Barbara Ready, Chair Mike Rumpf, Development Director
Cheryl Black
Susan Oyer
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
Hollis Tidwell
Michael Wilson
Jesse Feldman, Alternate
Linda Finkle
Richard on II
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Agenda Approval
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Black seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
3. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Black seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
4. Communications and Announcements
Mike Rumpf, Development Director, thanked the Board for the last minute meeting,
which is related to the move of City Hall. He was contacted by Ms. Rose James who
had some historic gaming equipment owned by her husband who operated a casino in
Palm Beach. She was looking for a local interested party to place the items in an
appropriate setting, possibly the Old High School. Ms. James was not looking to give
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Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 13, 2018
away or donate the items. Mr. Rumpf distributed information for a website that Ms.
James had displayed the items. The items were from the 1920's and are in mint
condition in her living room. She also contacted Commissioner Katz who was informing
the City Manager of the items. The items, in total, appraised for $1 million and
consisted of five slot machines with wood cabinets, and roulette, poker, crap tables and
other items. She has a couple of interested parties, but because of her affiliation with
Boynton each she wanted to give the City the option to acquire the equipment.
Discussion on the County's gambling history followed as at one time there was a casino
in Boynton each. ER Bradley's was a casino called the Beach Club, but it never
operated legally. Gambling activities moved near Hypoluxo, also not operated legally on
the waterfront at the James Melton place. Officials looked the other way because only
the very wealthy gambled there. Another gambling establishment was at the end of the
Pelican in 1918, which individuals frequented when Bradley's and the other club closed.
Ms. James indicated she would make the City a good deal. It was noted individuals
also went to Caps Place, by Lighthouse Point, and took a boat to a small gambling
Mr. Rumpf updated the Board on the Magnuson House at 211 E. Ocean Avenue and
advised the CRA is in the process of enforcing the reverter clause to regain ownership
of the property due to the developer's violation of the Purchase and Sale Agreement.
The action will be discussed at a CRA meeting the next night. Mr. Rumpf was aware
there had been some discussion on moving the home. Ms. Oyer had suggested they
move the home to the Cottage District next to her family's home to have two historic
properties fronting it and squaring off the rest of the area. It would create the look they
wanted coming into that district.
Mr. Rumpf advised he was contacted by the owners of the property at 324 NW 1st
Avenue, known as the Willis House. He had not been able to connect with them, but
will continue trying to contact them as they may be interested in designation.
5. Old Business:
A. Boynton High School (125 E. Ocean Ave.) — Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse
project update (Staff is obtaining a status update and will present findings at the
Mr. Rumpf announced he was unable to obtain more information on the Old High
School. Work started again, but there was a delay and a contract update was required.
Interior work needed to be done, but there were some tasks in Phase 11 that had to be
done first. Workers are back on site. Mr. Rumpf received an email from Mr. Church, the
current Project Manager. The contract was finalized and they will begin to finish the
remainder of the project. They installed some windows, but some remain to be installed.
It was noted once the building was secured, temporary air conditioning will be installed,
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Boynton Beach, Florida August 13, 2018
which will also help dry out the concrete. He offered to organize a tour, but was
uncertain there would be significant work to see than when they last toured.
B. Historic plaques for designated properties — Status of establishing a marker
program (see accompanying combined staff report for update).
Mr. Rumpf advised he contacted the Melbourne Historic Presentation Planner and
found out the distributor for the company they use is in Boynton Beach. He also learned
there was an aluminum product, which had not been presented to the Board. He
recalled the Board had also considered using plastic plaques. He thought the aluminum
plaque had more of a historic look. The plastic product had color options. Discussion
followed the aluminum product had exquisite detailing and a textured appearance in the
background. It was also available in different colors. A cost comparison was
presented. Prices for an aluminum 6" x 14" price can be adjusted. Mr. Feldman liked
that there was a description of each home on the plaque, but was concerned it would
increase the cost of each plaque. Mr. Rumpf explained the representative commented
it was $450 for the plaque, but it was anticipated to increase. Ms. Oyer favored a more
detailed plaque for City buildings and a more affordable, generic plaque for private
residences. There should be some similarities to make the price affordable. The Palm
Beach County plaque had no generic information. Ms. Black commented the plaque
could confuse individuals thinking the property is public property. Ms. Oyer thought
$450 was worth it for some of the important public buildings like the Old High School.
Mr. Rumpf noted the representative indicated he would not charge for the upfront
design fee for the square plaque, which ranged from $180 to $300. Mr. Rumpf thought
the Board would want a price somewhere in the range of $100 and $200 and the
Melbourne example. It was noted there was not a lot of space on the plaque depending
on the size, font and what is wanted. Ms. Oyer asked if there would be any ceremonies
or press releases when the plaques are installed. Mr. Rumpf explained there was no
problem with promoting the company as the representative was willing to work with the
City when they roll out the program, especially since he is a local.
Chair Ready liked the larger, more ornate plaques for City buildings and a more generic
plaque for the private homeowners. She liked the plaque having a picture of the
property. The City logo could be added to the bottom instead of the year. She thought
the plaques could be matched with Mr. Adams' program depicting the location of the
historic property. Further discussion followed about the shape of the plaque. Mr.
Rumpf advised if the Board could be more specific he could pursue it with the
representative. At the last meeting, the Board favored an oval shape and they were
discussing the logo.
Ms. Oyer liked the logo and supported having an aluminum look frame depicted in the
nicer example that should tie in with the same mottled background with aluminum
looking words and logo so one could tell even though the plaques were different styles,
they were in the same program. She thought oval ties in with other cities and supported
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a larger oval plaque for City buildings, but she did not want it to look bronze because
someone would steal it. She favored the plaque be black and silver.
Mr. Wilson agreed with Ms. Oyer's comments about City buildings and the black and
silver would be fine.
Dr. Pedersen thought for a private home, the plaque may be large. She thought black
and silver was fine. Ms. Black was fine with the black and silver and oval plaques for
houses. Mr. Tidwell agreed. Mr. Feldman also liked black and silver and oval for
private homes and larger plaques with descriptions for City properties. If a homeowner
wanted to purchase a larger plaque they could as well.
Chair Ready commented she still liked using the design on the ribbon on the Old High
School as opposed to the Sailfish logo.
Mr. Feldman asked if there was a way to track previous City logos that have a historic
feel they could use. Mr. Rumpf explained the logo did not change much. There were
two iterations of the Billfish and before that one with a City building in the background.
Chair Ready did not mind the Sailfish but thought it should not be a stick fish. It should
look like a real fish. Mr. Wilson recalled the 1970s seal was somewhat comparable to
the State of Florida's being circular and having a Palm Tree. Mr. Rumpf agreed to find
an example and circulate it to the members. Ms. Oyer thought it would be nice to have
the original logo when the building was originally constructed.
As far as the logo, the Board agreed to defer the decision until after they reviewed the
original logos and seal. Mr. Rumpf explained the City has been rebranded and the
plaque should reflect the historic charm of Boynton. The current logo was very
contemporary. Dr. Pedersen saw a logo on a tax bill that was fairly generic. The
Coquimbo was also discussed. The members agreed on the wording Boynton Beach
Historic Property. The Oval plaques could have the logo in the middle and the date split
on each side i.e. 19 (words in between) 25 for a home that was built in 1925.
Mr. Tidwell commented there was a nice etching of the Schoolhouse. He thought the
Board's plaques could have a tiny etching. Breeze into Boynton logo was also
reviewed. The Board googled different pictures of Old Boynton and there was
agreement the members would come to the next Board meeting with ideas.
C. Historic trail markers —Assessment of current condition and determining
replacement needs and costs (see accompanying combined staff report for update).
Mr. Rumpf advised the website was being updated. Historic Resource information and
the interactive trail site information was still being populated in the City's new website.
Some of the trail markers will be removed so they are not demolished as part of the
Town Square project. He inquired if staff should indicate something on the perimeter
fencing on the project area to inform individuals they may still access the trail markers.
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Boynton each, Florida August 13, 2018
Staff was working on ways to prevent interruption or access to the markers during the
two-year construction process. Trying to preserve the markers inside the project area
via the website to help them navigate some type of information. He thought posting
some type of poster with the QR codes of the addresses that access is blocked during
the construction period. Staff was evaluating the current condition of all the trail
markers, removal and storage of the ones affected by the Town Square project and
posting something on the construction signage at key locations to point out there are
historic sites within the Town Square which the public can access on the web. Mr.
Rumpf was unsure how the construction fencing would be handled and suggested it
may be handled piece by piece. He did not believe Ocean Avenue would be closed as
soon as Phase I was under construction. He noted Phase I was the public buildings
including the City Hall complex and some parking garages. He thought access may be
interrupted when they are redoing the streetscape.
D. Original Street Name Signage —The recognition of original street names
through adding name plates to existing signage on selected streets in the downtown
Mr. Rumpf explained he was keeping the item on the agenda. He also wanted to
deliver to the Board, in advance, a design schedule and it may be possible the logo on
the historic designated properties could be used on the streets. He will circulate images
he finds to the members. Mr. Wilson had distributed an insert and advised until about a
year and a half ago he had a map circa 1950, which he gave to Mr. Adams. He was
supposed to gave it to Janet Deyries and then to the Historical Society. It was a very
unique map of Boynton with multiple photos on the border. Someone with a felt marker
placed where the school bus stops were for the new school. He wondered where the
map was. The insert had the original named streets, which were later changed by the
U.S. Post office to be changed to numbered street names.
6. New Business:
A. Woman's Club of Boynton Beach— Report on roof replacement work approved
and contracted for the City's nationally-registered, 1926 Woman's Club.
Mr. Rumpf advised there had been an evaluation of the Woman's Club's roof, and it was
ascertained the roof needed to be replaced. A roofing contractor was selected and
hired and is under contract with the CRA to redo the roof and touch up other areas on
the building. He spoke with the project manager from the company to ensure the work
was being done as identically as possible including the hand-made barrel tiles being
made in Guatemala. Installation method will remain the same. There is no alteration of
the roof and it will undergo highly qualified application of the underlayment to make it
water tight and strong. The resident architect is conducting an adhesive test on the tiles,
which it can see how strong it was and when or if it would give way. He pointed out
when material is being replaced with identical material and there is no change in the
roof structure or design, the work does not have to go through the Certificate of
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Boynton each, Florida August 13, 2018
Appropriateness process and staff confirms it with the permit staff. The roofer wants to
get the project underway. The facility is closed now until some of the renovations and
the roof is done. Mr. Wilson asked how long the Club will be closed. Mr. Tidwell
anticipated about three weeks. Mr. Rumpf will report back if the roof was paid for with
grant funds or CRA funds. He was aware the CRA had allocated some funds.
7. Other
8. Comments by members
Chair Ready noted they won the grant for the maintenance and painting of the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum and she asked about its status. Mr. Rumpf agreed to
obtain an update from Debbie Majors, the Grants Coordinator. Communications have
already begun with Public Works.
Ms. Oyer asked about the status of the Rosenwald Schools. Mr. Rumpf nor Dr.
Pedersen had heard anything.
Mr. Wilson explained he had a collection of box cameras that were 90 to 100 years old
and he wanted to go on a photo shoot with one of them. This weekend he was cleaning
the cameras and film is still available. Over the next few weeks, he will be walking
around town takiing photos. They are Kodak cameras and he anticipated the film would
be in black and white. He hoped all would wish him luck with the photos. When the
Town was incorporated in the 1920's, Eastman and Kodak cameras became available.
9. Public comments
10. Announce date of next meeting — October 8, 2018 (unless Board action is
warranted sooner)
11. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Ready properly adjourned the
meeting at 7:26 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist