ON ~ 3RD OF JL~Y, ~'~0.
The City Council =~onvened at the regular meeting
st 7.30 P,!~.., July 5rd, 1950.
Councilmen Present:
the Ci~
~. F.L. Purinton
~ir. A.Eo Shook
Mr o C.H. Hood
Mr. Clifford Province
Mr o Henry Merkel.
The meeting was called to order by the
The minutes of the mseting of June 15th were read by City Clerk
Dorothy V.Willians and accepted as read on mo~ion of ~Hood seconded
by Mr. Province.
Bills O,Kayed for p~ment:
N.A.M~rshali Jr.
Hardie R. Daugharty
Dorothy V.Willi~s
Vareda Shranko
Clifford Province
Henry Nerkel jr.
Robert F.Griffith Jr.
Fraak Nutting
Fre~k Earl Cline
John E.Raulerson Jr.
Alma Cline
~uriel Herring
Billie D~Bel!
Ralph Chapm~
R.G. Greenwood
John Bell
John L. ~cNames
Whitt MaCdowell
Dave Lauier
John Johnson
Henry Cooper
Sam ?~r r ~v
Parker ward
Solomon Pitts
Charlie W~ ers
Gem Fund
Wa~er Fund
Lee Thomas
Leonard Harris
George Cain
The following letter was read by ~irs. Williams, City Clerk,
from the Lake Worth Drainage R~stP&Qt:
June 29, 1950.
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Beach, Florida.
Palm Beach County acquired title to the Eh ~E B~N ~f Seco36-45-42
in one of their foreclosure suits, Their records indicate that
they h~-e dedicated this for public Ese at the request of the City
of Boynton Beech.
This tract is a five acre trot 990 feet East of the Military Trail
~ miles south of the Boynton Road. Mr. F. C. I~uggleston of
~d ~
Boynton Beach owns a~l the rest of the lmud in this area sm_d would
like to purchase this from Palm Beach County as it is in his pasture°
From its location it would seem that this might have been dedicated
in error. We would appreciate it if you would check this matter
end see if this dedication cammot be released so Mr,~f.~ggleston can
buy it. A letter from the city to either ourselves or the County
Commission will take care of the matter.
truly yours~
General Manager.
~f~. Purinton stated that more information was needed before
action could be taken.
Mr, ~erkle stated that the Lake Worth dump is very neat and
a perfect set-Upo Mr, Purinton stated that Delray has the s~e
system and, if adopted by Boynton~ a bull dozer would be necessary.
~r. Province made a motion that Mr. Lombardo be given a Deed
for Lot 3 Block 8, less the.N, l0 feet, 0riginsl Town of Boynton,
for an additional ~100 in l~e~ of Deed dated 28th March, 1949, for
part Lot~
~r, Hood seconded the motion, which was passed.
In connection with a bil~ for cracked ice presented by the
Shuffle Board Center, a question was raised as to why the Center
should expect the City to pay for this since the City a~_ready paid
for the ice for the water cooler°
Nr~ Hood made a motion, seconded by ~.Shook, that ~he Tax
Equalization Day be Tuesday, July 18, and that a Notice be
published in two publications.
Notion passed~
~r~ Hood made a motion that a Resolution should be made. removing
~ Tom
the ded~catzo-~ on the property sold in error ~o
so th~ it may be ,put up for sale by the County.
~ro Greenwood, City Building Inspector, stated that
~elear is putting up a b~ilding around VS0 sq. ft., thst he has
no permit, mud shows no inclination to ~ake one out, beyond
unfullfilled promises to come in and talk it over.
I~r. Rood said it should be up to the City Attorney to ~rite
~k~. ~elear a letter telling him that he should obtain a pgmit from
the City,
~r. oriffith~ was instructed to write such a letter.
op er at or,
Shook raised the question of renting City equipment,.wi.th
~' that it would help them an~ the
to local people, sta~ng
Purinton stated that on general principles he objected to
renting City property°
It was agreed that in the ease of City equipment being rented
the rental price asked by outside operators should be charged, to
avoid dissatisfactfon~
~r~ P~rinton suggested that the City first obtain the ~quipment
before deckding on the rental price~ and that in any case the
equipment should be rented only if there is no
~fr. Clyde Miller's opinion was requested mud he said he
objection to renting said equipment.
~ro Stanley Weaver, whose opic!on was also asked, said
so long as rental is not to comDete with locsl
would not cu~ the price SO, any local msn.
local mmn to do the
contractors, he
~r.~ Hood made a motion~ seconded by ~. Sb_ook, that a Resolu-
tion be drawn u~withregard to renting out three pieces of e$ip-
ment~m ~ grader, a roller~ and a mower.
Mr. Hood referred to equipment for which the present owner,
Mr. palcinelli, had paid ~2,~00, and which he would sell for
th~ he would ~ake up to ~l,000 in lots ~ud $500 in cash.
~r. Purinton ask~e'8 what was the wish of the Council and whether
~r. Hood should approach the m~u with the Lots and ~00~
It was agrsed with Mr. Hood should approach Nr. Falcinelli~
~r. Stcmley Weaver reported on the July Fourth CelebratiOnS,
st.ati~ that he understood that over a thousand notices had been
mamled~out ~ud th~ sa other thousand were to be distributed the
a ~ th~ the City's part of the cost was ~$ that
following d y~
the donations received towards the fireworks e~om the various City
orgaaisations amount to ~$98~ and that they had cost ~8- T~nat
there was thus no profit on the fireworks and that the second
largest item of expense was $~80 for chickens plus ~lB0 for the
rest of the food. That if 800 persons attended the celebration
the totalcost would be covered. That the Le~ion stands to lose
approximately ~00 in case of rain. That in the past the City had
contributed generously~ aud that the Legion was snticip~tlng as much
or more this ye~
~r. Purinton asked the wishes of the Council regarding help to
be given by the City in behalf of the celebration, and suggested a
donation of ~100, and~ if loss is incurred, more could be donated
Iater o
~r~ Nerkle made a motion, seconded by ~r. Hood~ that the City
donate $100, pay the ~.~ for the Ad., and, in ~he event of rain
making the celeb_atmOn a financial disaster, give further help.
The Motion was passed.
~r~ Hood read an anonymous letter he had received to the effect
th~ City water was being used free of charge by certain local
Mro Johhny Raulerson, asked for his remarks regarding the letter,
· d
repl~ that he knew of none of the City's 800 odd meters
was not read regularly~
Mr. Clyd~zller reported that he had received a water bill last
week accomp~.~ed by a threat to cut the water off unless the bmzl
were paid~ that the water had already been cut off for ~0out a
month with resulting d~mage to grass and shrubbery~ng to
~o Purinton suggested that it was a question fo~ the legal de-
partment~ that as the water meter was rented in the naue of Mro~iller,
md the deposit had been paid by him~ he was responsible for payment of
the w~er bills and was the only person from whom the money could be
collected; that the only protection the City has iS to hold such
person responsible.
~ro ~iller then referred to the possibility of having a full time
Secretary for the Ch~aber of Commerce, and during the discussion which
followed ~r.Merkle stated that it seemed to be the general opinion
that a full time Secretary would be preferable to one available only
for a few hours a day,
The G~uestion then arose as to the source of pay of such
~o ~rinton referred to the necessity for making up the Budget
Mr. Hood suggested that a special assessment of 2 mills for
advertising be givenconszderation~ mn' the ~'
com_ng ~dget, mud that
a part of the increase received be given to the Chsmber of Commerce,
Mr. Purinton stat ed~that the amount the City c~mld afford for
advertising could only be worked out in the Budget; that the
matter could not be decided at this meeting, and th~ criticism on
raising the tax by 2 mills would be enormous. He drew attention to
the f~t th~ everything in connection with City operation had gone
up~ but th~ the City intake had Sot gone up. He suggested that
steps be taken to get the general public to attend a meeting to dis-
cus~ the question of tax increase.
~rs, Willi~$ read
the following Ordin~ace:
.~.~_r. Merkel made a motion, seconded by ~r.Hood, that this
Ordinance w~-t~ regard to sheet metal on roofs and sidings
accepted as read,~ 1st reading. Motion was passed,
There being no ~ther business the Mayor declared the
meeting adjourned°
City Clerk.
B~ch se~re tr~icm! ~c~ ~fr~e~t~ oc~ ~icn end~r
~d proper~ ~thi~ the Ci~ ~d
~S it is det~m~ed by t~ Oi~ Co~ci! t~ it
~ for the ~Iic h~th~ ~e~ ~ ~e~e to re.ate t~ u~e
e~lat~on of met~ roof~, si~ng. ~d eh~$hi~ ~ buit~ ~thi~ the
City of B~nton Be~h ~d
~S there e~ m ~m~ em~n~ ~f~t~ the
hem~t~ ~d ~ety i~ t~ Oi~ of BorSch Beth ~d it is neces~ for
t~ ~e~mte Drese~tien of the p~iic h~th ~d s~e~y t~t
be envied ms follow~:
Section l. Henceforth it ~tl be ~ fgr ~
fi~ or ~e~orm/0ion to i~st~l or ~e on ~ b~l~ in the Oi~
Beth me$~ roof~g~ ~a~ or si~ wither fir~ ~ow~ to the Oity
Building Y~mspec%or a copy of She ma~ac%~rer~ slmecific~tiens on t~
prier method for ~id !ns~lati~ ~ !~ ~ ~e She ~ ~ ~
s~ted ~ecifi~t!on~ ~ich ~ be, ~Ject to fill ~o~ ~d
in~ec~ion of ~ City's ~l~ ln~eCtor.
$~c~i~ 2~ T~ 01~ ~l~ng ~spec~or ~e, ~d he l~ ~reby
~ed the ~h~i~ to ~ is ~ged ~th the d~ty of ~orci~ ~
~e~s ~ Dro~sion~ of t~ ~ ore--ce.
~oe= %he cs=viction of ar~ person firm or
person, firm or co~ora~ion
be ~i~hed By ~ fin~ ~o~ to ~Ceed the ~ of ~ive ~d~d ($500~0~)
Dol!~ or ~ris0r~ent for m period of n~ more
in th~ 0i~ J~l or by bo~h such f~e
Section $e ~I or~ee~ or P~ts of o~ce~ i~ co~lic~
here~th ~e ~d S~ s~e ~e ~reby
~S~ ~G ~!$ ~ ~y O~ ~ZY~ ~ D. 1950