Minutes 03-06-45REGU?~M MEETING 0F MARCH 6, 1946.
A Regular Meeting of_ the Board of C%ty Commls~ion~rs
of the City o2 Boynton Beach, Florida, was held at the City
Hall on Tuesday, March 6, 1945 at 2:00 o~lceek P. N~
Present: William J. Daly, ~ayoP
A V Peterson, Clerk
The above constituting a majority of the Boa~d of
City Co~nmissioners of ~he City of Boynton Beach, Florida.
The Ninutes oF the Regular Meeting of Feb~aa~y 8th,
!~48 were read and approved ~s r~ad.
Upon m,tion made by Commissioner Dal~, seconded by
Co~uissioner Peterson and duly carried, the following Bills
were approved for payment:
Fla. Power & Lighh Co
Paul Nercer
Hood's Service Auto
S6~he~i Be!I-T~! CO
Bond No. 1~ Issue t92S.
$ 203~99
There being no further business the m~blng recessed
to Earch 20-1948 at 2;(~ o,clock P.~. at which rims:
A petition nominating B V Tattersall for Vice-~or
accompanied by $2§°00 filing fee was accepted (no other petitions)
being ~eceived; and the Clerk ~t~cted t~have ~00 ballots
printed for use in the General Election of April 9, 194~ having
thereon th~ name of B V Tattersall.
The~e bemng no further business
ad j cupric d.
the meeting forthwith