Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, or Liaison
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair (arrived at 6:14 p.m.)
Carla Colebrooks
Lynne Gassant
Peggy LaGuerre
Gregory Murphy
Cory Voce
Lori Wilkinson
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student, Reg non-voting
Anastasia Chandler
1. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. Attendance was taken. A quorum
was present.
111. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Murphy moved to approve the Agenda. Ms. Gassant seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of April 26, 2018
Lori Wilkinson moved to approve the April minutes. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
V. Approval of Minutes of May 24, 2018
Kathleen Wilkinson moved to approve the May minutes. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
VI. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 2018
Ms. Gassant moved to approve the June minutes. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Vill. Approval of Minutes of July 26, 2018
Ms. Gassant moved to approve the July minutes. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
VIII. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Chair North announced she met with the Chief of the Police last Friday to introduce herself
and the Board. She wanted to see what the Police were working on and become involved.
She will send information to the members when they have meetings with the community
and for Explorer and Coffee with a Cop events. She advised they would also participate
in Education and Youth Advisory Board events. In the past, they had prior youth events.
She thought the Board and the Department would be a great team.
Lori Wilkinson reminded all Election Day was November 6t". She also noted there was a
big push for the amendment for the tax levy. She thought the Board should be aware of
the amendment. She has three children in three schools and all three schools contacted
her to support the amendment. She advised the monies would be used to address
unfunded mandates. Mr. Murphy had information he agreed to send to the members.
Sherri Claude announced the Fall Fitness Festival on Saturday, October 20th from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. at the Carolyn Sims Center/Wilson Park area. Ms. Claude explained the event
will have a fitness theme and the staff organizing the event requested the Board sell
refreshments or distribute food and snacks. It could be a fundraising event for the Board.
Discussion followed about what types of snacks and beverages to provide and a
suggestion was made to provide healthier snack options or Gatorade. A pavilion was
also reserved for the Board. All of the staff will be in Halloween costumes and she hoped
the Board members would wear costumes appropriate for children as well. Lori Wilkinson
and Peggy LaGuerre volunteered to help. Vice Chair Nevin thought it may still be hot and
suggested volunteers attend in slots similar to what they did at the Back to School event.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
She also commented the or is very thankful for the continued invitations to participate
and fundraise at City sponsored events.
Ms. Claude agreed to provide the tax-exempt certificate so the Board would not be
charged tax and pointed out for the last three years, the event was held at the
Intracoastal Park Clubhouse and hundreds of youth attended. The event was moved to
the Carolyn Sims Center/Wilson Park to accommodate the growth of the event.
Vice Chair Nevin recommended when purchasing snacks to be cognizant of the
expiration dates as left over snacks could be sold at the holiday parade and the snacks
had to be good until January.
IX Public Audience
X. New Business
A. Donation Request— Freedom Shores Elementary
Chair North noted Alexander Tina was requesting funds for an Expanding Expression
Tool Kit. Lori Wilkinson requested clarification if the Board granted the request if they can
request further funds later on during the year and learned they could as long as it was for
a completely different project.
Vice Chair Nevin expressed concern that no attempt was made to fund this from any other
source and thought it weighed against the request. Chair North thought it was only a
consideration and it was noted the request was fairly small.
Ms. Claude reviewed the balances listed on the different accounts and noted all the
money from the July fundraiser was deposited in the Community Contribution Fund. Vice
Chair Nevin wanted to review the minutes, but thought it would go to the Borovy Award.
If an award was made to one student, the award would be $1,000. The Board could also
lower the award, but historically it was $1,000. Fifteen hundred dollars was also spent in
the past for two awards with the second place award being $500.
Vice Chair understood to have a $1,000 Borovy award, the Board would have to transfer
$557 from the Harvey Oyer Community Contributions to the Borovy Award account.
Lori Wilkinson was optimistic about funding. Her friend has money left over from running
for office. She noted Commissioner Joe Casello was unopposed in his race for the
Senate, and when the election is over, whatever is left, they have to disburse. She
suggested the members ask anyone who is running for the funds when the election is
over. She thought in addition to those monies, there would be more funds raised at the
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
fundraiser Oct 20th and the parade. She thought the coffers would be a little more full so
they can consider funding the subject request.
Lori Wilkinson moved to give the $249. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion.
Vice Chair Nevin reiterated she had a philosophical issue with no attempts being made
by the teacher to raise funds from anywhere else. Lengthy discussion ensued as the
Board did not know if the teacher was a district employee following SOP or a contract
employee. There are also direct hires and employees hired through a contract from
vendors. If Ms. Cristina was a contractor, the company she works for gives all the teacher
supplies. Another question was there was not enough information on the donation
request form to see if kit was a best practice. Board members wanted to know how she
would teach other teachers in classrooms. It sounded like the Board was being asked to
purchase an assessment kit and she would teach other teachers which should be done
on the district level and not on an individual level. Ms. Colebrooks clarified Ms. Cristina
is a district employee. Lori Wilkinson understood the Board's concern, but from what she
read and from her experience with tool kits, it was not an assessment. It was a strategy.
Chair North did not know if Ms. Cristina had the independent authority to do this. Every
professional has tools in their tool kit and it was not necessarily a standardized thing. She
was not comfortable approving the request.
Mr. Murphy commented if it is a strategy, it could be used in schools. He did not think
there would be an issue with the teaching strategy.
Ms. Colebrooks explained Ms. Cristina wanted to use it with her students and train other
teachers to have it as another supplemental strategy they could use in the classroom. It
was professional development. She noted when the District gets funds, Speech
Pathologists get less than teachers do. She has spent a lot of her own funds for standard
SOP and the school gets Title 1 funds. Chair North thought if the Board purchased the
toolkit, she would personally own the toolkit and discussion followed if, purchased, it
would have to be purchased for Freedom Shores School.
Vice Chair Nevin pointed out the EET does provide training for their tool kit. One day of
training is $4,800 and a half day of training was $2,999. It looked like an actual tool kit,
briefcase with laminated items. All Ms. Cristina was asking for was the funds for the
toolkit and not the training. Vice Chair Nevin commented if they purchased someone
tools, how would they ensure they would be used appropriately and who would have
possession of them. Mr. Voce commented it would be a toolkit for the school. It would
be school property and if they trained others, then the school would hold the kit.
Chair North questioned if the Board was setting Ms. Cristina up for failure. She will use
the toolkit and some tool kits have 100 uses. While it is a strategy, a physical tool kit
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
would run out. The goal was to work with the students first. Chair North wanted to know
what the plan was.
The 2"dadditionof the tool kit included tools, manual object cards, stickers, class poster,
dice, game instructions, icons retelling, lesson plan prompt cards and more. Ms.
Colebrooks explained it is primarily for the speech language pathologist and it is up to the
school to implement it in writing as every teacher writes their curriculum. Freedom Shores
was paying for Ms. Cristina and another teacher to take the training. Even in training,
attendees may get additional materials.
There was discussion about tabling the item and requesting Ms. Cristina speak to the
Board. There was also no timeline included in the request. Ms. Colebrooks thought
something should be included in the application. The strategy would be implemented by
the Speech and Language Department. Mr. Murphy thought the Board should spell out
a model of what information the Board needs to be clear to the applicant. Vice Chair
Nevin agreed the Board should review the donation request form because a lot of the
conversation could be circumvented by better direction or by an exemplar. Currently, the
information on the form gives a very superficial view.
There was a vote on the motion. Ms. Colebrooks commented she would abstain as she
is a teacher at the school, but it was explained her vote would not be a conflict.
The motion failed.
Vice Chair requested reaching out to the person who requested the funding and if the
person cannot be present to at least know what the Board's questions are, the Board
could at least get answers to some of its questions by phone and then the Board could
revote on the full $249 request.
Lori Wilkinson moved to table the item to the next meeting and the Board can contact her.
The Board could revisit the request then after they receive more information from the
teacher by phone or in person. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion. The next meeting is
October 25th. The motion unanimously passed.
Vice Chair Nevin agreed to reach out to her. Vice Chair Nevin would first email the person
inviting her to the next meeting. If not, she will ask questions. Mr. Murphy suggested
instead of asking if the kit is purchased, if it would be directed to the principal to assign to
the Speech Language Pathologist. There was agreement that would be appropriate. It
was noted the application form did not include a line for the requestor's email address.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
Mr. Murphy made a motion to revisit the Donation Request form in October, including the
instructions. Ms. Colebrooks seconded the motion that unanimously passed. That would
also include the instructions. Ms. Gassant suggested Ms. Claude email the members so
they can make comments.
December Meeting Date
Ms. Claude advised the Board would normally meet November 22 or the Board could
cancel the November meeting. Additionally, since the Board was scheduled to meet
December 27, they Board has historically combined the November and December
Mr. Murphy noted the Board could hold a special workshop meeting. After discussion,
there was agreement the Board would meet November 29th and there would be no
meeting in December. The Board could also decide if a workshop is needed at the
October meeting.
I. Old Business
A. Bridges of Boynton Beach Annual Back to School Event—August 11
Chair North thanked all who participated and helped with the Back to School event. She
commented it was raining hard that day and she had attended earlier in the day and left.
Ms. Gassant was the cleanup person. Discussion followed there were more students and
youth last year. Lori Wilkinson thought the Board should revisit the event in the future.
She thought the only reason people came was because of the Bingo Card for sign off.
Most people did not speak English. The idea was to get the name of the Board out there,
but it was thought the Board may need to do something else and the event may not be
the appropriate forum for the Board. Attendees wanted the free stuff and not necessarily
the information.
B. New Logo
Ms. Claude advised Allison Killip, Marketing and Outreach Manager, was supposed to
email her the logo, but she did not receive it. Ms. Claude agreed to get something to the
Board by the next meeting. The options she provided were solid and the Board gave
feedback. When finished, the Board will add the new logo on the revised Donation
Request Form.
C. Champions of Change Awards/Fund raiser
Mr. Murphy asked about Champions of Change Fundraiser and learned the intention for
the event is to have the time to do it right and be effective so the Board would get a good
return on investments. Mr. Murphy asked if there was a tentative time frame to hold it
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
and learned no date was set. The members could discuss it further at the next meeting
and develop a long-term plan to work on it.
Discussion returned to the Fall Fitness Festival. Chair North offered to purchase the
drinks and Ms. LaGuerre will pick up the snacks. Ms. Claude will also email the members
the information. Lori Wilkinson suggested the Board contact individuals running for office
as they have to spend all of their campaign funds. She thought several of them have
probably earmarked funds already, but she suggested putting the request in writing and
asking. Chair North thought there was a letter that could be sent. Ms. Claude commented
she has a copy of something sent years ago and she can send sample templates. When
she has sent letters in the past, she receives a response fairly quickly. Chair North
requested Ms. Claude send the letter to the members, members make comments and
then make a list of names of individuals to solicit and send them all out. There was
agreement the request would be sent from the Board, but letters from the individual
members was fine too.
D. Video Production
Ms. Claude advised Ms. Rodriguez submitted her letter of resignation and there are now
two student regular (Voting) openings. Lori Wilkinson commented she would ask if she
could make the video anyway, since it was a school project. It was also mentioned if a
non-voting student member wants to move up, they should contact the Commissioner
making the next appointment.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank & Bob Borovy Award
This item was discussed earlier in the meeting.
Vice Chair Nevin motioned to move $557 from the Harvey Oyer account to the Bob Borovy
Award account to make the total Borovy Award $1,000. Ms. LaGuerre seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Ms. Claude updated the Borovy Award flier, and advertised the award is $1,000. It was
noted the school district posted monies that are available on its website. Lori Wilkinson
agreed to review it and report back to the Board. Mr. Murphy and Ms. Gassant also took
application forms from Ms. Claude to distribute.
F. Fundraising
Ms. Gassant commented the Board could have an early holiday networking event. Lori
Wilkinson thought a weekend event in December would be hard and it was suggested
holding an event during the week would get the best deal. She requested the members
ask around because she does not know where in Boynton each to hold a fundraiser,
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 27, 2018
and she would check it out. At the last fundraising event in Boca, the location had been
questioned. Vice Chair Nevin did not want two fundraisers in a row outside of the City.
Lori Wilkinson suggested keeping the event along the same caliber of Blue Martini and
she pointed out Boynton has four breweries and a fundraising event there would be much
more casual. Bar Louie, Village Tavern, Sweetwater Caf6 and Two Georges were all
suggested. It was noted if the or opts for a brewery type fundraiser, breweries
typically partner with food trucks and they could ask the to donate.
G. Grants
Chair North had no news on the grants.
XII. Future Meeting Dates: October 25, 2018, and November 29th-
There will be no December meeting.
XIII. Adjournment
Mr. Murphy moved to adjourn. Lori Wilkinson seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist