Minutes 07-03-45REGULAR ~TING OF JULY 3, 1945. A Regular Meeting of the City Oo~aissioners of the City of B0ynton Beach, Florida, was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, July 3, 1945 at 2:00 otcloak Present :~ '*illiam Jo Daly Mayer B V 'Tatte rsa!l V Mayor A V Petersen C Clerk The above constituting the entLve Boa~i of City Commissioners of the .City of B°Ynton Beach, Florida. The Minutes of the Regular Meeti~ of June 5th, 1945 were ~ead and approved as-read~ The Minutes of the S~ecial Meeting of June 1Sth, 1945 were read and approved as read. Upon motion m~de~ seconded and duly carried, the followJ ing bills were approved for payment: South~n Bell Telephone Co Hoods Auto Service Paul Merce~ ~.20 McCoy~ s Garage 9§. 50 Austin Supply Co Farguhar Machine~ ~o l~.~0 Ju~ey~s RepOt Bhop ~91~1 Fla. Powe~ & Li~ ~o Menoher & N~s The following letter was read: ~est Palm Beach, Fio~ida. June 2Vth~ 1945. To the Nayor and Co~nissioners of the City of Beynton Beach Boynton Beach Florida Gentlemen: Answering yottr inquiry of a few weeks ago, concerning the cancellation of all assessments heretofore levied by the Tow~ of Boyntoa, now City of Boynton Beach, it is my'opinmon that sine the dtvis~ion of the town and refinancing had.som~ years ago, the C~ty of Boynton Beach has the rmght to cancel any and all assessments. This might, perchance, raise the questiOn of a refund to those who have heretof~e paid their assessments. Howeve~, upon the tt~ory that ever~ man is presumed ~ to know the~ Iaw, thus if the assessments were not collectible by reason of s~ch division of the town and refinanciug~ any payment c£ assessments heretofore made would natura!~ be construed as voluntar~ payments. This matter no doubt becomes largely a matter of Judg- ment to be properly exoercised by the gove~ntug authority of the town. Very truly yours, (Signed) Newman T. Miller." Upon motion made by Commissioner Tattersall~ seconded by Commissioner Daly and duly carried, the following Resolution was passed and adopted: RESOLUTION WBEREAS, in the opiniOn of Newman T, Niller, City Attorney, the City of Boynton Beach has the right to cancel any and all assessmer~ts, and~ ~REAS, it is deemed to be fai~, just and to the best interests of the citizens~ inhabitants and tax-payers of sail City that all outstanding assessments be cancelle~--= THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, that any and all out- standing assessments for street pavi~zg be cancelled BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be-, and he. hereby is o~dered and directed to cancel an~ and all special assessments for street paving sni to cha~ge the same against the Su~pl~s Account on the books of the City° The following lette~ was read: "~est Palm Beach, Florida. June 2Vth, 19~ To the Mayor and Comissioners of the City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Flo~ida~ Atten: A. Vo Peterson, Clerk Gent leben: Due to the fact that my law partner and son, Wareing T~ Miller, is and has been fo a long time i~ the service and is now overseas; and 'due to the l~ther fact that my practice has continual~ increased to such an extent that I am compelled to cease representing certain clients, I most respectfully ~equest of the City ef Boynton Beach to secure other counsel and thus relieve me to that e~tent of my very heavy burdens. Will you kindly advise me to the effect that you have other counsel, bearing in mind ~hat I shall be glad to represent you until you .have had a reasonable time in which to secure advice f~om another sou~ceo Thanking y~ I am, with best wishes~ Yours very truly, (Signed) Newman T. Nillero" Upon motion made~ seconded and duly carried, ~. Miller, s ~e~ignation was accepted, with thanks for pas tbservice s. Upon motion made, seconded and duly carried, it was decided to n~tify p~operty owners t~t the~e would be no further abate~uenb of taxes afte~ August There being no further business th~ meeting adjourned.