Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Allison Killip, City Representative
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair
Gregory Murphy
Peggy LaGuerre
Lynne Gassant
Anastasia Chandler
Cory Voce
Kathleen Wilkinson
Carla Colebrooks, arrived 6:07
Alana Thomas arrived 6:12 p.m.
Lori Wilkinson
Daria na Rodriguez
1. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Roll Call revealed a quorum was
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Ill. Approval of Agenda
It was noted the minutes were not available.
Mr. Murphy moved to approve the agenda less the minutes. Vice Chair Nevin seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of April 26, 2018
V. Approval of Minutes of May 24, 2018
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory or
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2018
V1. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 2018
Vil. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Vill. Public Audience
IX New Business
X. Old Business
A. Fundraising Networking Event— July 19
Chair North thanked all for attending the Board's Fundraiser Networking Event and
announced guests who attended were impressed with the Board. Ms. Gassant explained
Eventbrite will mail out a check for $643.68. Blue Martini's was paid $99.07 and the net
gain to the Board was $544.61. Chair North thanked Ms. Gassant for her help and noted
the Board has not had one single event that brought in over $500 in a long time. Vice
Chair Nevin pointed out the amount was$20 shy of funding a complete Bob Borovy award
this year.
B. Bridges of Boynton Beach Annual Back to School Event—August 11
Chair North requested volunteers to man the table for the annual Back to School event.
The Board has previously participated in the event and had distributed trinkets. Chair
North also passed down pencils. At the last meeting, the Board had discussed ordering
200 pencils with the name of the Board imprinted on them for a certain price based on a
vendor estimate. A suggestion was made to investigate using another vendor if the price
was less. By doing so, Chair North was able to obtain the pencils at a slightly lower cost.
Chair North asked about volunteers at the Back to School event the entire day and noted
it was important to bring the Board's brochures.
Vice Chair Nevin did not have the actual brochure printed by the City, but she created
quarter sheets outlining what the Board does and she had the Youth Volunteer Bank
membership form. She advised she would not be present due to her daughter's open
house at school. Ms. Gassant advised she would attend and agreed they should have a
sign-up sheet for Board members to pick a time slot. Chair North suggested she speak
with Ms. Claude who could send a sign-up sheet to the members to do so. Chair North
advised she did not know what time she would be available but she agreed to purchase
water for the event.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 26, 2018
C. New Logo
Allison Killip, Recreation and Parks Marketing and Outreach Manager, worked on the
logos and put together three options.
Vice Chair Nevin moved to approve the bottom logo Ms. Gassant seconded the motion.
Discussion followed and Ms. Killip agreed to create three more options based on the
Board's input.
The motion failed.
Ms. Killip would obtain the member's contacts and email the variations to the members.
The color scheme was fine.
D. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
Mr. Murphy asked if a date was selected for the fundraiser and learned a date was not.
Chair North explained the event takes a lot of time, effort and manpower. It was to be a
breakfast fundraiser for community, civic leaders and teachers. The Board had previously
discussed this item would remain on the agenda as a roll over item, noting the Blue Martini
Event required little effort compared to this type of larger breakfast event. She
recommended the Board consider the return on investments.
E. Video Production
Ms. Rodriguez was not present and the item was postponed.
F. Youth Volunteer Bank & Bob Borovy Award
The Youth Volunteer and Bob Borovy Award bank accounts were reviewed, Chair North
had no further information.
G. Fundraising
Chair North commented the Board still needs new ideas. Ms. Gassant commented the
Delray Yacht Cruise was the same concept as the Blue Martini. Attendees are provided
with hors d'oeuvres and participants board around 5:30 p.m., depart at 6 p.m., and return
at 7:30 p.m. The Board would have to close the RSVP the day before so the Board would
know who would be attending. It was important the participants would have to be on time.
The price would be the same as the Blue Martini event. The goal is to invite as many
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida July 26, 2018
people as possible. Ms. Gassant explained the Delray Yacht Cruise participates in
several networking events. Chair North welcomed other fundraising ideas.
Ms. Chandler suggested if people liked the Blue Martini event, they would likely come to
another event; however, she felt there was not enough food service and it was hard to
get drinks at Blue Martini. She thought if planning those types of events, those amenities
should be strengthened. Ms. Gassant agreed and explained the Board was aiming to
have 25 attendees, which was communicated to Blue Martini, but more showed up. She
suggested, in the future, they close the RSVP the day before and she would let Blue
Martini know that even though the minimum is 25 attendees, they would have 50 people
there. Ms. Gassant pointed out in this instance, there were not that many people that
RSVP'd two days before the event.
H. Grants
Chair North was still working on grants and sent a few to the City's Grants Coordinator.
One grant was a Tau grant, which is a local grant that assists with community cooperation
and works with children and youth. Chair North commented when decisions or
discussions are needed she will bring them to the Board.
X1. Future Meeting Dates- August 23, 2018
September 27, 2018
Ms. Chandler noted she will not be at the August meeting.
Board member Alana Thomas announced this was her last meeting as she is going off to
college. Vice Chair Nevin praised Ms. Thomas and commented her role on the Board
was important. She hoped Ms. Thomas will continue to remain in contact with the Board
and she would visit when she comes home on breaks.
X111. Adjournment
Mr. Murphy moved to approve. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist