Minutes 01-21-52~2~2TES 0~ Tt~ REGULAR ~EETING OF TP~ CITY C0~ISSION- ERS OF ~ CITY OF BOY~TON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL BOYI~TON BEACH ON J~NUAR¥ 21, 1952. Commissioners present; Mr. F.L.Purinton ~r. Howard Hood Mro Alva Shook 5~. Arthur Fredrich Nr. Stanley Wesver The ~fayor called tha meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk, Dorothy V.Williams, read the minutes of the last regular meeting held on January 7, 1952. ~r. Fredrich moved and Mr. Hood seconded that the min- utes of the last regular meeting be accepted as read. Motion passed mnanimously. The City Clerk then read the minutes of the special meeting held on January 14, 1952. ~r. Hood moved and ~. Fredrich seconded that the minutes of the special meeting be accepted as read. Motiom passed ~nanimously. BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PAYmenT: Gen'l.Fund Collector Inland Revenue 269.30 Palm Beach Typewriter Co. i4.~0 Shaw Bros.0il Co. 194.31 E.Y.Eahlmeister 78.70 Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 96.79 Phil's Shell Service 1.75 Austin Supply Co. 6.02 East Coast Fire Protection Servuce 9.00 The Court Records Co. 10.00 ~ercer~s Service Station 69.~4 Florida Pwr. & Light ~o. 625.79 Delray G~ & Elec.Co. lb.50 PVJ.gohnscn 2~.10 John Violante ~.08 A.C.Wipper & Associates 15.75 De,arco Tractor & Imple- men~ Co. ~5.15 %~ater Fund Depositors -2- Growers' Equipment Co. Ch~se National Bank ¥¢olmer Jersen ~rs.W.E.Roush Otto Lembardo County Nercantile Farquhar Machinery Co, Cameron & Barkley Burge Electical Supply Pal~ Beach Press Inc. Trustees F.E.C.Rly. Co. Charles L.Myer Monmouth Plumbing Supply Service Iron Inc. Henry Cooper Leonard Harris Frank ~ohnson Dave Lanier Sam Nurray Clarence W.0vmley Cbs rlia Waters Arnold R .Hillman Lee Thomas A.C.Carver N.0.Marshall C.C.Weeks J.A.Klingler D.V.Williams Ruth L.Gramley Katherine Thompson Art Concrete Works Tosco Chemicals Inc. Palm Beach Chemical Co. Wm.I.Van Wagner Betty J.Grill Leonard Harris Robert Griffith The Chase National Bank F.0.P.Wonder City Lodge Rufus Andrews Clarence H.0wnley Lee Thomas Charlie Waters East Coast H'Way ~ssocn. Kurt Laquitte Club Continental Stephen Murray A.~.Klemons Sam Murray Henry Cooper Arnold R.Hitlman Frank. Yohnson Dave Lanier P.Y.Johnson City of Delray Beach 7.0Z~ 5.00 6.00 2.25 374.25 3t.40 ~2.80 37.00 45.00 31.40 42~80 42.80 136.7o 121.oo 112.1o i01.00 lO9.9o 6~.4o 63.80 ~.00 26.55 1~7.37 25.00 12.80 ~2.80 q, 2,80 ~2.80 t00.00 8.25 8.25 5.20 31 .~o 31 .~0 50.00 37.00 45.00 220.3o 50.oo 2~0.61 &.so 8~.25 lo00 63.55 2.46 9.65 50.00 ~2.8O 70.50 37.50 13.oo 132.10 ?4.90 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 -3- Rinsen Hansier Inc. 17.75 Shaw Bros. 0il Co. 188.41 Brown & Moselsy 22.67 Standard Cil Co. 5.52 M~rtha T.Robbins 8.25 Albert L.Brown EuMene J.Mahlmeister Henry Cooper 31.40 Leonard Harris 2~.00 Arnold RoHillman 22.80 Frank Johnson 37.00 Southern Meter & Re~ir Cameron & Barkley Tosco Chemicals Inc. Charles L.Meyer Clarence W.Ov~bey Lea Thomas ~amMurrsy 31.40 Charlie Waters 42.80 Dave Lanier 45.00 R~us ~ndrews 35.00 Albert L.Brown 6.00 A.C.C~rver 136.70 N.0.~arshall 121.00 C. C .Weeks 112. l0 J .A .Kling let 101.00 Ruth L.Gramley 79.50 Dorothy V.Williams 109.90 Katherine Thompson ~m.J.Van Wagner F.L.Purinton 50~00 A.C.Shook 50.00 C.H.Hood 50.00 A.0.Fredrich 50.00 C.Stanley ~eaver 50.00 J.L.McNames 75.00 Robert F.Griffith 50.00 Ea!ph Chapman 50.00 R.G.Greenwood 75.00 Frank Nutting 25.00 Alice Kelly 15.00 186.00 6~J&6 18.75 49.3O 42.8O 42.80 73.90 132.10 7.50 7.50 ~Lr. Lyons, re~ressnting the Blue Cross and Blma Shield Hosoital and ~edical Assooia~ion, gave the Council the de- tails of their plan covering ~group insurance of City emplo- yees, which he said many cities have adopted. It would be necessary for three-fourths of the employees to accept the plan, which co ts $2.49 per month for a s~ngle person and $6.20 for a ma~_, his wzfe, amd children under the age of 19. The amoun~ of the cost borne ~by the Cities varies, some paying all the cost, some paying half, and others about $1 monthly for each employee insured. -4- The Mayor expressed appreciation to ~r.Lyons for having given his time to describe the plan and said he would be informed should the City decide to adopt it. l~ayor Purinton said the tax business has not worked ~t as expeSted and that further progress at present is not poss- ible a.s ~r.Harless' hsd not been able to fix a date when he could go round w~th Mr.~ohnson and the other Members of the Committee to inspect the properties whose owners complained of the new valuation and resulting taxes. After a lo.n~, discu~sign on depreciation, Mr,Harless, in reply taa question, said zt would be difficult to set a flat rate as each off'the buildings would'have to be looked into pretty closely and rated separately, as some property owners are continually improving their buildings. He sug- gested a revision of the tax roll every five years as the present taxes are 5ase~ on present replacement values. He did noz wish to give au opinion on depreciation as some buildings depreciate quickly and others more slowly. He suggested that the best thing would be zo watch building permits very closely. ~. Shook thought this would make no difference as people will do their own repairs if they are small. Nkr. Hatless said he had employed someone ~o verify the measurements etc., and that he would then report to t~e Council, working with I-~r.~ohnson, and get all the ta~ com- plaints ou~ at the same time. He added that he was glad so few complaints had been made, considering. ~. Shook suggested that they might be taken up,as a whole by January ~l, the dead line for complaints. Mr. Fredrich suggessed that the mat~er of the Boca Retch depreciation procedure be looked into to see whether it wottld be to the benefit of Boyn~on to adopt it. The ~ayor said there must be a set time for depreciation or re-valuation. ~. Her!ess referred to the authority which Mr.Rauterson, when with the City, had to do some street work on his Laurel Hills development, and said he ~uld like th~ City to go ahead and finish the job. The ~ayor reqaested the Street Department head to put this matter on his agenda for the next time they have some oil. A number of colored people were present at the meeting and handed a letter to the !f~yor who r~ad it to the Council. It requested that twoco~o.~u~ policemen be provided for colored town. -5- The Hayer said the matter of providing one colored police- man has been under consideration. He pointed out that it would cost more money than is available at present to have an extra policeman, and that all City bills have to be paid from taxes. ~. Weaver thought that one policeman would be suffic- ient to patrol the three blocks of colored town at night. He suggested that those colored people present stand behind that one policemen and help him, especially on Saturday nights when sc many morn people come into town for a good time. The negro spokesman objected that this would not be possible. In reply to a question from ~. Shook, he said they have no objection to white policemen but felt they should have their ow~ as~they pay ~axes and consider they should govern themselves. ~r. Shook said the City might give them a colored policeman for Saturday nights almost right away, but the spokesman said they did not want it like tha~. Hr. Shook said more efforts had been made in the last few years to do everything possible for colored vown t~mn in the previous thirty years. ~. %¥eaver said it seemed to him that part of the argu- ment was that the taxes paid by the colored people should benefit the colored people, and pointed out that there were five colored men employed by the City against three whi~e men, although white men could be found to do all the jobs. The colored spokesman then said more lights were needed in colored town, and the Hayer pointed out that more lights proportionally had been added in colored town than in write to~n, seventeen having been added in the last two years, and he hoped seventeen more vmuld be added during the next two. The spokesman then raised the question of a beach for colored people, also a playground. The Mayor said he thought the playgrouhd mi~t be arrahged_qu~,,~ soon as Mort Partin had some land he was will- ing to 'g~, ~nd promised to report on it at the Council Meeting of February 18. The colored people present promissd that if the land were given ~o them, they would wor~ ~o make it into a playground. -6- ~r. weaver said Johnny Bell had asked for garbage cane for the Casino. ~. Aaderson again complained of the excessive epeed of cars on Ocean Avenue and of trucks using the etreet. The Mayor said more eigns were needed there and that the matter would be turned over to the Police Department. ~r. King eaid that so many, in t~s opinion unjustified, complaints had beenmade against him that he i~sisted the City do eomething definite to bring the whole matter to a head; that the City has no jurisdiction over the sidewalk near him as it belonged to the State; and to prove tha~ his dogs are nat noisy he would be willing ~o pay a m~ appointed by the Council to be on duty at night near his place to see if they are a nuisance. The ~ayor said he hoped ~. King understood the Council's p~sition in that if a complaint is received it must be looked into, and that in regard to the arrests he should get in touch with his attorney, as such cases must be settled in Court. N~r. ~ood suggested Mr. King put his reques5 in letter form, which ha agreed to do. ~Lr. Oriffith advised that the City could not appoint a man paid for by ~r. King to check on qhether the dogs were a nuisance or not, and that ~Yir. King cuuld hire a man from a detective agency, A'~r, Griffith eaid he had looked into the Beer Ordin- ance and found that it could be changed. The licence might be worded "Beer" or "Beer and %¥ine" license for $50. He added that he thought it could not be made effective berate next October. A letter w~s read fromm. Finley objecting to the present zoning regulation, setting back buildings on Federal Highway between Ocean and Dada. The ~ayor suggested passing the letter over no the Zoning Board before action by t'he Council. This was agreed to. He added that as decisions by the Zoning Board are sometimes not known by the Council, the Board might be asked to have a stenographer present to make ~nutes of their zenihg ~ecommendations. -7- A petition was read from residents near Pine end Poin- settia Streets asking that a street light be put on that O0 r~sr. The Mayor ~eco~_ended that the petition be complied with, and it was agreed that s light should be put in as requested. Nit. Shook raised the question of piling, which was supposed to be included in the Building Code. He thought it should be left up to the Building inspector, but that people should be protected. Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by Mt. Hood, that~. Gri~ith be requested to make an amendment to the BuiLding Code with re~ard to piling. Notion passed ~nanimously. There being no f~rther business, the meeting was adjourned by the ~ayor. Mayor City ClerR.