Steven B. Grant, Mayor
Christina Romelus, Vice Mayor
Justin Katz, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Joe Casello, Commissioner
A. Call to Order - Mayor Steven B. Grant
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Stephen Grant gave the invocation.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Judith A. Pyle, City Clerk
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Justin Katz
Roll Call
City Clerk Pyle called the roll. A quorum was present.
Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
Attorney Cherof requested a closed door session for the Quantum Park litigation;
Secured Holding under Legal item 12.G.
Commission Casello requested to move Legal 12.B to New Business as item 11.D
Commissioner McCray requested to pull items C, E, G, H, M from the consent agenda,
2. Adoption
Commissioner McCray moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Katz
seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
A. Informational items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner Katz indicated he had nothing to disclose.
August 7, 2018
Commissioner McCray stated he had nothing to disclose. Congratulated Mayor Grant
on his recent marriage.
Vice Mayor Romelus had nothing to disclose.
Commissioner Casello reported nothing to disclose. Reminded everyone the primary
electionwas fast approaching. Please remember to do your constitution duty and vote.
Mayor Grant stated he attended the City quarterly orientation for new hires. He also
attended the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council. He explained there
were 21 organizations in the State of Florida. This organization allows Cities to have a
unified voice when dealing with the legislation in regards to gas tax dollars. August 4th
attended the Boynton Beach House of Kingdom Worship 1 st annual Back to School Bash
and the Youth Empowerment Conference. August 6th attended Crosspointe Elementary
School for the new teacher breakfast. Completed the Town Square signing, which
included the bond documents as well as the lease agreements. August 7th, Secret
Gardens had their Culinary job fair. Indicated he and Vice Mayor Romelus served as
celebrity chefs. They had a mystery chef from South Tech Academy in attendance.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager advised the Commission the closing for the bonds should
be this week.
A. Announcement by Andrew Mack, Director of Public Works and Engineering,
regarding moving dates and temporary locations of City Hall, Police Station, and
Library due to the Town Square Project.
Andrew Mack, Director of Public Works and Engineering, said he was excited about the
Town Square project kick off. Informed the Commission the Customer Service
Department will be closed on Friday, August 17, 2018 and will re -open on Monday, August
20, 2018 at their new address at 209 North Seacrest Blvd. The Development and
permitting offices will be closed on August 31, 2018, and will reopen on Tuesday,
September 4, 2018. The new location is 3301 Quantum Boulevard, Suite 101. The Police
Records and Internal Affairs will be closed on September 23rd, and will reopen on
September 24th at their new location 209 North Seacrest Boulevard. The Library was
closed on July 12th and is scheduled to be opened on August 13, 2018.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Mayor Grant asked if this information would be on social media. Mr. Mack indicated it
would be as well as on signs throughout the City.
Lori LaVerriere indicated notice of the move will be going out in the Utility bills.
Commissioner McCray asked about signage at the new Library. Mr. Mack indicated they
were currently working on the signage issue.
B. Announce upcoming Sara Sims Park Project Vendor Fair on August 8, 2018 to
be held at Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, 2240 N Federal Highway beginning at
8.00am and ending at 10:OOam.
David Scott, Director of Economic Development, announced the Vendor Fair for the Sara
Sims Park Project on August 8, 2018, at the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, located at 2240
N. Federal Highway. Notification were sent out via postcards and flyers. Staff would be
on hand to work with the vendors on the process. This was part of Building Wealth in the
Commissioner McCray thanked staff for their efforts regarding reclaimed water.
discretion of the Chair, this 3 -minute allowance may need to be adjusted depending
on the level of business coming before the City Commission)
Jerry Taylor, 1086 SW 26 Avenue, attended the Culinary Job Fair and congratulated the
Mayor on his marriage.
Richard Radcliffe, Executive Director of Palm Beach County League of Cities, 301
North Olive, thanked Boynton Beach for passing a resolution on Home Rule. Home Rule
was commemorating its 501h year. Home Rule give each City its character and the ability
to set its own standards.
Commissioner Casello indicated Home Rule will be his first priority in Tallahassee.
Chris Tucker, 500 Via Lugano Circle, Apt. 204, asked why the afterschool program was
cut three -weeks prior to school opening. There were parents which had to scramble to
secure childcare for their children. The parents received a letter of cancellation for the
program. He was told there were problems with the building, but was told money was not
the issue. He believes the City does not care about the people nor the children which
utilize the afterschool program. The parents should have been informed before the school
year ended. The Commission only cares about the people during election time. Mr.
Tucker presented a petition of families affected by the aftercare closures.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Mayor Grant stated the Parks and Recreation Department was trying to find a supervised
recreational program for the families. There needed to be something in the works for
families which need afterschool care. Mayor Grant stated he does not know what can be
done to help those families.
Dr. Pitor Blass, 113 Tara Lakes Drive, supports the spirit and the determination of
children. He would like to welcome a new reporter from the University Georgia. Home
Rule was important. He was running for Mayor; indicated Boynton Beach already had
the best Mayor on the books. Using technology and public/private partnership programs
the minimum wage should be $50 in Boynton Beach. He was the write-in candidate for
Governor of Florida.
Robert Simpson, 1425 Princeton Lane, said the City Boynton Beach has one of the
best aftercare programs around. His family has made new friends and was disappointed
with the email which he received regarding the cancelation of the afterschool program.
There are many parents that still need to find aftercare programs for their children.
Erica King, 2930 South Seacrest Blvd, has dealt with the Boynton Beach Recreation
Department for many years. What concerns her was the employees at the Hester Center
did not know what was going on. There was no communication between staff and the
parents. Three weeks was not enough time for the parents to find suitable aftercare
arraignments. The price of aftercare is double at the local school. The breakdown in
communication and the timeframe in which the parents were given was unacceptable.
She was disappointed with the City.
Laurel Francis -Tucker, 500 Via Lugano Circle, Apt# 204, noted her daughters love the
Boynton Beach Recreational Center. The children were already devastated with the
closure of the art center, now the aftercare has been cancelled. Staff was unaware the
program was cancelled. Please do not forget about the aftercare when planning for the
future. All the staff are really nice to the children.
Tiffany Sanchez, 6372 Willoby Circle, stated her child plays sports at the aftercare. She
grew up in Boynton Beach; so much has been taken away.
Rose Marie Michel, 2634 Quantum Lakes of Boynton, informed the Commission her
children have participated in the aftercare program for several years. What concerns her
was the lack of responsiveness from the City. The parents have reached out to Mayor
Grant regarding the cancellation of the aftercare. She feels that someone dropped the
ball and they should be held accountable. Asked the City to show true compassion for the
parents of those children without after school care.
Mayor Grant inquired if there was information regarding what was going on with the
Parks and Recreation programs and if there was a Funfare magazine for the fall.
Ms. LaVerriere stated the summer camp for next year was not being cancelled.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Mayor Grant noted seeing no one else coming forward, Public Audience was closed.
A. Appoint eligible members of the community to serve in vacant positions on City
advisory boards.
The following Regular (Reg) and Alternate (Alt) Student (Stu) and Nonvoting Stu (N/V
openings exist:
Arts Commission: 2 Alts
Building Board of Adjustments & Appeals: 1 Reg and 2 Alts
Planning & Development Bd: 1 Alt
Recreation and Parks Bd: 1 Reg
Senior Advisory Bd: 1 Alt
Mayor Grant read the open positions.
Commission McCray indicated he would not appoint anyone to the Planning and
Development Board, he wanted to wait and get additional applications. He will appoint at
the next Commission meeting.
Commissioner Casello moved to nominate Kevin Lee to the Recreation and Parks Board
(Reg). Commissioner McCray seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed
B. Commission to discuss the following:
Moving the September 4, 2018 Commission meeting to Thursday, September
6, 2018 in order to hold the First Public Hearing on the FY 18/19 Budget;
Schedule a Special Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at
6:00pm prior to the CRA meeting to consider a Final Fire Assessment Rate
Resolution; and Schedule a Special Commission Meeting on Thursday,
September 20, 2018 to hold the Second and Final Public Hearing on the FY
18/19 budget. All to be held at Intracoastal Park Clubhouse
Mayor Grant asked if everyone was in agreement with the budget hearing dates.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Commissioner McCray stated this was scheduled every year and every year it becomes
a hustle with changing the dates and times for the meetings. Commissioner McCray
wanted to know why two Thursday's instead of one.
Ms. LaVerriere responded the City needed to wait until the School Board and Palm Beach
County Commission establish their Public Hearing dates. By law the City was prohibited
from scheduling a meeting date in conflict with the County and the School Board dates.
Ms. LaVerriere informed the Commission these dates change every year. The trim
schedule and the Fire assessment adoption are mandated by Florida Statute. The City
does not have much flexibility in regards to the timeframe.
Mayor Grant requested a Special Commission meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2018
at 6:00 p.m. prior to the CRA meeting to consider the final Fire Assessment Rate
resolution. Inquired if the Commission was in agreement with this date.
There was a consensus.
Mayor Grant said the Commission needed to schedule a Special Commission Meeting
on September 20, 2018 to hold the second and final Public Hearing on fiscal year
2018/2019 budget. Mayor Grant asked how this meeting would last. Ms. LaVerriere
indicated it was up to the Commission.
Mayor Grant asked the Commission if they wanted to have two meetings that week or
does the Commission want to move the meeting from September 18, 2018, to September
20, 2018 to have only one meeting that week. He understands Commissioner McCray
had other obligations.
Commissioner Casello said whatever works for the majority of the board.
Commissioner Katz wanted to move the meeting from September 17, 2018 to Thursday
September 20, 2018.
Commissioner McCray stated he did not have a problem with the Monday meeting.
Commissioner Katz indicated he did not have a problem with having both meetings on
September 20tH
Ms. LaVerriere, said this was the first year that neither date worked.
Commissioner Katz wanted to clarify the November 6th meeting was being moved to
November 7tH
Tim Howard replied the meeting was moved from Tuesday, November 6th to Wednesday,
November 7, 2018.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City
Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with
all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject
to staff comments.
A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-097 -Commemorating 50 years of Home
Rule for municipalities in Florida.
B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-098 - Authorize the Mayor to sign an
agreement between City of Boynton Beach and Boynton Beach Bikeshare LLC
for the financing, implementation, management, operation and marketing of a
self-service bike sharing system.
C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-099 - Authorize the City Manager to sign
a security agreement between The School Board of Palm Beach County,
Florida and the City of Boynton Beach to provide Law Enforcement Agency
Officers at schools within Boynton Beach while the School District works to hire
additional full-time school police officers.
Commissioner McCray asked for clarification regarding the City reimbursement for the
officers being utilized. Requested an explanation on how the school officer slots are being
filled. Asked if it was one school at a time or one person for each school.
Police Chief Michael Gregory responded there was a schedule to fill the opening for the
schools within Boynton Beach. Explained he has already spoken with the County
regarding Boynton Beach Police would have a priority in getting the officers back from the
school and onto the streets.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
D. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-100 - Authorize the Mayor to enter into a
Interlocal Agreement between the City and Boynton Beach Community
Redevelopment Agency to fund intersection enhancements associated with
Florida Department of Transportation's US 1/Federal Highway Project.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-101 - Authorize the Mayor to enter into
a Landscape Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement between the City and
Florida Department of Transportation to agree to fund and maintain the
intersection enhancements, subject to final approval by City Attorney.
E. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-102 - Adopt the City of Boynton Beach's
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application for funding
authorizing the City Manager's execution and the activities submitted in the City
of Boynton Beach's One Year Action Plan for FY2018-2019. The anticipated
Community Development Block Grant allocation is $544,399, and the re -
appropriation of non -expended funds from previous year allocation is
Commissioner McCray explained this money was already allocated and has been
promised to the different agencies within this City.
Octavia Sherrod, Community Improvement Manager confirmed this was correct.
Vice Mayor Romelus requested clarification. Asked if there was $200,000 which was not
expended and it was being moved over to this year's budget. Ms. Sherrod responded this
was correct.
Mayor Grant asked if any agencies slated to receive any of the $200,000 was going to
receive their funding. Ms. Sherrod stated they would.
Mayor Grant asked what was the public service allocation for the City. Ms. Sherrod
responded the public service allocation was $81,659 for this fiscal year.
Ms. Sherrod presented a PowerPoint and an action plan was developed and submitted
annually to meet HUD statutory requirements to receive CDBG funding and provides
concise summary of the activities.
Ms. LaVerriere asked if the City was funding the same four agencies from last year.
Ms. Sherrod indicated Public Service was limited to 15% which would be $81,659.
Provided a breakdown by agency. Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc. $10,000,
Community Caring Center $45,000, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County $5,000 and
Pathway to Prosperity $21,659.
Ms. Sherrod indicated the outreach was directed at Churches, Synagogues, and other
religious institutions. Nonprofit providers of social services to residents of CDBG target
areas, brochures and flyers are distributed to neighborhood organizations and
homeowner's associations, day care centers with high population of person with limited
English proficiency, City sponsored events, community sponsored events. Placed on the
City website, social media site, as well as signage and in the general circulation of
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
newspapers. Ms. Sherrod provided a listing of other allocations which includes the
Boynton Beach Faith Based Community Development Corp. for $80,000, Affordable
housing program, the Housing Rehabilitation for $173,861. Housing Rehabilitation
delivery $100,000, Planning & Administration, which is limited. Indicated there was
$200,000 which rolled over to the new year, stated Economic Development which was
unexpended for this fiscal year $100,000 and the Heart of Boynton Redevelopment
$100,000 which was unexpended.
Commissioner Casello asked why are we rolling over $200,000 from the previous year.
There were many agencies which could use these funds.
Ms. Sherrod stated the funds cannot be used for public services. Indicated the money
could be used for housing rehabilitation. They are averaging more than $50,000 per year.
Commissioner Casello asked why are we not using the money for housing or
rehabilitation programs. Ms. Sherrod indicated this can be done. Commissioner Casello
stated the City has this money and should be used for its intended purposes.
Commissioner McCray said in regard to having to roll those funds over, at the present
time there was no need for these funds. Ms. Sherrod replied there was no immediate
Mayor Grant asked if the City has ever run out of funding for housing rehabilitation. Ms.
Sherrod responded they have not. Indicated they had a higher influx of applicants last
year. She was anticipating exhausting those funds.
Mayor Grant ask if there was a need could the City could utilize those funds. Ms. Sherrod
Indicated they could do a minor adjustment. Mayor Grant indicated if there was a need to
take the funds instead of allocating those funds.
Vice Mayor Romelus indicated if there was an influx of applicants coming into the
program, it could possibly exhaust the reserves. She has spoken with Mark Woods and
other staff in regards to the need and to do a better job of outreach. She indicated she
was looking forward to those improvements and outreach efforts.
Commission McCray indicated there are many people which apply for those program, and
they do not want to complete the application.
Ms. Sherrod stated the application was a very invasive process. Ms. LaVerriere agreed
the process was extremely invasive.
Mayor Grant stated the paperwork does not become public records.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated these are hurtles which need to be overcome. Ms. LaVerriere
stated staff works with individuals as well as with groups.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
Vice Mayor Romelus asked how many staff members are bilingual.
August 7, 2018
Ms. Sherrod replied they do not have any bilingual staff members. They have Spanish
and Creole people who work for the Faith Based CDC. Explained the City wants all
applicants to feel comfortable with the process, but also with the staff. Indicated not only
has the City assisted with purchase of homes, but help residents avoid foreclosure.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
F. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-103 - Authorize the City Manager to sign
multiple agreements as a result of RFQ No.: 046-2821-17/TP for General
Consulting Services for five (5) Scope Categories to be executed based on
individual task orders in compliance with the purchasing policies and procedures.
G. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-104 - Approve the rankings as
recommended by the Selection Committee and authorize the City Manager to sign
contracts with the four (4) top ranked proposers: Hatcher Construction &
Development, Inc., E&F Florida Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Creative Contracting
Group; Republic Construction Group; and ANZCO, Inc.; in order to establish a pre-
qualified list of vendors in accordance with Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
No.018-2511-18/IT "Pre -Qualification of Contractors for Minor Construction
Services" and authorize the City Manager to award individual projects not
exceeding $75,000.
Commissioner McCray inquired what will happen if the bid exceeds $75,000.
Tim Howard, Assistant City Manager, indicated this was a prequalification notice. They
are asking Ms. LaVerriere be able to sign the Purchase Order if more than $75,000. It
would come back to the Commission for approval.
Commissioner Casello asked what was the current limits for the City Manager's ability to
sign. Mr. Howard indicated $25,000 for commodities, $75,000 for construction.
Commissioner Casello said it remains the same.
Mr. Howard stated they are asking for the City Manager to have the ability to sign off on
minor repair maintenance projects up to $75,000. Ms. LaVerriere stated this would allow
for small rehab projects to be approved up to $75,000.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if the top ranked vendors were local vendors or within Palm
Beach County. Mr. Howard indicated they were from Boca, West Palm Beach, Lake
Worth, West Palm Beach.
Mayor Grant noticed they have a 4 -year term to renew the same contract, wanted to know
if a local vendor has the opportunity to get into the cycle. Mr. Howard stated the way in
which the contract was structured it was a 1 -year contract, then there were 4, 1 -year
renewal periods. In order to insert another vendor, the City would not do a renewal, but
go out to bid again. Mayor Grant understood the renewals get approved under the consent
agenda, asked if the City could make it for 3, 1 -year renewal periods. Mr. Howard stated
if the Commission wanted to modify the renewal period from the 4 years to 3 years'
renewal period, this was up to the Commission. Mayor Grant stated If there was a local
vendor they would know that it was a 4 -year contract instead of a 5 -year contract.
Commissioner Katz inquired what was the pros and cons from staff.
Mr. Howard replied the only con was the item would need to do another prequalification
RFQ a year early. Ms. LaVerriere responded it was a large volume of work for the
preparation. The City tries to go 3 to 5 years for contracts.
Mayor Grant stated it does not include prices. This was the prequalification.
Mr. Howard indicated this would not impact staff. Going forward was fine.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if the other three companies which were not part of the top
four companies, if any were local businesses. Mr. Howard responded there was one
vendor which was a local business and the vendor received the preference points, that
vendor ranked 7 out of 7 after the scoring by the review committee.
Mayor Grant asked if Commissioner McCray wanted to amend the motion for 3 -year
instead of 4 -year renewals.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to amend his motion to approve a 3 -year contract instead
of a 4 -year contract. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
H. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-105 - Approving payment of per capita
member dues to the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency beginning with
Fiscal Year 2019.
Commissioner McCray noted he serves as an alternate on the Palm Beach
Transportation Planning Agency committee and does not understand why it was not
approved on the first reading.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed
I. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-106 - Authorize the City Manager to sign
an agreement with Advanced Data Processing, Inc. a subsidiary of Intermedix
Corporation utilizing the Volusia County Contract for Public Emergency Medical
Transportation (PEMT) billing.
J. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-107 - Authorize the City Manager to sign
the grant award agreement and all related documents to accept the Assistance to
Firefighters grant from the Department of Homeland Security in the amount of
K. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-108 - Authorize Mayor Grant to sign the
Hazard Mitigation Program (HMGP) grant application, requesting $637,500 for the
Lakeside Gardens Drainage Improvements project with $212,500 match from
Boynton Beach Utilities for a total project cost of $850,000.
L. Award Bid No. 021-2821-18/IT for "Furnish and Install Water Service
Connections and Restoration" to Line -Tec of Delray Beach, FL, as the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder for Bid items 1 thru 19 and optional items 1
thru 5, in the estimated annual expenditure of $25,000. The initial term of the bid
will begin on date of award and will terminate one year from that date. This bid
may be renewed for four (4) additional one-year terms subject to vendor
acceptance and determination that renewal is in the City's best interest. Future
renewals will be brought forward to City Commission for approval. This bid will be
utilized on an "As Needed/As Required Basis."
M. Approve an increase of $40,000 to the existing purchase order for sodium
chloride with Morton Salt utilizing the previously approved Palm Beach County
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
Bid No. 16-043/ZG which expires August 19, 2018. This will bring the total
approved expenditure to $165,000 for the year.
Commissioner McCray stated every year there was an increase to sodium chloride.
Asked if this was an oversight, asked if staff is not looking at the entire year.
Mr. Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager stated when staff are asked to budget they are
given a formula. Staff were told not to add any extra amount. This was needed because
the process was changed midyear. He directed his staff to provide an exact amount
without any fluff.
Commissioner McCray stated this was bad, now they need to look for increases,
whatever was left in the budget it rolls over. Mr. Groff replied it was different in the
Utility, it was not a rollover. Commissioner McCray indicated it stays in Utility.
Mr. Groff said the funds remain in the reserve fund; it does affect the rate over time.
Commissioner McCray indicated the formula needed to be addressed.
Mayor Grant asked what was the change in process. Mr. Groff replied the new plant.
Staff did not anticipate the amount of salt which was needed.
Mayor Grant asked if the City was pumping out more potable water. Mr. Groff replied
they were. Mr. Groff stated staff underestimated the salt usage and the organic matter
in the water
Mayor Grant stated he understood this was a way the City could keep its utility rates
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
N. Approve utilizing Palm Beach County Contract # 150899 with Seacoast
Embroidery Inc. and PRIDE Enterprises for the purchase of uniforms for general
employees with an estimated annual expenditure of $30,000 and authorizing the
City Manager to sign a contract with Seacoast Embroidery Inc. and PRIDE
Enterprises. The Palm Beach County's procurement process satisfies the City's
competitive bid requirements.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
O. Accept third quarter report on operations of the Schoolhouse Children's
Museum and Learning Center for FY17/18.
P. Accept the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Status Report of the General Fund
and the Utilities Fund for the eight (8) month period ended May 31, 2018.
Q. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy -backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities as described in the written report for
August 7, 2018 - "Request for Extensions and/or Piggybacks."
R. Approve the minutes from City Commission meeting held on July 17, 2018.
Commissioner Casello moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-109 - Approve the ranking as
recommended by the Evaluation Committee and authorize the City Manager to
sign an Agreement with Beltmann Group, Inc. of Pompano Beach, FL for RFP
No. 015-1210-18/IT for Municipal Complex Relocation Services. The estimated
cost for this move is $200,000; however, the final cost will not be known until the
City determines exactly what will be moved and the vendor can calculate costs
based upon the fixed firm pricing obtained thru this RFP. The scope of this RFP
also provided that upon completion of the Town Square project, the City would
require moving services from the temporary locations to the new buildings.
Mayor Grant read Resolution No. 18-109 into the record by title only.
Commissioner McCray asked if $200,000 was going to be enough, he does not want to
have staff return asking for additional funding. Mr. Howard replied he chose this number
as an estimate. The mandatory site visit did not include what staff will be taking, until the
items are tagged. The company provided an hourly and truck rate only. Mayor Grant
inquired if this included the move to the permanent location as well. Mr. Howard stated
the estimate includes the temporary move and the move to the new City Hall. He noted
the Commission received three quotes.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Commissioner Casello moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
B. Approve an increase to Johnson Controls Fire Protection Formerly Simplex
Grinnell for contractual fire alarm/sprinkler system services and repairs under the
Sourcewell formerly NJPA Contract 031517 -SGL from $24,000 to $100,000.
Mayor Grant read the item into the record.
Commissioner McCray asked why the increase.
Mr. Howard replied the reason you see only increases; staff does not need to come
back to the Commission if the item is less. The company did not bill the City in a timely
manner. The cost also was for outstanding invoices
Commissioner McCray asked if this money is in the budget. Mr. Howard confirmed the
money has been allocated.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the
The motion unanimously passed.
C. Award Bid No. 010-2512-18/IT to the two (2) lowest responsive and
responsible bidders, Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating, LLC of Sunrise,
Florida as Primary Vendor and M&M Asphalt Maintenance Inc. d/b/a All County
Paving of Delray Beach, Florida as Secondary Vendor, for Asphalt and Sidewalk
Restoration, in the estimated annual amount of $3,000,000.00. The initial
contract period starts on the date of award and terminates one year from that
date contingent upon receipt and approval of insurance and applicable payment
and performance guaranties.
Mayor Grant read the item into the record.
Commissioner McCray inquired if the City was going to try to use local vendors.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Mr. Howard replied the City received 2 bids from local vendors. One was deemed non-
responsive because they did not comply with paperwork and the other vendor did not
have the correct licenses. Commissioner McCray asked if they are reaching out to the
community to use local vendors. Mr. Howard indicated it was up to the vendor to hire
local contractors. Commissioner McCray stated please recommend and suggest the
contractors hire some local vendors.
Commissioner Casello said the vendor which were deemed non responsive was doing
work for the City on other projects. Commissioner Casello wanted to inform the public
$3M was coming from the penny sales tax.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if the vendors were doing a better job in communication with
the neighbors.
Mr. Groff indicated they will place door hangers and met with the people in the
neighborhoods. Staff will make sure information is being communicated.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the
The motion unanimously passed.
D. Approve the City of Boynton Beach utilizing the Palm Beach County Bid No.
18-069/MB for the purchase of Sodium Chloride, Solar Salt Quality, with Morton
Salt, Inc. Palm Beach County complied with public bid requirements equal to
and/or exceeding the City of Boynton Beach requirements. The anticipated
expenditure for the purchase of sodium chloride for a one-year period is
Mayor Grant read the item into the record.
Mayor Grant asked what was the request for last year. Mr. Howard replied it was
$165,000. Mr. Groff indicated the City will spend $165,000.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Vice Mayor Romelus seconded the motion.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
The motion unanimously passed.
August 7, 2018
E. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-110 - Approve utilizing the City of Cape
Coral, FL contract with Shrieve Chemical Company based on their Bid No. UT18-
57/MC for Sulfuric Acid with the same terms, conditions, specifications and
pricing, and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Shrieve Chemical
Co. The anticipated annual expenditure for the purchase of sulfuric acid is
Mayor Grant read the Proposed Resolution No. R18-110 into the record by title only.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the
The motion unanimously passed.
The City Commission will conduct these public hearings in its dual capacity as
Local Planning Agency and City Commission.
A. Approve the use of $200 of Vice Mayor Romelus's Community Support Funds
to assist Digital Vibez, Inc.
Mayor Grant read the item into the record.
Commissioner McCray inquired about Digital Vibez.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
Vice Mayor Romelus explained this was an organization which works with some of the
local schools as well as the aftercare programs. They work with many local
organizations, and commend their efforts of keeping children safe and off of the street.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner Casello moved to approve. Commissioner McCray seconded the
The motion unanimously passed.
B. Approve the use of $200 of Mayor Grant's Community Support Funds to assist
New Era Prep Inc. with a student athlete event. New Era Prep is committed to
investing in students and athletes through leadership projects and community
Mayor Grant stated New Era Prep works with local athletes to help them prepare for
college. Not only the athletic portion, but the academic as well.
Clerk Pyle reminded the Mayor he had increased the amount to $400.
Commissioner McCray asked if Mayor Grant had the funds available.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion to approve $400 from his Community Support Funds.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve $400 from Mayor Grant Community Support
Fund. Commissioner Casello seconded the motion.
LY=6 Z
The motion unanimously passed
C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-111 - Authorize the City Manager or
designee to sign any documents related to securing a loan from Dougherty
Funding LLC to provide funds to finish the renovation of the High School for
an estimated loan amount of $6.85M.
Mayor Grant read Proposed Resolution No. 18-111 into the record by title only.
Commissioner McCray asked if this would be enough for completion of the High School.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
Mr. Howard stated this would be enough for the completion of the project.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated for clarification to the public, please explain the process.
Mr. Howard explained the City has begun working on the high school, issued a purchase
order of $3M which has been paid. In the CIP program and the Surtax, the City has
programed $4.5M in next year's budget towards the high school. This was done to utilize
the majority of the surtax for next year. Dougherty Funding LLC. has been a partner
throughout the Town Square process and bonding process. It has been discussed with
Dougherty Funding about securing a loan for a three-year time period in order to spread
out the repayment for the $4.5M over a couple of fiscal years. There was some funding
remaining in 2018/2019 which has been approved from the CRA. Mr. Howard believed
this would be the best way in order for the City to do some projects next year. Dougherty
Funding has agreed to 4.85% with no collateral. If the City prepays within the 12 months
there was a prepayment penalty, there would be no prepayment penalty after 12 months.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Vice Mayor Romelus seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed
Commission to consider amending Part II, Chapter 2, Article I of the Code of
Ordinances to create a new subsection prohibiting board member lobbying
Mayor Grant read the Proposed Ordinance No. 18-019 into the record by title only.
Commissioner Casello asked if the Commissioners had any contact with any advisory
board members for or against this ordinance.
Commissioner Casello stated the purpose of this ordinance was to show transparency.
The Commission appoint all members to the City advisory boards. When an advisory
board member becomes a paid lobbyist for a client with business before the Commission
or the CRA board which he or she benefits monetarily, it could potentially put the elective
body in a compromising position due to those relationships. Most recently the CRA board
was approached by the lobbyist, but was not successful. Commissioner Casello was not
opposed to lobbyists. His concern was the political optics of this City should be the light
of transparency, having an appointed advisory board member only clouds that light. He
was asking the Commission to consider not have an advisory board members become a
paid lobbyist.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
ust 7, 2018
Commissioner McCray inquired if this happens in any other City other than Boynton
Attorney Cherof replied other municipalities have restrictions on board member's roles in
advocating for or against matters which have appeared before the board on which they
sit. The ordinance which is drafted speaks to those items.
Commissioner McCray asked in regards to Palm Beach County, they have a lobby record.
Do they have the same criteria in Palm Beach County?
Attorney Cherof indicated, he did not know the extent of how the County restricts their
board members.
Commissioner McCray wanted to know what other cities were doing.
Mayor Grant stated the Commission had a discussion from last meeting was discussing
the City lobbyist position. Mayor Grant wanted to know what the County and other cities
do. This ordinance prevents past and future Commissioners and Mayors from becoming
Commissioner McCray offered a motion to table this item until they received clarification
from Counsel.
Commissioner Casello stated there was different between a local ordinance and the
County ordinance.
Commissioner Katz stated with respect to concerns about the County's position on
lobbyist, or other cities, but the City should not be subservient to any County or other
government agency, with regards to what the City decides to do on the issue of lobbyist.
When this was brought up a year ago the issue was unrelated to any lobbyist on the
advisory board. In recent months the issues which have been lobbied are directly related
and voted on by the advisory board. Commissioner Katz indicated he does not have a
problem with proceeding on this issue. If the issue is the votes being taken or
recommendation have some financial implication, such as from the Planning and
Development, the key terms which was the optics, if something was voted on from an
advisory board and recommendation was made to the Commission and members of the
advisory board get paid to lobby this Commission, it does not look well. Commissioner
Katz gave some other examples. Stated it was better to be safe than sorry, when there
are financial implications to advisory board votes which come before the Commission
then advisory board members are being paid to lobby the Commission then to follow the
decision. Regardless of whether the County does this or not, he was not concerned with
the County but with the Commission of Boynton Beach and the integrity of the vote.
Whether it is or not similar does not make a difference.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
Mayor Grant stated the City does not have a lobbyist ordinance. Boynton Beach has
been subservient to the County in regards to the lobbyist ordinance for the past 10 years.
Mayor Grant stated he believed this was moving too quickly. Stated there was no backup
or looked into what the County has in their ordinance. Mayor Grant stated he would like
to have more information.
Mayor Grant opened to the public audience.
Jerry Taylor, 1086 SW 26 Avenue, noted as a point of order, a motion was put on the
floor to table this discussion. According to Robert's Rules all discussion must cease until
a vote is called on the motion to table.
Mayor Grant stated there was not a second to the motion.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, 2181 SW 15 Avenue, Condo M102, thought this was
an important issue to bring to the City. Irrespective of what the County does they should
be concerned with the City of Boynton Beach. Whether it was financial or for a favor. This
was a very important issue. Mayor Grant has suggested he would like to have more
conversation and for the community to be involved. If the Commission was saying they
need to be transparent. The City needs to be thorough in creating a new ordinance.
David Katz, 67 Midwood Lane, noted there was only one person in this City which serves
on the City board and is registered as a lobbyist. Of all the other board members there
was only himself. He found it interesting that Commissioner Casello wanted to know if
anyone had spoken with him about this item. He was expecting for him to speak with the
Commissioner about this item, that would not have been unreasonable. Mr. Katz believed
this ordinance was being directed at him. Commissioner Casello threw a public hissy fit
over the red light cameras. He was rude to himself, vendor's attorney as well as the
vendor at the time. When Commissioner Casello was very involved with having the Police
Station moved closer to downtown area. He was his best friend because he was trying to
get members of the Commission to do the same. He had no problem with him speaking
about it then. Recently he was upset about the Shovel Ready thing. In fact, to register a
lobbyist for a CRA involvement project was not necessary, this was done to be above
board with abundance of caution. Stated he has been hired to lobby for the red light
camera, which would not come before the Planning and Development Bboard. The Police
station did come before the board, and he voted for the site plan. He had no ill feelings
about it. The Shovel Ready, he was not aware whether it would come before the Planning
and Development Board. The Palm Beach County Commission on Ethics and the
ordinance which covers the County has great stop gaps. Just as he had never had to
recuse himself from the Planning and Development Board, because of anything in which
he lobbied. There had been other members on the board which had to be recluse. He
mentioned Susan Oyer, Brian Wheeler, Kevin Fisher. He never had to. This was an
obvious personal thing. It was funny that someone from the state house campaign
reached out to him, and asked if he could raise some money for his campaign and he
presented two checks at his kickoff party to Commissioner Casello. He received a text to
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
thank him for the check. It was interesting the hypocrisy about this ordinance, he knows
this was about him. He will be out of this City within 90 days and he was saddling the
Commission with what he believes to be a waste of time. It was all about him, it was not
about whether someone was a doctor and someone might lobby about something, it was
about David Katz being on the Planning and Development Board and lobbying against
something the Commissioner did not like. That is what this was about. If the majority of
the Commission decides to vote for this ordinance, he would not lose sleep over it. He
can choose to be on the Planning and Development Board, or choose to lobby. The board
was a volunteer position, there was no pay, he enjoys being involved and he runs a good
meeting. Stated he would not lose any sleep about not being on the Planning and
Development Board. Mr. Katz stated this was a personal attack against him. It is so
blatant; he wants to know how it feels to have the wind caressing both sides of the
Commissioner's face.
David Merker, 8 South Port lane, thanked Commissioner Casello. This was so blatant,
he never saw so much insecurity that was like a run-on sentence, saying the same thing
over and over again. When someone was in the position you are a chairman and a
lobbyist and you are running a campaign, he believed it was common sense. If you take
it so personally, maybe it was personal and maybe it was factual. Thank you
Representative Casello, thank you Commissioner Casello. Let's carry this through.
Mayor Grant, seeing no one else coming forward, closed public audience.
Commissioner Katz, indicated this was a common sense issue. He does not believe this
was targeting any individual, but was targeting an activity, which may be exhibited by one
individual. But this activity needs to be prohibited for all individuals which is what an
ordinance would do. He does not have a problem waiting to give just time to research the
County or other ordinances. He personally does not feel that it was relevant. He was not
saying that there needs to be a vote today, but he was declaring he wanted to pursue this
ordinance. Again, the optics of anyone on an advisory board making recommendation,
then subsequently being paid and making personal financial gain and then lobbying this
Commission, whether it actually is or not unethical, the perception is that it looks unethical.
Especially given some of the history of elected official with regards to inappropriate
conduct. This issue has only become relevant now, because the issues being lobbied for
are directly related to the advisory board in question, where votes were taken to make
recommendations. He does not think it was out of line to look into saying that people on
advisory boards for the City cannot make personal financial gain from their vote or from
lobbying a Commission to sign off on their vote. Stated it was not personal, it was an
issue based question, and he does not want anyone to come into the Commission and
there was a number of bids on a property or piece of development and the
recommendation from an advisory board was put before the Commission and then
lobbied for from someone from that board who was a registered lobbyist was an unseemly
sight and potentially a conflict of interest. Again, if this needs to be delayed to get more
acclimated with other examples out there, he fully supports pursuing this ordinance. Doing
this no one can say, the Commission has advisory board members who are paid by the
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
vary people which are advising the Commission vote for something. It made sense to him.
The question was presented to legal, while the County Ordinance was not provided, there
are certainly cities which have provisions placed before them. It was a common thing
which exist in municipalities and governments throughout the Country to insure
transparency and try to wipe clean any risk negative perception of the votes taken from
the dais. This was a concern which needed to be looked into.
Commissioner Casello stated Mr. Katz has been in his home, Mr. Katz has brought
investors into his campaign and he was very grateful. This was all about what was being
perceived as political Maltese, which was not right. Commissioner Casello indicated he
has been to many of the Planning and Development board meetings and Mr. Katz was
an excellent board chair. This was not personal. This was just the optics which is
presented. He stated Mr. Katz would only lobby 3 out of 5 Commissioners not all 5. He
stated he was learning more about lobbyist. To say the wind blows on both side was not
a true statement. This was not a personal attack on Mr. Katz. If there were others they
would be in this discussion as well.
Commissioner McCray indicated each board member was required complete training on
ethics. This was one of the reasons he wanted this item tabled, so that a ruling could be
secured from the ethics committee. Let's get further clarification from legal before the
Commission moves forward. If the Commission on Ethics say there was a perceived
problem, then he was willing to vote on this item. He believed there needed to be more
information provided to the Commission.
Commissioner McCray stated his motion was to table and bring back a statement from
the Ethics Commission and review what the County has in place.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to table until clarification is received and research into the
County Ordinance and the Commission on Ethics opinion. Vice Mayor Romelus seconded
the motion.
4-1 (Commissioner Casello dissenting)
A. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-112 - Authorize the City Manager to
enter into a Purchase and Development Agreement between the City of
Boynton Beach and Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County for
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
acquisition of vacant lots along NW 11th Avenue (Model Block), subject to
final approval by City Attorney.
Mayor Grant read Proposed Resolution No. 18-112 into the record by title only.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Vice Mayor Romelus seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. R18-113 - Authorize the City Manager to enter
into a Purchase and Development Agreement between the City of Boynton
Beach and Boynton Beach Faith -Based Community Development Corporation for
acquisition of vacant lots along NW 11th Avenue (Model Block), subject to final
approval by City Attorney.
Mayor Grant read Proposed No. Resolution 18-113 into the record by title only.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Vice Mayor Romelus seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed.
Commissioner McCray asked if staff has a plan for the buses and cars entering and
exiting the schools. Mr. Groff explained the drop off lane must be opened when school
began. Indicated staff will coordinate with the schools. The contractor should have had
all the underground completed.
Commissioner McCray needs to coordinate with Commission. Mr. Groff replied staff will
continue to provide weekly updates
Commission to consider amending Part II, Chapter 2, Article I of the Code of
Ordinances to create a new subsection prohibiting board member lobbying.
(heard earlier in the meeting)
amendments for the regulations governing the methodology used for
approving the Utility rates governing water, wastewater (Chapter26-9), reuse
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
water (Chapter 26-508), and the stormwater assessment fee (Chapter 26-
403; allowing rates to be set annually by resolution of the Commission.
Attorney Cherof read Ordinance No. 18-020 into the records by title only on first
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Casello seconded the motion.
Mayor Grant asked for the rates. Mr. Groff replied this was not an Ordinance to set the
rates. This was an ordinance to remove the rates table from the Ordinance format and
then staff will bring back the rates to the Commission at the second reading in a
Resolution format which will be the rates. Mr. Groff stated this was the issue discussed
at the budget meeting. The rate adjustments that the City was looking to implement
needed to be in a resolution format. The City needed to give 30 -day notice to the customer
of the rate increases, which the Commission had a consensus on moving towards. They
are not in this ordinance.
Mayor Grant asked if this would be before the resolution. Mr. Groff replied this was the
first reading of the Ordinance to remove the rate table. At the second reading the
ordinance will also have a resolution which put the rates into the Resolution format. This
is changing from an Ordinance format to a Resolution format.
Mayor Grant asked if there was a 30 -day notice requirement.
Mr. Groff responded no, the 30 -day notice has to be before they bring back the resolution.
The City was giving 30 -day notice now.
Mayor Grant inquired if the City had already given notice. Mr. Groff stated it was being
done in the utility billing and it takes a month to notify all utility customers through the
billing cycle.
Mayor Grant asked when will the new utility rate begin. Mr. Groff responded October 1St
Commissioner McCray stated this was nothing new.
Mayor Grant asked if there was further discussion from the Board.
Mayor Grant opened to public comment; seeing no one coming forward, Mayor Grant
asked for a roll call vote.
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
Clerk Pyle called the roll.
August 7, 2018
Amateur Radio & TV Antennas (CDRV18-001) amending Chapter 3. Article V.
Section 12 of the Land Development Regulations to update terminology,
restrict the number of towers allowed, establish height limits and setbacks,
while maintaining consistency with preemption regulations by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). City -initiated. (TABLED - STAFF
Wireless Communication Facilities (CDRV 18-001) amending Chapter 3.
Article V. Section 13 of the Land Development Regulations to implement
regulations consistent with State legislation known as the Advanced Wireless
Infrastructure Deployment Act that regulates W CF within public rights-of-way.
HEARING - Approve amendments to the Land Development Regulations
Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.D. (Zoning Matrix and Notes) thereby
removing the "pilot" program status. City -initiated.
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance no. 18-018 on second reading by title only into
the record.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
Clerk Pyle called the roll.
G. Request for a private attorney-client session, closed door session for the
Quantum Park Overlay District, Secured Holding is the plaintiff. case #50-
2016CA005668 in conjunction with other litigation
Attorney Cherof requested a private attorney-client session, closed door session for the
Quantum Park Overlay District, Secured Holding is the plaintiff, case #50-2016CA005668
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida August 7, 2018
in conjunction with other litigation. Indicated there may be an opportunity to formulate
some type of structured settlement to resolve this and other cases. Stated he would need
45 minutes to an hour. Requested an August 21, 2018, date for the session.
Commissioner McCray asked if this was related to the future agenda item E. Attorney
Cherof stated in the affirmative.
Commissioner Katz stated 5 pm on August 21s', 2018.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve. Commissioner Katz seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed
Mayor Grant wanted to put a process in place regarding putting items on the Future
agenda items. He would like to implement certain procedures or policies if anything is
being changed, it would go to new business first. This would allow for discussion and staff
would have time to prepare.
A. Update from staff on status of allowing dogs on the beach - August 21, 2018
B. Approved JR Watersports Expansion (COUS 18-003 / MSPM 18-005) request
for Conditional Use and Major Site Plan Modification for the expansion of the
abutting business, including refurbishing of an existing 2,413 square foot
building and associated site improvements on 711 N. Federal Highway, in the
C-4 (General Commercial) zoning district. Applicant: Michael Wood. -August
21, 2018
C. Commission wants to discuss public safety as it relates to the Town Square
Redevelopment — TBD
D. Staff to bring information concerning the following land parcels for the
Commission to review - TBD
Nichols Property
Rolling Green
Girl Scout Park
E. Commissioner Katz has requested the City Attorney to provide update on legal
issues with QPODD - TBD
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City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 7, 2018
F. Staff to bring back to Commission results of negotiation with property owner a
real estate purchase and sale agreement between the City of Boynton Beach
and Brittany Bumgardner for a vacant parcel at the end of SW 24th Avenue
adjacent to 1-95. - TBD
There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Katz moved to adjourn.
Commissioner McCray seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
(Continued on next page)
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida
Judith A. Pyle, CMC
w+ Queenester Nieves
Deputy City Clerk
August 7, 2018
Mayorroe lti A
Austin Katz
�o �missioner ac McCray
Com issioner - Joe Casello