Minutes 08-01-44MEETING OP AUGUST t, !9~. A Re~la~ ~IeetinE~ of the Board of City Co~s~ioners of the City of Bo~w~ton B~oh~ FIo~id~, was he~d ~t the City Hall on Tuesday, August 1, !9~ at 2:00 o~c!ock P. ~. A. V. Peterson Clerk The above constituting a majority of?the Board City Commissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The ~mnu~ s of the regula~ meeting of July ~t~_, 19~ approved as Upon motion made by Cozamiss~on.~ Daly, soconded hy CoL~issiom~ Peterson s~d duly car~ied, the following bills were approved for payment: Hood's Auto Service (for ~une & July) Ra~uond C. Alley, (fo~ Bessemer Prop- erties, Inc I & S) $ 62o1~ 155,00 Ther~ being no £u~ther bus.ness the meeting adjourned.