The City Council convened at the City Hall at 7~30 P.M.,
October 2nd, 1950, at the regular meeting.
Councilmen present:
Mr. F.L.Purinton
Mr. A.E.Shook
Mr. Clifford Province
Mr~ Henry Me,kal
Mr. C,H.Hood.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor.
The Minntes of the Meeting of September 16th were read by
City Clerk Dorothy V. Williams.
Mr. Hood made a motion, seconded by Mr.Province, that the
Minutes be accepted as read. Motion passed.
City Clerk Williams then read~.the Minutes of a Special
Meeting held on September 28, 19~0.
Mr. Hood made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shook, that the
Minutss be accepted as read, Motion passed.
Bills O'Kayed for Paymaut:
Gen. Fund.
Professional Insurance Co. 12.50
Petty Cash 90.53
Rubin Construction Co. 500.00
Emit Ross 6.00
John johnson 31.80
Henry Cooper 31.80
Sam~urray 31.80
Solomon Pitts 33.00
Parker W~rd 33.00
Charlie Waters 31.80
Lee Thomas 39.70
Leonard Harris 36.00
Willie Butler 33.00
Dave Lanier ~l.01
A.C.Carver 1~9.30
N.O.Marshall Jr. ll$oS0
Hardie R.Daugharty 103o90
Dorothy V.Williems 116.90
John B~li 76~00
Ruth L. Gr~mley 67.90
Betty Jane Grill 72.10
Billy D.Bell 50~90
John E. Raulerson
Frank Earl Eline
R.G.Greenwood 50.00
FrankNutting 25.00
Water Fund
F~ L~ Purinton 50,00
AcE,Shook 50°00
C,H.Hood 50~00
C.C.Pro?inee 50~00
Henry ~srksi Jr, 50,00
Whit t McDovce ll 20 ~ O0
John L. MaNanas 75~00
Ralph Chapman 50~00
Robert F~ Griffith Jr, 50°00
Alma Clina ~07
Emit Ross ~1.80
Yohn Johnson 31~05
Henry Cooper
Sam Murray 31~80
Solomon Pitts 33,00
Parker ~ard 33.00
L~e Thomas 39~70
L~onard Harris
~gillie Bmtler 33~00
Dave Lar~ier ~&~01
Allison Sterna~s~atsd that
by the Rainbow Gardens had been
Court ¢¢~no ~d been authorissd to
the liquor license previously held
turned over to the Bankmuptoy
sell it~ and that he now o%~ms
Mr. Sterne said thet he had been to Tallhassea and had
been referred to the Beverage Board. He had come to th~ City
Hall with his check for ~750 on October 2~ and had left it and
his assi~ument pending decision~of City Council to transfer same.
in the ~antime he was advised vo go to the Beverage Board as
soon as poss_b±s and see if the l~cense had not been oanceilsd~
a~d ~'
.. ~nen to return to th~ City ~_a±~'~
Mr~ Sterne asked that the City hold his check in absymnos
until he had complied with these instruotions~
V~aen asked if he had a definite~addrsss and location for the
~icense, which would be necessary ~¢efore it could be approvsd~
ns re~lied ~hat hs had mo lease at presenv but ~vas ~rying to
negotiate for one i~ the South end of town~
Mr~ Joi~m Talbot~ lessee of Rainbow Gardsns~ said he had b~eh
omt of to~ and b~d only learned on his return of the complaints
mede agains~ the G~rdens at the last ~sting of the Council~
~ayor P~rinton stated that one of the complaints had been
that colored people ~ers envering the gardens.
~r~ Talbot said the cclored teachers of Pa~ Beach County
s~hoois had visited the gardens on an educational tomr, and that
the v~hite reachers i~d also been there pravioasly~
· , _~_e ~,~a~o~ oa~d ~ne oooona oomp!aint was tha~ beer was
oemng sold xn 'the gardens.
z~ea Dean sold
sanitation facilities in the gardens~ ~-a ~, + -
- ~ onao no toilets were
'-=~ Talboz revlied that no ~ ~ ~*'~
from the ~ - ~ ~ ~o~_~_~s had bees received
~th Oef~oe~ ohm,. no 5oi!ets had evem been pro~
but that moze toilets "~"~ be ' ~ -~ ~' ' --
T~e Y, ayor stated that as complaints ers received they
have to be taken care of~ l~ost of~he '~omp,~aznts, ~ ' seem to ~nave
been_ ironed out~ but ~x~e matter has been turned over 5o our Legal
D~¢=osmngLthe raisers of the Animal ReScue League for
~- regular donation: it was stated ~na-c. ~;t=n=
,~rp~J a se=r~ Tile Chief ~,. run.ce re ....
gave ~12 ~ ~O~ o~
Riviera a~o Boyntom were about +~
a ...... f'rcm .... ~, s ..... size he suggested
mc.~ Boynto~. ~6 stated '-'-~+ ...... -
-~ maxes a
5'~ %{ez'kei said '~-~- if
On, ~he City-;ouid not get
· ~ thoug?~ that in case of
Pe~z~=e they oo,q~ be
showm the letter from thez~.e"--~er 3ompany.
Mr. Me~k~i made a ~-~ ,-~ ~
mo~_o~ ~eeonued by
' . - ........ ~ thst~ owln~
to the increased price of ~m, terzsls the i~
service ~.~roe by 20~. City ........ =ts water
Mayor Purintou asked eh= ~ -~
C~a~ of
.... Police why the charges on
prisoners, meals were so high. He said he ~ ~. ~ ~
.ea_~se~. that,
working the men must be given one ~ -~
~eao meal a day, but that Palm
Beach Co~.ty pay 0nly ~5 cents a day ~ ~
~e_ prisoner for food~
whm±a we are paying s~ average of ~6~ cents per meal.
~ ~ ~hief Carver was instructed to ask N~. Johnson if he could
~o~ m~<e a bid on ~'~ ·
the ~=- ~ ~ro z!9=~g meals for pr~Soners~ and to take
g~enu a¢coun~ of ~77o55 to Mr,Johnson wit~ a view of
getting a discount on it. " ~'
~=zllame read a ±eiDer from M.B.BaSkln ~ -~ '
~ ~ ~Pp±yzng for
a b~ve.age license for beer and ~ine at the City Lark~t on
~ez!s Road~
~=. Purinton sazm ~t was @ grocery store iicense~ which
there ~- ~ -
seomem no reason for not
Mr. Disrkel made a motion~ seconded by ~Zr.Shook~ that as
no reason against it b ,
~d caen g~ven, a beer and wine license
o~mn~em to ~.~ Ba~kzn~ to be consumed off the pre~ses only.
~l~ams read the Budget Ordnance No.222 for the
first time. '
Mr. HOOd made a ~otlon~ ~ =~ ~
s~co~ea by b~. Province that
the 0rdn~ace be accepted as the ~irst r ~ ~
~ ead~ng~ Motion passed~
Three bids had been received for the smpply of a po±ice
car~ .~r. Hood sa~ others ~ad reouested
- . . ~ ~erm~ss~on ~o bid,
bu~ it was deozded that sznoe the ~eaa z~ne was fzve o'clock
~nls evening~ a
ct_on should be taken on the the three bids
already received, which were o~en opened.
Da!ray Baaah ~otors:
Hoiness Motors, MoPalm Beach: ~yt~ ~1,461~70
Twin City Che~ ~ ~ -~
- ¢_o~e~, ~.~az~. B~acn. ~1,240~00
~fter much discussion it was decided to accept the low bid
of the Holness ~otors of West Palm Beach for a ear to be used
ms a police car~
motion to that effect was m~ds by v~.
Merksi~ end PaSSed
~. ~Hood~ Seconded by
each ba~ - -~o~ said that M~
~' ~ approached · ~- ~' ~Urweil
Boynton~ a hzm on the
tio~ ~,~ nd had suggest~ .~ ~sub~ect of ~.~
~zty~abatedHiSbyOnlYthe City,stip~lati°n wes that t~es d~e
the P~perty be
cho~ oeTh~eMaY°~tots SUggest ~din t~t, ~2 ~fT~
twole~ter ~itten to the ~'Stop t he l
their an A-i res~ential' -
as a Prize
The owne~ of ~he ioo$ Would ~o
ho wants the gift to come ~h~OUgh the City officials.
~- Merke! stated that he ~d talked to ~'.~ansing
the band concerts~ but that nothing could be done about themab°~t
after the fOOtball Season was Ova% at which ~lme they
Would be glad to arrange one or
in the School aud!*~orz~m~ two CO-certs
,~lm~a~, Offered
instead of monthly.
-~-~nton said ~my people could
month,s bill easier than a tares month
The s~ggestion was te~ied.
a. suggestion ~ho+ .
b*~ , ~¢ i~ Orde~ +* ~
~S Be Sent OUt e~ + - ~ oa~e
~-Y ~hree months
To p~y One
There being no ~.~
meeting adjourned. -mZther business the Mayor declared the
City Cle