Minutes 12-05-50~gI!~JTES OF TP~. P~EGLW~R MEETING OF TM CIT~Z C0b~C~L~ T
v~Y t!A~ 0E DECEMBER 5, t950~
The City Council convansd at the ~ty Hall et 7,30
December 5, 1950.
Councilmen present:
Nr~ F. L. Purinton
~r. Clifford Province
l~lr, C.H.Hood
Mr~ He~ry~erkel
The meeting ~as called to order by tbs Mayor°
City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams read the Minutes of the
regmlar meeting of November 20, !950~
Ir. Hood asked that the name
tO ~h
~e Clty be corrected ~o read
of the Company supplying gas
'Shaw Brothers, instead of
Mr~ Hood moved and Mr~ Province seconded that the Minutes
of the pr evio~s macring be acceptad as corrected. Motion passed.
Bills 0~Kayed for Payment:
Boynton Beach Fire Dep~---..~49.00
D~ve Lanier ~3~41
Buster Clark
Frank Johnson
Leonard Harris
Lee Thomas
Charlie Waters
Perke~ Ward
Solomon Pitts
Sam ~urray
He~_ry Cooper
John Johnson
Levi F~edrick
Pay Master Corp.
Mosley Investment Co~
Rubin Oonstr~tion Cc~
The Cour~ Records Co, .
Nat ~. Wesms,
George S.Broc~ay
Boyntom Beach News
~aavers~s Insurance ~nay
Ray's Auto Service
3t .60
31 ~6o
30, O0
37-. ~o
Water Fraud
Dap os it ors
- 2 -
County Nercmutite 30.96
Aastin Supply Co~ 16.2A
Riggs Bros., Inc. 81,14
Bro~m & Eosely 35~07
Stevenson Seed Store ~.10
Bo~mton Beach Paint &
Body Shop ~ 39 ~ 00
Royal Palm Ice Co~ 4.~2
Halsey & Griffith 7~55
FarqUhar }~{achinery Co, 12~81
Palm Beach Typewriter Co. 7~23
D~lray }gs~hio~e & Supply Co. 5~57
~ohn Jo~us on 31~60
Levi Fredrick 33.00
Parker Wsrd 33~00
Char lie Waters 31.60
Leonard Harris 36.00
Henry Cooper 26.60
Sam Nurray 31.60
Solomon Pitts 33~00
Lee Thomas 39~60
Frank Yohnson 33~00
Buster Clark 3~o00
Dave Lanier ~3~41
Oliver Fa~tcinelli 21o52
A. C .Carver 127.70
Enoch Powell 41 ~ 50
N. 0 .Nar shall ll2 ~ 30
Hardie R~ Daugharty 102~20
Dorothy V.~Villiams ll2.30
Billy ~Bell 50~10
Ruth~L. Gramle y 66.50
Bat~y Jane Grill 71~50
gobm Bell 76~ 00
Frank Earl Clina
John E~Ramlsrson Yr.
~%~alter Lan Komski
Oliver Faleinelli
Barkley~s Grocery 37.30
Art Concrete Works ~0~50
Farmers~ I~Dlement & Supply 15.70
Shaw Bros~0il Company 21~.56
Southern Neter & Repair Co. 30~00
Finley~s ~unicipal Supply
Co~ 17o69
Stetscn 0,Sproul 9~50
Veughan & %~i~ht 54.9~
Ocean City ~uto Parts 59,09
Southern Bell Tel.& Tel. 67.71
Holnass Eotors, Inc. 54.5~
~er~s Service Station 57,5~
Florida ~r~ & Lt~ 520~51
Shsllrock Quarries 102.00
RoE.Small & Co~ 13,60
D.~.Fostar 30.40
Dave Lanier 70.6~
Bust er Clark 33~00
Frank Johnson 33,00
Leonard Harris 56, 00
Lee Thomas 39~60
Parke~ ~rard 35~ O0
Solomon Pitts
Sam ~rray 59 .lC
Henry Cooper
John Johnson 59.10
Levi Fred rick 30.00
Charlie Waters 31.60
~rs. E ~ C~ o Vsnderof~ 1.20
Aunt Sally~s Restaurant 10~15
Char~es L~oora gr~ 2.00
Dave Lanier ~3~t
Buster Clark 33°00
Frank Johnson 33 · 00
Leonard Harris 36 ~ 00
Lee Thomas 39°60
Cha rlie ~at ers 31 · 60
Parkar ~ard 33. O0
Solomon Pitts 33~00
Sam Murray 26.70
Henry Cooper 28,00
John go?~as on 26~70
Levi Fredrick 27,00
For the iD-formation of citizens attending the meeting
M~r.Markel drew attention to the bill of the ~lorida POWer &
Light Company, showing the hzg~_' ~ cost of stres~ tight,nJ.
Tbs City C~erk_ read a ±~s~' ~ of the bills being 0'Kayed
for payment at this meeting~ and the Mayor asked whether any-
one present desired an explanation of any of tham~
Mr. Merkel + ~
sugges~ea that the bills be read at Council
Mestlngs as a generak practice.
~ayor Purinton said the audience had seldom baen suffic=
iently large to make it worth while~ but he would be Dmppy to
have such a practice followed.
~r. Dick Duncan said that ths City's l~gh~ng' +' bill might
be cut down by the use of fluorescent lights.
The Mayor said the Florida Powe~ & light Comp.any had
never brought the subject up~ and added that if it was possible
and allowed, surely other si2i~s would have adopted it.
Mrs. Dubois expressed
for a light which she would
could not supply it.
her willi
2~mess~ pay $1,50 a month
like near her home, if the City
The Mayor said that if she requested a light he would try
to have one put in, that the City had been adding lights
every month, and that if the light requested by Mrs.Dubois
were put in there would be no charge.
Mr. Hood suggested Mrs.DuBois submit her request in
Mrs. DuBois also asked that a big hibiscus bush which
obstructs the view of her driveway be removed. She was
assured there would be no objection to the removal of the
bush, and was asked to speak to Mr~Raulerson about it.
A letter was read from Lipsky Brothers of the Riptide
regarding the transfer of their liquor licence to Guillards,
who are changing the nama from The Riptide to The Opera House.
The Mayor suggested recommending the transfer, all in-
vestigation being done by the Beverage Board of West Palm
Mr. Hood moved and I~r.Shook seconded that the transfer
of the Riptide liquor licence be granted. Motion passed.
A letter was road
renewal of her loose of
from Mrs. Alma Ciine requesting the
the Casino, which expires on December
The Mayor said that Mrs.Cline had writtan him that she
was moving from the Casino at the end of December, and that
nine othar applications for tho plac~ had been received.
~?~rs. DuBois asked what was to become of the Casiso~
The Mayor said it had always been a hot potato, and that
he had asked for suggestions regarding itC adding thatbthe
Commissioners would like to do what the people want, as it
belongs to the City's taxpayers.
~s~ DuBois said she had found thst the general opinion
wes that it should remain in the City's h~uds, that it was
ideal for picnics and other gatherings, and a place whera
children could play and an joy themselves~ and that it should
be kept clean and tidy.
The Mayor said the Council all agreed that it should
always be open to the citizens and that it should nov be let
out to any private enverprise.
Mr. Shook suggested that a check should be
person put in charge of the Casino, and that if
clean and tidy the person should be removed.
placed on muy
it is not kept
~r. Merkal said it should not be used to make money but
should be kept for the use of the public.
Mr. Shook suggested giving it to someone on
Mrs. DuBois asked how the people who leased
p-avenged from m~i~high charges for servi0es.
The Nayor.said as it was a ~uaicipal affai~
a long lease.
it could be
no lessee
could make higher charges than .those fixed by tha Board, and
that Mrs.Du~ois could rest assured that the Casino will .be kept
for the City of Boynton Beach and will be kept open.
There was a dis0uagion regarding the oossibility of having
a swzn~mlng pool at the Casino, and it was agreed that with a
poor beach a pool was most dss,i~b~em,. ~ [_ ·
Nr. Hood suggested s spec~.az mee~ing at which Nr.V~eavar
and Mr. Foy should be present~ so, that the matuer~ o~ ~ the inequal-
ity of their taxes with similar property can be talked over.
Mr. Daniel Strosheim asked if he could get permission to
extend one of his buildings so that the overhang Would come
over the property easement.
The Nayor said
mission for such an
could tharefore not
the Council has no authority 5o give per-
overhang, and that ~r. Strosheim~s reouest
be granted. ~
Nfs. DuBois asked as to the possibility of making e~u alley-
way through her property from Palmetto to the Highway, and was
informed that no alley can be taken over for an alley or any-
thing else, excepting by ded!catzon' : from the owner, or condem-
nation, in which case the owner would be paid s fair pric~.
~r~ Dick Duncan Suggested m~ing ~u am~n~mant to the Build~
lng Code to znc±ude ~e~al Valleys and Eaves Drips as required
by the F.H.A., saying that he considered the law should be
applied to Boynton Beach as a most desirable safety measure~
~r. Narkel made a motion, seconded by ~r. Hood, that ~e
requirement for metal eaves drips and ~lleys of not less than
l~ inches be added to the Buzlazng Code. Notion ~ssed.
~r~ G ' ~'
rzf~th was asked to draw up an amendment accordingly.
Nr,Griffith read a letter which
Governor,s Office regarding traffic
Florida, sho~%~ing that recently there
traffic fatslitles, and stating that
in~ere~ted ~&~&~o~tizens they would
ture on the matter free of charge.
he had~r~ceived from the
control in ~he State of
had been a reduction in
if there was a group of
be supplied with litara~
The re
~venus and
was a dissuasion on the traffic light at 0~ean-
the Federal, where it was said the lights change too
done to Police improve Chief matters. Carver said he did not know what could be
Mr~ Merkel Suggested that the light be moved to another
location and be replaced by a more suitable 'one.
it was suggested that a check be made on fha price of
lights ~nd that Mr.Raulerson and Nr. Carver be gi~e~ authority
to obtain a light like the One at Lake and the Hlghwamy~ which
cost $118.00 in 19&8~
ML Hood reported that the man with the obstructing sign
on his property, referred to at the last meeting, had promised
to move it.
Mr. Geller said he intended building in Boynton and asked
what the Con~ission was doing in the matter of water- prassure,
about which he had heard many complaints~
The D~ayor ~epl~ad he was glad the point was brought up
and ~aid it ~md been discussed over and over again by
Co~Assionsrs~ He produced s se~ of detailed plus sh~ing
the whole wa~er system of the City, which he said had taken
weeks in preparation. He asked ~gr. Alber~ NcGr~or to look
~hem over~ but Mr~ ~cGrsgor said he did not thi~ he would
u~derstand th~, The ~ayor announced ~h~t . '
granted the City of Bo~to~ ~%~ ~ ~ ~ 0c~ R~dgs had
supply of water, ......... ~ ~ ~-ye~r francnlse for the
and that pipes have been ordered. He added
that~ ~the whole trouble is due to the fact that the
· C~oy
azt ohe water ~t~seds, but that no provision had been
for getting it to the consumers at the time it should ~ve been
four years ago~
Further discussion on the water system followed, the
Mayor sayin~ that the Council had been. working hard on it and
were now void they had done nothing.
Mr. 5~cGregor said
~ha~ if something
~d been done the
public would know of it, that a long range plan is necessary,
and asked
the matser ~ad been kept secrev.
-. hoo~ said he objected to the Council being blamed
for nov doing something when they had already bean working on
it for over two years.
~r~ McGragor said he had e~%ended several meetings and
had never heard ~ay discussion of the water sy~tem~ He asked
what the play. would coss~
u~_nto~ said the cosy would no5 be known until the
contract had been made, and that the plane had only been re-
ceived two days ago,
Mr. Shook said he thought it -Could cost about 5% for
drawing up the plans and for~ supervision arc,, but that if
the schame did not go through there would he no charge.
Mr. McGregor asked when a fir~nc~al statement was rendered~
The Mayor rspl~ed that it was r~naered st least once a
Ye ar ~
In a general discussion on oublicit~ ~
~ ~ ~. Sharratt said
the only way he could get Police Court proceedings was by
attending the Cour~ on ~onday afternoons which was not con-
venient. ' -
Police Chief = ~
~a~ ~er offered to _~-' '
supo±y ~r~Snerra~t with
rsper~s~ and Mr~Sharratt said he would be ~ppy to print them
as received~ but so far the only reports he ?~d raceived Y~d
been from Judge Chapman~
Mr~ Ge_±er volunteered ~o attend Courv on Monday after-
noons and to report proceedings if Mro Sherratt could nov be
there, as he ~ '' -
co~sz~ered a reporter should ce present~
D°ms~us~g ~ ~ yssve~d_ ~y morning,s fire at the Gross Apart-
ments on Ocean Avenue~ D~. Bell said that seven minu~es from
time time the Fire Department ~
ma~ received the proper alarm
the ~ruck was putting water on the fire; that, unfortmnateiy,
the first call had not been put in property~
There being_ no furthe. . r business, the
m ~.~ adjourned,
City Clerk.