HELD ON JULY 16, 2018, AT 5:00 P.M., AT 2240 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY,
Steven B. Grant, Mayor
Christina Romelus, Vice Mayor
Justin Katz, Commissioner
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Joe Casello, Commissioner
A. Call to Order - Mayor Steven B. Grant
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Grant led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
City Clerk Pyle called the roll. A quorum was present.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Judith A. Pyle, City Clerk
Mayor Grant requested Public Comments moved after the Budget Overview.
Mayor Grant asked for a motion.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve the amended agenda. Commissioner Casello
seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously
Mayor Grant noted this was the third time this Commission had the opportunity to review
the budget. Thanked everyone and was looking forward to comments and input regarding
the budget.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
Budget overview.
July 16, 2018
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, presented the City of Boynton Beach budget approval
schedules. Staff was able to balance the budget without use of the reserve funds.
Tim Howard, Assistant City Manager, provided budget backup to the Commission.
Indicated the purpose of the workshop was to review the proposed Operating and Capital
budget for fiscal year 2018, and provide an opportunity for comments from the public. Mr.
Howard noted the City Manager recommended no change to the current millage rate or
the preliminary rate resolution for the fire assessment. The millage will remain at 7.9%
and the Fire Assessment at $120 per residential unit.
There were adjustments of dates of the Public Hearings; Thursday September 6, 2018
will be the first Public Hearing for the proposed budget. The Commission needed to
reschedule the Commission meeting of September 5, 2018, or have a special meeting.
Mr. Howard explained on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, Palm Beach County was having
their budget hearing, the School Board was having their budget meeting on Wednesday,
September 5, 2018. Tuesday, September 11, 2018, staff has requested a special meeting
at 6:00 pm prior to the CRA meeting to adopt a final fire assessment. Thursday,
September 20, 2018 at 6:30 pm, would be the final Public hearing to adopt the final
millage rate and final budget.
Mr. Howard announced the proposed funding and expenses for the budget was $221.5M.
Stated the four major sources were from Utility Fees, Property Taxes, Capital Bond
sources, and Transfers in from other funds. Provided a list of other internal services.
The proposed expenditures were the General Fund of $91.1 M, Water & Sewer Utility
Fund $48.7M, and Capital Funds was $40M, Solid Waste Fund $11 M, Debt Services
$10.2M, Fleet $8.8M, Golf Course $1.7M, Self -Insurance $5.6M and all other services of
The proposed expenditure budget was $91.1 M. Which includes Personnel Services,
Pension of $68.3M, Operation expenses of $21.6M, Capital Outlay of 0.7M and the non-
operating of $3.4M.
Looking at this as service providing, out of the $91.1 M, the Police and Fire service make
up a large portion of the budget. Police $31.1 M, Fire $24M, Public Works $6.9M, General
Government $15.74M, Development $3.3M, Recreation $3M, Library $2.5M, Information
Technology Services $2.4M and Human Resources $.BM.
Mr. Howard informed the Commission the changes from the current year budget would
decrease from the 2017/2018 amended budget. The City appropriated funds for the
phase one and the phase two agreement in the event the City decided not to move
forward with the new Town square.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
General Fund Maior Variables FY 2018-19.
July 16, 2018
There was a pension contribution increase for the Police, Fire, General Employees, and
this was the last year of a police contract where a pay plan was implemented. The impact
of that pay plan impact was $450,000. The adjustment of the Town Square Project which
appropriated $3.4M will be released.
The General Fund included funding for two fulltime positions in the police department. Mr.
Howard explained the position were the Digital & Public Records Specialist which will
assist with the body camera public records requests. The Records Manager which will
be a civilian position which will supervise the Police Records division. There will be two
part-time positions in the Recreation department. These part-time Park Ranger positions
will be responsible for closing the parks and the daily park monitoring. Mr. Howard
provided a cost break down of the new positions. There are two part-time park rangers at
$22,900, the two new positions for the Police department at $133,800, in the upcoming
year there will be a new department called Town Square, involves the payment of the
lease payment of $4.5M and the lease payment for the interim space.
The City has set aside $850,000 which was subject to bargaining for raises and or
Commissioner McCray asked which department would the part time Park Ranger be
under Police, or Recreation? Mr. Howard replied they would be under Recreation.
Comparison by Department
Mr. Howard provided a chart for budget departmental comparisons of the amended
budget of 2017/2018 and the proposed budget of 2018/2019. Mr. Howard explained a
large decrease in City Hall/Admin of $9.7M, in the amended budget of 2017/2018. The
City appropriated funds for phase 1 and 2 Town Square agreement.
There will be a new division called Special Events. Recreation will transfer one fulltime
and one part-time position into this new division. Mr. Howard explained the purpose for
this division was to capture expenses for special events, such as 4th of July, Holiday Boat
Parade and the MLK event.
Mr. Howard informed the Commission the City Clerk's office had an increase of $194,330
in preparation of an anticipated election in 2019. The Police had an increase of $650,000,
for three divisions; Uniform, Administrative, and Support. This increase also included the
police salary step plan increase. Fire increased $503,185. Development/Building,
Planning and Zoning increased/decreased because of employee realignments. There
was an increase in Economic Development of $51,307 for incubator programs the City
was instituting.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Mr. Howard explained the budget submittal process. The departments submitted a
budget of $92.9M. The City Manager reviewed all submittals totaling $92.9M and
presented a budget of $91.1 M.
Commissioner Casello inquired about the reduction from the Streets department budget.
Mr. Howard responded the decrease in Street maintenance was because of staff
reduction due to retirements. Explained the road and street maintenance are in Capital
Mr. Howard noted the City Manager has recommended the millage rate of 7.9% remain.
Having the millage rate at 7.9% will bring in property taxes of $36.3M, fund transfers of
$15.9M, Intergovernmental, which are shared revenue from the State of Florida, such as
sales tax $9.3M, Charges for services $6.9M, Fire Assessment $6.5M, Franchise taxes
$4.9M, Licenses & Permits $4.9M, Fines/Interest /Rents $5.4M.
Mr. Howard outlined the changes in the revenue side. The property taxes increased
based on the increase value of about 6.5%. The gross went up $2.6M based on the
increase in assessed values. A portion will go to the CRA for their TIF, which will increase
about $455,480. The Florida Power and Light will increase based on the current
estimates, the business tax will increase based on the current collections, the Building
permits will have increased based on if there are any large projects within the City
districts. The Fire/Police service contracts increase based on the service agreement with
the other cities. The ALS, which is for the ambulance billing, last year was increased. We
would take over the runs from private companies. The fire department was on track to
come in at $2.5M this fiscal year. The City was on track for $3.2M for next year or increase
of $725,000.
There were two transfers. There was an increase in the Water and Sewer that is based
on the Utility operations. A transfer was set up based on the percentage of revenue which
is generated. Their revenue goes up; the transfer goes to the General Fund. Public
services tax debt is where the communication taxes go into and the City pay its debt
service and do a transfer to the General Fund and a transfer to the General CIP.
Mr. Howard informed the Commission the proposed budget and the actual budget does
not always match. If there were some funds remaining, the City transferred into the
General Fund. The transfer increased from 6.5% to 7.2%. The current year Fund Balance
is $5.8M. It is 0 for next year.
Ms. LaVerriere indicated this was over and above of the emergency fund balance of about
$9.1 M.
Commissioner McCray asked if the City had any debt services being retired. Mr. Howard
responded the City has one outstanding Public Service tax of 2015 which has been
refinanced. This debt will be paid off in fiscal year 2026 or 2027. This was for $2.4M in
debt services.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
Ending Fiscal Year Fund Balance.
Mr. Howard provided a historical graph regarding the fund balance. Indicated the
Commission has a resolution policy which the City sets aside 10% of the upcoming budget
as an emergency reserve. In 2008 the City had $18.9M set aside. In 2017 the City set
aside $16.3M; of that $8.3M was set aside in emergency reserve in the current budget.
The Commission has an emergency balance. They had $18.2M. In the last years we are
replenishing the debt reserves. They are estimating they are not increasing the debt
budget. $9.1 M would be the emergency.
Mr. Howard stated this action could only occur when the Commission and the City
Management are on the same page. The Commission has the ultimate authority. The
Commission has not instructed management to dip into the emergency budget.
Ms. LaVerriere stated she would like to see the fund balance reserve grow another 200%.
The City would be comfortable at $15M to $20M, this would be barely 3 months of
operating expenses for the City.
The current assessed value came in at $5.7B. Last year's assessed value was $5.4B.
The current tax rate the City was recommending 7.9%. If the Commission wanted to lower
the tax rate, to a rate which would generate the same number of dollars as the current
year's budget the City would set the millage at 7.4709 tax rate, the State considers this a
rollback rate. If the Commission wanted to reach the rollback rate, based on the budget
submitted, the City would need to reduce expenses by $1.5M or increase revenue
projections $1.5M. When the City gets closer to the budget adoption the City would need
to place an ad referencing the rollback rate. During this workshop the Commission is
being asked to adopt a rate of 7.9%.
Mr. Howard provided a graph which showed City taxpayer paying less than $200 or less
in ad valorem tax.
Mayor Grant asked if the 0 was for nonprofits.
Mr. Howard stated these are properties which were assessed many years ago and they
had low assessments, their values are caped, and they have been homesteaded for a
number of years and they have the $50,000 homestead exemption.
Commissioner Casello asked how many nonprofits are not paying taxes. Mr. Howard
indicated he would provide that data to the Commission.
Mr. Howard provided a summary of the funds for adoptions, the preliminary rate for the
millage and the fire assessment. Commissioner McCray asked if the City collected any
funds for Public Art in regards to the Town Square project. Mr. Howard replied yes.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Commissioner McCray asked how much fees are estimated. Ms. LaVerriere responded
the estimate was $480,000 for the public buildings; City Hall, Police, Fire and the Library.
Commissioner Casello stated there was a question on the ballot regarding the homestead
exemption of an additional $25,000. How would this effect the City Budget?
Mr. Howard responded if that measure passes the impact will not happen in the
2018/6019 fiscal year, it would be the next budget year. The City of Boynton Beach will
realize a reduction of property taxes of $1.6M
Public Comments
Susan Oyer 140 SE 27 Way, asked where the Code Violations fees show up in the
Mr. Howard responded this is a line item under Code Violations.
Ms. Oyer asked if there was a breakdown of how much money was being spent in each
district for Fire and Police services. Ms. LaVerriere responded there was not a way in
which to provide this type of breakdown.
Mr. Oyer stated the City was spending $1.7M on the Golf course. She assumed they will
see an increase in the cost, because so many golf courses are shutting down. She also
asked the status of take home cars and pension cost?
Ms. Oyer said golf courses are closing down nationwide. She assumed the City would
pick up those customers from the closed courses. Asked if there would be an additional
cost to the patrons. Requested an update on the status on the take home cars, and
pension cost. Ms. Oyer indicated she believes there was a separate group dealing with
the pension. Requested an explanation of the 11 % marketing increase. Indicated there
was also an increase of 28.9% in emergency management. Inquired if the City was
planning on doing something about the low tax taxpayers. Everyone should pay
something. The City will take a big hit if the new homestead exemption passes. There
are people paying a lot more taxes, are they getting more police services. Wanted to
know what is being done to help those people paying more taxes. Lastly there are a lot
of house parties going on with the Air B&B.
Ms. LaVerriere indicated many of these questions will be handled as the departments
make their presentations. Regarding pension, a consultant has been reviewing the
pension plans.
Ms. Oyer asked how many City cars are they being used. Mr. Howard stated the City has
2 or 3 vehicles.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Commissioner McCray asked who are assigned City cars. Mr. Howard stated he needed
to research to provide this information at a later date.
Mr. Howard responded in regards to the low tax payers, the City has no control over the
Mayor Grant suggested this can be discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting. As for
people renting their homes as an Air B&B, if they do not have a business tax receipt they
are violating Florida laws. As for the boating the City was working with INCA and Boynton
Cares to help clean up the trash along the intracoastal.
Commissioner McCray wanted to respond to the question about the higher payer of taxes
getting something extra. The answer to that question is that all tax payer receive the same
standard of service, otherwise that would be discriminatory.
Commissioner Casello stated he would like to have a number of those nonprofits not
paying taxes and asked about the pilot programs payment in lieu of taxes.
Mayor Grant stated Palm Beach County Housing Authority was paying through a pilot
Minister Bernard Wright, 713 NW 2nd Street, asked about the special events. He seen
there was $250,000 allocated for special events. He would like to speak about the Robert
E. Wells Foundation.
Mayor Grant stated currently all funds have been budgeted for the MILK, Holiday Parade
and the 41h of July.
Minister Wright indicated speed bumps were needed between 11th and 12th streets.
Mayor Grant responded before speed bumps are installed, there needed to be a study
Mayor Grant related as for the Robert E. Wells Day, the Special Events was a new division
and all funds have been allocated. Mayor Grant stated maybe in the future this could be
something which could be added. Mayor Grant stated he would be happy to use his
Community Support funds to help sponsor the event.
Minister Wright stated he asked for $10,000, the City was spending $30,000 for the Unity
Fest and the MLK event. Minister Wright informed the Commission the attendance was
very low. The Robert E. Wells Day was historical and it was not being given the attention
it deserves.
Mayor Grant seeing no one else coming forward, closed public comments.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
Chief Gregory presented the proposed Police budget for 2018/2019. Thanked Assistant
Chief Harris, Assistant Chief DeGiulio, Assistant Chief Snow and Captain Zeller who
worked diligently in preparation of the budget.
Chief Gregory provided a comparison of the current fiscal year and next fiscal year
2018/2019. Indicated there was a $688,000 increase.
Uniform Services Division increased per the PBA contract for $291,044. There was an
increase in vehicle fleet funding of $51,376. A net increase of $325,000 in the Uniform
Services Division. Salaries representing almost 87% of Uniform Services Division.
Administrative Services account for transfer of personnel, going from Administration to
Support services. Two officers and a Sergeant, and a budget transfer of $20,000, overall
was a net decrease of $259,545. Support Services Division there was an increase in the
collective bargaining contract of $79,738, a net increase of $622,892, which includes the
personnel which was transferred from Administration. In addition, there were two
positions added, Records Manager and the Police Digital records specialist.
In summary there was an overall 2.3% increase from last year. This includes the $400,000
contractual obligations. Also included the $133,000 for the new Records Manager and
the Police Digital records specialist.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if this will help fix the problem with the road patrol officers.
The officers did not have coverage and they needed to work overtime. Chief Gregory
responded not directly. These positions will influence the records staffing and oversight
involving uniform personnel, not patrol officers.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked how the City can move into the future with trying to fix the
issue with overtime.
Chief Gregory stated they are looking at schedule changes and realignment and rotating
the investigative personnel into patrol slots. This will reduce the burden of the regular
patrol offices of incurring overtime.
Commissioner Casello asked how many uniform officers the City should have. Chief
Gregory replied currently the City has 156 positions. Commissioner Casello stated the
City has 156 badges on the street or administrative. Chief Gregory responded the City
has 156 sworn personnel. Commissioner Casello asked how many vacancies the Police
Department has at this time. Chief Gregory responded there are 10 vacancies.
Commissioner Casello understood there was a recent job fair; was this successful? Chief
Gregory stated this was a very successful event.
Commissioner Casello understands the police department hired 17 new officers. Why
was the request not placed for additional officers? This could eliminate the issues
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
regarding overtime. Ms. LaVerriere, stated there was never 17 vacancies. Officers leave
at different times. For the most part, they were down 7 or 8 officers.
Commissioner Casello asked if the retirements were anticipated. Assistant Chief DeGiulio
indicated the City anticipated the retirements. There were a couple of officers leaving
which was not anticipated.
Commissioner Casello asked when they hired the 7 officers there were 7 openings. In the
interim there were 10 additional openings. Assistant Chief DeGiulio stated they have a
vacancy for sergeants. The Police Department had a total of 10 vacancies. They are 7
officers short.
Commissioner Casello asked if he anticipate the Sheriff Department taking any of the City
of Boynton Beach sworn officers.
Assistant Chief DeGiulio informed the Commission he was unaware of whether the Sheriff
Department actions. The City had a very successful hiring event and had more than 250
Commissioner Casello stated there will never be a shortage of applicants. The City
needed to do whatever they need to do for public safety and to have full confidence in the
men and women which are hired. Chief Gregory explained the group just processed
would move into a background investigation phase. Some of those applicants are already
certified. They are trying to find the best and brightest to bring onboard.
Commissioner Casello asked if there was another class upcoming. Ms. LaVerriere
explained it takes approximately 3 to 4 months to hire police officers.
Captain Zeller stated they have identified individuals which are being offered to move
forward with the process.
Commissioner McCray asked in regards to receiving a police report. Inquired about a fair
turnaround time to request a police report. Chief Gregory stated with the current process
in place and with supervisor approvals, a public records request takes about 7 days.
Assistant Chief DeGiulio stated depending on the accident and the person requesting the
report, it could be more than 6 months before the release. Commissioner McCray asked
if anyone has a problem receiving a police report, was there a contact person. Assistant
Chief DeGiulio indicated he would be happy to help.
Vice Mayor Romelus thanked Assistant Chief DeGiulio for being preemptive. Vice Mayor
Romelus commented the City was recruiting minorities and individuals in a positon as a
police officers. Being a police officer was not easy. Having these types of programs make
people look at and want to choose this profession.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Commissioner McCray said many people were not aware of the diversity within Boynton
Mayor Grant inquired if the Police Station was going to be 24 hours 7 days a week. Will
the residents have the ability to drop off medication that was no longer needed, as well
as a have a safe space. Chief Gregory indicated that was the plan.
Mayor Grant asked if that would be at the annex or the new Police station. Ms. LaVerriere
stated during the temporary move this would not be a 24-hour station. The space was
being rented behind the post office to provide customer service.
Mayor Grant asked if the police station would be opened 7 days a week. Chief Gregory
informed the Commission there would be a call box in the annex building, the residents
would be able to call dispatch 24/7.
Mayor Grant asked if there will be a safe place to go if a resident needed help. Chief
Gregory responded yes. Ms. LaVerriere stated there are call boxes outside of all Police
stations as well as the Fire station.
Commissioner Casello asked about the marine unit. What was the cost to operate and
were there any redundancy with the Palm Beach County Sheriff office?
Captain Zeller indicated the marine unit was currently opened Wednesday thru Saturday
7-5 pm. The Marine unit was currently working under uniform services. Capital Zeller
responded the majority of costs are covered by a Manatee Grant which covers fuel and
maintenance, which was approximately $10,000 yearly.
Commissioner Casello asked if the Sheriff Department has a similar operation which
controls the waters. Capitan Zeller responded they have a similar operation. Assistant
Chief DeGiulio stated there was some overlap and shared responsibilities.
Chief Joseph, Fire Chief, presented a budget with a breakdown by categories.
There was an increase in some non -operation expense with the new records
management systems. In 2017/2018 Community Standards was included in the Fire
Chief Joseph provided a list of estimated revenues for contractual services which included
the Town of Ocean Ridge, Briny Breezes, Town of Hypoluxo, Village of Golf, The
Ambulance TP Fees, PEMT fees, and the Fire and Life Safety. Estimated there was a
9.2% increase in revenue from 2017/2018 to 2018/2019.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Chief Joseph said the Fire department received other types of revenue which included
Grants, such as the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management for $7,200,
Firehouse Subs for $7,580, State of Florida HEROS program is pending, for $25,000,
Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) $90,124. Ms. LaVerriere stated the City has been
seeking the AFG Grant for years, which was very competitive.
Chief Joseph, stated the Fire division receives donation from the community throughout
the year.
Chief Joseph provided a breakdown in the narcotic antidote Naloxone. Indicated in 2017
the City paramedics administered the narcotic antidote naloxone at least once on 498
patients for a total cost of medication of $19,083. As of 2018 the year to date number are
129 overdoses, where Naloxone was administered at once for a total cost of medication
$3,770. Stated at this pace the City can estimate to have administered approximately 300
overdoses at a cost of nearly $9,500 for 2018. This would be a significant decrease; this
was thanks to the Police Department working with the Fire Department.
Commissioner McCray inquired of the City Manager receives a monthly report from the
Fire department. This information needs to be shared with the Commission.
Chief Joseph shared a listing of the charitable events & community outreach programs
for 2018: CERT has nearly 200 trained, Golf Tournament raised $2,000, Fishing
tournament & Firehouse Chili Cook -off raised 9,000 (Kiwanis) MDA raised $48,000, install
136 car seats, Public CPR Classes, 37 students, Baby sleep safe 56 flyers. All City
employee were trained on Stop the bleed. With the help of the City Human Resources
Department the Fire Department trained all of its employees on Stop the bleed program,
Indicated the City of Boynton Beach was the only City in Palm Beach County that all 742
employees were trained.
Ms. LaVerriere asked if the City of Boynton Beach was the only City in Palm Beach which
has "Stop the Bleed" training.
Chief Joseph indicated they are the only City which has the training. The School Board
of Palm Beach County has approached the City for their training model.
Commissioner Casello asked about the full complement of Firefighters. Chief Joseph
stated the City has a vacancy in Community Standards. These are replacements and they
are funded. There are 6 vacancies in the Fire department and they are fully funded.
Commissioner Casello asked if there were any mental health issues for the personnel
regarding seeing overdoses. Chief Joseph responded he has not seen an increase in the
stress levels to staff. Wants to be proactive and has initiated counseling for the City
Firefighters. Chief Joseph stated the State of Florida has recognized stress as a real
issue. Commissioner Casello stated he was happy the State of Florida finally recognize
this issue. Inquired about the ALS transport increase, and how much was being collected.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Chief Joseph stated the collection rate has increased. This was due to the Firefighters
documentation of patients. Chief Joseph wanted to state the City has some rock Stars- 2
employee who are collecting 80% of billings.
Commissioner Casello asked what type of wear and tear this places on the Fire station.
Chief Joseph noted everyone who calls 911 feels it is a real emergency. The firefighters
treat everyone the same.
Commissioner Casello stated the Fire department was doing a great job.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated the new hashtag should be #challangeaccepted. Wanted to
give Kathy Cline a shutout.
Commissioner McCray asked why the City must send out a fire truck and then a different
truck. Chief Joseph replied it depended on the type of emergency.
Mayor Grant asked if there have been any legal cases for the Chronic Nuisance
abatement program? Is that part of the legal?
Ms. LaVerriere stated it was under legal. There has not been any legal challenges.
Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, presented the proposed Development
budget. Indicated most changes were from realignment of a division within the
Mr. Rumpf stated there was a new department headed by Ms. Brown who is currently
overseeing the application process. The Development Department was transitioning to
an electronic process. Challenges were to continue to work through the bugs in the
electronic applications.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked about the housing applications. Mr. Rumpf indicated the City
completed a total rehabilitation of 13 homes, 2 applications for housing purchase
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if the City was moving forward in getting the information out
regarding funding. Mr. Rumpf stated he has spoken with staff with how the word is getting
Vice Mayor Romelus noted she was dissatisfied with how the word was getting out. She
stated the City has resources, but these resources are not being made available to those
who need it the most. She noted she would like to see a written plan on what is being
done. Vice Mayor Romelus believes this Department was ineffective. Mr. Rumpf
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
responded he was new to the seat. He has met with staff to review the process and what
are options were available. Ms. LaVerriere responded from the last time, flyers were done
in three different languages, and the advertisement in the newspapers.
Mayor Grant suggested introducing the services at City events such as the Pirate Fest.
The City needed to target residents for the program.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated the people who need the help the most are not looking at
social media? Suggested providing resources to local churches and others venues.
Stated rehabbing 13 homes out of 77,000 homes was dismal.
Ms. LaVerriere stated the database of local churches was not up to date. Requested if
anyone was aware of churches in the area to provide this information to the Marketing
Commissioner McCray commented the City may have only had 13 participated in the
program, but there may have been 100 people declined.
Mr. Rumpf indicated there are some untapped resources the City could be using. Staff
understands what needs to be done and they are on the path to get it done.
Commissioner Casello inquired if there was an issues with the Development Department
when it comes to issuing permits. There were some delays in inspection to release the
permits. Is this being addressed and how was it being addressed? Mr. Rumpf noted when
the issue with the electronic system is resolved, the other issues with tracking will be
resolved as well.
Commissioner Casello said issuing permits should only be delayed because of valid
processing. Mr. Rumpf responded the turnaround time and submittals would be readily
available once e -permitting was in place.
Commissioner McCray asked what can be done when an applicant is given two different
scenarios to a permit issue. Mr. Colin Groff, Assistant City Manager indicated when
contract employee are brought in this may happen. Once the new e -permit is up and
running this should not happen.
Mr. Rumpf informed the Commission mistakes are made because incorrect information
is given to the Permit clerk. The City wants to stop this problem and having an electronic
permitting system will alleviate this problem.
Commissioner McCray inquired with the new electronic system, if items can be addressed
and tracked within the system. Mr. Rumpf responded yes.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
Economic Development
David Scott, Director of Economic Development, presented the purposed budget for
There were increases in pension costs and other personnel benefits, increase cost for
other contractual services, reduction cost for printing and binding and marketing,
reduction cost for residential improvement programs. There have been a couple of job
fairs presented by the Economic Development department.
Mayor Grant asked about measurables of how many people attended events. Mr. Scott
indicated 8 jobs have been created, brochures and mailings sent out.
Commissioner McCray requested a copy of the brochure and mailings. Inquired as to how
much money has been brought into the City by Mr. Scott. Commissioner McCray wanted
to know who has this Department helped. This Department has spent almost $500,000.
Where has the money gone? Mr. Scott mention the 8 jobs which were created.
Commissioner McCray asked the type of jobs created. Mr. Scott responded he could
give this type of information tomorrow and a sample brochure. Commissioner McCray
said he represents District 2 and he does not see anything going on in his district. How is
the word getting out about these events?
Commissioner Katz stated unlike the CRA the Economic Development does not come
before the Commission with projects. Commissioner Katz stated he has worked with Mr.
Scott and knows about the projects when he has handled. He cannot speak with the
larger projects. He would urge each Commissioner to sit down to speak to Mr. Scott about
what was on in the horizons.
Commissioner McCray stated he works with the City Manager; he was concerned about
what was going on in District 2. Mr. Scott stated the Sara Sims Park will have a job fair,
Commissioner McCray stated he has not received any type of notification or
Commissioner Casello asked if Mr. Scott works with the CRA or with the Business
Development Board. Stated they have built out grants as well. Mr. Scott responded the
grants through the Economic Development are outside of the CRA.
Commissioner Casello asked if Mr. Scott steered any grants toward the CRA. Mr. Scott
stated absolutely. He was currently working with the CRA on projects within the MLK
Commissioner Casello understood the Chamber of Commerce has a function called
networking. Asked if the City sends any representatives. Mr. Scott responded the
Chamber of Commerce hosts a monthly Government Affair Council meeting. He attends
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
along with the City Manager. He explained whenever there is any type of networking he
was in attendance.
Commissioner Casello stated Mr. Scott mentioned the printing and binding projects.
Asked if the City uses a company within the City. Mr. Scott stated this was done through
the Marketing Department. Commissioner Casello informed Mr. Scott the CRA recently
sent out a RFP for printing.
Mr. Howard stated the City has many options when it comes to printing small jobs.
Explained it was difficult to use a company for small jobs. The City tries to use in-house
services like the Marketing department or small local companies. The City can piggyback
on awards with other Cities. If the job was large it usually goes out for an RFP.
Commissioner Casello requested departments get with the CRA to see if this would be
cost effective.
Mr. Scott mentioned Workforce Development has connected with E2L. Stated working in
partnership with private companies allow for the City to make an impact on employment
within the City.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated one of the issues the City has for new business development
was the lack of inventory available. How can the City improve its inventory?
Mr. Scott stated the City was built out. There are no new spaces available. Mr. Scott noted
he works closely with Mike Rumpf in development and have identified some opportunities.
The City needed to attract people to live here in Boynton Beach.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked how the City can work with owners to utilize old dilapidated
buildings. How can the City open up opportunities for new businesses? In addition, how
is the partnership with Research Park FAU. She was under the impression the City was
speaking about doing some type of co -working space in the new downtown. Was the City
moving forward with this project?
Mr. Groff responded they had an incubator space in the new City hall. They need to find
the type of businesses which will grow within this space. They are not quite there.
Vice Mayor Romelus stated she wanted to know if there was still a plan. Mr. Groff stated
the plan was still there and the City has that space available.
Commissioner Katz inquired about the status and the time frame on the redevelopment
of the retail strip in Riverwalk and the out parcel which would increase the retail availability
in that area. Mr. Groff responded staff will send an updated schedule on this project.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Commissioner Casello understands the Boynton Beach mall has new owners. Inquired if
anyone has contacted the new owners. Mr. Scott responded the new owners have been
contacted and the City has begun conversations with the new owners.
Mayor Grant noted the Economic Development Department provide the Commission with
quarterly reports. He wanted them to be presented to the City as well. Mayor Grant stated
if Mr. Scott had anything to do with Camping World. Asked if he expected Camping World
to be opened this fiscal year. Mr. Scott responded he was not certain.
Andrew Mack Public Works Director, presented the proposed budget for the five divisions
within Public Works.
Administration decreased 1.3%, Facilities decreased 4.5%, Streets decreased 2.9%,
engineering increased 6.2%, and Parks & Grounds increased 4.2%.
Mr. Mack presented the highlighted changes within each division. Engineering eliminated
the CADD Technician/Design position and hired an Engineer. This new position will assist
with survey services and special projects. Facilities decreased because of the repairs of
the mechanical, contractual services, building materials due to the demolition of City Hall,
Library, Fire Station #1, and the Police Departments. The Street department decreased
because of the reduced salaries and benefits due to staff retirements. Mr. Mack added
the FEC Railroad lease increased due to installation of supplemental safety measures.
Parks and Grounds division has an increase because of landscape maintenance
increased based on anticipated rebid of maintenance contracts.
Mr. Mack continued with the successes, challenges and initiatives. The successes was
the creation of the service contracts for painting, paving, concrete and minor construction
work. The Challenges was the increased cost in the material and the labor associated
with those costs, the competition for and the illegal dumping and litter in the City of
Boynton Beach. The current initiatives were the Town Square project as well as the
rebranding of the Public Works vehicles.
Vice Mayor Romelus wanted additional information regarding the rebranding of the Public
Works Vehicles.
Mr. Mack indicated the logos will be placed on the supervisor's cars. Mr. Mack wanted to
thank the Facilities and Parks department for making sure the temporary move went
Ms. LaVerriere inquired about the quiet zone status. Mr. Mack stated last week staff met
with the Brightline representative and the Palm Beach County TPA. In order to implement
the Quite Zone there were four additional supplemental safety measures which needed
to be completed.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Commissioner Casello indicated there was some talk of wrapping some City vehicles for
the advertisement of the Golf Course. Mr. Mack responded it was a possibility of wrapping
City vehicles. Mr. Groff commented he did not want to wrap until the vehicles were
Commissioner McCray stated because of the Town Square project staff has been tasked
to complete many different projects, he wanted to know when the Street sweeping will
resume. Mr. Mack responded currently that position was vacant. The person previously
in that position retired. Mr. Groff stated this vacancy was due to retirement, not the Town
Square project. Commissioner Casello asked how many street sweepers the City has.
Mr. Mack responded one.
Commissioner Casello asked when the last time the street sweeper was in District 4. Mr.
Mack responded with the new Routeware the City will be able to track the vehicles. Mr.
Groff indicated there was a report with a schedule and it can be given to the Commission.
Commissioner Katz inquired of the annual salary for this position. Mr. Mack stated the
pay was approximately $30,000 to $40,000. Mr. Groff indicated this was an equipment
operator position.
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if the Routeware program has been installed. Mr. Mack
responded they have been procured. The Information Technology department needed to
integrate with the SunGard software. Vice Mayor Romelus asked once the Routeware
was installed it will be live. Mr. Mack responded absolutely.
Commissioner Casello asked when was the last time the pavers lining the intersection
were power washed and are they on a schedule. Mr. Mack responded he did not know
the last time the pavers were power washed. This needed to be done in the evening.
Vice Mayor Romelus inquired when the Development department would be moving.
Mr. Mack responded they are scheduled to move August 24, 2018.
Mr. Mack presented the proposed budget for the Fleet division.
Indicated there was a 7.2% increase in Fleet division. The funding included incentives of
mechanics to obtain their ASE certifications. And other contractual services increased to
include outsourcing portions of the Solid Waste vehicle maintenance. There was an
increase in the fuel, tires, tubes increased based on cost of materials and inflation.
Vehicles purchased increased $997,191 due to replacement cycle of vehicles. Building
improvements decreased $600,000 due to construction of Fleet building awning in fiscal
year 2017/2018.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Mr. Mack highlighted the successes, challenges, and initiatives. The successes were the
procurement of consultants for the fleet services study and the contractor for the fleet
maintenance awning. The challenges were the fleet size for the maintenance of the
building and the vehicle storage area. Initiatives was the Fleet Services Study and the
rebranding of the Public Works departmental vehicles.
Commissioner Casello asked if the study included a possible relocation of the Public
Works building. Mr. Mack responded the study included relocation of new public works
facilities, designing some preliminary space planning and some preliminary layouts of
possible parcels.
Commissioner McCray inquired as to the relocation of the Public Works Facility. Mr. Mack
responded the consultants were doing a study on what would it take to build a new Public
Works facility, then look at possible sites.
Commissioner McCray asked what would be done with the property in District 2. Mr. Mack
responded this property could be opened up for redevelopment.
Mayor Grant asked about electric vehicles. The City had one electric vehicle more than a
year. The vehicle was not being used to its full potential. Asked has the City decided to
purchase more electrical vehicles? Mr. Mack responded he spoke with Shane Kittendof
in the Building Department to possibly rotating the vehicle out of the Building Department
to other areas.
Mayor Grant requested the cost benefits of having an electric vehicle versus a regular
Andrew Mack Public Works Director, indicated Solid Waste increase 3.8%, which
included an increase in employee benefit costs; the hiring of two (2) new Heavy
Equipment Operator positions. Indicated the waste disposal fees increased. The
carts/containers increased based on new customers and replacements. Vehicle service
costs increased based on cost of materials and inflation. There were other contractual
services increased based on the expected landfill closure costs.
Mr. Mack continued with the success, challenges, initiatives of the division were the
implementation of online payment portal for customer payments. Challenges were truck
equipment failure and staffing, fee and payment structure for roll off services. Illegal
dumping and litter. Solid Waste Reserve balance with initiatives Solid Waste Routeware
system and rebranding of Solid Waste vehicles.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
"Wally" Majors, Recreation & Parks Director, presented the proposed budget for the
Recreation and Parks department.
There was a decrease to the General Fund budget of 1.8%. This was due to the
elimination of the Art and Civic Center, which was reflected in the program revenue fund
decrease of 26%. Mr. Majors indicated there were two additional part-time Park Ranger
positions. This will have a significant positive improvement for the Recreation
Department. The Park Rangers will be responsible for locking gates for the playgrounds
and perform daily safety inspections.
Mr. Majors stated there was a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Easy Dock to enable people
with special needs to enjoy the waterway and they added new the playground equipment
at Barrier Free Park.
Commissioner Katz noted there was a planned expansion of the Crowder Park and dog
park next to Renaissance Commons, and through discussion with developers they have
agreed to put up $.5M towards the startup costs for the expansion of the Dog Park as well
as creation of a fishing dock on the pond adjacent to the dog park. The City had some
discussions regarding utilizing a fraction of the park impact fees to assistant with some of
the upgrades beyond what they intended. Through the discussion with the developers
and the Master Association of the various new developments, they have indicated the
annual increase to maintenance as a result of some of the upgrades would be $21,000.
Commissioner Katz would like to request the Commission to identify funds to facilitate the
expansion of the existing Dog Park and the creation of the fishing dock, activating the
green space. Commissioner Katz stated there was additional parking being planned. He
would like to make sure that $21,000 was available, either from the existing budget or if
the City Manager had any recommendation of reallocating City funds.
Commissioner McCray asked if this was $21,000 per year or was this $21,000 for one
time only. Commissioner Katz responded this would be annually.
Mr. Majors indicated he was willing to work with the City Manager to identify how this
could be done. Ms. LaVerriere suggested bringing this back to the Commission at a later
Commissioner McCray inquired about the part-time Park Rangers, who will be
responsible making sure the parks are closed, asked who will be responsible for the parks
being opened. Mr. Majors responded the parks are being opened by staff; the challenge
was closing in the evenings.
Commissioner McCray wanted to make sure the part-time Park Ranger was responsible
for the closing and staff was responsible for the opening of the park.
Mayor Grant inquired about the camps throughout the year. Does the City make it clear
that grants are available for City residents? Mr. Majors responded anyone can register.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 16, 2018
Mayor Grant asked if there were grants available for the camps like the afterschool
program. Mr. Majors stated not necessarily grants, the City can offer financial assistance
to deal with hardships. They do not have an established funding source. The City works
with families; they do not get many appeals for financial hardship.
Mayor Grant asked as the City was losing its Art Center, the Civic Center and the Play
house, what was happening to staff. Mr. Majors stated they were able to reduce the
budget and eliminate only one position. The other staff were reassigned to the Carolyn
Sims and the Hester Centers. Ms. LaVerriere responded this was a vacant position which
will remain vacant.
Mr. Groff stated the High School will be finished and staff will be coming back.
Commissioner McCray inquired when the High School was scheduled to be completed.
Mr. Groff responded the High School will be ready March 2019. The building will not be
fully utilized because of the parking, but it can be utilized for recreation purposes.
Mayor Grant noted he spoke with Palm Beach County School District and they have
offered their facilities to use for the City programs. The City has an interlocal agreement
with the Palm Beach County School District. The City can partner with schools such as
Crosspointe, Citrus Grove and Freedom Shores. Mr. Majors responded the schools are
only available for four days throughout the week. The City must pay for the school board
staff to be there.
Mayor Grant asked does the City have any programs available for middle school students
from 12-14 years old during the school year. Mr. Majors responded the City has drop in
recreation, where the children can come and play basketball and enjoy the amenities.
The children will be supervised and safe. The Youth Empowerment Center was very
active for kids 13-18 years old and was available for free.
Ms. LaVerriere stated they have been speaking with Annette Gray regarding the mobile
bus. They are working with her to bring the bus within the neighborhoods and getting
them interested in technology. That would make a difference.
Commissioner McCray asked about the cost for the use of the Palm Beach County School
facilities. Mr. Majors replied it depends on the time.
Commissioner Katz stated the City Manager mentioned to potentially partnering with
outside entities and provide funds to come into the community. This raises the question
should a governmental agency provide those services, and expose taxpayers to possible
costly litigation, when the City could potentially create a grant system to contract with
private sector partners who can potentially provide those services.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
Craig Clark, Library Director, presented a proposed budget for the Library. He was able
to reduce the operation expenses by $1,501, and the personnel expenses increased by
Commissioner McCray asked about the $1,501 increase. Mr. Clark responded this was
for reduced the postage.
Commissioner McCray asked if the Library was losing any employees. Mr. Clark replied
no employees were cut from the budget.
Mayor Grant stated the library offers more than just checking out books. Asked if it was
possible for a presentation of what the Library does. Requested the City Manager to
provide the presentation to the Commission. Mr. Clark responded he would be pleased
to present what was happening with the Library. Informed the Commission the Library
was shifting from print to online.
Mr. Howard presented the Administrative Budget.
City Commission increased $9,300. This increase was for the State pension plan for the
elected officials. City Manager increased $4,600; this was a combination of smaller
increases in general employee pension cost and printing cost. City Hall General
Administration indicated this had the Town Square funding for Phase 1 and 2. It caused
$13M out of this budget. Special events were moved out of the City Hall/General
Administration into the new department of Special Events. Marketing and Communication
increased 11 %. The majority of that $36,000, budgeting $20,000 for focus groups. Part
of the strategic plan was one year the City does surveys and the next year would be for
focus groups within each district. Special Event of $251,000 for one full time and one part-
time position, funding for the July 4t", Holiday Boat parade, and the MLK event. Town
Square project $5.6M which includes the $4.5M payment plus the cost for the rent of the
interim space for the Library, City Hall, and Police Department for next year. The City
Clerk budget increased 34.1% which was $194,000. There were no elections this year.
There will be an election next year and possibly a runoff.
Mayor Grant stated the cost for the election was $87,000 for a citywide election. Mr.
Howard replied the cost would be about $75,000 to $80,000 for the citywide election.
Mayor Grant understands Commissioner Katz and Commissioner Casello made
comments if the City needed a run-off. If the City partners with the November election it
should be cost effective. Asked if this was a way the City could realize some potential
savings. Commissioner McCray indicated they would need to change the City Charter.
Commissioner Casello stated it has to be approved by the Supervisor of Elections.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
Mr. Howard indicated this would be for future elections.
Commissioner Katz indicated he liked the March municipal elections.
Commissioner Katz stated he was hoping to stimulate the conversation regarding Rank
Choice Voting which would eliminate the cost of a runoff election. Commissioner Katz
explained how this was done. Indicated the State of Maine does all of its elections through
Rank Choice Voting.
Attorney Cherof stated the scheduling of elections for municipalities in Palm Beach
County was established by a special act of the State legislature and cannot be changed
by City Charter amendment. It can be changed by legislative actions.
Mayor Grant asked if Rank Choice Voting could be changed by the Charter or does the
Supervisor of Election need to approve. Attorney Cherof responded this cannot be
changed by the City Charter. The Supervisor of Elections has the authority to establish
the methodology of the election based on State law.
Mr. Howard continued with Financial Services which increased $51,000 for increase in
salary cost and increase to the employee pension. Information Technology decreased
$14,000 for the reduction in the maintenance agreements. Human Resources decreased
Vice Mayor Romelus asked if this was because of staff decrease. Mr. Howard replied no.
Mr. Howard stated the City Attorney had a minor increase of $1,000. There was no
request for increase to the Attorney rates.
Commissioner Casello inquired about the maintenance agreement costs decrease
because of the building not being there. Will this cost reoccur in 18-24 months when the
City goes into the new building? Mr. Howard replied there will different types of cost
associated with the new building.
Ronald Tapper, Golf Course Manager, presented the Golf budget.
Provided an overview of the outcomes of the Golf Course improvements. There was a
20% increase in rounds per day, 13% increase in cart and greens fee revenue. 25%
increase in range revenue. The Golf course is on pace to meet this year's budget.
Including $10,000 budgeted as an installment on repaying the General Fund for new
Champ greens and renovation of the driving range tee box. Mr. Tapper said due to the
closing of other local public courses staff expects an increase in daily fee players and
memberships in Fiscal 2018/2019.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
Boynton Beach, Florida July 16, 2018
McCray asked if there will be a concert on the greens.
Mr. Tapper stated the Golf Course restricts its membership types and daily fee rates. He
stated this will allow for the Golf course to be more competitive.
Mr. Tapper stated there was a decrease of 5%, this was because of the elimination of
one fulltime Golf Pro position and replacing with two part-time Golf Cart Attendant
positions. There was a decrease in the amount of $11,000 for new fleet leased golf carts
due to the higher than expected trade-in for the current fleet.
Commissioner Casello said the driving range was great, Mr. Tapper has done everything
possible but we are at the hands of the environment. Mr. Tapper responded weather is
budgeted and stated the Golf Course should have a reserve fund.
Commissioner McCray asked if they have a waiting list. Mr. Tapper replied no.
Meeting adjourned at 8:27pm.
Queenester Nieves
Deputy City Clerk.