Service on Adv Boards & Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL April 20, 2010 was tabled for review of documentation submitted. Lori LaVerriere, Assistant City Manager, advised the direction had been for a franchise fee with seven vendors. Staff found it would be doubtful that tow companies would want to participate in such a program and would not recommend moving forward with that type of model. She reiterated the original recommendation for the Commission to go with an exclusive franchise agreement or non-exclusive with possibly two or three vendors as a revenue source for the City. Ms. LaVerriere stressed that with two or three vendors there was no way to control the number of tows and it may not be equitable for each to pay the same franchise fee. Commissioner Holzman recommended an RFP be issued without limiting the numbers and see what the market would dictate. Ms. LaVerriere replied the vendors would not have a basis to calculate their franchise fee because the amount would change if they were exclusive or shared with two or even three vendors. It would result in lower franchise fees being bid. Commissioner Holzman favored option B with some sort of way to establish a market value without limiting the numberof vendors. Commissioner Hay supported option B. Commissioner Orlove agreed with Commissioner Holzman, but opted to support option B. Vice Mayor Ross wanted option C. According to Attorney Cherof, another option would be to not specify the number of responders to be selected. It would result in establishing the fair market value and then the decision can be how many to select. Ms. LaVerriere reported the full RFP had not been completed as yet. Mayor Rodriguez wanted assurances that the RFP would encompass all aspects of the City's towing needs. The recommendation was that all City tows be free which was an industry standard. Motion Vice Mayor Ross moved to approve option B, except modify the statement, and after the phrase, " . . . for our towing business." and delete the rest per the City Attorney. Commissioner Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Miller, representing Eastern Towing and Dave Floering, attempted to comment and Mayor Rodriguez explained there was no public comment permitted on City Manager Reports. Mr. Miller persisted and indicated Mr. Floering had been sent a letter inviting him to participate in the discussion by the City Manager's office. Mayor Rodriguez understood they were invited to come, but the criteria is clear and there would be no public input. Attorney Cherof explained the rules are published with the agenda package, there is no public comment allowed under the Report section of the agenda. The Commission rules do not permit input notwithstanding the letter. B. Re le s ec_ men 0 'o o w er ling;a ,e rid vo i,: ee erv!ing ntmore . , am than gone v� r r B >=rd_arid peri nit-statrta=&ndudt furth r rbvie_wid t e,_s ty's Adr s: ry - program. 15 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL April 20, 2010 M LaV rr'erz i a 1.: w e, Milts°e -ted! tha, nest j F1.1 off: u '- bb G sen i_'._^9 a Elti::aLy,:6,Ile d .+'_O a 9 ka a mit_ 1 isoya-- Ca G e Q ap:pLelio ed staffs thorough review and he agreed with having diversity on the boards. He de a arp r .- e P[6_414,- d s aa a t le-1:0' a a .c "o , o a'tidipydi -anti ss~•n-r Holzman supported the suggestion. ti a • •dry•' ez ought the limitation would defeat the purpose of serving on two boards. Commissioner Orlove pointed out alternates are often given the opportunity to vote and are active participants. Commissioner Hay supported;k :alteptzofregulamerrla :anelboardTand2an alt r nCO a RM e of er.-76X a t`quasi udlcials,�boai Commissioner Orlove pointed out that all the vacancies are for alternates. Mayor Rodriguez reiterate his position that by limiting the participation it would not impact filling seats. Motion Corap • _ � � �� v`: 1�?Rtti &o tgThe d tj e • �, i _er Orb "h e a - ' t ts` ) o ", ,d a 7017-,ale p j: Er. . • '. *9 `" °- 09 O'moi_ '`r me ion 1J7- • a'¢r be . ©, _aS'J .° ' a• . dissenting). Ms. LaVerriere sought approval to move forward with an overall review of the advisory board pro•r xw , tk-ir.,_.,•;ur .•ses effectiveness_ t e ped and complete an overview. T _ -r©'nsens s Ito .; td 0 `0 r tin, h ee rie . C. Approve a proposal from Academy Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. .for the installation of a temporary rubber roofing system at the Old High School in the amount of$18,800. Jeff Livergood, Director of Public Works and Engineering, reported the Old High School had a leaking roof over the gymnasium and the City had installed a very inexpensive tarp over the roof. The tarp did not last. The proposal would provide a better roofing system over the old roof, particularly over the gymnasium. The entire roofing system would need to be replaced when the building is renovated. There would be an alternative of doing nothing. He advised the aesthetics and value of the building to many is the exterior. The interior would require extensive renovation. The proposed roofing would not extend the life of the building.. The floor in the gym was already totally rotten. In Mr. Livergood's opinion the roof would not save anything in the interior. If nothing was done the floor would get worse, but it is not in a condition that can be renovated. It will have to be replaced regardless of any further damage. The funds would be taken out of small scale projects. The project was not budgeted. Vice Mayor Ross recalled a recommendation had been made that the roof had to be stabilized. Mayor Rodriguez added it would be some time before the building is renovated and he 16 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL . March 2, 2010 regular appointment. Commissioner Weiland apologized as he had also committed to appoint Sanford Mayer as a regular member of the Community Relations Board. Motion Commissioner Weiland appointed Sanford Mayer as a regular member of the Community Relations Board. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Vice Mayor Hay moved to move up Valerie Pleasanton from an alternate member to a regular member of the Library Board. Commissioner Ross seconded that motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Commissioner Weiland moved to table all remaining appointments. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Herb Suss, 1711 Woodfern Drive, reiterated his request that the Commission consider allowing citizens to sit on two boards. Mr. Bressner advised staff was still researchin. the history of board appointments and past discussions on the same issue. ":, ti-A Kms + ;`7O I .a J,y- s i.L r MAeJ t!" a . _ %gar a :_ IS-MY trttlillst 0 ©ard _ �� ,; �,, 4,®, ,.7,f" f pU L 6. CONSENT AGENDA Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Approve the Minutes from the City Commission meeting held on February 2, 2010 and the Special Meeting held on February 9, 2010. Mayor Taylor pulled Item 6.A for discussion. B. No action is requested. This item is informational for the purposes of updating the Commission regarding the implementation of Ordinance No. 09-040 and the vendor hired to administer the vacant property registration program. The goal of program is to provide more efficient management of vacant properties in the City. 6 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL June 7, 2011 not suggest a strong correlation between fee reductions and an increase or decline in building permit issuance. Mayor Rodriguez summarized that Boynton Beach wanted an edge above other cities and asked Mr. Greene for a recommendation to entice businesses to come to Boynton Beach. Mr. Bressner clarified the request was for staff to consider the current Code parameters and develop other proposals for economic development. The language approved from 1996 may not be appropriate in a market that has changed drastically since that time. Vice Mayor Orlove wanted specifics on what tools should be used or funds budgeted specifically for economic growth. Mr. Greene noted the problems of economic development transcend the Code. The fundamental building block for an overall economic development program is a business retention program. Steps had been taken to initiate such a program. A lack of resources has limited the effectiveness of such a program. A team should be developed from the public side and private side. It now consists of Mr. Greene and Mr. Jergensen from the Chamber of Commerce. The needs of the existing businesses have not been determined. Vice Mayor Orlove stressed determining what tools should be gathered to create a plan. was necessary. Commissioner Holzman wanted to be assured retention and new businesses were both addressed. Commissioner Ross added the Business Development Board works closely with municipalities for those purposes and assists in marketing the cities. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R11-059 - Establish a S;•esi /T. 40,5, Advisory Committee (TABLED on 5/17/11) Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to remove from the table. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed. ,-wr.O Of c. - o .` e p an. los c its p. - tiffl - lc emmittee Bressn-r epi- e it wou13 oe . -xpe rs e co bi `-.t:,encs ro NO ad ise y be. 'a o- ° ••rip'-z • • o•os-d`tt -re be`a "advisory soar• rather than an as u - - hoc ear.��i,�ee - - a md�� -no`�'rarl`� o � - ���`�7L- ho MTN•ua ,oun en‘.,y servin'e ws a isory boards: 4e- - Mayor-Or 6ve wanted to be sure some synergy was created using individuals who already work well together on existing boards. Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to the City Manager, pointed out there were specific skill sets listed to ensure those with the necessary backgrounds are included to make it a professional type committee. 14 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL June 7, 2011 The selection of the staff liaison was discussed and a list of possible duties and responsibilities were outlined. The burden for the success of the ad hoc committee should be the responsibility of the entire committee and not the liaison. There was consensus that the City Manager's office and CRA Executive Director would determine who the liaison would be. Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to approve subject to announcement of the liaison by the City Manager and Executive Director of the CRA. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Continue discussion of City Manager resignation - TABLED from May 17, 2011 City Commission Meeting. Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to remove from the table. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to accept June 30, 2011 as the resignation date of the City Manager, Kurt Bressner. Vice Mayor Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Appointment of an Interim City Manager was discussed. Ms. LaVerriere was asked if she would accept the appointment as Interim City Manager. Ms. LaVerriere replied she would be honored to serve. Motion Vice Mayor Orlove moved to appoint Lori LaVerriere as Interim City Manager. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Holzman contended there were two options that should be discussed. First was to bring on a consultant to assist through the budget hearings. It would provide an opportunity to have a fresh perspective to review the City and the budget to see the pitfalls and opportunities that may exist. The next City Manager would then have a blueprint for success. In a transition period, it would be best to have a plan established before new management is in place recognizing the strengths and weaknesses that exist. An audit may be appropriate to analyze the City's financial status and outline a plan to address any issues. 15 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL April 27, 2011 entertainment, artistic, cultural, banquet, restaurant and food service, ballroom and conference center, culinary institute. Residential redevelopment was rejected. There were many uses and activities suggested that encompassed public and private uses. There was consensus of the teams to recreate the school as a vibrant, new complex of uses, to serve as a tourist draw to the area with a unique Florida destination. It should be a magnet for new activity and a means to support other jobs and employment opportunities. It was a goal to make the facility as financially self-sufficient as possible, with minimal cost to the City. Vice Mayor Orlove had appeared at the Charette and commended the participants for being creative and dedicated to the concept of uses for the Old High School that everyone could take pride in the project. He was eager to hear the recommendations. Mayor Rodriguez remarked it had to be a private and public partnership to be used as a redevelopment tool and add to the downtown. The City could not solely absorb the cost. 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R11-049 - Appoint an Ad Hoc Committee for Special Events - TABLED ON 3/15/11 Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to remove from table. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed. The matter had been tabled to have a full Commission available for discussion. Mayor Rodriguez had initiated the discussion because he felt event planning was scattered throughout the City with different departments and resourses. There was no central point of focus to coordinate events. His so-I was to get volunteers who specialized in special events and marketing. T� m`missiora ad ae`.ei•ed dud trt b tter to allocate rnW!ber from • cher adrtsra _aoardsl Mayor Rodriguez maintained limiting the-Commission to curren a•visory board members could eliminate members of the community with expertise in the arena of special event planning. Other cities have outlined special skill sets to assist. Mayor Rodriguez asked the Commission to not limit the board members to be from existing advisory boards. Vice Mayor Orlove agreed. He was concerned about creating another advisory board. Staff had researched and found examples of what other cities had done, and particularly the example of Ogden City, Utah. Their committee created a mission statement, goals and a report. He favored moving more in that direction and asked staff to look at the Ogden City, Utah example of a Special Events Advisory Committee. Mayor Rodriguez added West Palm Beach had a Special Events Advisory Committee with some specific skill sets for the organization and qualifications of the members including 16 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL April 27, 2011 representatives of neighborhood associations, local businesses and community based organizations who could contribute to the continued growth and excellence of the City's special events and offer expertise in marketing, accounting and fund raising. Mayor Rodriguez supported Vice Mayor Orlove's recommendation. Commissioner Ross liked the two templates. There was agreement an ad hoc committee would be sufficient. Motion Vice Mayor Orlove moved to direct staff to create an ad hoc committee on special events, taking into consideration ordinances by the City of West Palm Beach and Ogden City, Utah. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Orlove questioned if the board liaison had been considered or designated. Ms. LaVerriere replied it had not, but Ms. Biscuiti from the Community Redevelopment Agency had been considered. Vice Mayor Orlove recalled there was concern Ms. Biscuiti may not be the appropriate person, especially during the season and running many events. Mayor Rodriguez indicated West Palm Beach included a City Commissioner as the liaison. One meeting a month may not impact Ms. Biscuiti too much and it may help her. The motion passed. B. Accept staff report regarding transparency in City Government and the "Open Wellington" webpage. Commissioner Hay had the item added to the agenda. Staff had prepared a report. Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to the City Manager, reported staff had reviewed the Wellington web site. Their web pages included links to search engines to find financial reports and research documents. The City of Boynton Beach had been doing the same type of links since 1997. The City could do a better job by making the web page more user-friendly. A revamp of the web page has been underway and should be ready in June of this year. The goal was to make it more attractive and a marketing tool for the City of Boynton Beach. Vice Mayor Orlove commented the Village of Wellington web page was more attractive with a nice clean, crisp display. The City needed to package the information that had been available for years a little differently. Transparency and being more user-friendly were the goal. Commissioner Ross inquired if there would be an issue of cost. Ms. LeJeune was confident staff could create a very similar type web page without additional software expense. Wayne Segal, Public Affairs Director, confirmed the new web page would have revolving banners and many other capabilities. 12. NEW BUSINESS NONE 17 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2011 Mr. Bressner explained this was the second request to have an event. Last year there was concern regarding if the event would be successful and problem free. The event was highly successful and there was only one issue with an outside contractor. Staff supported the request. It has been decided the Commission would review these requests on a case-by-case basis. The event would be similar to last year. Motion Vice Chair Ross moved to authorize Lake Worth Christian School to hold its second annual fundraising carnival on the school campus. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed. B. Discussion regarding acliShiOos 'Special EventsAdvriS4 Bci r3 for the City Mayor Rodriguez explained this had been originally raised at the CRA Board level. He had brought it before the Commission because various events were being discussed and there seemed to be a lack of focus or centralization of all events. Some events get lost. It would be an opportunity to have all events planned out, discussed and budgeted at one central location with parties interested in the events. It could be started this fiscal year and budgeted for next fiscal year. Mr. Bressner thought it would be helpful to have a planning resource for these types of activities. It is a discretionary activity and an important part of the community. There have been individual event committees in the past. It could coordinate some activities the CRA has as well as events through Recreation and Parks. Commissioner Orlove preferred an ad hoc committee made up of members of the advisory boards already in existence such as Planning and Development, Education and Youth, Recreation and Parks, Community Relations and Arts Commission. The CRA has been more involved in the creation of special events. The hometown pie contest was a small event and could be added onto other events. He did not want to create another ordinance, rather get input from boards that already serve the community. Commissioner Holzman concurred with Commissioner Orlove and thought the talent was available within the advisory boards and it would promote cohesion within the boards. It could be a center for gathering information on events and see if the boards could assist with special events. Mayor Rodriguez saw the suggestion as having too many layers to be able to accomplish anything. Vice Mayor Ross thought it could interject some life into the existing advisory boards. Commissioner Hay thought there was merit to using the leaders from the various boards, but it could be an opportunity to get more people in the community involved and independent of the other boards. He totally supported the creation of the Special Events committee or board. 19 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2011 Commissioner Orlove indicated it had been determined the Special Events Coordinator could not be burdened with this responsibility. Ms. Brooks advised the Coordinator had her full schedule set until after July 4th. Mayor Rodriguez envisioned the events being City-wide and the CRA would only be involved with events in the CRA district. Commissioner Orlove perceived it as a group that generates ideas and discussion with CRA and City staff bringing ideas for a signature event or smaller events. Mayor Rodriguez argued a board would be continuous and searching for new and different things to do and build on experience. Motion Comm iss a erg a rwnoyed to'-.atablish a pedal events adyis_ory. board f�,rrthe:city,of oy,atontBeach"` NlaydtB:od gue cpas-sed tf eaggye4"ai:i'd'"secdridei t-he goti Victor Norfus, spoke on behalf of the Community Relations Board, that it was the responsibility .of the Community Relations Board to sponsor and participate in local events within the City that promote harmony and communication between all residents, such as the Holiday Parade, 4th of July fireworks and Heritage Fest. The Board participates on behalf of the City. They have also focused on working on events outside of the CRA district. Direction from the Commission was needed how to focus all events towards the goals of the City. Commissioner Hay was concerned if the Community Relations Board was already doing the task, another board would not be necessary. Mr. Norfus suggested the Community Relations Board could assist in developing the Special Events committee and their tasks to achieve the goal. Mayor Rodriguez felt the Community Relations Board was very different. The new board would have members with special events experience and ability to create excitement around the City. Barbara Ready, 329 SW 13th Avenue, as Chair of the Arts Commission, indicated events were discussed and planned by them as well. She agreed the creation of a special events board would create a synergy by using representatives from each of the boards to bring a variety of ideas to the table. Mayor Rodriguez added the various boards all have ideas and plans that should be focused and planned collectively to create the most excitement in each and every event. Commissioner Hay did raise the point there are existing boards that are difficult to fill. Commissioners Holzman and Hay agreed the ad hoc committee would be the best avenue. 20 4 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2011 Don Scantlan, 13 Cedar Circle, suggested a hybrid approach with the Chair and Vice Chair of the new committee not be members of any other boards and the other members could sit on other advisory boards. Substitute Motion Comm issionero 4r1 n re a: •sut itu r 'yon bar esigtk r "n 7,6 forYFspecial -vents:.t 010.:p- mernr. 'rem the C�r" "`"rmi, � o fid? Recce tie lip fie d, du atin"4:6.4 ' h. Wry B'o id, ,ritse°om fission- P,I rain � and 4 pevelopmi 1t oris 6 he t earrarrOvxeasse s a + th} i e r, C a ss OT O' kxlove se r t ido t1W '`ot1or 7Tk e°mcatidn;_pas gid 4=1 (1 layor Ro ng ez dissenting). 13. LEGAL A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 11-003 - FIRST READING - Approve revision of Chapter 15-8 titled "Noise Control" (Exhibit"A") Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-003 by title only on first reading. Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator, recalled the matter had been brought before the Commission previously. The amendments had not changed. The plainly audible standards still apply and are in effect all the time. The time of operation was altered from 10 p.m. to 11p.m. on weeknights. The weekend hours are 11 p.m. to 12 p.m. Normal conversation is 55 decibels and lawn mowers are 75 decibels. The receiving land use dictates the distance for the plainly audible standards. Commissioner Orlove addressed the enforcement, fines and warnings. Typically there is a warning for first offense according to Mr. Blasie. It does apply to private residences and rental facilities. Mr. Blasie noted another change was to define the weekends as Friday and Saturday rather than Saturday and Sunday. Commissioner Holzman suggested establishing districts and managing each according to uses could be helpful. Allowing less stringent regulations in some areas of the City could be beneficial to the restaurants, bars and businesses to avoid hindering commercial properties. Attorney Cherof advised there could be districts with different noise levels allowed because of the nature of the businesses and demographics. Although Mayor Rodriguez agreed with Commissioner Holzman in many respects he did not think the City had grown to the extent districts would be necessary. It may be for future consideration. The proposed changes should be sufficient. 21 , • i Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL January 18, 2011 None - 13. LEGAL A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE 11-001 - SECOND READING - Approve the abandonment of a Utility Easement for The Peninsula at Boynton Beach project at 2660 North Federal Highway on 3.51 acres in the Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) zoning district. Applicant: Manuel Martinez, The Altman Companies, Inc. Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 11-001 by title only on second reading. Motion Commissioner Orlove moved to approve Ordinance 11-001 on second reading. Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. Mayor Rodriguez opened the issue for public hearing. No one came forward. Vote Deputy City Clerk Pyle called the roll and the vote was 5-0. B. Discussion on creation ofarteC'Ievievir omrai, to review thei , C�farter " to make recommendations to the City Commission as to whether a provision should be changed, remain the same, be deleted, or new provisions added. Commissioner Holzman recalled the GliffreleWievortorrwould be created in the same manner as the Financial Advisory Board. Mr. Bress pointed out many different models existed and the Charter had no language specifying a review process. He wanted further policy direction from the Commission to determine the parameters, timeline and prospective members and stakeholders that should be considered. Commissioner Holzman argued the motion was the Committee would be set up in a . similar fashion as the Financial Advisory Board and should move forward accordingly unless reconsideration is requested. (Mayor Rodriguez left the dais at 9:42 p.m.) Commissioner Orlove recalled staff had been directed to return to the Commission with ideas on how to move forward. Staff gave their recommendations andasked for direction on how to move forward. (Mayor Rodriguez returned to the dais at 9:45 pm.) Commissioner Orlove read the relevant section of the minutes.: 18 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL January 18, 2011 Ma o LA ia. 4"11. a t i, ::TAVv.'0 [ alit-fpwcr a w,_r!, a', c to�? ! ilt pU c`10 0 .1 01 15a"� Commissioner Hay had reviewed the Charter and did not think any changes were necessary. Mayor Rodriguez emphasized the appointed board could make the same recommendation. Motion Commissioner Holzman moved to encompass the Mayor's suggestion. Commissioner Orlove seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 (Commissioner Hay dissenting). It ,s" .CdMa # i -c .0_a a , a .. : a .as e Se tur sien.p pa% nMidates. Commissioner Hay asked if there would be an associated cost. Mr. Bressner estimated there would be the cost of producing documents and legal cost. Commissioner Hay opined monies that were not available would be spent on something that was not needed at this time. Commissioner Orlove requested reconsideration of a matter previously discussed in his absence. Attorney Cherof advised the custom had been an absent member could raise an issue that had previously been disposed of by the Board at the same meeting. Technically there was no action because the motion failed with a 2-2 tie vote. Motion Commissioner Orlove moved to reconsider action on Unfinished Business Item 11.B. Commissioner Holzman seconded the motion. The motion passed. Commissioner Orlove advised he had submitted his rankings of CRA Board candidates and wanted the Commission to move forward. He thought he had enough observation of the candidates and the process had been ongoing for a significant time period. The board should be appointed. Motion Commissioner Orlove moved that the ranking forms be sent to the City Manager's office for tabulation by January 25, 2011 and at the next meeting, February 1, 2011, the Board can be appointed based on those rankings. Commissioner Hay contended since the original motion failed, the process would return to the original plan which is the same as the current motion. Attorney Cherof agreed. The motion was clarified and Commissioner Hay seconded the motion. 19 s Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL January 18, 2011 Mayor Rodriguez adamantly opposed proceeding without the participation of the candidates at the brainstorming, downtown meeting being held on February 18, 2011. The date had been changed. Mayor Rodriguez felt he had an obligation to the City and six of the top 10 candidates have not been to a single meeting since they were interviewed. It was disappointing that candidates would be appointed who had no interest in the CRA and could not even attend meetings. Only four of the candidates have consistently attended meetings. Commissioner Orlove reiterated he had made enough observations to move forward at this time. Commissioner Hay restated his position that the appointments had been delayed for too long and Commission members had not attended meetings prior to their election. It would be irrelevant to now make attendance at meetings another delay tactic. The motion passed 3-2. 14. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Consider recommendation of Advisory Committee for renaming of Jaycee Park - 02/01/11 B. Appoint members to 7-member independent Community Redevelopment Agency Board (TABLED ON 09/21/10 and 10/05/10) - 02/01/11 C. Amendment to Police Officers' Pension Trust Fund -02/01/11 D. Contract award for construction of Congress Avenue Barrier Free Park - 02/01/11 E. Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Hypoluxo for Fire and Rescue Services - 02/15/11 F. Discussion of local transportation options - 03/01/11 G. Police Complex -- Discussion of project timing, scope, location and funding alternatives available (TBA) H. Noise Control Ordinance - First Reading - TABLED ON July 20, 2010 and August 3, 2010 - (TBD) I. Live Entertainment Ordinance - First Reading - TABLED ON July 20, 2010 and August 3, 2010 - (TBD) J. Geographic boundaries for City of Boynton Beach voting districts - (TBD) 20 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL September 1, 2009 Attorney Cherof explained that community policing is a recognized function provided by the CRA. It was an amendment that occurred while the current Board was in power to adopt amendments to the CRA plan. Commissioner Rodriguez questioned whether the CRA police personnel should be dedicated to the CRA area. Commissioner Ross pointed out all police report to the Chief. Community policing is done throughout the City with various teams. Mr. Bressner noted if the CRA police force were eliminated the funding would have to come from the General Fund. Commissioner Rodriguez alleged funding the police force was taking valuable resources from the budget for redevelopment. Vice Mayor Hay agreed with the Mayor that the CRA force has done a good job and the $50,000 would be well spent. The force is a supplement to the regular police force. There was consensus to budget the $50,000 per year to the CRA. Commissioner Ross commented the residents would be concerned about any change in the police coverage. Mr. Bressner stressed the five officers were not the only police presence in the Heart of Boynton and the CRA district. ,. C. Approve recommendation for Hist;.'elit*NaPi," tXiXtgh.c' ee Carisse LeJeune, Assistant to the City Manager, reviewed the past discussions relating to the Historic Preservation issue. Staff determined thWeixigL,a1"—tahHailtO ‘CorrimitteevatV. ni-e9cr0 i e ke. Applications were not requested or mem•ers recruited. Several volunteers had came forward. Direction was needed whether other committee members should be sought or the volunteers be organized. Commissioner Weiland appreciated those who had volunteered, but there was a duty to publicize the creation of an ad hoc committee. Vice Mayor Hay agreed and did not feel the names submitted represented the entire community. Commissioner Rodri.uez countered the volunteers should be utilized and not prolong the process. OfriabirarAdviso bbard. The historic preservation ordinance has been discussed at a public meeting. Commissioner Ross clarified it was a committee only and Mr. Bressner added the Sunshine Law would still apply. Mayor Taylor was in favor of the historic preservation ordinance and noted it would have an impact for many property owners. He was concerned that several of the proposed committee members did not live within the City and may have a conflict of interest. The scope of activity of the proposed committee was determined to be sufficient. Commissioner Rodriguez noted five volunteers have come forward for this committee while many of the advisory appointments remain unfilled. Commissioner Weiland pointed out the historic preservation issue has been discussed for years. Motion • e Vice Mayor Hay moved to adopt Option 2, no appoint` -0WolVerrnmitt-MTAIVie interested persons and a bars.„ Commissioner Ross;seconded the motion. The motion passed unaniniously. 10 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL October 20, 2009 is free. There is a charge made for copies. Mr. McGovern contended the web site should clarify that distinction. Commissioner Rodriguez suggested Attorney Cherof review the language on the web site to assure it is clearly stated that there is only a charge for copies and review is free. There was consensus to clarify the language, if necessary. Later, Attorney Cherof advised he had checked the City's web page, under Public Records, and the first paragraph of the form specially stated there is no charge to inspect records. There would be nothing to add. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve on the Historical Preservation Ad Hoc Committee. Mayor Taylor pointed out staff had recommended that five positions be filled from various fields of expertise. C.o-:mon it.4!"t ctes 'V1 „,,.0 lits 7i'n e s frust befi resident of th+e Grt _ Byn .ari n. no otrld :` e cri eria-appl o this mmittee also? Mr BressrougW.�ded W .a ' r rrtsr6h �auWit,n_rr -re. i om issfoner Rodriguez suggest d h rn avr a e�a�' ► re zrAce Mayor Hay wanted to discuss each appointment as they were made. Motion Commissioner Rodriguez recommended Warren Adams as an expert in historic preservation. Commissioner Weiland seconded the recommendation. Mayor Taylor supported the appointment. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Vice Mayor Hay appointed Barbara Ready. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Mayor Taylor appointed Steven Holzman. He was an attorney and lived within the City limits. His web site provided further information. Commissioner Rodriguez noted Mr. Holzman had no historic preservation experience. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. • 5 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, FL February 2, 2010 1711 Woodfern Drive, re k o r 4 r ' Irli tri to b j Oar Co' s-':LiaC4 ore` MD,. iso _ • _ .a 'ud a'` Mr. Bressner noted a long-erm o•jective of re strategic plan was to review the duties and functions of all boards and streamline their •ur•ose. Ma or Taylor. ;�i' l9h- - m-3 o� .- - � a _. . � � � � � � ��;- �.,,� ,� ;,a �� �e=.._ was i � • • � -.�.�o as many individuals as possible in the City. . 're ne dvis- it—rra a-c o Liioy, t o aetti A . -,0 s o erab Attorney Cherof added comparative studies had been done several years ago and could be reviewed and revisited for conflicts. Vice Mayor Hay thought it was a valid point and should. be considered with limitation to two boards. Carl McKoy, 69 Citrus Park Lane, added the Commission had the authority to deal with the concern because there was no policy in place. A motion could be made and the Commission should vote on each appointment. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Approve the Minutes from the City Commission meeting held. on January 5, 2010. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-014 - Approve Piggy-backing of a contract between the City of Lake Wales and the ISI Water Company (a.k.a. Water Company of America) for Utility Revenue Enhancement Services. C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO R10-015 -- Authorize application for a grant in the amount of $24,000 from the. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, for the 2009-2011 Forest Health Improvement Initiative Grant Program to plant trees and palms in Pence Park and in the medians on S.W. 4th Street. Commissioner Rodriguez pulled Item 6.0 for discussion. D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R10-016 -- Approve and authorize execution of the agreement for vote processing equipment use and election services by and between the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections and the City of Boynton Beach 7 i ORDINANCE NO. 03-oa 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 2-16. REGARDING CITY BOARD MEMBERS QUALIFICATION; CREATING A NEW SUBSECTION (g) SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR CONFIRMATION OF APPLICANTS AND BOARD MEMBERS QUALIFICATIONS; PROVIDING GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL FROM BOARDS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the qualifications of board members is an issue of great importance to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City currently has no published procedure for confirmation of qualifications; and WHEREAS, a procedure for confirmation of qualifications will enhance the integrity of City boards by reducing the risk of misrepresentation of qualifications; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff, the City Commission deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City to amend Chapter 2, Section 2-16 to set forth a procedure for confirmation of qualifications for board membership; and; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct and are now ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. That Chapter 2. "Administration" Section 2-16. is hereby amended by creating a new subsection "(g)" as follows: Sec. 2-16. City boards and commissions; minimum qualifications for appointments, membership. S:\CA\Ordinances\Administrative\Sec 2.16-Board Qualifications Confirmation.doc 1 (a) in order to qualify... (g) No person shall be appointed to a City Board without the person first submitting an application for appointment. No application for appointment shall be considered by the City Commission until the application form has been fully completed and signed by the applicant. All applications for appointment to a City Board shall be on a form authorized by the City Commission. The City Clerk shall review all applications for completeness prior to submitting them to the City Commissioners for consideration. Prior to appointment, a City Commissioner may request written confirmation of the qualifications listed by any applicant for appointment. When a request for confirmation of the qualifications is made by a City Commissioner prior to appointment, the appointment shall be delayed until the information requested is submitted and made available to the members of the City Commission. No person shall be appointed to a City Board when that person is unable to substantiate the qualifications listed on their application. A member of the City Commission may request written confirmation of qualifications of a person who has been appointed by the Commission to a City Board. A request for confirmation shall be made by the City Commissioner to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall make written request to the Board member. A copy of the Clerk's written request shall be provided to all members of the City Commission. Except as otherwise provided by law, a Board member who does not submit documentation of the qualifications listed on the Board member's application for appointment within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Clerk's written request, or who submits documentation which contradicts, negates, or fails to substantiate the information listed on the Board member's application shall automatically be removed from their Board position. A person who is removed from a City Board pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section shall not be subject to reappointment to any City Board for a period of thirty-six (36)months. Section 2. Each and every other provision of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach not herein specifically amended shall remain in full force and effect as previously enacted. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. Should any section or provision o f t his ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be SACA\Ordinances\Administrative\Sec 2-16-Board Qualifications Confirmation.doc 2 invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 5. Authority is hereby granted to codify said ordinance. Section 6. . This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this 3 day of June. , 2003. SECOND,FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this /7 day of , 2003. CITY ' BO B CH,FLORIDA • Mayor f„,) ice Ma. : 9112111 — CO • 1p 7:41c ommiss'• - -r ATTEST: fi /i1(1-1-142-X-k- City Clerk -- • (CORPORATE SEAL) / o RP oRme 1920 S:1CA\Ordinances\Administrative\Sec 2-16-Board Qualifications Confrmation.doc 3 . Boynton Beach, FL Code of Ordinances 'PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION* � f ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL 1 Sec. 2-16. City boards and commissions; minimum qualifications for appointment, membership. (a) In order to qualify for appointment to and to serve as a member of any board or committee of the city, an individual must be an elector of Palm Beach County, Florida. (b) In selecting individuals to serve on boards and committees of the city, preference shall be given to individuals who are residents of the City of Boynton Beach, provided however, that non-residents who own and operate businesses located within the city may also qualify for appointment provided they possess qualifications or experience uniquely suited to deal with the subject matter over which the board or committee has subject matter review or power. (c) No currently serving member of any board or committee shall be disqualified for falling to meet the minimum qualifications set forth in this section. However, at the expiration of the term of each current board of committee member, the vacancy created by that expiring term shall be filled with an individual qualified in accordance with the provisions of this section. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of city code or procedural rule, no alternate member of any city board may serve in the capacity of its Chairperson, Vice Chair, Chair Pro- Tem, or hold any other office on said board. (e) No alternate member may be moved to a regular member of the Board unless appointed by the City Commission. (f) When a member of any Board, with the exception of those Boards that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month, has missed three regular monthly meetings for any reason within one annual board term, that member will be notified that one additional absence will cause his/her Board membership to be terminated and a replacement will be appointed at the time of the next absence. Those boards that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month shall be permitted to have six absences during any one annual board term. The seventh absence shall result in removal from the board. (g) No person shall be appointed to a City Board without the person first submitting an application for appointment. No application for appointment shall be considered by the City Commission until the application form has been fully completed and signed by the applicant. All applications for appointment to a City Board shall be on a form authorized by the City Commission. The City Clerk shall review all applications for completeness prior to submitting them to the City Commissioners for consideration. (1) Prior to appointment, a City Commissioner may request written confirmation of the qualifications listed by any applicant for appointment. When a request for confirmation of the qualifications is made by a City Commissioner prior to appointment, the appointment shall be delayed until the information requested is submitted and made available to the members of the City Commission. No person shall be appointed to a City Board when that person is unable to substantiate the qualifications listed on their application. (2) A member of the City Commission may request written confirmation of qualifications of a person who has been appointed by the Commission to a City Board. A request for confirmation shall be made by the City Commissioner to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall make written request to the Board member. A copy of the Clerk's written request, shall be provided to all members of the City Commission. (3) Except as otherwise provided by law, a Board member who does not submit documentation of the qualifications listed on the Board member's application for appointment within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Clerk's written request, or who submits documentation which contradicts, negates, or fails to substantiate the information listed on the Board member's application shall automatically be removed from their Board position. (4) A person who is removed from a City Board pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section shall not be subject to reappointment to any City Board for a period of thirty-six (36) months. (i) The City Commission shall fill vacancies on city boards by making appointments in December following the city's November commission elections, commencing with the City Commission election of November, 2007. To the extent necessary to transition from April to November appointment, the term of office for any board appointee which would expire in April, 2008 or any April thereafter shall instead expire in the preceding November. (Ord. No. 90-11, §§ 1-3, 6-19-90; Ord. No. 98-48, § 1, 12-15-98; Ord.No. 99-03, § 1, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 01-60, § 1, 12-18-01; Ord.No. 03-024, § 2, 6-17-03; Ord. No. 07-004, § 2, 1-16-07) Editor's note-Ord. No. 90-11, §§ 1-3, adopted June 19, 1990, did not specifically amend the Code, but has been included as§2-16 by the editor. Cross references-Procedures for boards, commissions, etc., with independent purchasing authority, § 2-61; code compliance board, § 2-72 et seq.; building board of adjustment and appeals, 5.153 et seq.; cemetery, board of governors, § 6-4 et seg.; library board, sC 12-1 et seq.; parks and recreation board, § 16-1 et seq.; planning and zoning board, § 19-1 et seq.; community appearance board, ¢ 19-38 et seq_.; technical review board, § 19-63 et seq. Page 1 of 3 Boynton Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Sec. 2-16. City boards and commissions; minimum qualifications for appointment, membership. (a) In order to qualify for appointment to and to serve as a member of any board or committee of the city, an individual must be an elector of Palm Beach County, Florida. (b) In selecting individuals to serve on boards and committees of the city,preference shall be given to individuals who are residents of the City of Boynton Beach, provided however, that non-residents who own and operate businesses located within the city may also qualify for appointment provided they possess qualifications or experience uniquely suited to deal with the subject matter over which the board or committee has subject matter review or power. (c) No currently serving member of any board or committee shall be disqualified for falling to meet the minimum qualifications set forth in this section. However, at the expiration of the term of each current board of committee member, the vacancy created by that expiring term shall be filled with an individual qualified in accordance with the provisions of this section. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of city code or procedural rule, no alternate member of any city board may serve in the capacity of its Chairperson, Vice Chair, Chair Pro-Tem, or hold any other office on said board. (e) No alternate member may be moved to a regular member of the Board unless appointed by the City Commission. (f) When a member of any Board, with the exception of those Boards that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month, has missed three regular monthly meetings for any reason within one annual board term, that member will be notified that one additional absence will cause his/her Board membership to be terminated and a replacement will be appointed at the time of the next absence. Those boards that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month shall be permitted to have six absences during any one annual board term. The seventh absence shall result in removal from the board. (g) No person shall be appointed to a City Board without the person first submitting an application for appointment. No application for appointment shall be considered by the City Commission until the application form has been fully completed and signed by the applicant. All applications for appointment to a City Board shall be on a form authorized by the City Commission. The City Clerk shall review all applications for completeness prior to submitting them to the City Commissioners for consideration. (1) Prior to appointment, a City Commissioner may request written confirmation of the qualifications listed by any applicant for appointment. When a request for confirmation of the qualifications is made by a City Commissioner prior to appointment, the appointment shall be delayed until the information requested is submitted and made available to the members of the City Commission. No person shall be appointed to a City Board when that person is unable to substantiate the qualifications listed on their application. (2) A member of the City Commission may request written confirmation of qualifications of a person who has been appointed by the Commission to a City Board. A request for confirmation shall be made by the City Commissioner to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall make written request to the Board member. A copy of the Clerk's written request shall be provided to all members of the City http://www.amlegal.com/alpscripts/get-content.aspx 9/25/2012 Page 2 of 3 Commission. (3) Except as otherwise provided by law, a Board member who does not submit documentation of the qualifications listed on the Board member's application for appointment within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Clerk's written request, or who submits documentation which contradicts, negates, or fails to substantiate the information listed on the Board member's application shall automatically be removed from their Board position. (4) A person who is removed from a City Board pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section shall not be subject to reappointment to any City Board for a period of thirty-six (36) months. (i) The City Commission shall fill vacancies on city boards by making appointments in December following the city's November commission elections, commencing with the City Commission election of November, 2007. To the extent necessary to transition from April to November appointment,the term of office for any board appointee which would expire in April, 2008 or any April thereafter shall instead expire in the preceding November. (Ord. No. 90-11, §§ 1-3, 6-19-90; Ord. No. 98-48, § 1, 12-15-98; Ord. No. 99-03, § 1, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 01-60, § 1, 12-18-01; Ord. No. 03-024, § 2, 6-17-03; Ord. No. 07-004, § 2, 1-16-07) Editor's note-Ord. No. 90-11, §5C 1-3, adopted June 19, 1990, did not specifically amend the Code, but has been included as§2-16 by the editor. Cross references-Procedures for boards, commissions, etc., with independent purchasing authority, §2-61; code compliance board, §2-72 et seq.; building board of adjustment and appeals, § 5.153 et seq.; cemetery, board of governors, 5C 6-4 et seq.; library board, § 12-1 et seq.;parks and recreation board, § 16-1 et seq.;planning and zoning board, § 19-1 et seq.; community appearance board, § 19-38 et seq.; technical review board, § 19-63 et seq. Sec. 2-17. City boards, appointment of alternate members. All boards of the city with seven (7) or more members, shall have a minimum of two (2) alternate members, to be appointed by the city commission. All boards of the city with less than seven(7) members, shall have a minimum of one (1) alternate member, to be appointed by the city commission. The alternate members shall hold the same general qualifications as regular members to be eligible for appointment. The term of alternate members, if not otherwise provided, shall be for one (1)year and such appointees may be reappointed. (Ord. No. 92-55, § 1, 11-17-92) Editor's note-Ord. No. 92-55, § 1, adopted Nov. 17, 1992, enacted provisions pertaining to appointment of alternate members to city boards. Such provisions have been designated by the editor as §2-17. • Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality.American Legal Publishing Corporation provides these documents for informational purposes only.These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation.Additionally,the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy.The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site,please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. http://www.amlegal.com/alpscripts/get-content.aspx 9/25/2012