Howard Hood
Alva Shook
Arthur Fredrich
Stanley Weaver.
Mayor Purinton called ~he meeting to order at 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk, Dorothy V.Williams, read the minutes of the
last reg~la~ meeting held an ~enu~ry' 21,~11952."
lf~r, Fredrich moved and Mr. Hood seconded that the
minutes be accepted as read. Motion passed nnanimo~ly.
Gen' 1. Fu~d.
lire. Manuel Nttmes
Rufus Andrews
Henry Cooper
Leensrd Harris
Frank ~oh~s~n
Dave Lanier
Sam Murray
Clarence W. 0wnby
Lee Thomas
Charlie Waters
E. g .Mahlmeist er
Water Fund. Depositors.
Attention was draw~ to the fact that the Florida Power
& Light bill for the Casino for last month, which did not
cover the recent cold spell, was over $51.00 against the
$21.00 such bills used to be. It was agreed that au in-
vestigation into this expenditure should be made before the
next meeting, and ~.Fredrich volunteered to do the inves~-
There was a discussion on land ~o be provided as a
plsygromnd for colored children.
The ~ayor said ~ott Partin had 200 ft. in e good position
which could be par chased for $1,200.00, mud recommended that
the City buy it for a playground.
~r. Hood made a motion, seconded by ~.Weaver, that the
City take over the land at a price of $1,200.00 for use as a
colored playground. No~ion passed unanimously.
~rs. Klemons said she had some land which might be suit-
able for the purpose and the Mayor said her land might be t~ken
into consideration later as two playgrounds yell probably be
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of
· anuery was reed.
The head of the Roads and lafeter Depar~men~ was asked to
submit a report monthly in future.
In reply to a question from the }~ayor, ~Ar. Fredrich said
he had investigated traffic conditions on Ocean Avenue, and
found there was littie parking for shoppers who therefore
found it easier to go to Delray or Lake Worth. He suggested
that the City Ordinance we hove be enforced and t~mt parking
be restricted to ten minutes in twelve places in front of ~nd
~E~st.~f~ePost Office, and to one hour outside these limits,
also that trucks should not be parked on the street but in the
The Mayor said a good deal of parking space was taken up
by the merc~hants themselves who kept their own cars perked in
front of their stores most of the day.
Police Chief Carver said there was already a one ~our
parking regulation. He added that when parking lines are not
marked fewer accidents occur with cars backing out.
~. Weaver suggested that Palmetto Street North of Ocean
be repaired to improve the parking situation.
Mr. Fredrich said a man would have to be posted on Ocean
Avenue all day to enforce the law and that any violator should
be given a ticket.
In reply to a question the Police Chief said the rush
hours were from 9 to l0 A.M. and from 4.45 to 5.~ P.M.
After s long discussion the Mayor suggested putting up
signs before beginning to give tickets.
~r. Fredrich said the City Ordinance provides for a fine
of $5 for the first time.
The Nayor suggested a warning the first time and fining
The matter was vurned over to the Police Department for
enforcement of the Ordinance, and l~r. Fredrich was asked te
keep his eye on the situation a~d report.
~r~ Fredrich said he had attended the meeting ~E~i~he Lake
~rth Chamber of Commerce regarding a uniform traffic control
for U.S. Highway No.1 last week, and that ~ uniform speed limit
had been recommended for ~he County of~le~ inside Clty
limits. He said that the Chief of Pollce had recommended that
School buses be re-routed ~ff the highway to avoid j ammimg up
After a long discussion on how
off the highway, it was agreed that
any great extent.
to get the school buses
this was not possible to
~r. Fredrich said another meeting would be held shortly
and expressed himself aS much enthused over the progress made
at the first one in getting a uniform speed for the County
in the interests of safety. He thought their suggestion of
a Councilman being appointed from each township to help ~he
situation a good one. He was asked, and agreed, to accept
the appointment for the City in conjunction with the Chief
of Police.
A letter was read from I~r. Treehouse
a 'No Parking' sign near his used car lot, to allow cars
get in and out.
Mr. Van V~agner v~s asked to take care of this ~tter.
The Mayor said bids for the retiremen~ of about $50,000
worth of City Bonds had been advertised for in the V/est Palm
Beach, Miami and Si.Petersburg papers, and would be opened
this evening. The-City Clerk opened and read the bid from
Thomas M.Cook & Co., signed by Mr.gackson, at 77½.
This proved to be no~ only the.iowes~ bid, but the only
one received in writing.
~r. ~ackson said that in withdrawing the bonds now the
City would save about $45,000 on the maturity price.
Mr. Shook made a mo~ion, seconded by Mr. Hood, that the
Resolutie~ covering the retiremen~ of ~50,700 City bonds,
be adopted.
A copy of the Resolution is attached.
OCTOBER l, 1946, ~J~D DD~E OCTOBER l, 1971.
~f~]~EREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has built up
a surplus of funds designated solely for the payment ef bond
i~%®rest and reduction ef City bonded indebtedness, and
~ERE_&S, legal notice of bids to reduce such in-
debtedness was published in two editions of each of The Palm
Beach Post, Miami Herald, and St. Petersburg Times, during the
month of January 1952, and
~EAS, Thomas M.Cook & Ce. was the lowest and only
bid submitted, new therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that we the City Councilmen of the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida, dD hereby accep~ the bid to
purchase from Thomas M. Cook & Co. $50,700 City of Boynton
Beach, Florida~ Refunding 2% - 4% Bonds dated 0c~ober l, 1946,
at 77½ and interest.
P~£SED AND ADOPTED this ~th day of February,
A.D. 1952 a~ regular meeting.
City Clerk.
A list of bills 0'Kayed this evening was read out and the
public were asked if theywould like information an any of them.
There was no reply.
The colored man whe wanted to swap his 50' by 150' let for
another said he had not yet found one, b~t that Arthur Williams
has'one which might do.
He was asked 5o look at a lot offered by ~,~s.Klamons,
which is avsilable~ and the Mayor promised to see him tomorrow.
Mr. Weaver asked whether any portion of the cemetery is
reserved for service men, and said it would be ~ice if such a
section could be set aside.
The ~iayor said he saw no reason why it could net be arranged
as there were many empty lots.
Er. Neaver was ~ppointed a Co~numitt~e ef ene to arrange for
a section to be se~ aside for service men.
Nr. Griffith~, said that he had seen chairs in Jacksonville
that could be purchased for $3.85 each, and some even for
approximataly $2.35 each, the latter looking very m~ch like
these already in the City Hall. The firm would be willi ~mg to
send dov~ a sample of each ch~ir, free of charge, and would
supply them in lots of 50.
It was agreed that the Firm should be asked to submit the
two s~mple chairs.
Mr. Griffith~ also spoke of the National Institute of
Eunicipal Law Officers, a non-~prpfit organisation which supplies
a complete list of the laws needed for towns of varied sizes,
periodic pamphlets, etc. They issue a bound volume aunually
for $10, for which ~r. Griffith said he would be ~lling to
pay d~ the City~would pay the $~2.50 annually for the pamphlets,
etc., as issued, He said his opinion was that it would easily
and quickly pay for itself as the information was excellent,
and the County Attorney reoo~v~nded it.
After discussion, ~r~ Fredrich moved that the City subscribe
for the monthly literature of the National Institute of ~muicipal
Law Officers as described by the City Attorney. Mr. Shook second-
ed the motion, which was passed unanimously.
Mr. Griffith was asked to ta~e care of zhe mavser.
Police Chief Carver reco~,mended that the salaries of
Police Officers Klingler and Weeks be raised.
After discussion, Mr. Shook move~ and Mt.Hood seconded that
Officers Klingler and Weeks be given a ~25.00 a month increase
as from February l, 1952. Motion passed unamimously.
The meeting was turned over to ~. Johnson who gave a review
of the tax sitmation. He said there seemed to be at least 75
complaint~, all of which say merely that their taxes are too
high without giving particulars, He had asked Y~.Harless to
look into the complaints and report to the Council at the next
meeting in two weeks' time. Mr. Hatless had replied that he
could mama it any day 'but Monday,
Mr. Johnson said Mt.Hatless does not seem anxious to
the issue and that P0~ is getting ~ired of the constant
postponements of any decision.
The Mayor said ~r.Harless had been paid for the work and
should find time to check up the complaints and mistakes.
It was agreed that a special ~eting would be held on
Friday, February 15, for t.he adjustment of tan bills only,
Harless to be informed by letter and his presence requested.
The meeting was then turned back to the ~,~ayof who congratu-
lated ~gr.Johnson on the fine patriotic work he has done im
connection with the tax complaints.
Mr. Weaver referred to s complaint regarding a trash
nuisance which had been brought to his attention, and asked
what the Ordinance was in this codne0tion.
The Mayor said that he best way to deal with such com-
plaints had been found to be a request to the people complained
of ~o consider their aeighbours and to clean up their trash.
5~. %~feaver suggested that garbage
in fron~ of houses on collection days,
plan had been tried and had failed.
cans might be put ou~
but was told that this
After a discussion, Mr. Hood made a motion, seconded by
~Mr. Fredrich, that Frank Johnson's pay should ~ increased ~o
840 a weex. Motion passed unanimously.
There being no further business, the ~ayor adjourned the