The City Council convened at a Special Meeting at the
City Hall at 7.30 P.~. on January l&, 1952.
Cou~uci lmen
~rl F.L.Purinton
~&r. Alva Shook
Nfl C.H.Hood
kir. Arthur Fredrichi
~r. Stanley Weaver.
Nr. Finley voiced his object,on to the new Ordinance
Eetting the line of his property 25 feet from the Federal
whereas formerly it was only 8 feet. '
The ~ayor said he thought
in line with other buildings,
taken under consideration.
it would look much better if
but that the matter will be
~r. Griffith read a proposed contraot form between the
City and Paul L. Miller as trustees, for ~riny Breezes Tra$1er
Park, by which the City would enter~Liinto a SO-year franchise
agreement to furnish water to residents of the Trailer Park.
The matter was f~lly discussed, but no action %~s taken.
Mr. Griffith also read e proposed contract between the
City and individual water consumers.
The matter, including easements, was discussed at length,
but no action was taken.
The City Clerk read an application for ~ beer license
received from Chertes · wm±±zaE~on for use at the Yacht Basin.
Mr. Hood mad a m '
· . ~-~! ot~on, seconded by ~. Shook, that the
eppi~cat~on be~f6rwarded to the Beverage Department. Motion
passed unanimously.
With regard to the $50,000 worth of bonds to be retired
it was agreed that the sale should be advertised in the Palm
Beach, Miami and St~ Petersburg papers, and that the sealed
bids must be received in Dime to be opened a~ the regular
meeting of the Council on Febraary $, 1952; also that the
lop, est bid must be accepted, or all must be rejected.
~Ar. Hood made a motion, seconded by ~Ar. Shook, that re-
quests for bids to reduce the City's bonde8 indebtedness by
about $50,000 be sent out, such bids to be received by Febru-
ary ~, 1952, ~otion passed unanimously.
The meeting was then turned over Do Mr. Paul Johnson,
President of the POMA, who said he regretted that Mr. garless
was Unable to attend the meeting this evening.
ge read a detaile~ report, addressed .
nine of the tax com~ ~,~ ._~ ~ . _ to the Council on
ce checked as So0n ~_ ~. nns ~ ~---~ ~ .a~ these would, all
~x~ss coul~ accompmuy him and the
other members of the Committee on visits to the prc perties
concerned, as all these complaints must be goEe over on the
ground and by Mr. garless.
He urged the necessity for having a system of calculating
epreczat~on 9n properties from year to year, suggesting an
annual deDreclation-of 2% on the assessed valuation, which
would cease on the property attaining a depreciation of 50%.
~Ar. Johnson read a schedule recommended by Mr.garless
-based on the Bureau of Internal Revenue deprecimtion allowances.
~ Mr. Crowe expressed dissatisfaction with ~he approxinmte
~36.00 tax levied on his property on Palmetto Street.
The Mayor thought this was not excessive considering it
covered garbage collection, police and fire proDection and
other City services.
~r. ~ohnson asked ~. Crowe to look at his card and See
how the tax is arrived at and, if still dissatisfied, ~o Come
to the next meeting and ~alk it over.
After a discussion as ~o the allowance of discount on
tax bills unpaid because of complaints, it was decided that
a demdline for tha filing of further complaints be fixed,
such deadline to be published in the local paper.
~r. ~eaver made ~ motion that the dead line for filing
further tax complaints should be January 31, 1952, and that
suchcompl~nts' must be filed with the City Clerk. D~. good
Seoonded the motion, which was passed unanimously.
The motion was later amended ~o read that such further
tax ~omplaints mmUSt be made in writing.
The City Clerk was requested to write a letter to ~.
garless s ~
s~ him for a definite da~e on which he could
attend a Council meeting.
The meeting was turned back to the ~ayor.
The City Clerk read ar~e~t from MrS.Nelson Smith to be
allowed to buy City-owned lot No.25, Central Park Addition,
nextenable to her the~orailroadbuild, track and adjoining her lot No.2&, to
~r~ Shook made a motion, seconded by FAr.Hood, that Nfs.
Nelson Smith be allowed to h~y lot Noi25 of Central Park Ad-
dition @ $~ s foo~ front. Notion passed unauimously.
~ letter was read from Mr.Siever asking fordisability' '
exemption because of sickness preventing him from doing
physical work.
~r. Fredrich mede m motion, seconded by Nr.Hood that
Mr. Siever,s application For d sab~l~ty exemption be disallowed.
Notion passed unanimously.
The Nayor drew attention to th~ fact that some holders of
beer and wine licenses, which cost $50, have discontinued
wine sales in order to'benefit from the lower $15 cost of m beer
license, and s~ggested ~ r '
~vls~on of the liquor license
Ordinance at the next meeting o
f the Council.
There being no further business~ the Nayor adjourned
the meeting.