Minutes 05-17-48Minutes of the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Flao~
held at the City Hall on the 17th day of
The City Council convened at a regular meeting at
the City HallS at 7:30 P.M.~ May t?~ 19~8.
Councilmen oresent were:
Mr. B. V. Tattersall~ Mayor
Mr. Ralph Ross
Mr. F. L. Purinton
~tr. Clarence Benson
Mr. W. T. Woolb~ight
The minutes of the meeting of May 3rd, 1948 were read.
Motion was made by Mr. Woolbright, seconded by Mr.
Ross that the minutes be corrected by scratching Mr. ~urinton's
name as being absent. Motion was carried as follows:
"Aye" Mr. Tattersal!
" Mr. Ross
" Mr. W~o!bright
Not ~oting Mr. Benson
" " Mr. Purinton
Motion was made by Mr. Ross~
bright that the minutes be approved as
seconded by Mr. Woe!-
corrected. Motion
Treasurer's report as of May l?th~ was read as follows:
General F'~ud
Interest & Sinking Fund
Water Fund
Water Interest & Sinking Fund
l 8 5.10
Report was accepted as read.
A letter was read from Mr. Foy Ward regarding suit
brought against the City. No action was taken and letter filed.
A letter was read from Mrs. Ella Adams regarding her
19~7 taxes as compared ~-ith the State and County taxes. Motion
was made by Mr. Tattersall~ seconded by Mr. Ross and carried
that the bills be examined and a check made to determine whether
an adjustment should be made.
The request of James Butler to have his delinqUent
taxes on lot 20, Lanehart's S/Da lot 9~ Meeks & Andrews S/D
and lot l~ Meeks & Andr~*s Add. from 1926 thru 194~ settled
on a basis of the last two years was denied~ and the clerk
instructed to prepare Delinouent Tax Receipt on the basis
of the last five years delinquent.
A letter was read from the Boynton Beach Fire D~pt.
inviting the City Council to the Bar-B-Q to be held on the 19th,
at tbs Seaboard RwyDepot.
A Motio~ was made by Mr. Woolbright~ seconded by Mr.
Bensons and unaminously carried that the owners and manager of
Club Continental, La~rence B. and Harry H. Jacobson~ be granted
a temporary permit for 30 days to operatea motion picture show
in the club building, second floor.
The reauest of Kingsley Knowies to subdivide the
S~ of NE~ of SW~'of ~, Section 21~ Twp ~5, R $~ into a
. · ~ ~ to Boynton
subdivision of 2~ lots, to be kno~n as Knowles D/D
was unaminously granted. Plat is to be fiied in the City Hall.
Upon motion by. Councilman Benson~ and seconded by
Councilman ~oolbright~ the following resolution was duly passed
and adopted:
1. That the proposed Standard Large Power Agreement
between the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, and Florida Power
& Light Company which is hereinafter set forth in Section 2
hereof be and the same is hereby approved as to form and
2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on be-
half of the City of B~ynton Beach~ F!orida~ be and they_, are
hereby authorized and directed to execute and enter into with
Florida Power & Light Company the said ~roposed Standard Large
Power Agreement approved in Section i ~ereof ahd hereinafter
set forth in form as follows:
(hereinafter called the Customer), and ELORID~ POW-ER ~ LIGHT COMPANy, a ~o~on organized a~ ~ing un~
t~e la~ of ~e S~e ~ ~odda. (hemfnaf~* c~led ~ Comply).
T~T for and ~ eonsider~on of ~e sum of OneDollar ($L00) p~d ~ ~ ~r~ h~e~ ~ ~e o~e~, ~d oft~e cove-
nan~ ~d agreements here~ ~t fo~, ~e p~ies ~e~- cov~a~ and agr~ a~ follows:
1. The~ ~e ~mpany ~hall ~pply and~ ~e ~s~m~ ~ rec~ve ~d pa~ for
in c~nnec~on~wkh the C~mmc~?~ ~ ~ ~:~ lo~ed et
a~orda~e wi~ the tet~ and con'dons of ~e ~pmy s ~d Rag ~
marked ~b~t A and ~de a~ hereof.~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.O~e '
2. T~ ~ ~m~ quan~ of ~ower con~.for hereunder ~ m he .r~cdve~ ~d pa~d for by-the Gmtomer ~all
be ' ~ :~w of Demm~ ~
4. energy delivered hereunder shall be ~ot a a
5. Thet all payments shall be made at the Cempany's o
7. That if dur/n~
class of ' e rendered
~hen the
a copy t
8. That it
10, That! this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of mad
successors and assigns Of the part'es hereto, but the Customer shall n
the Writtela cansent of th6 Company.
rN %VITIqE$$ WY~IEREOF the part/es hereto have caused th{s Agreement to be
Witnesses for t~e Company:
By .~_ '~
At, est:
Assistant Secretary.
for billhag during the lb'st 12 months from~ the ,effe6~i~e date here-
.... r~ ~ base~ on present oper~ti~ expecte~tO b~e est~lishe~
1. n~est ~m~.~ ~ ~ ~F ~he w~ter m~lls fro~ ~ec. x to Mar. ~1
from April 1 to ~ovJ 30
.g. Twenty per ~nt of ~is Average
$. ~ce~ On-Pe~ Dem~d (Line I minus Line g)
.... · -~ bills rendered here~der
..... ersa~ date hereof Company ~refm~alculated b~s to Cusiomer. ~o-
a avaH~le for ~e sa~d xz ~n~-~:oi..1 bRls and the said reca~cmatea taus.
fir~ annivers~ date he.of, billing will be ~ed upon the ~eess On-Pe~ DemanR ~eter~eR from
Rate Schedule ~-P
in and about the hufldlngs~ str~¢t~tres, and premxsez ho~.s,?a~g or enclosing ~he power ~y~ ~d ~pe~d ~ an~
e~ipmem used ~ o~ in co~ecfion ~ s~ ~r pu~g ~d sewage d~spos~ oper~xons ~d mcld~ ~ ~e.~e of
power ~pplled here~der for su~ pu~o~? is pePsi'leander ~ls $ched~e. For suc~ h~tmg:use, ~usto~r wm
~de and ~n~ ~ ~s~o~ers ~d a~ app~te~nces,
S~n~e or ~ree pha~ 60 cycles ~d at ~y av~le st~dard voltage.
AH ~ice r~ed on premises by CU~omer sh~ be furnished ~ough one meter. Stand-by or ~sale ~ce ~ot
$1.50 p~ kw for t~ first 400 kw of Dem~
$1.00 per kw for ~ additionM kw of Dem~.
2.00¢ per ~h for ~e f~st 2,00~ kw~
1.25~ p~ kwh for ~e n~ 8,000 ~
1.0~ per kwh f~ ~e n~xt 3¢,000 kw~
0.8ff¢ per kwh for ~e next 40,000 kw~
0.60~ per kwh for M1 a~fionM kw~
For each ~ 'of ~e highe~ ~cess On-Pc& Dem~d es~bl~shed d~g the 12 ~on~ ending wi~ ~e c~ent
add to the 2.0¢ block: 100 kwh ~r kw for ~he first 5~ kw, 88 ~h per kw for ~e next 100 kw, ~d 70 kwh per kw
for ~l addifionM kw,
First~nus or plus .0183¢ per kwh used for each t~ below 12~ or ~ove 18~, respecfivMy, in Comp~y's cost
per mHlion British The~M Units of fuel. For t~s p~ose ~ere s~H be employed ~e weighted ave~e delivered cost
(inc]ud~g frei~b storage and han~g costs) as sho~ by Comp~y's book~ of M1 f~l used d~ing the next pre-
~m~: $L50 per kw of ~e ~ghest D~d est~l~s~d dung t~ 12 mont~ end~g ~th ~ ~ent
of su& De~n~ ~d not less ~ ~e ch~ge for ~e cu~n~y effective Dem~d.
On-Peak Ho~s of the c~rent momh, a~justed for Dower fac~r,
The On-Pe~ Hours shah be from 5 to 9 p.m. ~ch day, exdu~ng S~days, C~as ~d ~ew Ye~'s~ ~rom De~m-
no~ce~ but ~e On-Peak Ho~s ~ each day sh~ ~wa~ be consecutive.
~e nu~er of kw by w~& ~e On-Pe~ Dem~d exceeds 20% of ~e average of the three ~ghesl D~& d~
Comply ~d Customer, and used until ac~ operating data are ava~ab]e.
I~ Customer's power factor sh~ average less ~an 85% lag~ng during ~y mon~ then Company may adjusl
~e readings taken to dete~ine ~e Demand by multlply~g the kw obtained ~rough such readings by 85 ~d by ~viding
the result by the average power factor ac~y es~bli~ed d~n.'" the current mon~ Such adjusted ~ad~gs sh~l be
used ~ deter~g ~e De--nd.
Se~ce ~der t~s s~ed~e is' s~je~ to orders of governmental bodi~ ha~ng ~dsd~on ~d to ~e ~n~y
~ecfive "Ge~l R~es ~d Re~tio~ for ~ec~c Service' on ~He in Comp~s ~fice, w~ch are hereby made a p~
hereof. A copy of ~e present ¢~ective "G~erM R~es and Regulations for ~ic ~ice" is a~ched hereto.
c~e of co~iat between m~y provision of ~is schedule ~d said "Gene~ R~es ~d Re~afions for ~ectric Se~ce' t~
0ro~sion of t~s scheme sh~ apply.
Effective May 1, 1946
Revised January 1st, 1934
The foliowlng definitions are given for ~ put~
of establishing standard interpretations of these
as used in the Company's Rules and Regulations and
PANY a corporation organized and existing under the
taws of. the State of Florida.
"C01~SUMER"---Any corporation, tralqmership,.
association or individual supplied with electric asrwce by
the Company.
"SERVI~'E"--Service, as mentioned in these Rules
and Regulations and in agreements with Consumers, shall
be construed to include, in addition to all power and
energy required by Consumer, _the r. eadiness a~.d a,~bi~t~y o.n
the ~art of the Company to furnish power to the
su.mer, the maintenance the Company at
e aug
frequenc~ of ~ervice, irre-
spective of whether Consumer
outs, switches and a of every
hind and nature usei connection with or forming a
part of an installation for
an~ purpose,
of 'Point ef
whether by Consumer
or used the
Company's ~es or with those
of the Consumer.
"~ERVICE WIRES ~The v~res ~f the Company
to which are connected the "Service Leads" of the
"SERVICE LEADS"--Th~ portion of the C..ansumer. 's
Installation te which the ~oinpany, connects its ~ervica
"C01TNECED LOAD"~ennocted. lo.~., conne.ctefi_
horsepOWer~ or co.m~.~?cted~ kilo. watts,, ~ t~..e combme~.
n~mi~l rated c~t~city of ail motors ano/.or o~le~., e.urrens
ers , W~le~ raay
be ope~ted with electric serwee SUl~plie~ oy one ~on~
Pan,Y,~iAXIMUM DEMAND"--~Y~mum demand is the
hilowat~m or hors~o_wer r?.qu~red by ~ ~ons~..er ~ lug
out ~ given interval, of time. Usually the _m_~_,.rv~l. is
fifteen ~alnutes' duratio.n, but ill case Consumer. s aem?.nu
fluet~mtes rapidly, nmx~mum demand may at the option
of the ~ompeny be based upon an interval of less than
eftecu ~nihutes.
"MOI~W~H"--An interval between successive meter
reading dates, which intervul may he 80 days, moro or
To obtain elec~ctic service, application should be made
at the nearest office of ~Florlda Power & Light Company.
Usually it will be necessary for the applicantonly toniy
sign.agreement for service and post a guarantee deposiL
Information Ne~le~: The[ applicant should be
tain to tender to the Company his correct name and
drew, giving the street and house number, or name of
the subdivision, with lot and block ~umbers. When
sible h~ should, at the' outset, determine whether or not
the property to he served~ ia adjacent to the. .0.omp~n~
dist~bution system, and, if so, the characteristics o
power supply.
at a frequency of approxh~mtely sixty cy. cles is a~al. lable
as follows: Single phase, two or three-whre; three-phase,
three-wire; or three-phase, four-wire. For lighting, sin-
gle phase service is :~urnlshed, with a nora!ual ~.o?ageu~f
poses or fo~ special apparatus, single or t. hre. e-?ha~s~sefrov~
each hase, is furnished, depending upon the class of
servicep ~equlred. The supply circuits may~ at~ the option
of the Company, be either above or under ground.
only upon signed appllc~tlun or agreement accepted by
the Company, and the conditions Of sUCh application or
~greement are binding upo~ the Consumer ashY/ell as up-
on the Company. Applic[~tions are accepted by the Com-
pany with the understanding that .there is
of delivery A copy of each applicatmn or agreemen~
fcr service accepted by the Company WIR be 'fur~ished to
quested by firms, partnerships, associatlo~s, c. erl~.erati~o_._n~_,
etc., shall be tendered only by duly au~nonzec para,ea.
When service is rendered undex agreement or agree-
ments entered into between the Company and an agent
of a principal, the use of such service hy the principal
shall constitute full and complete ratification~ by. t.h~ p~n-
sipal of the agreement or agreements criteria_ .m~to
tween agent and the Company and under whica suca
service is rendered.
The Company may withhold or discontinue service
rendered under application made by any member.as -
~* ^~ ~ familY; household ore-nigerian or humness
unless all prior indebte.dne.ss to the .Comp. any. of suc?
family, household, organization or business has oeen ser~
tied in full
ment which is sub~.ect to the .Ru~s_ mm ~e.gu~on ~ke
the Company shall be automatically ~ronewed for a
teem to that stated in the agreement,' unless within not
more than ninety (90) days nor less than thirty (30)
days Before the date of terroAnatlon e~ther party gives
written notice to the other of its intention not to renew
the same, or unless otherwise specifically stated in the
Short Term Service: Short Term (or Temporary)
Service will be supplied only when the Company has
available unsold capacity of lines, transformers, gener-
ating and other equipment for the service requested.
Short Term Service usually refers .to service only for
short periods of time, without regard to the season of the
year, such as service for exhibitions, displays, bazaars,
fairs, construction work (including floor polishing),
Applicants for such temporary service shall pay to tho
Company in advance the cost of installing or removing
any facilities necessary to furnish service, and deposit
with the Company a guarantee ~vhich is not less than the
estimated amount o~ the Company's hill for such service.
slml! apply only to the tocation and oni~ within the*period
of time specified therein, and shall be utilized only by the
contracting lmrty.
Limitation of Use: Electric service purchased from
the Company shall be used by the Consumer only for the
purposes specified in application for service, and the Con-
sumer shall not sell or otherwise dispose of such service.
Electric service furnished to the Consumer Shall be ren-
vidi/al meter and' shall be f6r Consumer s 6-~m use and
may not be re-merci'ed by the Consumer for th~ purpose
of selling'or otherwise disposing of electric service to
l.e~s.e, es, }enants or othem and under no circumstances
indivi~laal, associatio~ o~ corporati0~install met~er~ f-;;
the purpose of so re-metering said service and all instal-
lations, for re-metering beretofo~ e made shall be discon-
1932. Ln no case shall a
c~nsent of fhe Coin-
one .m.?ter_, even though s~cll ad~a~
h~m. In case of Such Unauthor-
all ~ra exponces
incurred ~er clexical work, in~ections.
Combined Lighting and Powe~ Service: Unless
ctfically provided for in agreement between the Con-
sumer and the Company, ne lighting will be' seri. ed un-
uer any power schedule nor any power under any light-
lng sctiedule.
In 'all cases where combined service~ such as lighting
.on .power sirc}!its, or vice-vers~ is 'specifically pro{ideal
xer, the Company will not be responsible for any resulting
fluctuation in voltage.
ti Contintd~y o~, S~_rviee; ~he Company will at aH
mos use reasunaale diligence to provide continuous serv-
ice, arid having used reasonable diligence, shall not be
l/aiSle to the Consumer for failure or interruption of serv-
lce,~ .The Comp, any. s.,]~ll not be liable for any act or
ommslon causea mrectiy or indirectly by strikes, labor
troubIes, accident litigation, shutdowns for repairs er ad-
justment, united States, State or Mnnlcip~l interfer-
ence, acts of God or other causes beyond its control.
paratus and equipment shall be selected and~ used with
a v_ie_w t_o obtaining th9 highest practicable power factor,
a,nd ,shall be 1.n. stalled and maintained in accordance wit~
sranoard practice, conformable to Rules and Regulations
of the Company, and in full compliance with all laws and
governmental regulations applic~[ble ~o same. The Con-
device which is not properly constructed, c0r~.trolled and
protected, or which may adversely affect the service;
Change of Consumer's Installatlon~ No changes or
increasea in Consumer's installation, which will materially
affect the operation of the wires transformers, or gen-
erating plants of the Company shall be made without
written consent of the Company. The Consumer will be
liable for any damage resul~'~ £rom a violation of this
· lnsp?ctlon of Consumer's Installation: All electrical
mstallatmns or changes should be inspected upon comple-
tion by competent authority to ihsure that wiring, fix-
tures, and 'devices have been installed in accordance with
.the Nation~ Electric Code and such local rules as may be
'm effect. Where municipal inspection is required by
local~rules or ordinances, the -. C~nlpany cannot resider
~er~_lce until such inspection has beeh made and formal
notice of approval from the inspecting authority has been
received by the Company.
The Company reserves the right to inspect Consumer's
Installation prio~ to rendering service and from time to
time thereafter, but .assumes no responsibility whatsoever
for any portion thereof.
Indemnity to Company: The C~n, sumer shall indem-
rgfy, hold harmless at:~I defend the ComPany from a~/d
Rgalnst~ any and all liabilitY, Proceedings, s~its, .c~st. cr
eXPense fo~ los% damage or ~}~ry ~ Fe~s~ns or proper~y,
in any manner directly or indirectly connected.with,, or
~ro ~wmg out of.the tra.n.,smis_sion and use of electrioitl~ by
.me. consumer as or on'the Consumer's side of th~ point of
delivery. ~
Protection o~ Company's Prope~rty: The Consumel~
shall properly protect the Company's property on the
Consumer's premises, and shall permit no one but the
Company's agents, ~r persons authorized by law~ to have
access to the company's wiring and apparatus.
In the event of ~ny less, or damage to properby of
the Company caused by or arising out of carelessness,
neglect or misuse by the Consumer, or other unauthorized
parties, the cost of making good such l~ss or repairing
such damage shall be paid by the Consumer;-
Access to Premises: The duly authorized agents of
the Company shall have access ,at all r~asonable hours ~o
the premises of the Consumer for the purpose of install-
ing, maintaining and inspecting or: tethering the Com.
pa y s property,, reading meters and ~thor. purposes m-
cldent to performance under or termination ~f the Com-
pany's agreeni~nt with the Consumer, and in such per~
refinance shall not be liable for trespass.
Right o~ Way: The Consumer shall grant or ca,{es
to be granted to the Company and without cost to the
Company all rights, easements, permits and privileges
which in its opinion are necessary for the rendering of
Deposits Required:. Before rendering service, the
Company will reunite a deposit or 'guarantee satisfactory
to the Company to secure'the payment ef bills as they
mature. The amount o£ such deposit slmli be approxi-
mately twice the average monthly bill of the Consumer
as estimated by the Company based on Consumer's state-
ment in his written application or agreement or as there-
afar ascertained. Such. deposit or g/mrantee w~ll be
bela by the Company until final settlefnent of Co,sum-
Interest Paid: Interest will be paid:on such deposits
held by the Company during the time tho Consumer has
.had .continu0u.s se. rvic~: No interest wlll!.be paid if serv-
me Ls ordered dmcontinued for any cause within six
months from the date of making deposit.
Refund of Deposits: Upon final settlement of Con-
sumer~s account, any unused balance of' de~°osit or
posi~s will be refunded. Refund is conti>~ge~t upon ade-
quate identi~.catlon and surrender of ~iglnnl g~larantee
deposit receipt. Guarantee deposit re~elpt is not ne-
gotiable or transferable and is refundable only to the
Consumer whose signature appears thxereon.
Tranafer ~l~ I)epo~it,~ A Consumer moving, from one
location to anther within the same billln~ district may
have his guar//nte~ deposit transferred /rom the former
to thc present address, provided bills incurred for serv-
ice at the for~er address are paid when rendered.
Deposits under Temporary Service Agreoments-win be
in accordance with terms shown above.
Bililng Periods: Bills for service will be rendered
monthly or for shorter periods if so stated in schedule
applying or if-notice of shorter billing period is given
to Consumer. Bills are due when rendered and slmil be
considered as received by Consmner'when delivered or
mailed to the service address or some other place mu-
toally agreed upon.
Non-Receipt o~ Bills: Non-receipt of bills by Con-
sumer shall not release or diminish obligation of Con-
sumer with respect to payment thereof.
measured by meters, the Company's accounts thereof
shall be accepted and received at an times, places and
courts as prima faeie evidence of the quantity of alee-
tricity used by the Consumer.
-Application of Rate Schedules: Power and energy
shall 'be measured by a single meter :of each kind neces-
sary at each point of delivery. Two or more points of
delivery shall be considered as separate services and
bills separately calculated fol each point of delivery.
Power Factor: All of the Company's electric rate
schedules, applicable to all classes of electric service, are,
unless otherwise stated in the schedule, based on an
average power factor of unity (1) and the Company re-
serves the right to adjust for billing purposes the con-
sumption a~d/or demand to a basis of unity power factor
by dividing the actual consumption and/or demand or
connected load by the average monthly power factor ac-
tually established.
Tax Clau~e: All of the Company's rates, including
minimum and demand charges and service guarantees, ara
dependent upon Federal, State, County, Municipal, Dis-
trict and other Governmental taxes, license fees and/or
other impositions, and may be increased or a surcharge
added i/ and when any or all such taxes, license fees
and/or other impositions are increased 'at the cost per
kilowat~ hour, or Consumer, demand,, or other applicable
unit of charge, of such addi~onal taxes, license fees
and/or other impositions.
Minimum Monthly Bills: Upon opening an account,
no minimum bin will be rendered for service covering a
period of less than ten (10) days where service i~ con-
tinued at the same address, but the consumption for such
period will be carried over to the nex~ month's billing.
This does not apply where service is discontinued after
a short period such as 5 or 6 days, when, to compensate
in part for the extra expense incurred~ full amount ~f
minimum bill will be paid by Consumer~
Consumers who have had service available for from
ten (10) to tMrty ($0) days prior to the first meter
reading .date, and whose consumption for this period
amounts to less than the prorated minimum monthly bill,
will be rendered a bill to cover the prorata part of tho
monthly minimum charge, i?ased on the a _~ time
within the billing period during which serVice has been
Discount {or Prompt Payment: Discomit~ wffi' be al*
lowed and net rate will apply only w. hen .l~ro?ided for
in the schedule, and on!~ if payment m ma_~e ~n full at
the rate specified in the sch~edule .under which bill is ren-
dered; and when payment is re~eived by a~ .aUthorized
agent of the Company, or at the Company ~ffi~e stated
on the bill rendered, ]Sefore the regular closing houz
of such office on the last day of discotmt or net rate
period, and when no previous bill for scrv/ce remains
Payment by Mail: ~Such payments when made by
mail, properly stamped, addressed and mailed (as avl-
deiced by United States-postmark), o~i or bef~ro the
last day of discount period~ will also be deemed to be
payment within such period. When the last day of dis-
count falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, discount win
be allowed on the next business day. Failure to receive
bill will not extend period of discount to Consumer.
Change o~ Occupancy: When. change o.f occupancy
takes place on any premises supplied by the Company
with electric service WRITTEN NOTICE thereof shall
be given to the nearest office of the Company not less
than three (3) days prior to the date of change _by the
outgoing party, who will be held responsibl.e for all
electric service used On such prersises until such wm~ten
notice is Yeceived and the Company has had a reasonable
time to discohtinue service.
However, if such written notice has n~t been received
prior thereto, the application of the succeeding occupant
for electric serVic~ ~ automatically terminate the prior
Bills from a Previous Location: A Consumer's nice;
txdc service may be discontinued fo.r non-payment Of, a
bill for electric service rendered him at a pre~en~ in-
cation served- by the Company, provided said bill is not
paid within ten (10) days after being rendered.
Bills on a Special "Weekly Basis:" The Consamer
whose bills are rendered on a special "Weekly Basis" ap-
proximately quadruples the meter-rea~ing, billing and
collecting expenses incidental to his account. In order
that such extra expenses may be borne in part by the
Consumer necessitating them, when bills are rendered
on a special "weekly basis," the rate will be applied on
each bill in the same manner as if it were for a monthly
Delinquent Bills: Bills are due when rendered~ and
if not paid within ton (10) days thereafter become delin-
quent, and service may then, without further not, ce, be
discontinued and the deposit applied toward settlement
of the bill. In such cases service will not be reconnect-
ed untl] gross bill is paid,
shall reimburse the Company for all extra expenses
incurred by the Company on account of violations of
agreement or of th~ Company's Rules and Regulation~ by
the Consumer. The minimum charge for such is One
Dollar ($1.00).
The Company will install and properly maintain at its
own expense such standard meter ar meters and meteri .nc
equipment as may be necessary to measure the electric
service used by the Consumer.
Title to meters and metering equipment shall he and
remain in the Company. Unauthorized connections to, or
~ampering with the Company's me,er or meters or indi-
cations or evidence ~hereof,. subjects the Consumer to
immediate discontinuance of service, prosecution under
the laws of Florida, adjustment of prior bills for services
rendered and/or reimbursement to the Company for all
has 3% at
The Company employs every pra~t~ ~le means $o
~ t]~e.comraerelal~acCUr~y o~ f~s e~. U~n
due re~ue~and ~o~ Comply% me~
be tes~d~ If me~r is found tv
f~t ~r sIow a~ a~ load)~e ~penses o~ ~ ~ he
berne~ by ~ Con~m~, ~n~ c~'
m~er ina~ exceeds ~e~e
ment ~r period not to exceed ~ee mo~
A~y me~r found defe~ive 9r ~ ~ed ~ ~-
ter w~ll ~ c~ged~ and ~ ~pany ~ ~t~ the
bill ~Sr the pound by c~par~g~
a correct meter, ~d/or by co~pa~n ~ ~e ~ount
cha~ed du~ng ~e co~espon~ng p~ of a
year, ~king ~tO accoun~ ~e ~apaci~ o~ ~e ln~o~
In cases o~ fire, or any i~ t~ ~e me~r or se~ce on
~e Co~umer~s pre~s~, elope se~i~e ~y
tinned by ~e Company until .~e nec~ repm~
madJ ~d c~ of ~me ~usted
~d ~e Con~m~.
The use of Company's poles, wires, towers, structures
or other fa~illh.'es for the purpose of fastening or sup-
porting any radio, equipment, or any wires, ropes, signs,
~ b~anne~s :or_ a~dam~, of any nature, .noir necessary ~o the
sdpplyin~g by~ the Company of electric service to theCom~
munlt~y, or'the locating Of sume~i~ s~ch Proxlmity to
the q~npA~_ ,rs a~?resald propert~ or fscili~es us'to s~use
or ~e likely to c~se, interference with the supply of
ele~c seiwlce, or a dangerous eondltion in connection
therewith, is prohlbi~ed, and the Company shall have the
right forthwfth to remove same wi~houir notice.
The violator of these rules is Hable for any damage
resulting ~lierefrom. '
These lgu~jand l~egula~ous are o~able at tho
fiees'of :.the Comwany m~l are a pa~'~J£ ~11 ,the eleetrie
rate.~d,~.,e~ of ~1~ CO/ml~ny, and ~u~ the absence ~
spee.~fie ..wri, tte~ _agrsemon'c to the ¢o~nt~ary apply~witheut,
m~difieation_ or eJm~: to each an~ ~ve~y ~onsumer to
whom the Company re~Xders servi~. ·
The C0mpan~r's~ Rules~ and. Regul~t~ons,~..inso~ar as
they are iBcor~stent with any statute. 0~dinance, law
or legislati0~ now i~ e~ect, shall be nullb~,m and void.
In the event that a portiom Of these ~ules and Regula-
tious is declar~d ~u~con~tu~onal 8r vmd for any resuon
by any court of competon~u.~sdiction, s~c~. d~cisi0n shall
in no way affect the Vali~ of the remalnizg portlans of
'~he General Rules ami Regulations fvr Electric 8ervlce
uBless such court Order or decision'shall so direct.
The foregoing Rules and Reg~aticus Supersede and
annul any and a~l_ ~.RuleS and l~eg~latign~, ~ucensistent
her~it~.,, under which tl~ Co~an~_, or predecessor com-
parties, liave previously supplied electric service.
3anuary 1st, 1934.
The following bills were
approved for payment:
General Fund W~ater Fund
H. B. Drew Co.
Marty's Service Station
McCoy & Love
Halsey & Griffith
F. L. Purintons March fees
Shaw Brothers
Cameron & B~rkley Co.
Davis Meter Repair Co.
W. S. Darley Co.
Biscayne Chemical Lab.
TOTAL $787.65
There being no further business the meeting
D. V. Williams, Clerk