Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Carla Colebrooks
Angelica Nevin
Gregory Murphy
Dr. Lynne Gassant
Dariana Rodriguez, Stu. Reg Voting member
Kathleen Wilkinson, Stu. Reg Non-voting member
Peggy LaGuerre
Lori Wilkinson
Alana Thomas, Stu. Reg Voting member
Cory Voce, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Ill. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Murphy moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion. It was
noted the minutes were not available. Mr. Murphy moved to approve the agenda less the
minutes. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of April 26, 2018
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, announced the Board received a letter from the Poinciana
Robotics Club thanking the Board for its donation.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 24, 2018
® Public Audience
V1111. New Business
A. Selection of Chair/Vice Chair
Ms. Nevin moved to nominate Dr. North as Chair. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the
nomination. No other nominations were made and the nomination unanimously passed.
Mr. Murphy moved to nominate Angelica Nevin as Vice Chair. The nomination was duly
seconded There were no other nominations made and the nomination was unanimously
B. Bridges of Boynton each Annual Back to School Event
Chair North noted this was the third year the Board participated in the Bridges Annual
Back to School event. This year, flyers noted the event was scheduled for Saturday
August 11th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Chair North advised they had a great time at the event last year and they should bring
trinkets as the other vendors did. They also distributed information about the Youth
Volunteer Bank and the Board. Last year, the Board was inside in the air conditioning and
vendors were both inside and outside of the Church. She asked if the Board wanted to
participate and noted members had previously split shifts from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and
from 12 noon to 2 p.m. The first year the Board participated, they raffled off a $50 Winn
Dixie card. There was no objections to participating in the event. Ms. Gassant offered
to take a shift. Ms. Colebrooks asked if the Board members would get new tee shirts as
she never received one. She also asked if the Board could distribute pencils with the
Board's name on it at the event. The Board had looked into doing so last year, but there
was a cost involved. Ms. Colebrooks had a very economical vendor that would include
up to three lines of print on the pencils. She could order 100 and recalled she paid about
$25 when she ordered some at school. Delivery takes two to four weeks and summer is
slow. If the pencils were cost prohibitive, the Board could work with the vendor to find
items in the Board's price range. Ms. Colebrook's will also approach the City
Commissioners to assist with the cost. There was agreement Ms. Colebrooks would bring
a quote to the June meeting. Ms. Claude also advised -she had a few tee shirts left and
would email the members the size information.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 24, 2018
Vill. Old Business
A. New Logo
Ms. Claude explained Allison Killip attended the last meeting and was working on to
designs, but had not yet finalized the Accordingly, she would bring them tothe June
B. Champions of Change Awards/Fund raiser
The item remained on the table.
C. Video Production
Ms. Rodriguez explained at the last meeting, there was agreement to discuss the video
at the June meeting
D. Youth Volunteer an & Bob Borovy Award
Chair North thanked the members who came out to support the Board and the award.
She announced the award was well deserved and the recipient Alana Thomas and her
family were very proud. She was also pleased she was on the Board.
Chair North reviewed the account balances as follows: Harvey Oyer Jr. Community
Contributions, $341; Borovy Award, $446; Youth Volunteer Bank, $567; and the Tennis
Carnival, $364. Ms. Claude advised she sent letters to all those enrolled in the Youth
Volunteer Bank explaining the deadline was extended to the end of May, but has had any
Vice Chair Nevin pondered if the lack of response was because students are not civically
engaged in volunteer work or if the participant was aware the program provided the
opportunity to be recognized. She thought the Board could take the program to the Back
to School Bash Health and Resource Fair and tailor the message to students and parents.
The program could be more action oriented. She suggested having a quarter sheet with
information about the website, where to find the application and about having the
opportunity to engage in the community. Chair North agreed, but thought the Board could
be proactive in finding other avenues and engaging schools. More specifically, the
guidance or resource counsellors, and community leaders could be sent information. She
commented it is said in small communities, the people to approach are the individuals
who are centered around the community and the Church. She suggested the Board
identify individuals who were working on these types of initiatives to get the word out, and
perhaps attend one of their meetings and make a brief presentation. She believed
between all the members, they should be able to identify individuals. She suggested
speaking to the Police Department, the Bridges Program and youth to engage them.
Vice Chair Nevin advised she asked Ms. Claude to send her an email with bullets on the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 24, 2018
Youth Volunteer Bank program and its stipulations and she would create quarter sheets
and bring a mock up to the next meeting.
It was noted Board Member Cory Voce has a youth group at his church and he would be
a good contact. Mr. Murphy also suggested attending SAC and PTO meetings at the
various schools and different leagues to get the word out about the Board. Ms.
Colebrooks suggested giving out information about the after care programs at the school.
She noted the programs have junior counsellor volunteers that live in Boynton Beach.
Some volunteers are involved in the elementary aftercare program and they could provide
information to the Directors about the Boynton Aftercare programs. Chair North agreed
the more information they distribute, the more the community will know the Board is
available to help. It may also help with fundraising activities because they public will be
aware of the Board and its mission.
The Youth Volunteer Bank has 100 students signed up, but the issue is getting the youth
to turn in hours. Chair North thought students may be unaware they can submit their
hours to both the school and the Board. Mr. Murphy thought there was more of a push
for community service hours. This year, students entering ninth grade have to perform
100 hours of community service.
Ms. Gassant thought the easiest way to get started was by having the Board's own social
media and the members would have access to the site. After the meetings, the members
could take pictures and post them so the community will get to know who the Board is.
Social media was also a good way to find out what is occurring with other organizations.
Ms. Claude advised she could post anything to the Departments page. As for the Board's
own page, she would have to run it by the City's Communication Manager. Ms. Gassant
pointed out the Board could always post informational sessions at different places and
invite parents to come. There was discussion if two members can attend the same event.
Ms. Claude wanted to check, but noted the members were making a presentation and
providing information to the public. It was also important to invite interested individuals
to attend a meeting.
E. Fundraising
Ms. Gassant explained the July 19th fundraising event is confirmed from 6 p.m. to 8:30
p.m., and they were expecting 25 individuals. She noted if the Board members bring five
people each, the event would be successful. Ms. Claude had advised the Board could
use Eventbrite, but they would have to use the City's email address. Ms. Claude
explained she could handle the email part of it. Ms. Gassant would change her email to
Ms. Claude's email address and both have access. The link could be used to promote
the event and each time someone logged onto Eventbrite, they could download the report
to see who signed up. Ms. Gassant advised she could manage the event, and at the
request of Ms. Claude, she would provide a final printout as documentation of the check
Eventbrite would send. The members discussed the ticket price and determined the
price would be $15 and include the credit card and Eventbrite fee. Also included in the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 24, 2018
ticket price was a cocktail and finger foods. If an attendee wished to order from the menu,
they would receive half off as well. The Board would see how it goes for the first year.
Ms. Gassant moved to charge $15 for the Blue Martini Benefit event. Vice Chair Nevin
seconded the motion.
Ms. Gassant summarized the $15 includes the Eventbrite service and credit card fees,
one martini and finger foods which would yield $13 profit per person for 25 people. At the
close of the event, the Board would pay Blue Martini $75. Eight people needed to show
up to break even. The final payout to the Board would be $10 per person.
The motion passed 6-1, (Mr. Murphy dissenting.)
Ms. Gassant asked about flyers she created noting the flyers could be advertised through
social media and assuming everyone has a Facebook page, the members could forward
the flyers to friends and family. Ms. Claude also suggested someone attend the June
City Commission meeting and invite the Commissioners and public to attend and support
the Board. Vice Chair Nevin agreed to attend. The members also liked the flyers.
Ms. Gassant recalled Vice Chair Nevin would bring information to the next meeting about
networking games. She also asked if there were a banner or tablecloth with the Board's
logo that could be used for signage. Ms. Claude explained Gould provide something to
be used for signage, but there was discussion it would be better to wait until after a logo
is developed.
Chair North commented she would discuss information regarding the shredding
fundraiser at the June meeting and she updated the Board she reviewed a lot of the
applications the Board received over the last few years regarding funding requests. She
placed them in broad categories. She identified cultural awareness as one category.
There were historical events based on culture. There were academic applications in
support of STEM or STEAM programs, and art. She noted there was kinetic and Lego art
and she was still trying to define the variety of different art projects. She noted there were
not many grants for community awareness, but she still had further research to do. She
commented there are grants that deal with art and prevention of bullying that are used as
art therapy and many different grants about art She will keep the Board updated and keep
refining the grants to see what is available.
IX Future Meeting Dates: June 28, 2018
July 26, 2018
Chair North reviewed the above meeting dates.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 24, 2018
X. Adjournment
Vice Chair Nevin moved to adjourn. Ms. Gassant seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist