H%T~T~ ON 16TH OCTOBERs 1950.
The City Council convened at the City Hall at 7~30 P~M.
October 16, 1950, at the regular meeting.
Councilmen present:
Mr~ F.L.Purinton
Mr~ AcE.Shook
Mr. Clifford Province
Mr. Henry Me~kel
Mr. C.H.Hood
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor~
The Minutes of the Meeting of October 2nd were read by
City Clerk, Dorothy V. Williams,
Mr~ Hood moved and Mr~ Merkel seconded that the Minutes
be accepted as read~ Motion passed,
Bills 0'Keyed for Payment:
Gen. Fund.
Alice Kelly 27.25
Cameron & B ark!sy 2.00
Fa~quhar?~,~aohl~e~Co~ 96.52
Merc~r's Service Station 13.63
Atlantic Coast Electric 1,65
Charles L. Meyers & Son 38.ol
Stevenson Seed Store 16,05
Anderson Animal Hospital 3.00
Chester Wright 154.00
A.O.Greynolls Co. 9.25
Halsey & Griffith Inc.
Court Records Co~ lO,O0
Royal Pal~ Ice Co~ ~o~2
Southern Bell Tel.& Tel.
Pantry Restaurant 77.55
Aunt Sally 20.15
Farmers' Implement & Supply 5,25
Neptune Meter Co, 193.50
Robert Griffith Jr. 135.00
Stanley ~eaton ll.00
City of Delray Beach 25.00
Florida Power & Lt. Co. 56~.6~
Shellrock Quarries ~2.00
Shaw Brothers Oil Co~ ~.55
Brown& Moseley 139~66
Minnesota Mining & Mfg~Co, 51.9~
~Yat er Fund
Animal Rescue League 100.00
Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 64.00
Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles 3.25
P.J.Johnson 45°00
Ade~e Hanold 1.20
Rinker~Hans~n Inc. 3~92
M. & H. Valve & Fittings ll.S1
Austin Supply Co. 23.50
COunty Mercantile 37.90
Davis Meter, Repair&
Supply Co. 4.20
Adele Hannold
Acct. of Uharles Durst
John E. Raulerson
Frank E. Cline
Dave Lanier 431&2
Willie Butler 33,00
Buste~ Olark 24~00
Leonard Harris 36i00
Lee Thomas 39.60
Charlie Waters 31.60
Parker Ward 33.00
Solomon Pitts 33.00
Sam Mur~ay 31.60
Henry Cooper 31.60
John Jokason ~31~0
Emit Ross 3°00
A.C.Carver 1~7.70
N.O.Marshall 112.30
Hardie R. Daugharty 102i20
Dorothy,. William~ 112.70
Joh~ Bell 76100
Billy D. Bell 50110
Ruth L. Gramley 66.50
Betty Fane Grill 71.50
Frank ~ohnson 30.00
· ohnJohnson 31.60
Henry Cooper 31.60
Sam Murray 31.60
Solomon Pitts 34.50
Parker ~ard 34-50
Charlie Waters 31.60
Lee Thomas 39.60
Leonard Harris 36.00
Buster Clark 33.00
Dave Lanier 43.42
Alice Kelly 35.00
Boynton Beach State Bank
Withholding 211.40
Postmaster ll0100
F.~.P. Wonder City Lodge 100.O0
Ralph Anderson 30.00
City of Delray Beach, Fla. 28.&0
Chase National Bank
Snap-on Tools Corp. 8.15
Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co. Inc. ~2.00
A.J,Johnson 90.00
Stafford ~aint Shop 80.00
George ~.~etz 9.00
N.~.~eems 8.00
Delrsy ~gnition Service 20.05
Mineralized Products Inc. 32.00
Dmro-Test Corporation 43.~8
~ewlan,s P~armacy 1.20
George S;Brockway l~oO0
Neta step.hr 2.~3
Jaeoby's Service Station 2.05
Veterans, Construction Co. ll7.00
Central Tz~a¢k Line 1.72
Shaw Brothers Oil Co. 191.01
~.& H~Valve & Fittings Co. 2~.53
C~meron & Barkley Co; 316.14
~allace & Tie,man Co; 18.39
~rguhar ~ae.hi~ery Co. ~1.6~
Ft~Ie~,s Nmnieipal Supply 26.68
Rubln c~nsttw~ction Co. 125.25
Bill Webb 60.00
Dave Lanier
Buster Clark 33.00
Frank ~ohnson 33.00
Le~nar~ Harris 36.10
Lee Thomas 39,60
Charlie Waters 31.60
Parker ~vard 33~00
S~lomon Pitts 33.00
Sam ~urr ay 26.70
He~r~ Cooper 27.00
~ohn ~ohnson 29.85
With reference to th~ offer of two City lots as a prize on
the ~'Stop the MUSic- program, it was stated that the taxes wh~h
the owner would like rebated would amount to about $50.
~r. Province referred to the question of ~ood for Prisoners.
Chief of Police Carver said ~r. Johnson was giving .65 cent
instead of .78 and 85 cent meals.
~Ir.purmnton' remarked that if the prisoners were not working
they should not require as much food.
& discussion followed as to whether the meals should not be
charged against the time worked by the prisoners.
Referring to the ~$5 cents~ per prisoner per day allowed by
Palm Beach County Jail, the Chief of Police explained that the
prisoners cooked their own meals.
Mr. Merkel suggested plainer food ~t less cost butnot less
in g antlty.
The Chief of Police stated that if the prisoners are not
working they only get tw~ meals a day.
~ letter was read from Dr. Stanley~ilkas drawing attention
to the bad condition of the road to the North of his clinic.
Instructions were given that a letter be written to Dr.
Wilkas informing.him that the road is slated to be fixed, al-
though it was pointed out that Dr. ~ilkas would be worse off than
before as he would have less room~
A letter was read from ~r. C. Oo Miller regarding the
liquor license originally owned by the Rainbow Gardens.
Mr. Miller said there will be another application made,
and that the person requesting the license would write.
Mr. Griffith, City ~ttorney, gave his report regarding
his visit of inspection to Rainbow Gardens.
The Mayor stated that before going any further he wanted it
clearly understood that the Commissioners had no grievance
aga~ust Mr. Talbot personally; tha~ when the adJoin~i~.g property
w~s bought it was zoned as residential, although he did not know
~ow that would stand up in Court.
Mr. Hood remarked that it looked as if the matter had
developed into a neighbour.B~?du~gument, but that if one person
~t away with B~eakihg a City Ordinance, everyone would have to
atl~wed to de so.
M~. Griffi~h stated that he had been called up fram West
Palm Beach ~d tol~ that if the City did ngt carry out its own
ordinances ~ would be sued. He had replied that the matter
should be hetd up until after the Commissioners had discussed it
at this Meeting.
The Mayor said he was stumped and wondered who would pay the
costs if the Oity were sued.
Mr. Merkel said it would seem to be better to be sued for
defending the ordinances than otherwise.
~r~ Shook said it was regrettable that a man should be
interfered with so much, and that the neighbours of M~.Talbot
should'be so difficult and determined to make trouble, and added
that Mr. Talbot had a hard Job, but if the City has an Ordinance
it should be enforced.
A representative of the City Health Department said he had
been asked by Mr. Jones to attend this meeting in his place in
~eonnection with the Indians. He stated that Ur. Jones had
stated that he had found sanitary arrangements for visitors
toRainbow' Gardens and that,n° according' ta the Sanitary Code,
such facilities must be provided.
Mr. Greenwood, Building Iaspeetor, said the present building
woUldregardtnghaVesepticto be removedtanks. ' but that nothing can be done at present
The Mayor said the zoning question had always been ahead-
ache~ ts to
and that the
in the way of Mt. Talbot; that if s
residential, and is ~ot part of is zoned as
sue~ th~°ugh a nuisance, the Park, the City can only be
~r. Talbot s~ggested moving the building to wi~hin 1510 feet
of the highway~
Mayor P~rinton said it would have to be in line with the
cede, and that the Zoning Board does not have'the power to do
anything but make recommendations.
l~r. Shook said the Council only wanted to help Mt. Talbot
but did not know how to do it in accordance with the zoning laws.
~r. Province made a motion, on the advice of MroGriffith,
that the ehichees be removed from the Rainbow Gardens. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Hood and Passed.
Mr. Hood said there was not a ma~ on the COmmission who
really agreed with the above motion, but Shat it was a matter of
obeying ~ City Ordinance and ~)rotectlng the taxpayers. Otherwise
they would have Preferred to see RainBow Gardens developed into
a tourist attraction.
Nrc Griffith said that if the motion were not passed a suit
for malfeasance would be brought against the City.
The ~estio~ of Arthur Rother,s proposed awning was then
raised, rne awnzng would s~e.~eh over l0 feet ef what has been
used as a sidewalk but is included in Mr. Rother,s property line.
Mr. Griffith said Mr. Rother could not block the l0 feet off
as it was a Passageway which had been used by the public for a
n~mber of years, and in case of accident in connection with the
posts, which presented a hazard, the City would be liable for
any damages,
The matter was tabled until the return of Mr. Geller, the
owner of the building.
The Mayor called upon Mr. Boos for his remarks regarding
the property on which hs and his partne.rs had made the City an
C e~il., pi_mien on .the Offer of $~ a
if bough, t, must be built' .n or four, saying t~hat the lots,
on. A sale price of $~.50 a front
foot was agreed on.
Nr. Boos said he thought he ~ould. begin buildi mn
and w~uld come to the ng ' 60 days
City Hall wzthin the next few days to com-
Plete arrangements.
In a discussion on U.N. Day,
an~ syrens wo~ld be rung.
the ]
made by
Du~ing thed'tsousslon' on the Shuffleboard bill ,for $80,
the ~ayor said that this o~-~ .....
~ . ~u~ os ~ne ±ast work to be Paid
for by the City £or the Club for a year.
~fr. Shook said that the Club should be made self-supporting
a e t i on.
The Mayor said there was no question but that the children
of Boynten Beaoh have been neglected and that there should be
a setup some,~ere for them, as they are no~ allowed to Playon
the present shuffleboard courts.
~r. Shook suggested ~utting a couole of courts on the City-
o~med land next te the Post Office for~the children, and that
the City would take care of them, leaving the older people to
pay for their o~n.
_w~ Mer~el said that something should be done For the children
right away, such ~s swings, etc.
~t was agreed that each organization in town should be
invited to send one or ~wo members to attend a meeting with the
Council to discuss ways and means e~ paying for this
playground, and that.prObably the necess children, s
raised by each or an~sat' '. ,__a~r~..$100 9r $200 could be
g zen, w~thout ta~
~r. ~erkel made a motion, seconded
organization in town be in ~t~ ~ ~ YMr. Shook, that each
meet the Coun ' ~-~ ~ ~er to send two
~ ..... c~ at 7.30 P.~. on Th ~ ~.. __ members to
, 0~ a ~.~en-s ~ the
O~fice, and that Mr. Lansin- ~-~ =~plgygr~.und hex? to the Post
a±so be invited to attend. 5 ~u ~ne ~wo o~ureh Mmnisters should
A letter was read from
Deed from the City. ~V~-R.L.0wen
~U-~.Griffith s~ requesting a Quit
hel~ ~Interest in the ~ · ~,~ their abstract.
and lnvotved at one ~tme ~ud a Quit
Deed is neede8 te el~ify the title.
O.u~ Ola~ a.mot~on s
~gr..F~ate ha~ PrO~sed ~r. V.G
th? meet~ this .
?~ch ~enf . .~eaver
are de ~ ~ ~ eon .~ . tha$ he
.side of the Fe~=~]~ ~r d?ew. attentin~ ~ ~
Draffte can e~Z~~ 2~gnway a~ ~an~ ~=e waist on ~e -
~ges~ +~-~ ~se the E~ -~.. ~ Avenue.
abodt i-- "~ uzty ask ~he~_~ a~ter hee~-~g ~a~t the
~ ~men~ ~o ~o
The ~ayor direoted that a let~ .
say~g that ,,s~ had a very dangerouse~,~?&tten
we ~ld like to have corrected. ~z~zon on the
time. The City Clerk read the Budget Ordinance #222 for the se~
of 0rdznanoe ~222 be accepted. ~otzon Pas ed. t the second
letter was read from the Shuffleboard 0curt exPressing
appreeiation~j of the help received From the City.
~r~ Shook m~de a
followi~g Resolution bem°ti°n'adoPted:SeC°nded by ~r'Pr°vinoe, that the