property for the purpose of building a super market, and he !would like to exercise his option to purchase Lot 26 of Dewey's S/D. He was assured that the title to the City-owne~ proper~y was clear. Mr. Weaver made a motion, seconded by Mr. Fredrich, that the City ~ttor~y be requested to exec~$e a deed for Lot 26 on which ~. Claughton desired to exercise his option. Motion passed unanimously~ ~ letter was read from ~rs. Klemons enclosing a ske~bh showing l~ lots which she owns in Cherry Hills and which she considered could be used as a playground for colored children. The property amounted to ~00 ft. and co mld be purchased for ~1,200, which is less than $175 for each 25 foot lot. She said she would charge no interest and could wait until January for payment. -5- A colored delegation was present and their spokesman, said they thought the land offered by Mrs.Ktemons one off the finest possible spots for a playground. Mr. Shook suggested, and it was agreed, that some of the Council should go up and look at the gromud, the option on which Mrs. Klemons said would still be good at the time of the next meeting. The colored spokesman again brought up the matter of a colored patrolman. Mr. Hood said the budget having been setoup it could not now be changed to include an extra patrolman, also that no patrolman should be appointed before receiving the necessary training and beihg properly qualified. A letter from the Chief of Police of Belle ~lade, presented by the colored delegation, was read, regarding the results they were getting from colored policemen. ~r. Hood assured the delegation that the next man appoint- ed to the police force would be colored, when they said they saw no reason why all four of the Boynvon policemen should be white. They said they would not accept a week-end policeman. They asked what was mean~ by special qualifications, and Mr.Fredrich went into the necessary qualifications in great de- tail, adding that Boynton has about the best trained and qualified men in the State of Florida. The colored spokesman said they wanted a man with train- ing. Mr. Hood suggested they send any man they ~hink suitable to talk zo the Chief of Police who can judge whether he is qualified. The sookesman replied that they would bring down as many men as necessary until one was found to measure up. Mr. Hood assured them that the Chief of Police would be able ~o pick a good man, thanked the delegation for coming in, and hoped they would come in again any time they wanted to. Mr. Fredrich said he had recedved a complaint on the sanitation situation in colored towm and that during the last rain storm sanitary facilities were unusable, He said he had driven around with some colored people and found conditions very bad, and that something must be done. He added that a representative of the County Health Department would be present to discuss the matter at the ~mxt meeting. ~. Hood said the City certainly would go ahead and do all it could -6- Mr. Shook said the hogs being kept near.the dump heap should be done away with as the flies and odor were awful, and that the Health Department should be notified. Mr. Fredrich reported on his findings regarding the Casino electricity bill, saying that no heating or extra lights are used and that all lights are turned off a~ ll P.M. H~ reco~nended asking the Light Company to investigate to see if there is not something wrong, such as a short, and said he wauld keep his eye on it. ~. Hartess referred to the Ridgewood property again and asked the price. The City Clerk said the price was $1,662.00. Mr. Harless said he had 352 lots in Laurel Hills and only 26_were still unsold, and he ~ndered whether the Commissioners would swap those ~6 lots, which are worth $5,000 and would be suitable for a playground, for the City-~wned lots which are worth .~Iir. Shook thought that ~r. Hartess should make his ov~ playground in his development and no~ expect the City no do it. Nc action was taken. Dave Lanier said the week-end load of garbage picked up on Mondays is more than his equipment and men can cope with, and requested the use of a Street Department truck and man for four hou~s on Monday mornings. Mr. Van Wagner strongly objected vo this suggestion saying it would interfere too much with the work on streets. ~. Weaver asked if it ~utd be possible to rent a vruck from somebody every Monday morning for four hours. It was decided~ that ~eeping the City in a sanitary con- dition was more important than street work, and ~. Hood appointed Mr. Fredrich to see that this decision was carried out. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Hood, Cit~ -Clerk'.