Minutes 01-31-49Spec i al
CI~. HALL, JA~-UA~~ 31~ 1949. ~, .--
The City Council and the Zoning Board convened at a
~le~tzng at the City Hall, at 7:30 P.M., January 3!,
Councilmen present:
Mr. F. L. Purinton,
Mr. A.E. Shook
Mr. Ralph Ross
N~. W.T. Woolbright
~. C.H. Hood
Members of the Zoning Board present:
Mr. Albert NcGregor
Mr. Homer Shelton
Mr. Fred Benson
Mr. Robert Brant
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Purinton.
Mayor Purinton stated that since the duties of the
members of the Zoning Board do not conflict with the duties of
a Councilman, and that the members of the Zoning Board serve
without pay, he would recommend ~hat Mr~ Shook continue to serve
on the Zoning Board. Motion was made by Nr. Hood, seconded by
~r. Purinton, ~d unaminously carried that ~ir~ Shook be returned
to the Zoning Board. The Clerk was instructed to write ~r. Br
The questions of set-backs on front streets, side streets
property lines, and the building code were discussed. The Clerk
° · d
was znstructe to turn all data on s~me over to the Zoning Board.
~r. ~c~L~an, who is negotiating to purchase the Fredericks
house on Lot 3, Block 9, Central Park Annex (~ileon Street) was
assured by the Council and the Zoning Board that he would not have
to increase the square footage of the building to comply with th~
Zoning Code, as the building has been completed.
A motion was made by Mr. Hood, seconded by Mr. Woolbright,
and carried, that houses already completed be permitted ~o remain
as they are; but that all future buildings must be constructed~in
strict accordance with the Zoning ~nd Building Codes.
The BuildinE Inspector was instructed to enforce all build~
lng codes, and to ir~form all builders that the code must be strict~
ly a~hered to, especially the pl~mbing and electrical installations.
No building permit will be issued without~ a proper plsn being sub-
mittedo No building can be started before the Building Inspector
inspects and approved of the plan.
Mr. Robert Brock presented a plan for a t~ailer Park
to be built on the west side of the~ F.E.C. Ry tracks and north
of the Boynton Canal. Following discussion, he was instructed
to submit a plan of the plot showing the actual installations,
and especially the sanitary facilities, He was assu~ed that the
Zoning Board would approve of the plan, provided their requirements
for sanitary installatiOns are complied with.
Mayor Purinton stated that the purpose of the meeting
was to appoint a local Eau as City Auditor, replacing Himes &
Himes of West Palm Beach,
Mr. John L. McNames appea~ed before the Council and
outlined his plan of audit, and stated he could give the City
complete auditing services at a substantial saving over the
cost of audits for the past two years. Mr, Purinton recommend-
ed that Mr. McNames be appointed City Auditor.
Motion was made by Nr. Hood, seconded by ~r. Ross, and
unaminously carried, that Mr. McN~mes be appointed City Auditor
on the basis of SV$.QG per month for the next six months. The
Clerk was instructed to notify Himes & Himes, and request thee
to s end a final bill.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
D.V', V~lilliams, City Clerk