Chris Montague, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
John Welter, Vice Chair (Arrived 6:13 p.m.) Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director
Chris Simon (arrived 6:08 p.m.) Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
Tracy Tebo
Deborah Hoban
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo
Robyn Boucard, Alternate (arrived 6:04 p.m.)
Alice Warren
Bethanie Gorny. Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair Montague called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Craig Clark, Library Director,
wanted to add the June meeting to New Business.
II. Approval of Minutes — January 24, 2018 (Tabled), February 28, 2018 (Tabled) &
March 28, 2018
Chair Montague moved to approve all three sets of minutes. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo explained she is on a School Advisory Committee (SAC) and at the
last meeting, she informed the school about possible future City Library locations and the
school may contact the Library. The school was considering focusing on their students
in the neighborhood that use the City Library because they just became a Title 1 School.
They were trying to offset some of the diminished services from the City Library. The
school was contemplating opening their Library or media center to the students who
attend that school and she would look to the City Library for direction.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 25, 2018
V. Chair's Report
No report given.
VI. Unfinished Business:
• Library Construction/Lease Update
Mr. Clark had sent a link to the members regarding the leases, which were approved, and
advised staff is working with a local architect that was hired to update the drawings to the
temporary buildings so they can move into them. Staff will receive updated drawings by
the end of the week and they would need to finalize them as the lease would commence
June 1St. Mr. Clark did not yet have a move-in date. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the
architect was the same architect used for the new Library and learned it was not. Dr.
Hayden-Adeyemo thought the same library designer should be used and questioned why.
Mr. Clark explained the City used a consultant for space planning for the new library and
he was chosen because he has an outstanding library portfolio. It would be cost
prohibitive to use the consultant to design a temporary location.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked about a possible walk through at the temporary Library
building. Mr. Clark explained any walk through would occur after the lease starts and
when Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager, could arrange it.
Chair Montague asked if a plan was formulated to let patrons and youth know about the
move. Mr. Clark responded it would be handled by the City's Marketing team and Anne
Watts, Assistant Library Director, was aware the youth had known about the move from
the beginning. She pointed out they appeared before the City Commission requesting to
continue to have a local site for homework help. Chair Montague expressed concern
about students crossing Seacrest. Mr. Clark explained it was discussed and he would let
the Board know the outcome. Ms. Hoban noted children currently cross the street. Mr.
Clark agreed and explained students cross the street when they get off the bus and those
that live across the street, cross all the time. Discussion followed Seacrest is a dangerous
street, but it seems the closer to the intersection the Library is, the greater the likelihood
of an accident. Mr. Clark explained there is also the possibility of having a shuttle from
one Library location to the other, as there may be some grant funding available.
• Adult Reading Club Update
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, explained they would keep the program running
until they run out of prizes and noted 157 participants finished the program.
• Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 25, 2018
Ms. Taylor announced the Online High School was doing well, and another student would
interview for a scholarship the next day. Six students were working on diplomas; three
are more than halfway done; and one was taking the prerequisite. Mr. Clark explained
funding was approved for the new fiscal year, and they would speak with the State to find
out when the funds would be released.
VII. New Business:
Mr. Clark recommended cancelling the June meeting as it would be very hectic due to the
move preparations and the Library would likely be closed to the public. T he Board may
not have a suitable place to meet and Mr. Clark may not have access to a computer.
Chair Montague asked if there was agreement to cancel the June meeting. All were in
favor, except Chair Montague, Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo, and Mr. Simon. Ms. Hoban asked
if they could walk through the temporary locations in June and Mr. Clark explained it was
up to Mr. Groff. Mr. Clark assumed the July meetings and those thereafter would take
place at the temporary location although the building does not have meeting space. City
Hall will move just after the Library. Mr. Clark explained he was waiting to solidify a
moving company to move the Library and will then know more about a closing date. Once
the date is selected, they would immediately announce it. It was important to have a plan
and strategy. Vice Chair Welter asked if there are suitable meeting spaces and discussion
followed the meetings have to be open to the public. The Arts Commission meets at the
firehouse, or perhaps they could meet at the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse. Mr. Clark
thought they could meet at the temporary site in the archives or storage areas to keep the
meetings open.
Ms. Tebo asked what would happen to the Schoolhouse Children's Museum and learned
it would remain open during construction of the new facility. Mr. Clark and Suzanne Ross,
Executive Director, met with the general contracting manager and reviewed the process
of what parking will be open, when and she will notify the public about the changes in
parking areas. Vice Chair Welter thought the entire campus area would be fenced off
where they were doing the work and learned they would not. Mr. Clark advised there will
be access somewhere that will be safe. Mr. Clark explained the people in charge know
what they are doing and the Library Advisory Board should have some faith in them as
they are thinking of the public. Ms. Tebo asked about the other houses and apartments
and if Kenny's Market would be demolished and learned they would not.
Ms. Tebo explained she takes the bus often. Individuals have asked her about the Library
and there is a lot of confusion. Some people think the Library is already closed and others
think it will be shut down, but are unaware it will move to a temporary location. She thought
there was a lot of mis-information circulating. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked when an email
blast would be sent. Mr. Clark responded once they figure out a date, the City's Marketing
team will publicize the information. A question was posed if the Library could put signs
on buses and learned it was cost prohibitive. Mr. Clark explained no matter what is done,
they will not be able to reach everyone, but he was sure the information would be
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 25, 2018
publicized adequately. The shuttle service may go between the downtown and High
Ridge Road.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
• Monthly Report for April 2018
Chair Montague noted usage statistics usually decline in a good economy and understood
the season was ending. He questioned why the juvenile visits were down 26.6% this
month from last year. Ms. Watts explained because of all that was happening and being
uncertain about a moving date, staff did not schedule activities. She commented they
were concentrating on schoolwork, homework help and preparing students for tests. She
explained it will continue because the new location has less space for books. Some books
will be at the temporary downtown location and others will be at High Ridge. The
collection is split; however, staff will transport books back and forth that the kids need for
projects. It was noted the Library staff planned to resume programming at the new
location. Chair Montague asked if more staff would be added and was informed they
would not, but they may operate at reduced hours
• News/Media Coverage
Mr. Clark explained the Library received news media coverage about the new borrowing
Vice Chair Welter asked about the new Library Card Policy for Forest Park Elementary
School students. He remembered the program as being a lending program that had
extended borrowing times and a no fine policy. Mr. Clark explained this program will be
tried for a year. He was working with Legal to extend the program as it started in the 10th
month of the one-year contract, so he had to renew it. He also received a Memorandum
of Understanding from the School District. He reported limited student information from
Forest Park Elementary was downloaded to the Library system. Students can also have
their own personal library card, but this program was for all students and was based on
their student I.D. number. Students can borrow three print books and if they do not return
them, the Library will not pursue them or charge them, but then the student is excluded
from the program. Mr. Clark explained they need another year to test it, as it is a pilot
program. In February, staff sent over a print marketing piece about the program to
distribute to students. A handful of them were interested in the program, but Mr. Clark
has not had time to review the statistics. Vice Chair Welter noted the school year was
nearly over and if students borrow books, they may be able to see if students are using
the service. Mr. Clark agreed to bring back more information at the next meeting. He had
spoken to the Deputy Superintendent of Schools about the program and commented the
program will be managed by Mr. Clark. If the program is successful, they will add another
school or two.
There was a news article in the Gateway Gazette, formerly known as the Boynton Forum
in response to a press release staff sent. Ms. Tebo noted the Coastal Star also had a
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 25, 2018
longer article. Mr. Clark explained he just got the paper and would share the article at the
next meeting.
Ms. Warren explained the Palm Beach Post had an article about the Library in the
Thursday paper. There was also information about the Library moving in the letter to the
IX. Announcements
• Next Library Board Meeting — May 23, 2018 @ 6 p.m.
Ms. Warren asked if anyone instructs children on the Dewey Decimal System. Ms. Watts
explained the Library uses the system and when kids come to the Library to do their
homework, there is one-on-one instruction on the system given in the process of assisting
them with collecting information, but there are no classes held.
The primary thing to do in any Library is for a patron to walk up to a staff member and ask
for help. Ms. Watts explained times have changed and school assignments have changed
a lot over the years. Schools now have media specialists, but not media clerks. Ms.
Bouchard explained schools also have a new system of reading levels. Teachers will
assign students a lexile number and Library books are coded that way in addition to the
Dewey Decimal information.
Chair Montague asked if the new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system would
change the way the Library organizes its books. Mr. Clark explained it is a better method
of tracking. The system makes it easier for customers to borrow books, for staff to
conduct its inventory and to find materials that may be out of order. Staff will start working
on that when they move to the temporary site. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if there would
be more self-check outs at the temporary location. Mr. Clark explained he planned to have
one in the children's library area and two or three on the second floor.
Chair Montague requested Mr. Clark let the Board know if there was any way the Board
can help the Library at the next meeting. Mr. Clark thought once they moved, all would
be well, but it was the planning that was difficult.
Mr. Clark announced Ms. Watts was retiring in June and Susan Swiatosz, Library
Archivist, resigned for a new position. Her last day will be next Tuesday. They will have a
cake for her tomorrow. He praised Ms. Watts as she brought many positive changes to
the Library, and he thanked her for 11 years of service and expressed his indebtedness
to her noting that she loves the youth. The members thanked her for her service. Mr.
Clark also pointed out Ms. Swiatosz did a phenomenal job in the archives and she put the
collections in amazing order. Mr. Clark agreed to notify the members of her send off.
Dr. Gorny explained there is a lot of excitement in Boynton Beach with all the upcoming
changes. She pointed out one of the most important is the Library and she was excited
to be a part it.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida April 25, 2018
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Montague moved to adjourn the
meeting at 6:49 p.m. Ms. Warren seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist