Minutes 04-02-46~GULAH MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1948
POSTP01~ TO APRIL 9, 1946
A Reo~iar Meeti~_g of the Bcard of z~y Co~mnlssmoners
of ~he City of B~ton Beach~ Florida, was held at City Hall
on Tuesday morns, &~il 9, 1946 at 10:00 o~cl~k A,
Present: B. V. Tatte~sall~ Vice-Eayow
A. V. Pete~son~ City Clerk
The above constituti~ a ~jo~ity of t~ B~rd of
City Co~ssion~ms of tP~ City of B~nton Beach, Florida.
Upon motion made by Co~issioner Tatte~sall, seconded
by Conm~issioner Peterson and duly carried, the following bills
were approved and the paint thereof confirmed:
F L Pu~inton $ 187.24
C C Cook & Co ~.45
F L ~ ~r2~ on 427.04
W~on M~o~ Co 6.30
Sou Venetian Bled ~ 101,00
~ R Whitworth ~0.~
F L Pu~inton 282.$5
J J Cater Fu~ Co
F~. East Coast Ry
The e~ of tl~ Election B~rd was read as
pf the City of B~nton B~ch~ ~-
We, ~ne undersized Inspectors ~d Cl~rk of th* General
Elect~on held on the 8th ~y of A~l, A, D, 19~8 for the purpo~
of ~lecti~ an enchant to th~ office of Eayo~ ~d
on~ of the Co~ssione~s fo~ a '
~e~m of one ye~, am~ to elect
mu enc~b~t ~ the offi~ of City-Clerk mud ex-o~fic~o one of t~
~oF~ss~one~s fern a te~m ~ three years, do ~reby cemtify tb~t
~t such Ei~ction tn~ to~l n~ber of votes ~.st we~ 405
four htu~dred m~d five, of w~ch:
CITY ~ BOYi~ 3!~' B~CH
To the Honorab!e
PAUL F~RCER Rece ired 329 Votes
F L t~rinton ~
8 Votes
~n J Daly ~ ~ Votes
Stevens on n
i Vote
Tom Whitfie id ~ --- i-- Vote
&. V. ~RSON Received
C Stanley Weaver "
214 Votes
18V Votes
do de~la~e the abo~ and forego~ug to be t~ ~esult
(Signed) Clara B. ~aite
~Si~ed) Wyl~a ~ F Slavens
~Si~ed) Alzc~ [ Shepard
(Si~ed) Eula Lzu~s£ord
~d we, such Inspectors and Clerk, do make the forego~ug
our return to you of t~he results o£ such election, and we
o£ such election
Inspect o~
Co~mission~r Peterson made a motion that Mr, Paul .'~ercer
be declared elected Mayor mud Co'~muissioner for an unexpired term
of one ye~ upor_ presenting ~s Oath of Office. Coz~muissiono~
Tatte~sal! seconded the motion ~d Paul M~cer, who was present,
was forthwith sworn in as such May~ mud Co~ssioner.
Comnissi0ne~ }~ercer made a motion that A V Peterson be
decla~d re-elected City-Clerk and Cor=uissionem for a term ~
thr~e yo~s, ~ich was s~co~ed by Coz~issionor Tattersall arj
duly carrie~.
Th~re being no £urther business at the mon~nt the
me ct ing ~ ~'
a~ j o%iPned.