The City Council opnvened
November 20, 1950.
Councilm~n present:
at the City Hall at 7.30
Mr. F.L.Purinton
Mr. Clifford Province
Mr. A.E.Shook
Mro Henry Merkel
The meting was called to order by the Mayor.
City Clerk Dorothy V.Williams read the Minutes of the
Meeting of November 6.
Mr~ Province moved and Mr.Merket seconded that the Minuves
of the last Meating be accepted as read. Motion passed.
Bills O'kayed for Paymenz:
Boynton Beach Fire Uep~. 49.00
Dave Lanier 43.~t
Buster Clerk 33°00
Frank Johnson 33.00
Leonard Harris 36~00
LeeuThomas 39°60
Charles Waters 31.60
Parker Ward- 33~00
Solomon Pitts 33.00
Sam Murray 31,60
H~nry Cooper 3t.60
John Johnson 31.60
Levi Fedrick 30~00
Pay Master Corp~ 37.50
A.J~K!emon s
Mosety Investment Co.
Rubin Construction Co. 833,33
The Court Records Co~ 10.00
Nat. M. Weems, MoDo 30,00
George S~Brockv~y 3.10
Bpynton Beach News 2.80
Weavers Insurance Agency 45.17
Rays Auto Service 33.58
County Mercantile 30o96
Austin Supply Co. 16.2~
Riggs Bros~ ±nc. 81.1~
Browm & Mos~&y 35.07
Water Fund.
Stevenson Seed Store 4,10
Boynton Beach Paint & Body
Shop 39.00
Royal Palm Ice Co~ ~.42
Halsey & Griffith 7~55
Farquhar ~lachinery Co~ 12.81
Palm Beach Typewriter Co. 7.23
Delray Machine & Supply Co. 5.57
John Yo~son 31060
Levi Fredrick 33.00
Parker Ward 33.00
Charlie ~ters 31.60
Leonard Harris 36.00
Henry Cooper 26.60
Sa~ ~urray 3io60
Solomon Pitts 33.00
Lee Thomas 39.60
Frank Johnson 33,00
Buster Clark 33.00
Dave Lanier 43~1
Oliver Falcinelli 21.52
A.C~Carver 127.75
Enoch ~owell Al.50
N~0.Marshall 112o30
Eardie R,Daugharty 102.20
Dorothy V.Williams 112.70
Billy D.Bell 50.10
Ruth L. Gramley 66.50
Betty Jane Grill 71.50
John Bell 76~00
Frank Ea~l Clins
Jo~ E~Raulerson
Walter Len Koushi
Oliver Falcinrl!i
Barkley~s Grocery 37.30
A~ Concrete ~orks
Farmers Implement & Smpply 15~70
S~haw Bros.0i~ Co. 214.56
Southern Meter & Repair Co,
Finley's Municipal Supply Co.17.69
Stetson O,Sproul 9~50
Vaughan & Wright 54.95
Ocean City Auto Parts 59,09
SouthernBell Tel.& Tel~ 67,71
Holmes ~o~ors~ Inc~ 54,54
~ercer's Service Station 57.5£
Florida Power & Lt~ 520.51
Shellrock ~uarrles 102.00
R.E~Smatl & Co~ 13.60
D~ M. Foster 30o~0
Dave L~aier 70°64
Buster Clark 3~.00
Fra~ Johnson 33~00
Leoner~ Harris 36~00
Lee Thomas 39.60
Parker ~ard 33°00
Solomon Pitts 33~00
Sam Murray 29.10
Henry Cooper 30~g0
gohn Johnson 29~10
Levi Fredrick 30.00
Charlie Waters 31.60
~rs. V.G.Vanderoff 1.20
A~ut Sally Restaurant 10.15
Chas~ L~Moore Jr. 2~00
Dave Lanier
Buster Clark 33~00
Frank Johnson 35~00
Leonard Harris 36~00
Les Thomas 39°60
Shariie Waters 31;60
Solomon Pit~s 33°00
Sam~urray 26~70
Henry Cooper 28~00
john Johnson 26~70
Levi Fredrick 27.00
Chase National Bank
The City Clerk read a !cover
questing repa&rs ~o his road°
of the
The Mayor said he had already zold Mr. Getz that the City
done as much as pbssible with the equipment it ~s, and
gohnny Raulerson was asked to go and look the road over.
_m~k~ regardip~ the zransfer
A letter was read from Mr. v ....
Dutch Mill Liquor License va ~ir~ Louis B. Parr~
Mr. Hood made smotion, seconded by Mr.Merkel, tha~ the
Liquor Licence in zhe name'of ~r. Yanka be transferred to Mr.
Louis R. Parr. Notion passed.
A pe~=~=o~ was read from ~r. H.D.Stevens asmlno that the
erection of a fence by his neighbour ba stopped as some of the
posts are half on his propsrty~
The ~ayor asked if it was no~ cus. tomary to place a fence
on the iine~ and asked ~roGriffith for his opinion.
-°~ ~ the
Mr. Griffith sa~ he would like to know ~-s~ where
posZs wera~ If they are half on Mr~Stevens~ property he thought
they could certainly be moved~
The Mayor_~suggested the matter be settled by mutual agrse-
ment~between the parzies.
Mr, Stevens said he wanted a decent fence there, but did
not specif~:: what he consid~D~d would be a decent fence.
Mr~ Griffith said he would look into it and sea where the
fence is; if on the property lins it should be remove~; tha~
it is no~ a matter ~o~ the commissioners, but is a ~ubdivision
matter, and that there is no restriction cr law against s
person building a fence on his own property; that ~ere seems
strict~on ag~inst~ building e fence in that particu~
~o be no re - ~
lar subdivision; and that if it is not in our 0rdinances~ an
~ it ~fore any action
0razna~ce would have to be made regara~ng
can be taken~
~r~ Shook suggested something be worked out rsgarding an
~ needed ~o protect
0rG_nance con, ring fences~ as one is badly
The ~ayor said the matter of fences had not been brought
to the attention of the Commissioners before, hence, the~ absences
of an Ordinance regarding them. He suggested that Mr.oteven
sue the fence builder through his lawyer as it is a personal
A letter was ~ead frcm ~r. goe Har'less drawing attention
to property in the City which has no~ been ~axed since 19~7.
The ~ayor said that as the property refsrred to is inclu~
dad in the City Charter~ and Tallahasse'a accepted it as being
within the city boundary lin~ it should cer~aialy be t~.axedo
The Co~ssioners all agreed to this~
~r] Ho~d suggested that ~r. Hair,ess value the property
and tha~ tbs ta~ be paid in 1951~
~r~ ~erksl suggested tha~ Mr~ Hatless ~be~instructad to do
that Section in. mediately so that the property co~ld be taxed
° S
for this year as~ the ovauers have not paz4 t~x~ s for so long.
The k~ayor suggested that each ~roperty owner be informed
by ~_etter that as their proper~y was within the limits of the
City, tee tn_xes must be paid.
It was decided to leave the mattsr up to ~{r~Harless and
to decide on the taxes after receipt of his report~
A letter was' read from the R.V~:Spragi~s 9ompa~nY of
Tennessee~ offering their services in connection w~th any
financing the City might need.
The ~ayor suggested a letter be written to the Company
stating ~hat the City contemplated an increase in its water
system and asking for their views, free of cost to the City,
regarding the nscessary financing.
Mr. Merkel suggested that the Company send a
tire to attend a Council meeting°
An application from I~r~ Edwin W. Goodwin for a position
as Inspector was read.
The mayor said he had already seen Mr~Goodwtn and told him
that there was no such position at present, but that his letter
would be placed on file. He suggested that a letter be writ-
ten to Mr, Goodwin to this effect.
A letter received by Ann Barrett from Mr. E,Elliott Gross,
Civil Engineer, was read regarding the damaged building at the
corner of Australia and Lake.
Miss Barrett said that present plans are to tear down the
East porch and leave the South porch, as Mt.Gross described
in his letter.
The ~!ayor said three or four recon~.endations had been
received and the Commissioners wanted to be sure of what was
the best action to take, providing that the repairs would be
in accordance with the building laws, and would ensure Dhat
the building is made safe.
Mr. Hill, the son of the owner, e~ressed his desire to
co~operate in ever~ way possible to make the building safe.
Mr. Hood suggested that the repair plans be brought and
placed on phc Council table so that the Building Inspector
could pass on them. Mr, Hill agreed to do this.
Mr, Shook suggested following the advice given in the
Engineer's letter, in which case a set of plans would not be
needed and this would save Mr.Hill about $100.
It was agreed that the letter be followed and that no
set of plans be celled for.
Mr. Shook said that Mt,Greenwood, Building Inspector,
could work with Mr. Hill, who, he was sure, would be willing
zo go along,in every way.
Mr. Hill again promised full co-operation~
A list of unpaid wa%er bills, amounting to $425~ was
presented by the City Clerk,
After much discussion the ~ayor said that anyone who would
not pay ~hsir bills should hmve their water cut off~ and if
done in one case it must be done for all,
The matter was turned over to
the Water Department for
Three bids, received for gasoline, were opened:
1o Gulf 0il 22.7 oar gallon
2. Orange State Oil Co. 2~.$6~ d~o
3~ Sinclair Refining 22.8 do.
The Mayor rsceo,.m~e~nded zettzng ~h as Situation remain
it is, with th~l~a~Y. ~ ~ ~ .....
This was agreed to.
~/~ Ann Barrett referred to the State Highway
lng a~ ~ and said sl~ was much concerned with the
error which had been made in the map, which had not done
justice to Boynton~
The Mayor suggested that some one from the Chamber of
Comm. erce might be appointed zo represent the City, and that
if no Commissioner could go it would be agreeable to have
Miss Barrett attend the meeting as a representative of Boynton~
Mr. Harry Geller asked that something be done to slow
traffic through the City, and suggested that luminous signs
be put up. He said the State sign at Hypoluxo says 60
miles an hour, and that drivers ignore the 25 miles au hour
Mr.~erkel suggested that Mr. Griffith ~w~i~ to the State
authorities asking that the sign be removed as it was inter-
Fering with our City speed limit.
Further complaints were made by Mt. Ralph Anderson and Mr.
Herbert Keatts regarding the excessive speed of cars on
Ocean Avenue, mostly by local people. Lake Avenue was said
to be getting nearly as bad.
The police were instructed to arrest drivers who excesses
the speed limit.
Mr. Hood suggested it was time a light was placed at Ocean
and Green Streev~
The light at Green and Lake was said no~ to be working
properly and Mr.Raulerson was instructed to look after its
Mr. Hood asked as to the Ordinance regarding obstruction
on the highway and drew attention So s board on the corner of
Wells and the Federal which make it impossible to see whet is
It wes suggested that the owner of the Board be asked to
move it, and Mt. Rood was appointed a Committee of one to talk
to the man and explain the situation.
Mr~ Merkel suggested that Mr. Griffith first inspect the
sign to see if it wes not on public property.
Mr. Rood thought that with the p~oper approach the m~
would probably move itt if not, it could be found out through
a surveyor if he wes within his right~
The Mayor brought up the matter of the City water system
which, he said, is in a dangerous condition, there being plenty
of water but no pipes to take it ~ut, He added that if the
City carried out the water scheme proposed it would, in the
future, save Boyn~n Beach ~axp~yers ~t least $10~000 a year~
Our present fire~-insuran®~- zs extremezy high and the mat~er
has been discussed for five years. Re thought that in the
years to come the City's water department would be the best
source of revenue for the City, and that in Ohs meantime it
will not be advantageous to z he City if people put in their
o-~m pumps.
A delegation from the Baptist Church requested permission
to ~se the loz directly North of the church for parking pur-
The City Clerk said the lot referred to was not owned by
the City but mostly by Mr. Adam Schneider.
it was suggested thaz the Church contact ~.Schneider.
Mr. Shook suggested the lot E. of the church, belonging
to ~r. Rarless, might be available for lease by the Church,
The m'~zect_on~ · Board for the City election on
was appointed by the Council, consisting of:
Mr. Mark Mitchell, Clerk.
Mr. George Seegitz, Beputy-
Mr. M.R.?artin ~r., )
Mrs. Alice Shepard ) Inspectors.
Mrs.Sarsh Dame )
Miss Alice Kelly~ )
Dec~nber 5
There being no further business the M~yor declared
the meeting adjourned~
City Clerk,