Minutes 12-18-50~AIR~JTE~S OF T~ ~G~AR ~ETINQ OF TA~ CITY C0~CIL
CiTY HALL ON DECE~f~BER 18~ 1950,
December iS~ 1950.
City Coo~cil convened at the City Hall at 7.30
Councilmen present:
~r. F~ L. Purinton
~r. Clifford Province
Mr~ C~H~Hood
Mr. A.E~Shook
Mro Henry Merkei.
The meeting wes called to order by the Mayor.
Mr. Griffi~h, City Attorney, read the ~inutes of the
Soecial Meeting held at the City Hall on December 6~ 1950~
~r. Province moved and Mr~ Hood seconded that the Minutes
as reed be accepted. Motion passed~
Mr. Griffith then read the Minutes of the regular meeting
of the Council on December 4~ 1950~
Mr~ Shook moved and Mr. ~erkel seconded thst the Minutes.
be accepted as read~ Motion pa ssed~
Bills 0;Keyed for Payment;
A~ C. Carver 127.70
No0.Marshall IT2~30
H~R~Dsugharty i02~20
D,V,~iliiams 112,30
g~hn Bell 76~00
Billy D.Be!I 50~t0
Ruth L. Gramt~y 66,50
Betty game Grill 71~50
Ypbm E.Raulerson
Frank Earl Clime
A.E.Shook 50~00
R~A~Greenwood 100~00
C~H~Hood 50~00
Henry ~erkei ~r~ 50~00
Clifford Province 50~00
FoL~Purinton 50~00
Robert F~Grifflth ~r~ 50~00
Alma Clime ~69
Yo~ L. ~cNamee 75~00
Ralph ~Chapman 50~00
Frank Nutting 25~00
Alice Eel!y 10~00
Sgnitt ~acDowell 20~00
George Takkinen
Dave Lanier ~3~i
Buster Clark 33~00
Frank Johnson 33~ 00
Leonard Harris 36 ~O0
Lee Thomas 39 ~ 60
Charlie Wa~ers 31.60
Parker ~'ard 33~ O0
Solomon Pitts 33o00
Sam ~urray 31.60
Henry Cooper 31~60
John Johnson 31.60
Levi Fredrick 33~00
George L.Corley 9~00
Hardie Ro Daugharty 100,00
C, G ~ Summers
C ha s. V~r ig ht
Cde~ F~!.!¥elch l~18
A~H. Blood .79
B t
oyn~on Be~ch Fire Depto t37~00
Ralph Priesmeyer 156 ~ 00
Lake VIorth Fed.Savings&Loan 2~24
BcMnton Beach State Bank
for V¢itkhotding 220,50
Raymond ~Vhite~ Con~ractor 201.82
Charles Wright
~'~i! limn Yanke
Lyndon Pulaski
Leah Kogan
Saul Hill
Levi Fredrick 33,00
Jo~m Johnson 31~60
He~y Cooper 29.85
Sam ~ur ray 31 ~ 60
Solomon Pitts 33. O0
Parker Ward 33~00
Charlie ~lat ers 31.60
Lea Thomas 39,60
Leonard Harris 36.00
Frank Johnson 33.00
Buster Clark 33~00
Dave Lanier 43.~i
Farmers~ Implement & Supply 23~6~
Peninsular Supply Co~
Lindsley Lumber Co~ 5.78
Pantry Restaurant 26 ~ 00
Deiray Lumber Co. t~82
O.C.%Vipper & Associates 7~70
Neptune Hater Coo 392.35
Charles L~Ieyer & Son~ 90,40
Halsey & Griffith it~05
Bo~del Printing Co~ 9,00
Russell Williams 6 ~ 60
Veterans Construction Coo 10.00
Zeidet 2!~ 50
Art Conc~st e Works 32~25
Boynton Bea sh News 2.93
She iiroak Quarries 18 0.00
7 ~50
The Chase National Bank 5~00
Crane Co, ~04~61
Boynton Beach Ekectric 9,87
Central Truck Lines 1,65
Royal Palm Ice Co 4. g2
Hunter's Boat & Motor 2~10
The Selig Co~ ~9.90
Cameron & Berklay Co, 94,38
Farquhar Machinery Co.
Shaw Bros, 0il Co. 214~56
Meroer's Service Station 22~63
Rfnkar-Hausen 8.00
Southern Bell Tel & ~el, 85,58
Ocean City L~oar Co, 53~70
County ~ercantila 15,80
Florida Power & Et°Co, 807,27
John R~ Gregory
A~iC~ Car~r~-'_~- 127,70
N~O,~arshall 112,30
Hardie R~ Daugharty 102~20
D,V,~illiams 112~70
Johm Ball 76,00
Billy D, Ball 50~10
Ruth Gramley 66~50
Batty Jane Grill 71o50
John E~ Raulerson Jro
Frank Earl Cline
Stoakton~ ~hatley~ Davin
& Co~ 3~72
Arch Livi~_~ston~Motor Vaho
F~0~P~ (Trial of
Daugharty~ 598,01
John E~ Raulerson Jr, 58~65
Leon~rd~m~ris 39,60
Dave Lanier
Buster Clark 33~00
Frank Johnson 33,00
Lee Thomas 39~60
C~rlie V~aters 31~60
Parker ~ard 33~00
Solomon Pitts 33~00
Sa~ ~urray ~l, 60
He~y Cooper ~1~60
John Johns on 31~60
Levi ?redrick 33~00
Essia ~a~mmon 1~6
John E~ Raulerson Jr~ 25~00
N,A,~arshall 25,00
A~C,Ca~.~ver 25,00
Hardie R~ Daugharty 25,00
Frank EoCline 25,00
Jo~u Bell
Dorothy V~Williams
Dave Lanier 25~00
Brown & ~osstsy 96,74
Delray Gsa & Ele0~ Co~ 104~54
Palm Bea ch Typewriter 17.34
Veterans Construction Co. 56.00
l~atkins Pain~ & G~ass 2.25
Cran~ Co. 415.58
Art Concrete Works 32~25
Rubin Construction Co~ 17~05
De Marco Implement & Trac-
tor Co. lB1 ~25
Edith the Florist
City of Delray Beach 50~00
Coum~ Records Co~ 10~00
Lindsley L~ber Co~ 17.56
Bp~ton Paint & Body Shop 12~00
Florida P~er & Light 18~8
Lester Lsborstories.. ~ 12~87
C~eron & Bsmklsy Co~ 57.69
J.Y~Ada~ 6~77
Bo~DeI Printing Co~ 57~9)
Minmesota I,~ning & lvlfg,Co, ll~90
Billy D~ Bel 1 12.25
0.C.Vfipper & Associates
Palm Beach Chemical Co. 5;75.
Barkley~s Grocery 17,77
S~w Bros~ 0il Co~ 388.62
National Builders Supply
Neotune ~ er Co. 193 ~ 50
AuStin Supply Co~ 76,56
Rubin Construction Coo
Joe D. Hatless
City Improvement.
City Attorney Griffith read a list of ~he bills to be p~id.
!~ayor Purinton asked if there were any questions~
A lengthy discussion on fire hose fol!owed~ The l,iayor
said that if the present hose is 16 ~ars old it womld seem
to be a ~must~ that it should be rep!aced~
~he lowest bid received was that of the Eureka Fire Hose
Co., which quoted 300 feet of fire hose at $1~22~, complete
with oouplings, and delivered~ less 2% if~'paid in ~o days.
it was decided that the old couplings should be kept in
case others could not be obtained later on~
After further discussion~ 1~. Hood made a motion, seconded
by ~r. Provlnce, that, on ~r~Senior'$ recom~endation~ the bid
of the Eureka Company for 300 feet of fire hose be accepted.
Motion passed~
City Clerk Dorothy Williams read a letter from ~ohn
Were requesting a permit to build an extansion on to the
Front if his own homa in order to make an eating place of
The matter was turned over to the Building Inspector.
It was requested that a notice be inserted in the Boynton
Beach News that the City Hall will be closed from Friday until
Tuesday morning.
discussion on tires for the fire trucks followedp
It was stated Zhat the present tires are almost f~u~ years
oid~ which is considered overlong from the Underwriters'~
point of view, and that thaymc~I1 ba used on other City~.equip~
men~, possibly on the garbage truck, ~s tires are hard to
get it was suggest.ed that they be ordered now°
5{r. Hood said it would probably be thirty days befits
they would be received.
The Mayor wondered how they would be oaid for. remark-
ing that~ ou~ Of the City ta~ roil of $~,~00; $23~000 h~d
been received, and even with that there was only $~784 in
the General Fund. He added that as the tires looked all
ri~t it was a question of how much further wear could be got
cu~ of them,
~r, Hood said they mi&at last tw'enty years, but there was
always a chance of a blow-out on the w2~y to afire, and that
none of the Tire Companies would take them back in trade.
After further discussion, Mr. Merkel moved and 2~r.Hood
seconded that the City buy tw~ tires for the big nruck @
each~ and one for the jeep for $73~2~; also one tube @ ~6~9~
and two tubes @ ~,~l each~ all to be purchased from the
Goodyear Tire Company of West Palm Beach~ ~ich was the low
bidder. Motion passed~
The }guyot asked if any Oitizen wished to bring up
subject for discussion. There was no response.
Mr~ Hood said the Mack oruck is getting into bad shade
and that it costs more to keep it going than it would to buy
a new one. He added that .the Chevrolet would not promise
delivery before probably 90 days; that Ford said the Govern-
msnz were going ~o roll back prices on these trucks; and that
the present truck not only costs too much to run, but is
always having ~o ba sent for to be returned to the garage° Ha
could not say h~v much the City would get for a turn~in.
~ir. Bell drew attention to the drawb2cks of the garbage
truck ~
Regaru~ng the posszoi~ty of having to finance the pur-
chase of a trmek~ it ~as suggested that it would be better to
do this through the local
~r. Purinton suggested getting two bids from two 3havre-
dealers and two from two Ford dealers.
~r. ~erkel said that }gr~ ~ark ~itohell~ President of the
Rotary Club had asked whether the park opposite the school
could be used for a Christmas party, and whether Ocean Avenue
between Pine end Green Streets could be r~bped off for one
or two hours during the celebration; also'that, if they can
find a large tree~ could the City equipment go out for it.
Mitchell's requests were agreed to.
It was stated that ~r~ Transtar had said that five truck
loads of youngsters on the Range Line would like ye come tc
the Christmas natty on Sat~.vday to sin~ carols and had asked
~uhether a poliSe escort cou±d be proviaed fo~ them at about
six o'ctock~
Police Chief Carver was asked to arrange for the police
escort~by Mayor Purinton~ who said the City already had the
~zgnts for the tree~
~r~ Bell was asked to put a tree on the lawn in front of
the City Hall and out some !~ ohos on iv~
D~r~ Merke! suggested having at each re~gular meeting of
Council reoorts from the Police and Wate~-orks Departments
on the happenings of the previous weeks~
i,£LGriffith gave the first reading of the proposed 0rd-
inance on the amendment 5o the Bu~-ldzng Code~
l~r~ Shook ~de a motion, seconded by I,?~.~i~ood, tn~t
Amendment No~ ~o the Building Code ~o regulate roof
fla~n~ngs end eve drzps be accepted. ~otion passed~
~au~exson reoorted tha~ the ~upaid water bills wars
almost paid up~
i~:~ Purinton b ought up the custom of granting bonuses
to City empzo~ee~ a~ Christmas, and said he was in favor o~
paying them as usual~ but s~gested a difference in the pay-
it was agreed that a bonus of ~ ~.00 be paid to those
~l~y empzoyaes who na~e been here for a year~ a~d ~h.=t payments
should be on a pro rata basis for the o~hers~
The Mayor suggested the advisability of plnmbing and
electrical examinations.
Mr, Griffith said that Lant~na had already made arrange-
merits for the examination of plumbers and electrieians~
Mr, Purintcn suggested getting the bali rolling as soon
as possible and Mr. Shook and Mr. Merkel were appointed to
~et advice on the matter,
in discussing the water situation and plans it -~as sug-
gested that the Brockway bids be turned over to the City Attorney
~ shrikes far es the legal department is concerned.
The ~/~ayor said the matter is ~mrgenv and that the
quests for bids should go out at once° He said ft would ~ean
a special meeting of the CounCil at which it would be desirable
that ~,~3r, Senior and Mr~Brockway should be present, as the
former does not agree with some of the proposed arrangemenzs,
Tuesday, December 26~ was tentatively fi~sd for the
s~esiat meeting if ~f~,Sen~or and l~r,B~ackway could be present.
Mayor Purinton asked if any suggestions had been received
by the Chamber of Commerce regarding the ~asino, and said timt
anything done at this time v~muld be for the bsnafit of the
citizens as a whole; that smggestions were badly needed bmt
ware mosv difficult to gez~
Mr~ Sherratt said nothing specific had been received.
The Mayor suggested that the property owned by the City
the West sid~ of ~he road be cleared and tables pZaoed
there~ thus providing a shady pia~e for pionics~ compiain~s
of?task off shade at the Casino ~mving been received°
~r. Hood pzmposed taking the matZer up at next Tuesday's
speeiat meeting, by ~;hieh time some suggestions might have
been re,sired and could be discussed,
Mr~ Joseph Greenwood described some of the plumbing at
the Casino as being unfit for use and suggested it be puz in
Mr, ?urinton said no previous complaints had bean re-
ceived and suggested that the Co~missioners get together and
go and look the pitumbing over et noon tomorrow.
- 8 -
Mr. Rauterson was asked to go over to the Casino and see
what should be done.
Police .... ~, ' ~ · ~
Cnze~ Ca. var asxed that ohs Cztx prov~da a tele-
thon? i~ the!home of Sergeant ~arshall as it vomld seem to be
n the znterests Of protection and efficienc'y that aach
police officer have a 'phons.
The next ragular meeting of the Council will be on Tues-
day~ January 2, 1950.
There being no further bu~siness the meeting adjournad.
I,~]ayor ~
City Clerk ~