Minutes 05-05-42RE~I~ ~EETING OF MAY 5~ 1~42
pOSTPONED TQm- i'~A.~. 'Y, 1942
A l~egala~ Meeting of the Board of City C~tssiomens
of She City of Boynton Beat11, Florida, w~s held at- the
~ ~ Thusly ~te~o~, ~ V~h 1942 at 2 o,el~k
A V Petev~,~ _ City Clerk
~e above constituting the entre BoaM~.gF~CiSy O~
mt~i~ ~ ~e City of B~ton Beach, Flo~ida.
~e ~nutes' of _th?~, ~Eul~ No,ting of ADvil ~th 1942
were ~ead ~d approved as ~ead.
The Tveas~e~~s ~epo~$ was ~ead ~ aocepSed.
Upon me$1en ~de by Oo~msione~ ~ell, seco~ed by
Oo~ssione~ PeSe~s~ ~ ~ous~ e~i~. a ~
slble fop ~ass f~es ne~esst~a~ the ca~n8 ~ of the
f~e ~ck ~o ext~ish the
Upon mo~ton ~e ~ Oo~asionev ~.1t, s-~
Oo~ssionev Pe~evs~ and ~eue~ cav~ie~. ~e folly-
i~g bills were approved' ~o~ pa~vr~ent~ .......
BA~e~'~ GArage .... 25;2S
MO~'S Ser~i~e S~att~n 12;~1
Hood"s Aut~'Se~ice '' 29~§6
Standard Service Station 3V;30
Fla. Powe~ & Light Ce.. 122.00
Vice~-Naye~ ~uetl ~ep~$ed that D~ Weems, who ~s he~etofo~
use~ t~ City ~D ~o~ as a ~g ~st~e, is ~ist~ on
~emo~g the fenc~ f~ t~ west b~a~ of the ~p ~,
ela~g the fenc~g to
Upon motion
Co~sst~e~ Pete~ ~ ~~ e~, She Vlce-~ye~
~I~ the s~e_. _. t~_ ..... be Pemoved. ~nles~ ~d ~t~ ~. ~eems estab~es
The~ bet~ no fU~he~ business t~ ~etimg adJ~ed.
Ol~y C lel~k