Minutes 04-27-46SPECIAL METING APRIL 275 1946,
Special Meeting of the Board of City Co~mmlssioners of
the City of Bo~mton Beach, Florida, was held at the City Hall
on Saturday Morning, April 27th 1946 at 10:00 o~clock ~. E.
Paul Mercer - Mayor
B. V. Tattersali - Vice Mayor
A. V. Peterson - City Clerk
above constituting the entire Board of City Corn-
missioners of the City ~f Boynton Beach, Florida.
This :~eeti~ was called for the purpose of consider~ug
the ~ ~ '-
~ oz~Vl~%g Reso !ution:
~JY~REAS, neighboring r~uuicipalities are changing~ a~l
advocating that t2me citizens of such ~nicipalities cl~ge, from
St~rd T~ to Dayl~ht Saving T~e, ~ffec~ive as of April 28th
1946 at 2:00 o~clock A.~. ~utii September 2~h 1~5 at 2 A. ~.;
V~r~EAS~ it is deemed advisa~l~ ~d ~o the ~st interests
~f th~ City of B~ynto~ Beach and the ir~habi~nts t~e~of that such
n~u~icipality do cb~nge~ a~'~ do advocate a~ recomu~_d to its
l~bitants that they c~g~, from Standa~ Ti~ue to D~l~ht Sav~g
T~e, e~octive between 2:00 o~cl~k A, t'~, on Ap~ii 2~h 1946
continuing v_util 2:00 oWclock A.~. on Septem~r 29th A, D. 1946;
NOW~ ~EFORE ~ IT RESOL~ by t~ City of Bmynton
Beach, Florida:
i. T~t in stead, in place, and in lieu, of S~ndard
Daylig~,t Saving Time be, m~d it hereby is~ adopted and desi~a~d
as the official time of the City of B~nton Beach, Florida,
2:00 A. M. April 28th mud 2:00 A,~. Septem~r 29th A. D,
2. T~t it is advocated mud requested ~mat all b,~iness~:
a~ citizens and residents off the City of B~nvon Beach, Florida,
do conduct ~e~ a~Tairs ~d observe the c~nge from Stan~
to Dayl~ht Sav~ug Time, ~ community with this Resolution.
Upon motion ~de by Co~issi~ Mercer, seconded by
Co~r~ssioner Tattersall mud u~n~uo~ly ca~ied, the above
Re s olut i on wa s ad Opt ed.
C~ty Clerk Vice