City Hall~ on
City Counci~ convened at a regular meeting at the
February 16th~ 1948s at 7:30 P.M.
All Councilmen were present, as follows:
Mr. B. V. Tattersall, Mayor
Mr. Ralph Ross
Mr~ Fo L. Purinton
Mr. Clarence Benson
Mr. W. T. Woolbright
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tattersall.
~ Mr. Woolbright read the minutes of the regular meeting
of February 2nd~ 1948. The minutes were approved as read.
The bill of Mrs. Dorothy Jones~ for stenographic ser-
vices at four meetings of the City CouncilS amounting to $20. O0
was approved for payment. ~
Mayor Tattersatl exolained the granting of a deed to
the Methodist Church, for Lot 17, Block 8, Boynton Heights.
Mr. Purinton brought up the matter of building an 18
foot frontage building on a 2~ foot lot. it was explained that
this would be in violation of the zoning and building codesS and
if grantedS set uoa precedent. The permission to build was
therefore recinde~ and no permit will be issued.
A notice for bids for electric work on the new pump
plant was read by Mayor Tattersai! as follows:
"The City of Boynton Beach will receive bids until 5 P.M.~
Monday~ March l, 1948, for:
All iab~r and all materials, except motor~ magnet starter
and pressure switch~ ~nich will be furnished by the City
of Boynton Beach for the complete e~~ ~*~*~
of a =O H.P.~ 3 phase~ 220 volt electric motor.
All labor and materials necessary to install a red light
on top of new water tank. Light to -se con,rot!ed by an
electric time clock located in pump house°
All labor and all material necessary to install two lights
in oumo house with switch control.
Al± material shall be new, and mnsta~tem in a neat and
wo~k~manl_~e manner ~ accordance with the latest National
Fire Underwriters code~
The metering equipment will be furnished by the Florida
Power & Light Company~ but installed under the contract.
Alt wiring shall be installed - rigid conduit or steel
tube. The disconnected switch for the motor shall be s
fused switch of 200 ampere rating: and the wire shall
be of l~O ampere rating.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids."
A motion was .made by Mr. Ross~ seconded by Mr. Woolbright that
this request for bids be inserted in the Boynton Beach News for
two consecutive weeks. Motion was carried.
An invitation from the Boynton Beach Book ~-~=
~_u~ to all
members of the Commission~ and their wives~ to attend the annual
guest nj§bt of the Club was read. ~1! Commissioners who can~
w_mm attend
A letter from the WZitmire Tank Comp~ny~ Inc.~ Jackson~
ville, F!orida~ regarding the burchase of the 30~000 gal~on water
tank and 100 foot tower~ was read~ Mayor Tattersall s~ated that
this tank and tower are badly in need of repairs: end that the new
water ~lant will more than take care of the needs of the City. A
motion was made by Mr. Purinton~ ~nd seconded by Mr. Woolbright~
that an advertisement be placed in the PaLm Beach Oost~ West ~aim
Beac~ Florida~ ~
s~a~m~_g that bids will be received ~nti!
March 1st, 1948~ by the City Commission for the sale of this tenk
and tower~ This advertisement will run daily for one week.
Mr, Tattersal! read a letter from the $oroptimist Club
of the Palm Beaches~ requesting oermission to oermit the Ford Gum
Vending Machine Company to operate g~m ~ending machines~ the oro-
ceeds of ~¢hich are used solely for charitable treatment of cancer
patients. Motion was made hy Mr~ Woolbright~ seconded by Mr. Ross
and unaminously carried~ that this oermission be granted~
The following oetition regarding change in zoning from
residential to local business prooe~ty was presented by ~. Chas.
~titts~ arid read by Mayor'Tat~s~.~ ~ ~-
~=n'~. The' ~ ncnorab_e- ~ Town .... ~
~ommlssto~ Boynton Besch~ Florida,
~e undersigned property owners of Boynton Beach~ do
respectfully petition your Commission to change the zoning
from residential to local business on the following de-
scribed ~ -
~e_n~s owned by ,us:
Beginning at the center of the Co~nty Road on the
North line of the south half of the S.E. Quarter
of the S.E. Quarter of Section 28~ Townshi~
R~ng~ ~3 Ea~ r~m~ng west 33!.~ feet~
thence south 26~ feets thence east 328.~ feet~
thence north to the ooint of begipming. Said
oa~c=~ being in Boynton Beach~ Palm Beach County~
Florida~ and lying between Central Avenue and
Woolbri~ht Road.
(signed) Charles Stitts
" Frances Stitts:~
The above oetition wes granted ~nd signed by all Co~issioners
of the City of Boynton Beach, Fiorida~ this date.
The reoairing of the grand stand at Pence Park~ which
was damaged by the hurricane last September was discusse~, An
estimated cost of reoairs to out the grand stand in usable con-
a_tmon was given as $7~.00 to $100.00o It was suggested thaz
some of the local carpenters be requested to look at the grand
stand_and submit bids. The work could be done under the super~
vision of Building !nsoector Heaton, No-action was t~ken at this
Mayor Tat~ersa~l s~atea tna~ the Boynton Beach
Bank will be ooen for business on Wednesday~ February 18~ 1948~
and suggested ~hat all accounts be t ~ ~
rans~e~red ~o the Boynton
Beach State Banks in the near fut~e, He stated that all de-
posits are guaranteed uo to $~O00.00. Motion was made by Mr~
Woolbright~ seconded by Mr. Ross~ thet all old and any new City
accounts ~o be opened be placed with the Bo~t~n Beach State
Ba~, Motion was ~aminously carried.
A letter from Mr. ~ha~les Senior~ of the Boynton Beach
o'Fire~- Department~. regarding fire call to Briney Breezes~ Florida~
n ~andey n:~ght~ February 15. 191+8. was re~d The owner of the
proper~y wa~ b~lled $66.~0 for the services of the Fire Department
and use of the equipment.
Mr. Tattersall read a letter from Joe D, Harless~ reaitor~
requesting that Laurel Hills~ 2nd ~ddition~ which he owns~ be con-
fined entirely to ~E" zoning. M~. Tattersall explained this sub~
division would be divided into ~0 foot lots~ for a trailer park~
and is situated 660 feet back from Lake Avenue. Following dis-
cussion~ it was decided to make arrangements with the, School Board
for the use of the high school auditorimm to hold a public meeting
within the nex~ week or ten days~ regarding the zoning of this
property. The temporary zoning board brought uo the zoning code
but it was no~ passed uoon, ~
Colonel Forbes spoke in behalf of the Boynton Beach
Chamber of Co~erce~ and requested the City to d
on~e or. lease
for 99 years the property across the Highway from the City Hall
for a new Chamber of Commerce bu~ldino~' ~ to cost $~000.00. After
discussion by all Commissionere~ a motion was made by Mr. Ourinton~
and seconded by Mr. Benson~ that the City Attorney be consulted~
and a resolution for the lease~ subject to sale~ of ~ feet of this
property be prepared. This lease is ~o be for the protection of
the City and ~ne Chamoe~ of Commerce. Col. Forbes stated that
there ~ ~ ~
~ou~a be no liens~ mechanical or o~herwise~ and no
incumbrances whatsoever on the ~ ~
the Chamber of ~ommerc~ will landscape the ground. The motion
~ ~ building. He ~uruher stated that
was unaminously carried.
The Chamber of Commerce requested the use of the lots
on the Highway, in front of the Boynton Produce Market, for five
or six days to conduct an agricultural fair or carnival. They
further requested that all permits to ooerate the carnival be
granted free of cna_ge, and permission be given to park six trailers.
There would be no gambling or objectional features. The main
attraction would be the midway, as it is too late in the season
to arrange of agricultural exhibits. Motion was made by Mr. Wool~
bright, seconded by Mr. Ross, to grant the Chamber of Commerce
permits, Mud use of the ground. Motion passed une~minously.
Mr. Woolbright read a petition from Mrs. Ella Adams
and Forney Horton as follows:
"We, the undersi ned being "~
g , 5n~ sole owners of the property
show~n as the shaded portion of the attached plat, and-lo-
cated in the City of Boynton Beach, do respectfully petition
the Commissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, for Der-
mission to close the streets indicated on the plat f~r the
purpose of draining the oroper~y owned by the oetitioners,
so that it may be made h~bitable, and put into cultivation
by them! and they further draw to the attention of the
Commissioners that the said streets are merely indicated
streets,, ~ that no effor~ has eve~_ been made to cons~ruc~ - ~
tnem~.~ that they would nave to be built through swampland,
tno. t no effort has ever been made to traverse them~ that
they lead only to the prooarty of the petitioners, and that
their closing would work no harm to anyone nor deny to any
other property owner access to his property.
The petitioners agree to erec~ suitable signs or barriers
informing the public that these streets are closed if
their petition be granted and they do earnestly petition that
their request be granted.~
Mayor Tattersall stated th~.t the matter would be taken up with
· he City Attorney~ and the petition granted, if the attorney had
no objections. ~
~_ copy of the Auditor,s report for October 31, 1957
was presented each Commissioner. Mayor Tattersalt read the re-
port of receipts e~nd disbursements. ~_fter discussion of the
audit~ motion was made by Mr..Benson, seconded by Mr. Ross, that
pages~, 19, 20 and 21 of the audit be published in the Boynton
Beach News. Motion carried un~minously.
The question of whether a cash Auditd?r a detailed
audit, and the scope of the audit be made was ~scnssed. Motion
wes made by Mr. ?urinton, seconded by Mr. Ross, that Himes & Himes~
Certified Public Accountants~ West Palm Beach~ Florida~ be ad-
vised by
audit of
letter authorizing them to make a detailed quarterly
the City of Boynton Beach. Motion was unaminously
Mr. Benson stated that when the Fire Department equip-
merit leaves the City limits~ it is no longer covered by insurance.
The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Menoher & Meyers~
803 Lake Av~nue~ Lake ~orth~ Florida~ regarding the coverage of the
current pollcies.
The City Clerk was instructed to check the current t~x
roll to determine ~at lands mentioned in the Master,s Dee~ are
no longer City property~ and to bring this up at the next meeting°
There being no further business to bring before the
meeting~ the me~ting was declared adjourned by t~he Mayor.
City Clerk