ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2016, AT 6:30 P.M.
David Katz, Chair Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director
Ryan Wheeler, Vice Chair Farah Nerette, Assistant City Attorney
Kevin Fischer
Trevor Rosecrans
Nicholas Skarecki
Stephen Palermo
Floyd Zonenstein, Alternate
James Brake, Alternate
Chair Katz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call
Roll was called and it was determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Palermo, to approve the agenda. In a
voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0).
4. Approval of Minutes from October 25, 2016, meeting
Minutes for the October meeting were not yet available.
5. Communications and Announcements: Report from Staff
Mr. Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, said the following items were approved by the
City Commission:
• The Brass Tap Conditional Use Application
• Smart Starts Day Care Conditional Use Application
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 2016
6. Old Business
Chair Katz wondered about the Sterling Village buildings. Mr. Rumpf said a developer's
agreement continues towards finalization. There are some issues with sustainable
parking requirements and condition of approval that requires the properties to be unified
by title. These are being worked out by legal counsel.
7. New Business
A.1. Amendments to the Land Development Regulations establishing the
Mixed Use — 4 (MU-4) zoning district (CDRV 16-006) — Approve
amendments to the LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, Chapters 1,
3, and 4 to begin implementing the Community Redevelopment Plan with
the establishment of the new Mixed Use 4 (MU-4) Zoning district,
including amendments or addition to definitions, site development
standards, zoning uses, and urban design standards. City initiated.
Mr. Rumpf made note of enthusiasm for the first implementation in the adoption of the
City's CRA plan. Previously multiple plans, they are now consolidated into one unified
plan to guide the future in terms of new zoning districts, streets, pedestrian planning,
and more. There will be a more formal, comprehensive approach to implementing the
plan; in the meantime, incremental items such as the MU-4 Zoning district will start
things off.
Mr. Rumpf explained the handouts, in simple terms, that the CRA recommends this new
district to fill a void in the mixed use scheme in "before and after" terms. An example of
a mixed use node is the future pedestrian train station an expansion of the downtown
area. Listing parameters and site standards, Mr. Rumpf went through tables and
changes being made to LDR to establish the new zoning district, including definitions,
insertion of Mixed Use 4 district, how parameters for districts are established (heights,
setbacks, etc.), clean ups, insertions, omissions.
Chair Katz asked for clarification of the map for the record, and Mr. Rumpf showed the
district parameters for the station area and the transit core on the future land use map,
as well as cleaning up discrepancies in density provisions and the mixed use district
Mr. Rosecrans asked about removing the minimum size requirement for usable open
space. Mr. Rumpf answered that it is not being removed, it remains in the table at 1%
and 2%, adopting the mixed use low rather than the mixed use high. Mr. Rumpf
explained all this will be revisited for the comprehensive rewrite when talking about a
plaza and open spaces given the urban environment.
Mr. Rumpf continued the summary of the handout exhibits, and explained the zoning
matrix. This is what is used to determine what uses can go where, what provisions or
additional stipulations go along with it. Highlighted areas are the focus for the mixed use
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 2016
zoning uses. Changes to the footnotes include uses and zoning districts for the
approved uses, and an explanation of numerical values and floor area ratios.
Telecommunications regulations (cell towers) are based upon zoning district and other
characteristics of the tower (type, height, set-backs and separations). Last of all, Mr.
Rumpf discussed the building development and site standards and provisions for
allowed structures.
Mr. Palermo asked about the type of towers and, if they are commercial, are they
permitted through the City. Mr. Rumpf stated that the City's tower regulations govern all
different types of towers or antennae. Regulations are geared to stealth or concealed
signals, so the type of tower dictates the type of regulations that go along with it. Half or
more of the towers are on City property.
Chair Katz asked if there are any proposed zoning districts that include MU3 and MU4
or MU core along Congress Avenue. Mr. Rumpf stated there were not. Chair Katz asked
how what is currently being discussed has any relationship to the CRA Consolidated
Plan. Mr. Rumpf said there is a big relationship, especially as the creation of the new
mixed use district fills that void, as a direct correlation to the CRA Plan.
Mr. Palermo wondered if any consideration had been made toward developments
underground. Mr. Rumpf said there was not, as obviously cannot regulate what is under
ground. While it would not be unusual to have parking underground, that is more of an
engineering issue, not a visual issue above ground. But with water levels where they
are, that may be very cost prohibitive to go very deep.
Mr. Fischer stated that with the new MU4 zoning designation in the land use zoning
matrix, it would only be permissible in the mixed use core. He wondered if that would
mean that there will be forthcoming land use changes to add more core to the City in
the future. Mr. Rumpf said it is an interim fix which allows the addition of MU4 more
quickly and efficiently; otherwise to amend the plan text for the mixed use core would
require review by the state, a cleanup which will come later. Mixed use core is confined
to lower development thresholds of MU4.
Chair Katz opened the floor for public comment.
Susan Oyer noted item 3-4, wondering why, with all the global warming problems and
the way mitigation is supposed to move forward, only 1% of land is being set aside for
useable open spaces versus 2% or 5% across the board, something that is actually
functional. Mr. Rumpf suggested getting into the philosophy of downtown
redevelopment in considering land values and cost of land assembly, the purpose of the
CRA plan and public infrastructure. While 1% sounds trivial, the provision of open space
at that level needs to be a public or joint effort. Chair Katz noted that any place in the
core area probably already has asphalt over it, and this would ensure that any
development that does come to the core area may allow for green space that currently
is not there. Mr. Rumpf stated that "useable open space" may not be green space in the
mixed use core or redevelopment areas, it could be plazas, activity areas, meeting
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 2016
places, etc. Ms. Oyer wondered why it is the citizens' responsibility to make sure the
developers earn enough profit. Mr. Rumpf replied it is to make sure that the system
works, to make sure that the developer can meet the land development regulations. It is
a juggling act, to look at enhancing provisions through connectivity, for a pedestrian
zone. The idea is to encourage redevelopment.
Ms. Oyer next commented on height minimums, wondering why it is not just 30 feet
across the board for all categories, why are some 45 feet, and closing with Boynton
Beach having the least amount of green space in the county and how this affects
property values. Mr. Rumpf explained the purpose of a minimum structure height, to
prevent marginal developments coming into an area where more development is
desired, and the minimum of quality-level development.
Motion made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Palermo, to approve CDRV 16-006. In
a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0).
B.1. Amendments to the Land Development Regulations for minimum
and maximum size of Infill Planned Unit Developments (IPUD)
(CDRV 16-006) — Approve amendments to the LAND DEVELOPMENT
REGULATIONS Chapter 3, Article III, Section 2.G to eliminate the
minimum and maximum lot area standards for the Infill Planned Unit
Development Zoning District (IPUD). City initiated.
Mr. Rumpf, instead of duplicating the Staff report, included the attachments for this item.
This is separate and not an implementation recommendation from the CRA plan.
However, the IPUD was established 15-18 years ago to support redevelopment along
US1 Corridor. Mr. Rumpf explained the development in the years since. There have
been calls on smaller properties in the City, wanting to know what the development
potential would be, that higher densities were needed to infill on fragments that were
hold-outs or blighted properties that could be developed under an IPUD development.
This item simply eliminates the minimum and maximum thresholds, whether the IPUD is
appropriate and not necessarily based on the size of the property. The CRA Plan will
govern or regulate where the mixed-use districts are planned (giving the proposed
Cottage District as an example).
Chair Katz opened and closed the floor for public comment as there was no one wishing
to speak on this item.
Motion made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Palermo, to approve IPUD CDRV 16-
006. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0).
8. Other
Mr. Fischer asked Mr. Rumpf if there are items planned for the December meeting. Mr.
Rumpf stated that there were.
Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 22, 2016
9. Comments by members
Chair Katz commended Mr. Rumpf on the ease of understanding the agenda items by
presenting them in an informal manner.
10. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
[Minutes prepared by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.]