Chris Montague, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Chris Simon (arrived 6:09 p.m.) Anne Watts, Assistant Library Director
Tracy Tebo Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo (arrived at 6:10 p.m.)
Robyn Boucard, Alternate (arrived 6:04 p.m.)
Alice Warren
Bethanie Gorny, Alternate
John Welter, Vice Chair
Deborah Hoban
I. Call to Order
Chair Montague called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes — April 25, 2018
Chair Montague tabled the minutes, as they were not available.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Craig Clark, Library Director, announced Board Member Deborah Hoban contacted him
advising she could not make the meeting.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
(Robin Bouchard arrived at 6:04 p.m.)
V. Chair's Report
Chair Montague commented after the last Board meeting, he was outside the Library
speaking with someone and high school students got into a fistfight. He complimented
the Officer on duty at the Library as the Officer handled the situation well, and quickly got
the situation under control.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 23, 2018
VI. Unfinished Business:
Library Construction Update
Mr. Clark advised there was a 180-degree turn regarding plans for the Library. For a
variety of reasons, but mostly to save money, instead of the Library being divided into two
different locations: one at High Ridge Road and the other at the Post Office, the temporary
Library will use the UCC Church behind Hurricane Alley. He explained the CRA
purchased the Church, which the City could use at no cost, saving the City $600,000 to
$700,000 a year. He explained the Library will provide all of its services on the east side
of 1-95 within walking distance. He thought the partnership was a win-win. Mr. Clark did
advise one issue was the building was small although it had two stories. He explained
the current plan was to rent two 64' by 48' foot trailers. Each trailer has 12 offices and a
conference room. Mr. Clark estimated the Church to have 15,000 to 20,000 square feet
of space: it was formerly a bank that was converted to a Church in 1975. Mr. Clark thought
the second floor was a great space for the children and teens services as its dimensions
were 8 or 10 feet by 72 feet across. There are two stairways to the second floor: one a
straight up stairwell, but the other was a spiral stairway that will be removed creating
additional space. The restrooms will be made ADA accessible. There is an office and
boutique store on site so the intent was to move the Friends of the Library store with them
to the new location. He also advised there was a chance the Church may hold services
there on Sundays for awhile.
(Chris Simon arrived at 6:09 p.m.)
(Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo arrived at 6: 90 p.m.)
Mr. Clark advised he would visit the location as soon as he could to determine how much
of the collection will be brought over. Mr. Clark was the only one who visited the site and
he was trying to get the rest of the staff in to take measurements, start planning, and
decide how much of the collection will be housed there. There will be no adult computers
in the building, although it was thought computers could go in one of the trailers in the
adult section. The teen and youth computers would be onsite. The trailers have different
floor plans. One had 12 offices, a conference and rest rooms. One will be used for staff
and the other for the computers and possibly Americorp. He noted they cannot house
the entire collection so staff was looking at alternative locations nearby so staff could run
over and get the needed or requested materials. The change occurred over the past
couple of weeks.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo apologized for arriving late and inquired if the Library would have
portables. For the benefit of Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo, Mr. Clark repeated the information
he provided earlier. A question was posed if trailers could be used for collection storage
and Mr. Clark explained the trailers could not hold the heavy books. Staff planned to
house the most popular materials at the new location and the less popular materials offsite
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 23, 2018
nearby for staff to retrieve by the next day. Staff was still looking for other locations to
lease for storage.
Dr.Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the Church location would hold the juvenile and adult
materials and if it was next to the Brightline train. She asked when the decision was made
to move there. Chair Montague thought the new location was a safer location than
Seacrest Boulevard. Mr. Clark responded it was on Federal Highway next to the Ice
Cream Shop and a block away from 500 Ocean. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought Federal
Highway was busy. She expressed she was taken aback since the last meeting where
they were looking for a walk through and now there was a new location. Mr. Clark
reiterated using the building would save the City $600,000 to $700,000 a year as there
was no rent to pay. He also noted the temporary Library was not part of the downtown
Mr. Clark explained there will be challenges with the collections, but Chair Montague
thought Library attendance would remain higher. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked how much
it would cost to store the materials and Mr. Clark responded he did not know.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if City staff was aware of the building when they started
scouting locations and learned they were not. Mr. Clark was called out of a meeting by
his boss who requested he immediately visit the site when it became available. He also
explained he does not handle leases or the budget. Ms. Tebo announced she walks to
the location all the time to board Bus 1 and it was not a long walk. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo
commented there would still be building construction ongoing and she questioned how it
could be a win-win as she thought there would be construction next to the railroad tracks.
She put on record she had concerns about the move regarding the proximity to the
Brightline tracks and Federal Highway. When asked further about her concerns, she
responded she did not want to take time away from the agenda to voice her concerns.
Mr. Clark commented an architect will be involved to take measurements to determine
how much of the collection they can move over and how much to store. Mr. Clark
announced the Library will be closed July 13th and would reopen and be operational at
the temporary location on August 13th. They are still trying to find a company to move the
Library as no one responded to the Request for Proposals and Mr. Clark was working
with Collin Groff, Assistant City Manager on the move. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the
City has moving and storage they can use to cut costs, or use its trucks to ship it to the
new location as it is only a block away. Mr. Clark explained a Library move is very
complicated. Chair Montague assured Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo that all around, it was a
safer location to get too and there is parking. Ms. Warren agreed.
Adult Reading Club Update
Jeannie Taylor, Division Head Librarian, announced 155 people participated in the
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 23, 2018
Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Ms. Taylor announced they are interviewing another student for a scholarship next week
for the program. Mr. Clark explained the Library will also receive funding from the State
after July for the new scholarships and He will request funds for 10 scholarships to begin.
Six students are in the program and there were four graduates. Mr. Simon asked how
the student would proceed with the program during the move. Ms. Taylor explained
there are online academic coaches, so while the Library is not accessible for a month,
students could still proceed with the program and can contact staff. Mr. Clark also
announced he was working with the Rotary Club of Boynton/Lantana who may donate
funds for those graduates who may want to start college. Mr. Clark and Ms. Taylor will
develop guidelines to access funding and thought the funds could create a post high
school scholarship program. He noted the scholarship will be about $1,300, which he
hoped would be given each year. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought the Library could partner
with the City to match the funds and those students could become interns with the City,
if the individual wanted to grow, build and stay in the City. Mr. Clark advised the City has
an internship program. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented she was referring to public
relations information the Library issues referencing the Hack Lab and economic
development. She noted people are coming to the Library to obtain an accredited high
school diploma and it would be good if the Library could show the program is effective in
the community and the City was available to support the initiative. Students could go to
school and possibly have a way to work. It could move the student through the process
with an end goal in mind.
PBC School District Agreement Update
Mr. Clark explained the City Manager signed an agreement for another year regarding
the Library Program with Forest Park Elementary School, which he forwarded it to the
School District for approval. The Library just purchased at a Scholastic Book sale at the
Warehouse in Pompano some titles that were appropriate for youth to check out.
VII. New Business:
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
Monthly Report for April 2018
Chair Montague thought the Board should be patient with the Statistics as there was a lot
going on.
News/Media Coverage
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 23, 2018
IX. Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — July 25, 2018 at Intracoastal Park (June
Meeting Cancelled)
Chair Montague commented the members voted to cancel the June meeting as they
thought the Library would be moving in June. He suggested the Board may want to meet
for the June meeting and cancel the July meeting instead and requested a motion to that
Ms. Tebo so moved. Mr. Simon seconded the motion that unanimously passed. Mr.
Clark announced the next meeting will be Wednesday, June 27th at the Library and the
July 25, 2018, meeting was cancelled. Mr. Clark announced they will see if the August
meeting will be held at Intracoastal Park Clubhouse.
Antonio Villatoro was present and announced he was running for Mayor. He has been
attending meetings to listen and familiarize himself with the different Boards. Mr. Clark
advised he will have more information about the Library next month.
X. Adjournment
Chair Montague moved to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded and unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist