Kim Weiss, Chair by Coles-Dobay, Public Art Manager
Robyn Lorenz, Vice Chair
Marcia Levine
Clovis Moodie
Jehana Zell
Golene Louis (arrived at 6:55 p.m.)
Lauren Huff
Chair Weiss called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Il. Roll Call of Members
Attendance was taken. A quorum was present.
Ill. Agenda Approval
Ms. Zell moved to approve the agenda. Vice Chair Lorenz seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Approve Meeting Minutes
A.April 12 minutes
B.May 10 minutes
C.June 7 minutes
Ms. Zell moved to approve all three sets of minutes. Vice Chair Lorenz seconded the
motion that unanimously passed.
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
V. Informational Items from the Board
Ms. Zell announced she attended the Boynton Art Walk.
Ms. Coles-Dobay attended the America for the Arts Conference in Colorado. She
commented it was a great opportunity to see the various artwork throughout the U.S.
especially with the pending Town Square development. She has received a lot of email
as she requested a lot of information at the Conference. Chair Weiss thanked Ms.
Coles-Dobay for the information she shared on social media.
A.The Club public art review
Linda Oliver was present and announced she is an art consultant. She provided
artwork for 21 years to all types of facilities, both interior and exterior, including Legacy
Place which Boynton each is going through now with the Town Square. Her
experience also allowed her to act as a consultant for people going through an Art in
Public Places (AIPP) program because she knows the Ordinances even though there
are some variations in each. She started working on another AIPP artwork in Lantana.
She was connected to the owner of The Club. The Club will be an assisted living facility
with memory care units. They developed processes working with healthcare related
facilities. Studies show that people in health care relate to things that are more natural
and of nature. She met Mr. Placzek when she was working on something for the Good
Sam's hospital expansion and she was overwhelmed with his work as his work is
extraordinary. Mr. Placzek created a piece for a children's hospital where the whole
end of the building was a stairwell that had umbrellas travelling down with color and
light. The lawn had three bronze children playing with umbrellas. She contacted him in
regard to this project and on June 26th, he flew down from Nebraska for the day and
they toured Boynton each, met the client, went to the job site and learned all the
necessary requirements and dimensions. He submitted 15 options and it was narrowed
down. The piece will be a world-class sculpture and Mr. Placzek is a delight to work
with. Ms. Oliver passed out examples of his work.
They fully discussed hurricane issues, the footings and how the piece will be secured
underground. If a storm is coming, he designed a clamp to affix to the sculpture to
cable the piece to the building. The piece will be in place by December. Ms. Oliver
commented the owner of the facility is from Peru and he wants his clients and his
residents happy. The piece is 22 feet tall. The butterflies are 5 feet 6 inches and made
from acrylic as contained in the meeting materials. It is a special acrylic made for
outdoors. Ms. Coles-Dobay commented the materials are very durable. The budget for
the project is $93,550.74. There will be a plaque. It will be something attached to the
wall. The location is across from Sterling Village and The Club is ensuring the piece is
visible. The butterflies are five to six feet wide. The pieces will be lit at night. Ms.
Coles-Dobay explained the planters at the entrance patio were reduced in size and
moved further apart to better open up the area. The 15-foot high palm trees were
reduced to 12 feet so the pieces would not be blocked.
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
Ms. Coles-Dobay reviewed the location of the project site on Federal Highway. Ms.
Oliver commented there is some dialogue about putting another piece on the back of
the building as the back will have a patio as well. Ms. Coles-Dobay reviewed the
building elevation.
Chair Weiss liked the piece. Butterflies are universally loved and symbolize
transformation. It was also nice to have pieces from another prolific and well respected
artist in the City. Boynton each is trying to create a welcoming artistic community and
she liked his caliber. He also knows Albert Paley.
Vice Chair Lorenz noted there are butterflies by the Schoolhouse Children's Museum,
but it was noted those butterflies are more kinetic pieces and they are not transparent.
Chair Weiss requested a motion to approve the artist (Mr. Placzek) as a public artist.
Vice Chair Lorenz moved to approve. Ms. Levine seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Chair Weiss requested a motion to approve the concept of the artwork.
Ms. Zell moved to approve. Ms. Levine seconded the motion.
Susan Oyer loved the idea and hoped they would have pieces in the back of the
building, if possible, and use more colors. She also hoped they would have a butterfly
garden as it would tie into the theme. She thought the patients might like it.
(Golene Louis arrived at 6:55 p.m.)
The motion unanimously passed.
A.Kinetic Art Event planning
• Kinetic budget
Ms. Coles-Dobay distributed the estimated budget for the year-long event which was
$73,875 and the weekend budget was $135,000. She was trying to streamline the
Meeting Minutes
Arts Commission
Boynton cFloridaJuly 1 , 2018
budget and would be discussing the price with them. Ms. Coles-Dobay would like to
hire a professional marketing firm to get the word out and advertise the event in the
Coastal Star, which is a good audience for the program as it attracts buyers. They do
well working with national advertising and collaborates with Sculpture magazine and
kinetic art organizations online such as Coda orx. They also work the County Cultural
Council and S. Florida and Visit Florida to get the word out. They will also participate in
the Art Palm Beach as they get a free booth at the convention center, from January 16th
through the 24th. Although the booth is free, there is a cost to ship everything and get
the marketing materials, but it pre-promotes the event as it is two weeks before the
Symposium and a lot of buyers attend as it is a big art fair. They collaborate with Art
Basel, Art Hive Magazine and Sculpture Magazine. She is trying to negotiate with them
for greater integration. Art Hive Magazine has provided the City with an editorial style
piece and an ad. They are now doing POD casts. They may do a live POD cast at the
event. The other weekend programs are hands-on programs working with the
community and the schools and it is a great way to get the information out.
Ms. Zell asked what the estimated attendance was and number of international buyers,
versus local residents. Ms. Coles-Dobay commented any buyer is of value and they
have had international visitors come to the exhibition. They had a China delegate at the
last event, international artists and some gallery representatives that have international
concepts. This year, more international gallerists are interestied in participating and they
have been approaching the City. Last event they counted 2,000 people attended, but it
is not a tons of people type of event. It is really only the people the City draws into the
area and it is spread out over two days. They also have the year-long exhibition that
attracts people year long, but it is hard to estimate how many people visit the year-long
event. Ms. Coles-Dobay thought about 3,000 and growing. Ms. Zell asked if there was
any programs set up for international guests, or if anyone greets them. Ms. Coles-
Dobay explained they were in-tune to who the individuals are and they are invited to the
opening night. They help with accommodations and take them on tours. The delegates
from China were taken on a tour by Ms. Coles-Dobay and Artist Ralfonso. There is
hospitality in place.
Ms. Coles-Dobay thought more volunteers were needed. She explained they have
docents in the tent for weekend events and/or give tours. They reached out to the all
inclusive communities and cater to them such as the hard of hearing communities.
They will reach out to those groups as well. Ms. Zell asked if volunteer opportunities
could be offered to high school or college students. They sign off on community hours
and provide training for the volunteers. They start with volunteer meetings and have
them every month leading up to the event and then every two weeks. They have a
volunteer hospitality area and the volunteers get to come to the opening night and visit
with the artists.
Ms. Oyer suggested contacting the Boynton Woman's Club and the Garden Club now
that the Garden Club are not gardening around the Woman's Club and they may want
to have a garden atmosphere at the event. Ms. Coles-Dobay did speak with someone
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
from the Garden Club and she was receptive to participating. It was also suggested
Sister Cities and the Historical Society may tie in nicely. The Ocean Ridge Garden Club
could also be contacted. The Art in Public Places program is very friendly with the
Ocean Ridge Garden Club. The club will meet in September and Ms. Coles-Dobay
could attend a meeting.
Ms. Moodie suggested speaking with Guam Sims. His roots are deep in the community
and he is a principal at the High School. He may be able to identify a group from the
high school who may be able to assist. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained they had a group of
high school students participate as well as docents. There were seven volunteers who
were introduced to the event through the art teacher. Ms. Snelling was still interested.
Chair Weiss commented Randy Kellman was too.
Ms. Oyer noted the average person does not subscribe to art magazines. She asked if
there will be more Palm each Post advertising. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the only
advertising they used was from the now Boynton Gazette and they received a lot of
press from it. They will also utilize the billboard again. Ms. Coles-Dobay pushed the
event at school. They did receive some television press, but if they have someone
handling the marketing, there would be more exposure. The Symposium is a flagship
event for the City. Many of the comments Ms. Coles-Dobay received at the event was
the attendees, learned a lot, but the hardest thing about the event is to reach and
engage all types of people about what the Symposium has to offer because there are
many components to kinetic art they try to address and break out to different groups.
The press loves to see the pieces installed in October and it builds excitement. She
thought it could be improved on every year. The event is totally different than the Pirates
Fest as they are only targeting a certain demographic. Ms. Oyer favored the event
being family-friendly. If there was a fun activity at the event, it would attract everyone
they were discussing. She also thought there should be a range of prices on items
attendees can purchase because not everyone will want to purchase art for$100,000 or
whatever the price is. Attendees will leave the event having had fun which will make it
memorable and increase returning for the next event. It was pointed out that when
artwork is sold at the event, the Arts Commission gets a percentage which benefits the
program. City residents also get to enjoy a year-round program. It is a chance to
introduce art to others and the City is trying to be distinctive. The event has a residual
effect, and hopefully a financial one as it continues to grow.
Ms. Zell noted there are yard vendors that will sell garden art. Ms. Coles-Dobay
commented they selected the outdoor art with a range of costs and indoor artists to
participate as they always publish an indoor vendor call to artists. If the members know
of vendors that may want to exhibit, they are welcome to contact them and they will
discuss it. It could be similar to ArtiGras. All the work must be kinetic. It is a much
different environment and there will be no booths. All the artwork is for sale and the
AIPP gets a percentage. Ms. Zell thought it was an interesting idea as a money maker
for the City.
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
Ms. Moodie wanted to understand the goal of the Kinetic event and learned the original
intent was to have an event that brings public art to the City, to bring international
exposure to the City and have an educational component that appeals to all ages.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained public art is often distanced from people who feel they
cannot comment on it or approach it. Public art closes that gap because it is for the
public to enjoy. The public art the City has involves the public in the process. Some
people look at kinetic art and wonder how the piece works which starts the dialogue
about the educational component. It helps viewers appreciate the artist, how the art is
made, how much work went into the piece and the cost of the piece.
Ms. Oyer asked if there was a way to involve more youth and learned the intent is to
have programs that include school participation. Ms. Coles-Dobay explained they may
bring it to one of Ms. Oyers' classrooms if she was interested. Ms. Oyer agreed as it
would publicize the event to diverse groups of people in the community. Her friends in
Palm Beach County like to receive information about these types of events and could
(Ms. Levine left the meeting at 7.29 p.m.)
Ms. Oyer spoke about the kinetic art logo and individuals were stealing the canvas bags
because they liked them so much. She did not see anything that teachers and people
could purchase. Ms. Coles-Dobay commented she did not have money in the budget
for a firm or individual to manage a merchandising program. Ms. Moodie asked if
volunteers would receive tee shirts and Save the Date Cards and learned they would.
Ms. Moodie advised she would attend a Heart of Boynton meeting and discuss the
A.Ton Square public art projects
• Emerging public artist program
Ms. Coles-Dobay discussed the Town Square Public Art project. Currently there is an
Emerging Local Artist Public Art Program, which was published and she explained the
Arts Commission was providing apprentice type opportunities for professional artists to
participate and learn to become public art as it is much different than studio art. The
Arts Commission will review the applications as they arrive. There will be a call to
artists and the responses will be narrowed down. An artist(s) will be selected and
matched with a public artist(s) to enable them to obtain the credentials they need to
apply for public art projects on their own. Ms. Coles-Dobay listed the places the
program was advertised and commented, so far, there are eight applicants. She
advised there may be a few projects as well, such as:
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
• Iconic, interactive public art at the new City Hall/Library Plaza;
• iWord public art at the new City Hall/Library building (windows, patio, columns)
which requires community sessions;
• Public art at the new Police Station Plaza; and
• Public Art that connects the new Fire Station
Broward has the program and there is a desire to include these types of programs in the
community. Chair Weiss suggested documenting the process though a video or have
some other type of visual story.
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained she learned the program is occurring several other places
in the United States as well.
• Schedule for public art projects
• Calls and artists invites
1. Police
2. Fire
3. Old High School/Kapok Tree
4. Iconic kinetic
5. Interactive plaza
6. City Hall/Library
Ms. Coles-Dobay explained the Arts Commission had previously discussed the project.
The schedule for public art projects was distributed and it is an aggressive schedule for
the Town Square project. The real reason for the intense schedule was to get the artist
on board early so they can integrate and talk with the other team members such as
architects, landscapers and space planners. It seems to be a comfortable enough
schedule to get the artists on board and get the conceptual ideas done while the plans
are just beginning to enter the permitting stage. It is part of the plan and even though
they may have two years to complete the plan, the upfront part is critical about how to
integrate the art into each plan. The plans to obtain art for the various components of
the development involved issuing the Request for Qualifications, (RFQ). There are
some invitations which were already issued, including to Artist Ralfonso who was
already working on a conceptual piece. The Fire Department project could be one of
the emerging artist projects. The interactive plaza will use a RFQ type of process, as
there are specific artists that do this type of thing. Art for the City Hall Library will be
handled through an RFQ and go through the shortlist process as would art for the Police
At the August gth meeting, the Arts Commission members will meet with the developer's
team and review the RFQ, the artists past work, statement of interest and narrow the
choices down to two artists that would be appropriate for the project. Because it is such
a fast schedule, the Arts Commission has to be involved in it from the very beginning.
From there the artist will sit down and have the opportunity within a two-week time
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Arts Commission
Boynton Beach, Florida July 12, 2018
frame to have meetings with the team to learn more about the project. They will ask
questions and the artist will ask questions. It was a way to gather as much information
as possible so when they return to the September 13th meeting, the two finalists will
make a presentation before the Board for the Police Project and City Hall project and
one artist will be awarded for each project.
She asked if there was a possibility to hold additional meetings. The Arts Commission
cannot have the information until the meeting, but for other board decision making items
they could. The presentations will be made at the meeting. Ms. Zell supported having
an extra-long meeting. Ms. Levine favored having a special meeting. A suggestion was
made to start the meeting a half hour earlier and address regular Board business in the
first half hour. After discussion, there was agreement to hold the meeting from 6 p.m. to
9 P.M.
Ms. Moodie suggested starting the August meeting at 6 p.m. if possible with the
understanding not all the members may arrive at 6 p.m., but as long as there is a
quorum, the meeting could start. In terms of the agenda, 6 to 6:30 p.m. would be for
Arts Commission business.
Ms. Coles-Dobay wanted the Arts Commission to review the RFQ for the Police Station
and asked if there were any suggestions. She noted she got great edits from Ms.
Moodie. Ms. Coles-Dobay omitted the location for the art in the plaza, which should
have been included. She sent it to the team to review, the master developer and others
who complimented the Arts Commission on the information.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Vice Chair Lorenz moved to adjourn.
Ms. Louis seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist