The City Council convened at the read!ar meeting at the
City Hall at 7°30 M.M.~ Seotember ~th, 1950.
Councilmen oresent:
Mr. F.L. Purinton
Mr. A.E.Shook
Mr. C.H.Hood
Mr. Clifford Province
Mr. Henry Merkel.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor.
The Minutes of the Meeting of August 21 were read by City
Clerk Dorothy V. Williams. The figure of $20,000 given as cost
of salaries for Boynton was corrected to read SWO~O00.
Mr. Hood made ~ motion, seconded by Mr.Merkel, that the
Minutes as corrected be acceoted. Motion oassed.
Bills O~Kayed for Oayment:
0 oC .Sloane
Florida Power & Light Co. ~1o33
Shellrock Quarries 36.00
veterans construction comoany 20.00
Art Concrete Works 40.50
Finley~ s Muni~iDal Suoply Co, 11.75
Farq~daar Machinery Co. 38.87
Boynton Beach News .90
City of Delray Beach 25.00
Charles A Meyers & Son 29~74
Neptune Meter ComoanY 193~ 50
Miami Uniform Inc, ~6~00
A.L.Herbst Service Station 23.31
Cleary Bros. C~onstruction Co. 220,~0
Rubin C~nstruction Co. 166.50
Calgon Inc. 152,50
Dave Lanier $4. O1
Willie Butler 33 · O0
Leonard H~rris 36. O0
Lee Thomas 39.70
Geno Fund. Water F%uud. Deoositors.
Charlie Waters 32.55
Parker Ward 33.75
Solomon oitts 33.75
Sam Murray 33.00
Henry Coooer 31.80
John Johnson
Dave Lanier 44.0!
William J. Tiers 18.00
Robertson & Foss
Samuel D. Ford
John E. Raulerson
Frank E. Cline
A. C. Carver 129.30
N. 0. Marshall Jr. llW.50
Hardie R. Daugharty 103~90
Dorothy V. Williams 116.90
Muriel Herring 74.50
Vareda Sb~amko 63.80
Billy D. Bell 50.90
John Bell 76.00
Irvin Lacey 25.00
F. L. Purinton 50.00
A. E. ShOok 50.00
Henry Merkel Jr. 50.00
Clifford Provmnc~ 50.00
C. H. Hood ~0.00
Robert F. Griffith Jr. 50°00
John L, McNames 7~.00
Raloh W. Chapman 50.00
A. Cline 4.07
Frank Nutting 25~00
R. G. Greenwood
Alice Kelly lO.O0
W, MacDowell 20.00
Eva A~ Somerville ~7.~I
The matter of Mr. A. J. Gamot being assessed for 20 acres
although only owning 8 acres was discussed.
Mr. Province m~de a motion~ seconded by Mr. Hood~ that the
necessary adjustment be made in Mr. Gamot's taxes. Motion oassedo
A letter was read from Mrs. Charles Brown in which she said her
husband had recently died suddenly and she reeuested that the City
refund the $8.00 Daid for Build~ug Permit.
It was agreed that the re~nd should be n~de under the circum-
stances~ as no building would now be erected.
A letter was read from Mr. 0. D. Priest regarding a Permit
for his Boatslio in the La,ms S/D.
It was suggested that Mr. Priest be informed by letter that he
will not require any Permit from the City to do the necessary
Mrs. Williams stated that no Resolution could be fouud author-
ising the destruction of the $50~000 Bonds redeemed, and asked if
she should burn them.
M~. Purinton suggested getting in touch with Mr. Cook tomorrow
to ask him what should be done~ as all the Bonds should be des-
troyed if cancelled~ but~ there being no Resolution governing the
~m~atter~ the proper orocedure should first be obtained.
A letter was read from the Manalapan Town Commission thankin
Boynton Beach Co~missioners for supplying water while their own
were being re-laid.
A letter was read from the Animal Rescue League~ asking if the
City would make a monthly contribution to the League whose exoenses
had become very heavy. They have only the $100 received from the
County and contributions from various cities in the County. They
give all their services free to animal owners.
~r~ Purinton in asking for opinions from the Co~issioners~
stated that Boynton calls on the League to cams about a dozen times
a month on an average. This is in addition to calls from private
persons in Boynton.
~[r~ Hood asked what
from.~ and ~f_r. Purinton suggested the General
~[r, Shook suggested enquiries be made as to the amount
tributions made by neighbouring places of approximately the
size as Boj~.ton~
~,~r~ Hood suggested that the matter be turned over to the Chief
of Police far information as to the number of dogs etc.~ attended
to by the League monthly,
of con-
The President's Proclamation on ~.~_~ ~re.~an~~~on v~as ~= ~
s~ ~e week of October w~a to 15th as Fire Prevention Vl~eek.
~aus~ b..a~ the President's ~ ~ '
that the wee~ ~ October 9 tc 15 would be~.r~
The Mayor
%r~ ~. ~ ~o ...... ~ ...... z the Clty had a
and was informed_ _ that, d~ ~r~ Graenwood~s m~nas~- ~ ~r.Andarson
was substituting for him.
~r. Harris then asked if t~e ]iRubi. n Conssruction Company had
received a Permit from the City for ~heir Asphalt plant. He was
told that the City ?~d nothing to ~o with it as it was on private
property~ although within City limits~ that the plant was erected
on a temporary basis only~ but if it was now developing imto a
nuisance that was a differen~ story~
~r~ Harris aska~ if the contractors had bean charged the usual
~25 for a Per~it~ ~r~ Griffith stated that an 0rdnanoe was to be
drawn up regarding similar cases but that most toy, s do not charge
contractors for Permits as the work they do is for tha good of tha
City~ gust how much the Ci'ty would c~arge ~ould have to be dis=
i~+ '**~a~ po~m~=~ out ~_at the Company ~ad
of m~=v ~n the uzty and emp~oyea much
i~ Shook suggested that ' ~ ~
~ oe_~o~e adopting an 0rdnanoa for
_~ut~re use a check should be mazda to see %~ast other Citias are co__~g~ ~
~r. %erkat suggested that the spreading of oil on roads should
require au Occupational License.
5~ Griffith seated that i~ would not be wise to ~nax ~' ~oe an
Occupational License excapting in the ease of private individuals,
and t~t if the City ~
~narged the Rubin Company $25 for an Occupational
~=~e~se~,~* * , they coulm'*- charge the Czty' ~**'~ equipment' lhey*ha~e'-io~ned%he
C~t. for certain work.
~rs. Clarence Bosworth said she Y~d bean asked tO draw attention
to tha state of the main street in colored tov~ jmst over the tracks~
which had been made impassabla for pedestrians by the recent heavy
rains, and suggested that the road be fi~ed.
l¢iayor Pur_n~on stated that this matter ha~ been put on the
agenda more th~ three months ago, and that when enough dirt had
been collected + ' --- ~ ~- ....
Chafe, the road wo~ld be.~%~xe,=. The ¢ity on±y nas
one tr~ok¢ and at least half a dozen t~s are being f~ed, Efforts
are oezng made ~o ge~ ~ough azrv along~zde each so thav the grader
can put it ovar,
~s. Bosworth also said it had been raquasted tha5 the Mayor
agree to tine Fire Protection Week Proclamation and that something
drastic be done in the ma~er; that other organizations in time City
had agreed to co-operate,
D{ayor Purinton ~e~,~'~a ~-~ '
- ~ .... that ~ne Oommzssioners were always very
happy to make any s~ch Procla_m~lon, particularly when
by the President of the United States.
Mr~ Edward E. Berry asked if any information was available
regarding his beer and wine license, and said that the environment
would no~ harm his children as the beer would only be consumer with
~meals~ and that ~tho~t the license he was at a disadvantage with
other reso~urants in the neighbourhood.
~ Purinton again said ha thought it would be objectionable
to have children in ~ueh an atmosphere and that he felt sure Mr.
Berry would be severely critioised by his neighbours, but that
otherwise there seemed to be no reason why the license should not
be given~
. .~r~ Shook m2de a motion, seconded by ~r. Hood, tha$ ~!r.Berry
be given a _Icense for beer and wine. Motion passed~
5~r. Shook asked about
and said that Mr~ Greenwood
well again.
the status of the City Bu&lding Inspector
wants to have the job bask when he is
}~r, A~derson~ who has been p~nohh~-tting for ~r.Greenwood, said
would agree to the payment of a flat rate of ~50o00 ~ ~ol~,g~, r*hich
w~s what had been paid ~o Lr~ Greenwood~
Mr. G~kff~tn presented a letter from the Attorney of Mrs~
Margery Garana_, -¢Laich was read by Mrs.Williams, requesting a Quit
Claim Deed for a 30 ft. strip adjoining her property to the North
for the purpose of clearing T~t_e.
~. Pur~n~on stated there was no Title of record and that the
matter should be settled as soon as possible and be cleared up
after several years of discussion and correspondence.
~. Hood ==de a mot~on~ secon~e~ b~ Mr. Prov~nce, that the City
give Ers. Margery Gardner a Quit C~azm Deed on the property referred
to in the letter v~ich had just been read~ Motion passed~
It was ascertained that a Deed from the S.~.~asiCorpo~at~on for
street right of way S~ of their gas ta~ pro~ssd some time ago,
had not yet been received.
The Clerk was instro, cted to write $ ze~ter ,~o_N~.Mason ~ones
informing _~m that the cass of his water b~.ll ~,i~ be taken Up with
the ~omm~ssxoners. Out of fairness to other t~ payers this bill
cannot be sllowed to exgend further. The meter vd. ll have to be
moved if the bill is not settled in ~uzl by i P.~. September ll~ 1950.
~.h£s letter to be registered and d~f~.n~.~,ely ~'Final NOtice*.
There being no f~rther businese the Mayor ~,d~e~a~ed the
meeting ad journed,
City Clerk ~