Minutes 03-15-48MI~YJTES OF THE REGULAR ~ET~NG OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ti~E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH7 FLA. HELD AT T~ CITY HALL ON THE l~th DAY OF M~LRCH ~ 1948. The City Council convened at a regular meeting at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M.7 March l~th9 19~8. Co,anti!men oresent were: Mr. B.V. Tattersa!!9 Mr. Ra!ph Ross i~. Clarence Benson Mr. W.T. Woolbright Mayor Absent: b~. ?.L. Purinton The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tattersallo Minutes of the meeting of March 1st9 1948 were read and adopted~ The Treasurer's Report7 as of March i~th7 19~89 was road and accepted as follows: General Fun~ Interest & Sir~ing Fund_ Water Fu~.d Water Interest & Sinking FuDd Depositors~ Fund (Water Meters) Firemen, s Relief Fund $99~86.66 10~920.14 8 .38 19273.¥9 47022.72 382.08 Sanitary conditions at the F.E.C. Section Houses near the Boynton Canal were discussed. Motion was n~de by ~. Wool- bright~ seconded by Mr. Ross7 and carried9 that the F.E.C. Rail- way Co.7 St. Augustine9 Florida7 be notified by letter that it will be necessary ~o install s~ptic tsmks and connect with the City water system as a health and sanitary measure. A request was received from Mr. Arley A. Burgess~ 96 N. River Road9 Manchester7 N.y.9 to ourchase City ovmed lot 179 Block 47 Boynton Heights. Motion was made by Mr. Ross9 second- ed by Mr. Wooibri, ght9 and carried7 that a price of $200°00 be quoted Mr. Burgess. The minu~es of the meeting of the Zsning Board9 held in the High School Auditorium9 Ma~ch ~th7 19489 were read. It was suggested that requests for changes in zoning made at this meeting be disregarded. The report of the Zoning Board~ dated December 127 19479 was then read. Motion was made by Mr. Benson~ seconaed by Mr. Ross7 t~_at the reoort of ~he Zoning Board be accepted as read. Motion was carried ~uaminously~ Thereupon Zoning Ordinance No. 20~ was placed on first reading. · Mr. ?.F. Harouff appeared before the Council with a plea that $2~.00 of the $~0.00 beer and wine license taken six months ago be refunded as he did not use the license, The action taken by ~e Council at the last meeting was exolained -2- and Mr. Harouff advised the matter would be discussed with the City Attorney. Mr. Joe Moss and Mr. C. F. Underwood appeared before the Council with the request that the City of Boynton Beach provide fire protection to the settlement immediately south of Briney Breezes and north of the Town of Gtulf Stream. They suggested the establishment of a fund of $250.00 to $300. O0 per annum among the property owners for the payment of this orotection. Mayor Tattersall e~olained the operation of the Fire Department, cost and maintenanc~ of equipment, and the agreement with the Town of Ocean Ridge~regarding fire pro- te~!on, 1.co, they agree to Day $100.00 per year plus $50.00 each ti~e the fire department goes over there, plus the ~Lme or, he men~ $1.00 per hotLr per man. Mr. Moss stated he would discuss a similar proposition with the property owners and resi- dents of the village and report their decision at a future meeting of the Council. Forney Horton requested the Council to purchase a Bucyrus-Erie Back Filler Blade for Dozer Shovel~ at a price of $230.00 f.o.b, factory~ from the Florida-Georgia Tractor Company, Miami, Florida. Motion was made by Mr. ~oolbright, seconded by Mr. Ross to make this ourchaseo Motion carried. Motion was made by Mr. Woolbright, seconded by Mr. Ross~ that the City contribute $50.00 per day, not to exceed three days~ to help defray expenses of the American Legion Basketball T~m~ in connection with t~e State Basketball Tournament at Orlando, Florida, March 16 to 19, 1958. It was stated this would be good advertising of the City, and is covered in the Provisions of the City Charter. Motion carried. Attendance at council meetings was discussed. Motion was made by Mr. Woolbright, seconded by Mr. Ross~ that any Councilman missing a meeting be fined the s'mm of $25.00, unless excused by the Mayor for a valid reason. Motion passed unaminouslyo The legality of Dr. Purinton's oosition on the Council was brought ~o by Mr. Woolbright, who made a motion that Dr. Purinton's salary as a Councilman be held up until the Court decides whether Dr. Purinton is a Councilman or not. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ross~ and un&minous!y carried. There being no further busin~ss.~e meeting adjourned. B. V. TATTERSALL~ Mayor ~ D. V. ~ILLIAMS~ Clerk