Minutes 01-07-52 H~,~R }~ETING 0P THE CiTY
~NvJTES OF T~ ~ ~ ~ ~'-
B{~ON BEACH~ J~ARY 7, 1952.
Commissioners present:
Alva Shook
Clifford Province
Howard Hood
Henry ~erkel Jr.
The newly elected Commissioners, ~r.Arthur Fredrich and
Mr. Stanley Weaver were also present.
City Clerk D~rothy ~illiams read the minutes of the prev-
ious regular meeting of the CoUncil of December 17, t951.
~ir. Province moved, and ~Ar.Hood seconded, that the
minutes of the last meeting be accepted am read. ~otion
passed unanimously.
Gen'l Fund.
Henry Cooper 56.~0
Leonard Harris 67.80
Arapld R.Hillman
Frank Johnson 62.00
Dave Lanier 70.00
Sam Murray 56.~0
Clarence 0wnbery ~2.80
Lee Thomas
Charlie Waters 67.80
Dllie Williams 38.25
Boynton Be~ch Fire Deot, 25.00
Paul L. ~iller 37.50
Petty Cash 266.17
Edwin Sherratt
O.W. Scott
Henry Cooper 31.~0
L~onard Harris ~2.80
Arno&d L.Hillman 50.00
Frank Yohnson 37.00
Dave Lanier ~5.00
Sam Murray 31.~0
Clarence W.0wnberg ~2.$0
Lee Thomas ~2.80
Charlie WaZers ~2.80
Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles 16.75
A~lie Williams ].00
Water Fund
A .C .Carver
N.O.Narshall Jr.
C. C.Weeks
J .A.Klingler
Ralph Chapman
D. V.Witliams
Katherine T~omps on
Wm. Va~Wagner
Betty Grill
Ruth L.Gramley
F. L. Pur into~
A.E. S~hook
C. C .Province
Henry Merke 1
Robert Griffith Jr.
R. G. Gte enwo od
John L. l~cNames
Frank Nutting
VChit t NcDowell
Alice Kelly
Boynton Beach Fire
White Consolidated
Henry Cooper
Leonard Harris
Arnold L.Hillman
Frank Johnson
Dave Lanier
Sam ~urr ay
Clarence 0wnbey
Lee Thomas
Cha rlie Waters
50 · 00
5O. 00
50. o o
75. O0
25. O0
37. O0
45. O0
3% .gO
The City Clerk then read a list of the bills 0'Kayed for
payment this evening, the Mayor explaining that this was being
done in order that any questions concerning any of them might
be asked.
After the reading the citizens present were asked if t~ey
wished for information on any of the bills. There was no
The City Clerk read a report of the City's finances as
of January 1, 1952, withthe exception of the Escrow Account.
The Mayor asked if anyone deaired information on any of
the items ia the report. There was no re~ly.
The Mayor expressed his appreciation of the help given
by the retiring Commissioners, ~r. Province and Nr.Nerkel,
saying that the latter had been especially most active in
working for the inter~sts of ~he City and had worked as hard
since the recent election as before in connection with the
~, Merkel expressed the pleasure he had had in wor~ing
with his fellow Commissioners during his two years in office.
There being no old business the installation of the two
newly elected Commissioners,- Mr. Arthur Fredrich and l~r.
Stanley Weaver, was proceeded with.
The City Clerk administered theoath of office to them.
This was followed by the election of a Mayor.
~tr. Shook nominated 5~. F.L.Purinton as Mayor. The
nomination was seconded by ~.Hood ~nd M~.Purinton was unanim-
ously re-elected.
Mr. V~eaver thereupon nominated Mr. Fredrich for Mayor
as having received the highest number of votes in the recent
election. There was no second to this nomination.
The Mayor suggested that the present City employees,-
Judge,~ Police 0ffic~rs, etc~, be retained in office. He said
the Mayor has jurisdiction over the Police and Fire Departments
and that the other Departments are voted on by the Commission-
~. Shook said he knew of no change which should be
recommended and moved that all Cos~Littees remain as for last
year. Mr. Hood seconded the motion, which was passed unan-
The Mayor said it had been moved and seconded tha~all
Committees remain as for lest year, with the exception %hat
Mr. Fredrich should take the place of Mt. Province and Mm.
~eaver that of Mr.Merkel, and that if any changes are de-
sired they can be made later.
He expressed his pleasure at being re-nomiAated, adding
that he had p~t in an average of &½ hours a $~uring his
term of office, and that the work involved could not be done
in less time. He said the office has been so busy that they
have not had time to get out the Department reports for Decem-
ber, and that arrangements are being made to reduce the bonded
indebtedness by $50,000 worth of bonds. He said the present
water set-up will take care of 3~,000 people and will go a 19ng
way eventually towards paying the City's expenses. He ex-
pressed his thanks to lit. Senior for his wonderful work in con-
nection with the Fire Department. He said the Police Depart-
merit have often exceeded their duty, and congratulated them on
the fine job they have been doing. He regretted that there
will not be as much work done in connection with the Street
Department this year, as there will be no money available,
this Department having exceeded its budget for the past few
He asked for suggestions from citizens in connection with
taxation, and pointed to the remarkable strides the City has
made in recent years, including the erection of ol several new
public buildings.
He expressed the hope that City employees would be on a
Civil Service status before the end of this year, and thought
that no good employee should be hired or fired just because of
a change in administration.
Ha asked citizens to attend the bi-monthly meetings and
tell the Commissioners what they think is wrong and give~, their
opinions on how to put them right. He added that the only
money available at present for operating the City is that re-
ceived from the taxes.
~ro Weaver exPressed gratification at having been elected
and ~hanked the people who supported him. He prmosed to do
al~ ~n his power to See~that ~he City Us run as fairly and
efficiently as possible.
~Ar. Fredrich also expressed gratification at having been
elected and said he meant to work his utmost with the Com-
missioners for the best interests of the City.
~r. Purinton said all City employees are underpaid but,
mnfortunately, there is no money for increasing their pay
at present.
Nr. S~ook expressed appreciation for everything !~r.
Purinton has done while in office and said he did no~ think ·
the City could have got a better man.
~[r. Seegitz~ representing property owners on Fern and
Green Streets brought a complaint against the Kolendo Con-
struction Company who had left thei~ office shacks on Green
Street although ~heir construction work there had been com-
pleted several months ago. H~ asked that the City take steps
to have the shacks removed as they are on City proper~y.
~. Gr~ffith~.said the building shaeks should b~ removed
when the building for which they were conStructed is finished.
It was suggested that a letter be sent from City Hall
Mr. Kolendo saying the Commissioners request him to remove
the shacks.
~r. Johnson said the whole matter of taxes was becoming
serioas, and pointed oat that the errors made in the cards were
made in ~.Harless's office, and were not made by ~rs.Williams.
He had found that about ~ ~o ~ of the complaints were just-
lied and suggested drawing up a report on the matter, giving
one copy to ~.Harless and one to the City Hall, so that
everything could be thrashed out before the next meeting. He
suggested a definite rate of depreciation be set up, and ex-
pressed appreciation for the co-operating he had received from
the Council.
~Ar. Shook said he thought that as Mr. Harless has been paid
for his work he should go through all the cards ~nd check for
other possible errors, of which so many had already been found;
that it was not ~p to the taxpayers or the City to do this
work, and that ~Lr~ Harless should be so informed°
The Mayor suggested a special meeting for Monday night,
January 14, to be devoted to the tax roll and other urgent
A q~estion was asked as to what had become of the canning
equipment in use at the Boynton Hotel building so~e years ago.
N~s.~dams said she thought the County had taken it back
when it ceased to be used and that ~Ars.Raymond Miller, who
had been sapervisor of the canning center, might be able to
supply infOrmation regarding the possibility of re-sparring
the scheme.
The Mayor referred to the necessity of puDting on a
colored policeman for colored town, which would mean an add-
itional m~n as the present f~rce cannot be reduced.
~ letter was read from ~r.Paul Turner requesting a ~bottled
beer licensee for his Drive-In.
Mr. Hood ~made ~ motion, seconded by Mt. Shook, that M~.
Turner's application be accepted for forwarding to the Bever-
age Department. Motion passed unanimously.
A letter was read from I~.Getz requesting that the road
in front of his property be repaired.
The Mayor said the road would be looked over ~o see ~nat
can be done.
Mr. Fredrich brought up the matter of licensing dogs.
The Mayor said he was in favor of it but the City could
not at present afford the expense. The mat~er was tabled.
The Chief of Police said the Fraternal Order of Police are
sponsoring ~ Minstrel Show in the vacant lot ne~t to the theatre
for uniforms for a Baseball Team for the kids for next summer,
and that tickets for it will shortly be on sale.
There being no further business, the ~ayor ~adjourned the
Ma~or ~ - - '
Cigy Clerk.
! do solemuly swear (or affirm) that i will
support, protect smd defend the Constitution and Govern-
ment' of the United States, the State of Florida, and of
the City of Boynton Beach;, that I s~n duly qualified to
hold office under the laws of the State of Florida, the
charter and laws of the City of Bo~mton Beach, a~nd that I
will well and faithfully perform the duties of the City
Councilman of the City upon which I am about to enter, so
help me God.
Subscribed smd sworn to before
me this Vth day of January, 19~2.
Notary Pu~c
Ny cormuission expires:
I. do solemnly swear 6or a~efirm) that I will
support, protect and defend the Constitution and Govern-
merit of the United States, the State of Floridz, and of
the City of Boynton B6ach; that I mm duly qualified to
hold office under the laws of the State of Florida, the
charter and laws of the City of Boynton B~ach, and that I
will well and faithfully perform the duties of the City
Cotu~cilm~u of the City upon which I ~n about to enter, so
help me God.
.Subscribed and sworn to before
.Me this 7th day of January, 1952.
Notary ~ic
commission expires:
I., the tuadersigned, having been duly elected as
~¢ayor, and also as President of the City Cour. cil, of the
City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and
Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and
of the City of Boynton Beach: that I am duly qualified to
hold office under the laws of the Sta~.~ of Florida, the
Charter and laws of the City of Boynton Beach, and that I
~ill well and faithfully perform the
President of the City Council of the
about to enter, so help me God.
duties of ~¢ayor, ~nd
City upon which I am
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 7th day of January, 1952.
N~t ary ~iic' ~
~y CommissiOn expires :~